Tarih Alanında Seçme Yazılar- I
Selected Papers in the Field of History- I
Author(s): Yunus Emre Tansü
Subject(s): Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Business Economy / Management, History of Law, Economic history, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Social history, Government/Political systems, Security and defense, 19th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: history, social sciences;
Summary/Abstract: Zaman insanoğlu için en önemli kavramlarından biridir. E.H. Carr’ın belirttiği gibi geçmiş ile bugün arasında kesintisiz bir iletişim mevcuttur. Dolayısıyla insan ve toplumun geçmiş ve bugün arasında maddi, manevi bağı kaçınılmazdır. Geçmişin yorumu ile günün algılanması, gelecekte olabilecekler, birbiriyle örüntü halindedir. Bu açıdan her millet kendi tarihini ve tarihi çevresini tanımak zorundadır. İlk sıralar tarih öğretimi, hükümdarların kendi idolojilerini halka benimsetme vasıtası olarak, aynı zamanda hükümdar adaylarının da eğitiminde bir disiplin aracı olarak kullanıldı. Daha sonraları klasik dillerin öğretiminde tarihten yararlanıldığı görülmektedir. 16. yüzyıldan itibaren dini metinlerin, tarihsel çerçevede daha iyi kavranabilmesi için tarih çalışmalarının kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Tarih çalışmaları, Descartes ve Bacon’un bilimde metodun altını çizmeleriyle güç buldu. Vico ve Montesquieu ile başlayan ilmi ilerleme tarih felsefesi kuramcılarının çalışmalarına yansıdı ve tarih 19. yüzyıldan itibaren bilim dalları arasında yerini aldı. Türkiye’de modern tarih çalışmalarının temeli, cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından atıldı. Osmanlı Devleti zamanında tarih çalışmaları, ağırlıklı olarak ümmetçi tarih anlayışı doğrultusunda hazırlanmaktaydı. Tanzimat Fermanı’nın ilanıyla birlikte Osmanlı tarihi çalışmalarına, II. Meşrutiyet’in ilanından sonra ulusçu tarih çalışmalarına ağırlık verildiği görülmektedir. Dönemin şartları gereği çalışmalar yeterince bilimsel hazırlanmamıştır. Cumhuriyetin ilanıyla birlikte dil ve tarih çalışmaları ulusal hedefler doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Türk tarihinin dünya medeniyetine önemli katkısının ve çok eski çağları kapsayan zengin bir geçmişi olduğunun altını çizerek, Türk tarihi ile ilgili yanlış iddiaların ispatlanması açısından objektif ve bilimsel metod uygulanarak, belgelere dayalı ulusal tarih çalışmalarına ağırlık verilmesi gerektiğini her fırsatta belirtmiştir. Cumhuriyetin ilk yılları inkılapların halka benimsetilmesine ağırlık verildiği için tarih çalışmalarına 1928 yılı itibariyle ağırlık verilmiştir. Türk Ocaklarının 6. Kurultayında “Türk Tarih Heyeti ” kurulmuştur. Atatürk’ün de içinde olduğu bu heyet toplamda sekiz toplantı gerçekleştirmiş, Türk Ocaklarının kapatılması üzerine Atatürk’ün yönergesiyle "Türk Tarihi Tetkik Cemiyeti" kurulmuştur.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-581-4
- Page Count: 328
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish, English
Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorluğu Devrinde Sosyal Hayatın Temelleri
Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorluğu Devrinde Sosyal Hayatın Temelleri
(The Foundations of Social Life in the Great Seljuk Empire Period)
- Author(s):Berna Karagözoğlu, Yaşar Bedirhan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Political history, Social history, Culture and social structure , 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:1-41
- No. of Pages:41
- Keywords:social history; Great Seljuk Empire;
- Summary/Abstract:The cultural, religious, social and state structure of each society is shaped according to its own traditions, customs and traditions. The dynamics that exist on the basis of the structures of societies are transferred to the next generation. Although changes are observed in social structures over time, societies differ from others with their dominant features. Turkish society has also come to the fore with its family structure, cultural life and state administration. Turks, who wanted to be a world state by expanding the borders of the state in every period of history, established their own order in the geographies they conquered. For centuries, studies on Turkish culture, family and state structure have been carried out by local and foreign researchers. It has brought researchers together in different periods of history with the vocabulary it contains in the Turkish language, which is the subject of dictionaries, divans and inscriptions. Our study consists of the analysis of frequently used words about the state, cultural life and social structure in the Great Seljuk period.
Hezargrad Kazasında Gayrimüslimler (1833-1850)
Hezargrad Kazasında Gayrimüslimler (1833-1850)
(Non-Muslim in Hezaegrad (1833-1850))
- Author(s):Hava Selçuk
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Culture and social structure , 19th Century
- Page Range:43-75
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:city of Hezargrad; local history; Non-Muslim society; 19th century;
- Summary/Abstract:The city of Hezargrad consisted of Deliorman (Divaneorman), Kara Lom and Ivrana sub-districts in the 19th century. In this study, the jizya taxes of non-Muslims living in Hezargrad district between 1833 and 1850 are discussed. Six Cizye and Reaya Population Registers belonging to the city of Hezargrad and belonging to the years 1833, 1834, 1846, 1847, 1849 and 1850, covering the years 1833-1850, and forty temettuat registers belonging to each neighborhood and village were examined. In addition, a book that gives information about the non-Muslim population of Hezargrad in 1694, when the jizya tax was attached to a certain method, was also used in the study. There are 5 villages where non-Muslims live in the central villages of Hezargrad district. There are non-Muslims in 7 villages of Deliorman (Divaneorman) sub-district, 6 villages of Ivrana sub-district, 25 villages of Kara Lom sub-district and 4 villages, where it is not stated. Most of the non-Muslims reside in the villages of Kara Lom sub-district. As a result, non-Muslims live in 47 villages of Hezargrad. Only 10 of these villages consist of non-Muslims. Muslims and non-Muslims live together in 37 other villages.
Umera and Judiciary in the Ottoman Province: Representation and Trial of the Executive Power at Konya Court (1701-1702)
Umera and Judiciary in the Ottoman Province: Representation and Trial of the Executive Power at Konya Court (1701-1702)
(Umera and Judiciary in the Ottoman Province: Representation and Trial of the Executive Power at Konya Court (1701-1702))
- Author(s):Metin Ziya Köse
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History of Law, Local History / Microhistory, 18th Century, The Ottoman Empire
- Page Range:77-108
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:The Ottoman Empire; Umera; Konya court; 18th century;
- Summary/Abstract:The executive power was represented by the beylerbeyi and the sanjakbey, that is, umera (ehl-i örf) in the Ottoman provincial administration. In the provinces, there were qadis to represent the judiciary. The relations between these two powers were very important in the maintenance of the local administration. So, how was the representation of the executive in legal matters in the Ottoman provinces? What was the attitude of the judiciary in cases where the executive was a party? The aim of this study is to reveal how the cases that were heard in the Konya court at the beginning of the 18th century and that concern the executive power worked. To discuss the role of the governor of Konya in the judicial processes through the mutesellims and mubasirs. In order to achieve these goals, the book number 39 belonging to the Konya court, which was transcribed beforehand, will be used. This study, which aims to reveal the legal relations between the executive and the judiciary in the Ottoman provinces, will make an analysis on a micro scale. Two different litigation process, which gives the impression that it is more of a political case, will be discussed in terms of reflecting the relations between the executive and the judiciary with the case analysis method.
Kıbrıs’ın İngiltere’ye Geçici Olarak Devrine Giden Süreçte İngiliz Parlamentosu ve Kamuoyundaki Tartışmalar
Kıbrıs’ın İngiltere’ye Geçici Olarak Devrine Giden Süreçte İngiliz Parlamentosu ve Kamuoyundaki Tartışmalar
(Discussions at the British Parliament and the Public Opinion During the Temporary Transfer Process of Cyprus to England)
- Author(s):Gül Çakır
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Military history, Political history, International relations/trade, Political behavior, 19th Century, The Ottoman Empire
- Page Range:109-129
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Cyprus; The Ottoman Empire; British Parliament;
- Summary/Abstract:Cyprus fell out of the hands of the Ottoman Empire after a series of crises towards the end of 19th century, which originally had been under the rule of the empire since 1571. Lands of the Ottoman Empire, defeated in the 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War known as the 93 War, came under Russian danger with the Treaty of San Stefano. The fact that the capital of the Ottoman Empire and eastern lands were under Russian threat, and the Russian pressure in the Balkans alarmed England. The British Administration, considering a new mission for the future of India, the Mediterranean and Europe, created a great sensation with the request to use Cyprus as a military base. Britain led the convening of the congress in Berlin to nullify San Stefano and entered a new era in its policies regarding Ottoman Empire. With the Cyprus Convention of June 4, 1878, the British promised to help Ottomans against a possible Russian attack on the Ottoman lands, and aimed to use Cyprus as a base to fulfill this promise. On July 1, 1878, the British gained the right to temporarily settle in Cyprus with an additional agreement. Through this process British Prime Minister Beaconsfield was subject to criticism by liberal wing at the British Parliament. The general arguments of the liberals were as follows. The Cyprus Convention imposed responsibilities on Britain that were difficult to fulfill. It was not a proper method to finalize the agreement secretly before it was presented to the British public. It was believed that the settlement of the British in Cyprus was not a peaceful policy. This project would bring costs and serious liabilities to England. It was believed that there was not enough research before decisions on the island were made. It was implied that the administration added territory to its lands with an imperialist motivation. These were some of the common points of the parliament and the press. When the British landed on the island, the opposition's accuracy in these predictions emerged one by one. They could not achieve their goals. Due Liberals taking power in 1880, and the occupation of Egypt, Cyprus was no longer suitable for British goals. However, the Liberals neither left Cyprus when they came to power, nor they give it back to the Ottoman Empire.
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Merkez-Taşra İlişkilerinde Mahkemeler: Adli Statü, Görevliler ve Davalar
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Merkez-Taşra İlişkilerinde Mahkemeler: Adli Statü, Görevliler ve Davalar
(Courts in Central-Provincial Relations in the Ottoman Empire: Judicial Status, Officials and Cases)
- Author(s):Berces Kılıç
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):History of Law, Government/Political systems, The Ottoman Empire, Sharia Law
- Page Range:131-150
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:The Ottoman Empire; Courts; history of law;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, which was written with the aim of shedding light on the legal history of the Ottoman Empire in the context of central-provincial relations, being aware of the view that "There is no unspoken word under this dome" and aiming to capture "a pleasant sadâ that remains in this dome", this article deals with the courts, which are the basis of the Ottoman justice mechanism. In this context, after making a brief introduction to the establishment of social life and relations, which form the bridge between elements of the state and the the reaya and which takes its essence from Islam, the factors of the Ottoman court, their areas of influence and jurisdiction and some cases heard in this court will be included in the study. In the Ottoman court, first of all the muslim judges (kadi), the regents (naib) appointed by the muslim judges, the imams who are the eyes and ears of the muslim judges in the neighborhoods, the subasis who constitute the police force of the districts, the prohibitionists (ases), the castle guards (dizdars) and the muhtesibs are connected to each other through a network of relations. In our study, based on this network, the roles of these officials, who are shown among the main Ottoman court officials, will be discussed. In the understanding of the Islamic and Ottoman state, in which each of these officials played an active role, the justice mechanism shows a political integrity. However, within this mechanism, a spatial distinction is made in the form of kaza, nahiye and mahalle. This distinction is intended to facilitate the functioning of the justice mechanism. As it comes to an end, it shows the diversity of litigation issues reflected in the courts in Ottoman society. Therefore, the approach to the The foundations that undertook important missions in many fields in the Islamic states reached their peak in parallel with the development of the governments, especially with the Ottoman Empire. Correspondingly, there were changes also in their activities and management methods. In Islamic law where interest is not taken kindly, using the montes pietatis as a means of trade and charity for the good of the people was one of the changes mentioned. In spite of the arguments and criticism about the montes pietatis, most of the ulama of that period mentioned that this process was a kind of trade that could be briefly described as buying for cash and selling on trust, and they issued fatwa on that it was in accordance with Islamic Sharia. With this structuring that is ratified, banking business in Islamic states was founded, and the people fulfilled their need of cash from these foundations instead of usurers.
Osmanlı Harp Malzemelerinin Arşiv Kaynaklarından Kale Mühimmat Müfredat Defterleri
Osmanlı Harp Malzemelerinin Arşiv Kaynaklarından Kale Mühimmat Müfredat Defterleri
(Fortress Ammunition Count Registers From Archive Sources of Ottoman War Materials)
- Author(s):Samettin Başol
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Military history, The Ottoman Empire, Source Material
- Page Range:151-176
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Ottoman military historiography; The Ottoman Empire; War materials;
- Summary/Abstract:As a field of research, Ottoman war history become enriched on the aspect of resources, research papers and methods. Particularly new findings are on the production of weaponsand their technology, military installations, logistics of war, strategies of wars, provisions, soldier enrollment, payments and assignment. Those developments on the subject is thanks to discoveries about the field evidences, new archive sources, maps, and similar collections and economic supports to the researches. Its been known that Ottomans recorded their actions since the beginning. Because of this there are lots of diffrent kinds of written sources in the “Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı”. Those documents are particular importance to the states, historians and institutions. One of those particular written source is “Kale Mühimmat Defterleri”. Those series of documents includes the primary informations on Ottoman castles and castle organisation and ammunition. This work focuses on the castle ammunion and syllabus records wich has a list concerning on the ammunition and other tools wich used at war. The aims of this work are to describe the form and function of those records and explain their contents and survey their importance on the basis of military and organisational history. To make clearly understandable the informations on those records have, five of them selected to be examined. And on the proper places in the work other similar records used to enrichment of the subject. Document examination method has been used this work and within the plan the informations on those records listed.
Tanzimat’tan II. Meşrutiyet’e Alaşehir Kazasında Güvenlik Sorunu ve Eşkıyalık Faaliyetleri
Tanzimat’tan II. Meşrutiyet’e Alaşehir Kazasında Güvenlik Sorunu ve Eşkıyalık Faaliyetleri
(From Tanzimat to second constitutionalism, Security Problem and Banditry Activities in Alaşehir Districht)
- Author(s):Abdullah Doğtekin
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Government/Political systems, Security and defense, 19th Century, The Ottoman Empire
- Page Range:177-212
- No. of Pages:36
- Keywords:Aydın province; security issues; The Ottoman Empire;
- Summary/Abstract:Aydın vilayetinin idari taksimatında, 1864 Vilayet Nizamnamesinde yapılan yeniliklerin bir neticesi olarak 1867 yılında önemli değişikliklere gidilmiştir. İdari bakımdan XIX. yüzyıla kadar Aydın sancağına bağlı bir kaza olarak mevcut durumunu koruyan Alaşehir, 1867 yılına gelindiğinde ise ulaşım kolaylığı nedeniyle Saruhan (Manisa) sancağına bağlanmıştır. Kuzeyinde Kula ve Eşme, doğusunda Buldan, güneyinde Buldan ve Nazilli, batısında ise Salihli ve Ödemiş kazaları yer almaktadır. Osmanlı döneminde ticaret yollarının yanı sıra askeri yollar bakımından da önemini korumayı başaran Alaşehir, ulaşım bakımından Manisa-Denizli ve İzmir-Uşak-Afyon güzergâhı üzerinde önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Kula-Selendi ve Demirci’ye uzanan tali bir yolla şehrin ulaşım imkânları kuzeye doğru genişlemiştir. Bunların yanı sıra geçitlerle Bozdağları aşan bir başka yolla Kiraz ve Ödemiş’e, oradan da bütün Küçük Menderes Havzasına bağlanmıştır.
Ermeni Mezaliminin Kars’taki İktisadi Boyutu
Ermeni Mezaliminin Kars’taki İktisadi Boyutu
(The Economic Dimension of the Armenian Atrocities in Kars)
- Author(s):Nurhan Aydın, Kübranur Öztürk Derici
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Military history, Studies in violence and power, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), The Ottoman Empire, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:213-228
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Armenian; The Ottoman Empire; Kars; Armenian Genocide;
- Summary/Abstract:Armenians lived in an environment of peace, trust and tolerance for centuries under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. However, in the 18th century, these privileged positions of Armenians in the empire attracted the attention of European states, and they wanted to create a new area where Armenians could rule in the Caucasus by taking advantage of this situation. As of the 19th century, Armenians took action to become independent. This thought of the Armenians was the result of the Russian provocation of the Armenians against the Ottomans. In particular, the use of Armenians in the Russian army against the Ottoman army during the 93 War also brought the Armenians' betrayal to the Ottoman Empire by contacting the Armenians in the Ottoman army. Armenians took action against the Ottoman Empire with their desire to be independent, and with the support of the European States, they took action in order to get what they wanted and to establish a state of their own in Eastern Anatolia. In this direction, they first started to work to cleanse Eastern Anatolia from Muslims and to establish an Armenian state in the region. Due to their excesses in the region, they were subjected to forced migration by the Ottoman Empire. The Armenians showed their deportation as a massacre against the European states and tried to gain a place in the world public opinion. Armenians began to massacre the people of Eastern Anatolia in order to become independent and establish a state in Eastern Anatolia. This study reveals the economic dimension of the massacre committed by Armenians in Kars and its surroundings.
Günümüz Bankacılığının Temeli: Para Vakıfları
Günümüz Bankacılığının Temeli: Para Vakıfları
(The Foundation of Today's Banking: Money Foundations)
- Author(s):Mehmet Ali Türkmenoğlu, Mehmet Ziya Kantaş
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:229-255
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Cash Foundations; banking; Mukataa;
- Summary/Abstract:Doing good takes part in the foundation of Islam. In Islamic states, charities were done by the state at one side and were done by trust institutions that have power nearly equal to government budget at the other side. When looked from a wider perspective, trust institutions affected and developed the society in many ways. The income from the operation of these institutions were used for the benefit of the public directed to psychology-religion and economy. Administrative mechanism of the institutions that were inspected by the government was expressed in details with the endowment letters that have the characteristics of internal regulation. The foundations’ being long-lasting and trustworthy was deeply affected by the government. The foundations that undertook important missions in many fields in the Islamic states reached their peak in parallel with the development of the governments, especially with the Ottoman Empire. Correspondingly, there were changes also in their activities and management methods. In Islamic law where interest is not taken kindly, using the montes pietatis as a means of trade and charity for the good of the people was one of the changes mentioned. In spite of the arguments and criticism about the montes pietatis, most of the ulama of that period mentioned that this process was a kind of trade that could be briefly described as buying for cash and selling on trust, and they issued fatwa on that it was in accordance with Islamic Sharia. With this structuring that is ratified, banking business in Islamic states was founded, and the people fulfilled their need of cash from these foundations instead of usurers.
II. Abdülhamid Döneminden Bir Osmanlı Aydını Portresi: Selanikli Tevfik
II. Abdülhamid Döneminden Bir Osmanlı Aydını Portresi: Selanikli Tevfik
(The Portrait of an Ottoman Intellectual from II. Abdulhamid Era: Tevfik of Thessaloniki)
- Author(s):Mustafa Oğuz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Media studies, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Translation Studies
- Page Range:257-287
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Tevfik from Thessaloniki; journalist; translator;
- Summary/Abstract:Tevfik of Thessaloniki lived between 1857-1910. He combined his fifty-three years of life with journalism, teaching, translation and writing. He translated the works of French writers into Turkish with his excellent French. Tevfik of Thessaloniki worked as a history teacher in schools and as a teacher in the School of Law. His articles, translations and serials were published in the newspapers and magazines of his time. He died in Vienna, where he went for treatment. Tevfik of Thessaloniki, who started journalism since his student years, was an Ottoman intellectual who was passionate about this profession. In this article, the life of Tevfik of Thessaloniki, the newspapers and magazines he worked for, the works he translated, his copyright studies and personality will be told. With the spread of newspapers and magazines, the number of prominent journalists and writers in the history of the press had also increased. One of these journalists and writers was Tevfik of Thessaloniki. In this study, it will be tried to contribute to the biography of Tevfik of Thessaloniki, who was in a respected position as a writer and writer throughout his life, within the framework of his life, works and what was written about him, but today he has turned into a forgotten person. Tevfik of Thessaloniki, a value that was accepted as a sheikh al-muharririn in his lifetime but then forgotten, is waiting to be rediscovered with his thousands of articles left between the pages of newspapers and magazines.
Osmanlı Tarih Yazıcılığında Biyografi Türü: Taşköprülüzade’nin eş-Şakaiku’n-Nu‘mâniyye Eseri Üzerinden Genel Bir Değerlendirme
Osmanlı Tarih Yazıcılığında Biyografi Türü: Taşköprülüzade’nin eş-Şakaiku’n-Nu‘mâniyye Eseri Üzerinden Genel Bir Değerlendirme
(Biographical Genre in Ottoman Histography: A General Evaluation on the Work of Taşköprülüzade Entitled Al-Shaqâ’iq Al- Numâniyya)
- Author(s):Nejla Doğan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Economic history, Social history, 16th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Theory of Literature, Source Material, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:289-305
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Taşköprülüzade; Terceme-i Hal; biography; Ottoman historiography;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper attempts to focus on the first work of biographical dictionary, al-Shaqâ’iq al- Numâniyya, which was completed in 1558 by the famous Ottoman scholar Ahmad b. Mustafâ Tasköprüzâde. After making a brief evaluation on the development of the biography genre in Ottoman historiography, the importance of Shaqâ’iq, which left its mark on the 16th century, and its related problems were discussed. The work, which contains valuable information about the biographies of important scholars, has not been evaluated as a simple collection of “life narrative”. The main problem of the study is to consider how to approach or how one should read this monumental book including biographies of ulema/jurists and sufi masters. As a result of the analysing and discussion held in the light of secondary sources, the biography data shows that they are fond of recording the life stories of the Ottoman world, as well as giving information about the type of biography of the period. Shaqâ’iq, containing biographies of sheiks and ulema, should be consulted for understanding the Ottoman cultural and scientific world rather than as a data collection purpose. It has been concluded that we can catch clues about the socio-economic and political networks of the Empire when we approach the work in question, which we will obtain more than factual information.
Türk Kültürü Bağlamında Ehl-i Haklar’da Miraç Miti
Türk Kültürü Bağlamında Ehl-i Haklar’da Miraç Miti
(The Myth of Miracle in the Context of Turkish Culture)
- Author(s):İbrahim Karaca
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Islam studies, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:307-319
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Myth of Miraj; Turkish culture; Ahl al-Haq;
- Summary/Abstract:Ahl-e Haqq belief and Ahl-e-Haqq community continue to exist in the western regions of Iran today. Ahl-e Haqq belief, which has many common features with the Alevi-Bektashi communities living in Anatolia, has created its own unique value system. The subject of this study is the myth of Miraj, which has an important place in the belief of Ahl-e Haqq. The miraculous myth is a frequently discussed topic, especially in the Alevi-Bektashi communities in Anatolia. We encounter the miraj myth that existed in Anatolia among the Ahl-e Haqqs in Iran as well. The myth of Ahl-e Haqq, which is told among the Ahl-e Haqqs in Iran, is a reflection of the belief of emergence within the system of values. Along with the myth described here, Hz. It is proved that Ali is the appearance of God. In Anatolian Alawism, the mirac myth forms the beginning of the cem ceremony by establishing a connection with the forty community. Shamans in Turkish culture rise to the sky by cutting their ties from this world in ceremonies. In these ascents, they generally perform their ascent by means of a bird. Similarly, Hz. While Mohammed ascends to the sky, he ascends to the sky on a horse called Burak. The aim of this study is to evaluate the myth of ascension in the Ahl-e Haqq values system in the context of Turkish culture. For this purpose, an ethnographic field study based in Iran's Tehran, Tabriz and Kermanshah was conducted between 2017-2019. The data obtained from the field study was the source of this study. In addition, the words, which are among the first-hand sources obtained from the field, also served as a source for the study. The data obtained were evaluated in terms of cultural history.