Život ve zdraví 2017: Soubor příspěvků z mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 7.–8. září 2017
Life in health 2017: A set of contributions from the international conference held on 7th-8th September 2017
Contributor(s): Lenka Procházková (Editor)
Subject(s): School education, Higher Education , Psychology of Self, Health and medicine and law, Rural and urban sociology, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sports Studies, Sociology of Education, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Health education; Elementary school; health in the curriculum; Practice of health professionals; intoxication in children; diet of children; Obese children; physical activity;
Summary/Abstract: The book of conference proceedings sums up some chosen papers presented at the interdisciplinary conference Life in health 2017. The conference took place at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University on 7th–8th September 2017. The papers deal with the general and specific approaches towards public health promotion and protection. The findings are adequately applicable in education of children and general population.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8875-7
- Page Count: 226
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Slovak, English, Czech
Vliv formy výuky výchovy ke zdraví na znalosti žáků základní školy
Vliv formy výuky výchovy ke zdraví na znalosti žáků základní školy
(Impact of teaching way in health education on pupil’s knowledge at primary school)
- Author(s):Ludmila Fialová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Psychology of Self, Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:7-19
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:body care; self-concept and physical self; physical activities; eating habits; health education;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution deals with the subjects for the educational branch “Human and Health” (body care, self-concept and physical self, physical activities, eating habits in “Health education”). The research aim was to compare knowledge of basic school pupils in experimental group (53 pupils) and control group (54 pupils) according to attending different teaching models. Researchers prepared the set of didactic manuals (according to entrance pupil’s answers in the questionnaire). The practical application of these didactic manuals ran the half of a year in 2 ninths experimental classes of primary school. The output knowledge were verified through the final questionnaire survey and compared with the knowledge of pupils from two control classes of the ninth grade. The results show significant better knowledge in the experimental group after regular lessons of Health education in comparison to the knowledge of the control group after introducing the health topics in other subjects (the old teaching model).
Evaluace vybraných výsledků dosaženého kurikula vzdělávacího oboru Výchova ke zdraví u žáků 9. ročníků základních škol
Evaluace vybraných výsledků dosaženého kurikula vzdělávacího oboru Výchova ke zdraví u žáků 9. ročníků základních škol
(Evaluation of selected results of achieved curriculum in educational field of Health education in students in grade 9 of elementary school)
- Author(s):Michaela Hřivnová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Evaluation research, Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:20-27
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Health education; curriculum; Standards for elementary education – Health education; evaluation; quality of education;
- Summary/Abstract:Quality of education is frequently evaluated by means of the level of students’ educational achievements. For a number of educational fields in lower secondary education a cascade of test tools has been developed to monitor the quality of education at a national and international level. For the educational field of Health education, so far there have been no evaluation tools to provide an overview of students’ achievements in this educational field. The aim of the present research was to develop an evaluation tool to monitor the achieved curricular level by students in the educational field of Health education and thus determine the level of adopted curriculum. The results of an initial didactic criterion-referenced test designed in compliance with the Standards for elementary education – Health education completed by 910 students in grade 9 of elementary school suggest that the level achieved curriculum appears to be insufficient and that there is a disproportion between the intended and achieved curriculum in the educational field of Health education. The test was successfully completed on average by 39% of students in grade 9; using the weighted score the success rate was 70%.
Pregraduální příprava učitelů v bezpečnostních tématech. Bezpečnostní gramotnost jako součást výchovy ke zdraví
Pregraduální příprava učitelů v bezpečnostních tématech. Bezpečnostní gramotnost jako součást výchovy ke zdraví
(Pre-graduate teacher training in security topics. Security literacy as part of health education)
- Author(s):Miroslava Kovaříková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:28-34
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:security literacy; safe school; teacher training;
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the issue of integrating the security issue into the pregraduate teacher training with an emphasis on the preparation of teachers of health education. The aim of the text is to bring together selected issues related to this issue.
Podpora zdraví v kurikulu střední a vyšší zdravotnické školy
Podpora zdraví v kurikulu střední a vyšší zdravotnické školy
(Support of health in the curriculum of a specific college and secondary school)
- Author(s):Hana Urbanová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:35-44
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:school educational programs; curriculum; pedagogical documents; health education; minimal preventive program; medical specializations;
- Summary/Abstract:The text is describing the research implementing in the diploma thesis with a title of "Health support in curriculum of Secondary Nursing School and Nursing College in Prague". The aim of qualitative research was to ascertain how this school has taken the chances of health support in its pedagogical documents, what lifestyle the teachers have and what is the concrete experience with an implementation of health support. The research was done with the help of three techniques of data collection: the method of half-structured interviews with selected teachers, analysis of relevant pedagogical documents and the method of observing during lessons and outside lessons. The inquiry also shown that issues of health support is very well anchored in curricular documents but limited personnel and capacitive opportunities of the school. Despite the fact it is possible to state, the health support at this school is being realized the way we can consider that as an example of good practice.
Výsledky realizace 1. roku projektu krátké intervence v praxi zdravotníků
Výsledky realizace 1. roku projektu krátké intervence v praxi zdravotníků
(Realisation Results – 1st Year of the Project of Brief Interventions in Practise of Health Professionals)
- Author(s):Lidmila Hamplová, Soňa Jexová, Renata Procházková, Eva Marková, Jana Hlinovská
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Substance abuse and addiction, Health and medicine and law, Sports Studies, Pedagogy
- Page Range:45-51
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:brief intervention; tobacco; alcohol; nutrition; physical aktivity; education;
- Summary/Abstract:Short interventions is about practical approach, using illustrative educative cards, which are demonstrating danger of alcohol abuse, smoking and motivating to physical activate and healthy food habits. Task is clear – to increase health awareness of person being intervened and responsibility to own healthiness. Long term goal is to decrease incidence of illnesses, which are mainly caused by in-healthy living style and low pedigree of own heath. Short interventions are applicable across all age groups and financial cost are actually low. Students of General Nurse program of “Vysoká škola zdravotnická” were trained in short application intervention which are being realized crossed contracted partners under project of “Application of short intervention in practice”. This program was supported by grant program Ministry of Health and National health program – project of health support years 2016-2017.
Špecifiká prozdravotnej edukácie rómskych žiakov na primárnom stupni vzdelávania
Špecifiká prozdravotnej edukácie rómskych žiakov na primárnom stupni vzdelávania
(Specific features of the pro-health education of romany pupils attending primary schools)
- Author(s):Jozef Liba, Jana Burgerová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Education, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
- Page Range:52-57
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:health; life-style; education to health; family; school education; romany pupil; pro-health school program; e-learning education;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper reflects the recently obtained health-related and social-pathological data on Romany pupils. It specifies several adverse life-style parameters of Romanies as the manifestation and the consequence of their social, cultural, educational and linguistic incompatibility. The insufficient or even dysfunctional strategy of family education appears to be the factor preventing Romany children from acceptation of regulatory rules and standards. School is presented as a guaranteeing educational institution in the process of generating, stabilizing and interiorizing health-related values and rules. A significant potential of prohealth intervention programs is highlighted in terms of supportive health-education strategies. Last but not least, the paper points out the applicability of e-learning in the process of prohealth education at primary schools.
Běh pro zdraví
Běh pro zdraví
(Running for health)
- Author(s):Jan Novotný
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Sports Studies
- Page Range:58-60
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:recreational running; health;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution is on recreational endurance running on moderate intensity as a health support. We point out its positive effects on physiological function, e.g. pleasurable experience, higher insulin sensitivity, rest heart parasympathomimetic regulation. We should to limit risks of injuries, overuse and collapses. Therefore we recommend the near natural running – in nature, on uneven path, as well as to try for a fore-foot landing and of minimalist shoes.
Epidemiologický pohľad na intoxikácie u detí v Slovenskej republike
Epidemiologický pohľad na intoxikácie u detí v Slovenskej republike
(Epidemiological view of intoxication in children in the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Mária Dubovská, Tatiana Kimáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Substance abuse and addiction, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:61-65
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:intoxication; alcohol; pharmaceutics; smoking; drugs;
- Summary/Abstract:Acute poisoning (intoxication) is a state caused by a poisonous substance. This substance enters into the body and can cause organ damage or the death of an individual. Negative effects of smoking, alcohol, drugs and pharmaceutics on the human body should be a challenge for rigorous enforcement of prevention activities across the community. The most important is to avoid the health threat of the most risky groups of children and young people.
Nebezpečenstvo z požívatín – cudzorodé látky
Nebezpečenstvo z požívatín – cudzorodé látky
(Dangers from food – foreign substances)
- Author(s):Tatiana Kimáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:66-73
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:food contaminants; mercury; polychlorinated biphenyls; polyvinyl chloride;
- Summary/Abstract:Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors influencing human health. It provides energy, nutrients, including important essential substances. Quality and heterogeneous nutrition contributes to the good health and immunity of the individual. Despite the legislative standards, including the Food Code of the Slovak republic, contaminants can get into the food at different stages of their processing. Some contaminants are potentially carcinogens, others have carcinogenic effect confirmed.
Význam zavedenia vlákniny do stravovacieho režimu u detí a mládeže
Význam zavedenia vlákniny do stravovacieho režimu u detí a mládeže
(The importance of fiber in the diet of children and young people)
- Author(s):Tatiana Kimáková, Mária Dubovská
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:74-79
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:fiber; diet; life style; prevention;
- Summary/Abstract:Lifestyle has a significant importance in overall health. An unhealthy lifestyle affects mortality due to cardiovascular and oncological illnesses. The risk factors include smoking, alcoholism, obesity, diabetes and nutrition. An important part of the diet is fiber that is found only in the vegetable diet. A balanced intake of fiber in human food is important in the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity and paradentoses.
Treatment Modalities of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Children and Adolescents
Treatment Modalities of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Children and Adolescents
(Treatment Modalities of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Children and Adolescents)
- Author(s):Boshra Nasser, Marwan Issa, Tatiana Kimáková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:80-84
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:familial hypercholesterolemia; atherosclerosis; treatment;
- Summary/Abstract:Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal-dominant genetic disease present in all racial and ethnic groups and has long been recognized as a cause of premature atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. Heterozygous FH has the highest prevalence of genetic defects that cause significant premature mortality. An effective screening strategy together with timely initiation of established therapies would go a long way in reducing the burden of atherosclerosis due to this challenging condition.
Vitamin D supplementation for overweight or obese children
Vitamin D supplementation for overweight or obese children
(Vitamin D supplementation for overweight or obese children)
- Author(s):Marwan Issa, Boshra Nasser, Tatiana Kimáková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:85-89
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:obesity; vitamin D; hypovitaminosis;
- Summary/Abstract:Obesity in children is a complex disorder, its prevalence has increased so significantly in recent years that many consider it a major health concern of the developed world. Observational and clinical studies show that vitamin D deficiency and fat mass are inversely correlated, and recent intervention trials indicate that correcting the poor vitamin D status associated with obesity may attenuate some of the comorbidities of obesity. It is not clear whether hypovitaminosis D contributes to, or is a consequence of obesity, or whether there are regulatory interactions between excess adiposity and vitamin D activity.
Včelí produkty a jejich zastoupení ve výživě dospělé populace ČR
Včelí produkty a jejich zastoupení ve výživě dospělé populace ČR
(Bee products and their representation in the nutrition of the adult population of the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Jana Záhorková, Jan Schuster
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:90-97
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:bee products; consumption; adult population; nutrition;
- Summary/Abstract:The current trend towards active lifestyle orientation includes the focus on healthy eating and the search for alternatives to "conventional" nutritional strategies. Bee products are an interesting nutritional attribute. The questionnaire survey using a questionnaire of its own design was attended by 1086 respondents over 18 years of age permanently living in the Czech Republic. The most famous and most widely used bee product is honey, where 99% of the adult population has a general idea of composition and use, with a declared average consumption of 0.6 kg per person per year, where consumption is several times higher in interest groups. Respondents prefer liquid consistency and flowering (nectar) honey. Here, due to the composition and origin of Czech honey, controversy arises. The least known product and even the least used is the bee fruit. Given the current food legislation and nutritional potential of the bee, it can be a very interesting option in the future.
Intervenční cvičební programy pro pacientky po léčbě s karcinomem prsu
Intervenční cvičební programy pro pacientky po léčbě s karcinomem prsu
(Intervention exercise programs for patients after breast cancer treatment)
- Author(s):Alena Pokorná, Radka Střeštíková, Renáta Vychodilová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:98-102
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:physical activity; breast cancer; exercise lessons; exercise programmes; quality of life;
- Summary/Abstract:Breast cancer is a most frequently appearing malignant tumour disease in women. The process of its diagnosis, treatment and recovery is demanding, stressful and complex. However, it could become an important turning point of life, which might bring changes in the lifestyle. Affected patients can change the way they accept themselves and treat their life and health. Our current study introduces intervention exercise programmes designated for women suffering from breast cancer, which is due for becoming a part of an e-book set up by lectures at Masaryk University. The goal of this online publication is to support the women with this diagnosis to return actively into full life.
Doporučená pohybová aktivita: objem nebo intenzita – nebo obojí?
Doporučená pohybová aktivita: objem nebo intenzita – nebo obojí?
(Reccommended physical activity: volume or intensity – or both?)
- Author(s):Jaroslav Novák, Milan Štork, Jaromír Votík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Sports Studies
- Page Range:103-116
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:physical activity; physical fitness; life-style; high intensity interval training (HIIT);
- Summary/Abstract:Physical inactivity is a primary cause of most chronic noncommunicable diseases. Sufficient daily physical activity (PA) in childhood, in adulthood and in advanced age is associated with aerobic fitness. Better-than-average VO2 max could mean that fitness age is younger than calendar age in years. Reported increased levels of PA and fitness were found reducing in relative risk of death. Important question is – how much physical activity do adults need? Adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and muscle strengthening activities work of all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week. For additional health benefits, adults should increase their moderate-intensity aerobic PA to 300 minutes per week, or engage in 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic PA per week, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Elderly subjects should include exercises to enhance balance. When older adults cannot do the recommended amounts of PA due to health conditions, they should be as physically active as their abilities allow. In some subjects the incorporation of high intensity interval training (HIIT) into a general conditioning program will optimize the development of cardiorespiratory fitness.
Faktické projevy životního stylu dětí mladšího školního věku navštěvujících malotřídní školu
Faktické projevy životního stylu dětí mladšího školního věku navštěvujících malotřídní školu
(The real manifestations of the younger school-age children lifestyle attending a small rural school)
- Author(s):Emil Řepka, Lenka Glückseligová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Behaviorism, Rural and urban sociology, Sports Studies, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:117-125
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:younger school age; lifestyle; sleep; fatigue; physical activity;
- Summary/Abstract:An analysis of the younger school-age children lifestyle requires getting facts about their real behavior in the environment where they live. The aim of the study was to find out how children in small rural schools follow the rules of healthy lifestyle in everyday life. The research was attended by 78 pupils attending a small rural school. Their average age was 9.9 years. Of the total number, there were 41 boys and 37 girls. Schools were located in municipalities with less than 2000 inhabitants. Questionnaires of the daily regime of pupils (Řehulka, E., 1987) were used to determine the rate of sleep, the feeling of fatigue and the balance between work and rest. To register the weekly motion activity was used the YAMAX pedometer. Children fulfill the recommended sleep amount for their age. We did not find the difference between the sexes in the feeling of fatigue. Differences in work and rest balance between boys and girls are negligible. Children comply with the recommended PA standard by taking steps. At weekends, their physical activity is higher.
Perspektivy utváření pohybového a výživového režimu dětí
Perspektivy utváření pohybového a výživového režimu dětí
(The outlook for forming nutrition habits and physical activity patterns in children)
- Author(s):Leona Mužíková, Vladislav Mužík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law, Sports Studies, Pedagogy
- Page Range:126-134
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:physical literacy; nutrition literacy; physical activity patterns; nutrition habits; primary education content; educational area Humans and Health, educational area Humans and their World;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper points out the importance of developing physical and nutrition literacy in children and forming their nutrition habits and physical activity patterns. The paper also comments on the latest findings and evaluates real possibilities schools have in forming physical activity patterns and nutrition habits in pupils. The paper mentions the outcome of experimental educational program Physical Activity and Nutrition which was run between 2013 and 2015 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic. Based on verified findings, the authors conclude that children’s physical and nutrition literacy is not formed only in schools but also via a range of educational stimuli, information sources and family life patterns. The authors emphasize that it is necessary to enhance the content of basic education with respect to physical activity and nutrition, especially within educational areas Humans and Health, and Humans and their World. In the conclusion the authors suggest measures leading to increased efficiency of children’s nutrition habits and physical activity patterns.
Faktory, které negativně ovlivňují zdraví žáků základních škol
Faktory, které negativně ovlivňují zdraví žáků základních škol
(Factors, which have a negative effect on primary school pupils’ health)
- Author(s):Petr Kachlík, Irena Lebedová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:135-151
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:questionnaire; hygiene; habit-forming substances; disease and illness; obesity; personal computer; preventive activities; relaxation; sex education; sleep; sport; stress; school; television; research;
- Summary/Abstract:Recently great attention has been paid to a healthy lifestyle. More and more people are becoming conscious of the necessity to take care of their own health and to prevent the diseases and illnesses. Healthy lifestyle is the basic necessity of life and it is necessary to initiate it in early childhood. This article presents the research findings. The research was realized among pupils from the primary and secondary school. The research was focused on factors which have a negative effect on their health. The method of the quantitative research, a technique of a questionnaire, was used. One hundred pupils of a particular primary school were approached. The aim of the research was to examine their knowledge and habits in the field of healthy lifestyle. It was focused on food, water intake, sleep, sport, leisure activities, tabacco smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse.
Úroveň znalostí brněnských gymnazistů o civilizačních chorobách
Úroveň znalostí brněnských gymnazistů o civilizačních chorobách
(Level of Brno high school students’ knowledges about civilization diseases)
- Author(s):Petr Kachlík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:152-178
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:diabetes; questionnaire; high school; obesity; hypertension; research; health; knowledges; pupil; lifestyle;
- Summary/Abstract:Using an anonymous questionnaire of 27 items, a sample of 485 pupils of 4 high schools in Brno was approached. The research was focused on the level of knowledge about diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure, and selected factors of lifestyle. It was not found that girls know significantly more than boys about civilization diseases and healthy lifestyle. Likewise, the difference in knowledge between pupils of first and fourth grades was not verified either. Similarly, it was not confirmed that schools that are generally aimed at having a greater understanding of the problem than schools that are more profiled and focus on mathematics or informatics.
Životní příběhy pěti klientů výchovného ústavu
Životní příběhy pěti klientů výchovného ústavu
(Five life stories of the educational institution clients’)
- Author(s):Petr Kachlík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Behaviorism, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:179-198
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:client; habit-forming substance; prevention; behavioral disorders; case study; family; educational institution; research; health; lifestyle;
- Summary/Abstract:There were monitored 5 clients of the educational institution coming from a problematic family environment with a history of behavioral disorders and use of addictive substances. To analyze their life stories and lifestyle factors, case studies, interviews, and observations were used. The objective of the observation was to find out whether children who have undergone institutional care have a chance to be integrated into society and apply to the labor market. The interviews that have been conducted show that clients who have made a responsible approach to their future view the years spent in the facility with joy and appreciate the efforts of the teaching staff.
HOBIT – HOdina BIologie pro živoT: Implementace tématu cévních mozkových příhod a infarktu myokardu do vzdělávacího programu
HOBIT – HOdina BIologie pro živoT: Implementace tématu cévních mozkových příhod a infarktu myokardu do vzdělávacího programu
(HOBIT – One Class of Biology for Saving Life: Implementation of Stroke and Heart Attack Topic in educational program)
- Author(s):Hana Pokorná, Veronika Svobodová, Tereza Hloušková, Robert Mikulík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:199-207
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:stroke; ictus; brain attack; heart attack; multimedia education; simulation education; health education;
- Summary/Abstract:In the Czech Republic 50% of population die on cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases (CVD), e.g. stroke and heart attack. Health care system is able to avert a lot of deaths if people know how to help in case of symptoms of these diseases. Campaigns focused on adults are not effective (Mikulik 2011), thus a lot of experts in the world and in homeland suggest education of children at school. That is the only systematic way how to give the most important information about saving life. The HOBIT Project (One Class of Biology for Saving Life) tries to teach children in one class how to respond the stroke and heart attack symptoms and how to save life. The education is led by the way of multimedia program. For testing of pupils‘ knowledge the simulation tests are used. The result of the educational scheme is that the HOBIT Project had a significant impact on short-term knowledge of pupils. But the one class of this topic is not enough for long-term keeping of the knowledge. Since February 2017, work with additional educational materials has been added to the teaching scheme to keep the sustainable level of knowledge between two e-learning.
Zvyšování zdravotní gramotnosti dětí v Nemocnici Pelhřimov
Zvyšování zdravotní gramotnosti dětí v Nemocnici Pelhřimov
(Improving of the health literacy of the children in the Hospital Pelhřimov)
- Author(s):Pavlína Fridrichovská
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:208-214
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:health literacy; health promotion; healthly lifestyle; prevention;
- Summary/Abstract:Hospital Pelhřimov is a member of the Health Promoting Hospitals since 2011. Improving of the health literacy of the population is one of the aims of the program. Children population needs the specific approach, we implement the activities through the school educational program as well. Pilot project was in 2011 and it is divided to the 4 age categories nowadays. It is realised throught interactive seminars and it is for the preschool children and basic school children. We have educated more than 2500 children.
Hmotnost aktovek jako jeden z faktorů ovlivňujících zdraví školáků
Hmotnost aktovek jako jeden z faktorů ovlivňujících zdraví školáků
(School bag weight as one of the factors influencing the health of pupils)
- Author(s):Hana Janošková, Hana Šeráková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:215-222
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:primary school; children; health; school bag;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the pilot monitoring is to identify the situation in the school environment in relation to the body posture of younger school aged children. In the case study classes, we are monitoring the weight of school bags that pupils carry on their backs on a daily basis. Pilot case studies were conducted in 2015-2016 at three schools in the Czech Republic. The results of the survey will serve as a basis for further extensive research into the specific factors of the school environment and their impact on the body posture of children.