Sosyal Bilimler Üzerine Araştırmalar I
Research on Social Sciences I
Contributor(s): Nüket Kirci Çevik (Editor)
Subject(s): Media studies, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic history, Economic policy, Political economy, Economic development, Financial Markets, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: Social Sciences; economy;
Summary/Abstract: Kapitalist düşünce teorik çerçevede, ekonomide tam rekabet piyasasının işlerlik kazanmasının, ekonomiyi etkin bir şekilde yönlendireceğine, arz ve talep birlikteliğini tam istihdam dengesinde sağlayacağına inanır. Bu sebepten dolayı devletin hiçbir şekilde ekonominin işleyişine müdahale etmemesi gerektiğini söyler. O halde iktisadi mantık, fizik kanunları vb. örneklerde olduğu gibi evrensel geçerliliğe sahiptir ki bundan dolayı yürütülecek iktisat politikasının amaç ve araçları da, gelişme düzeyine bakılmaksızın bütün ekonomiler için aynıdır. Ancak meseleye gerçeğin gözünden baktığımız zaman, insanların ekonomik menfaat düşüncesinin haricinde bazı sebeplerden dolayı irrasyonel davranabileceğini söylemek mümkün hale gelmektedir. Kaldı ki bu davranışların, bireyin yaşamını sürdürdüğü toplum dinamiklerinden soyutlanabilmesi mümkün değildir...
- E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-588-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-588-3
- Page Count: 314
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish
İktisat, Tarih ve Metodoloji
İktisat, Tarih ve Metodoloji
(Economics, History and Methodology)
- Author(s):Gökhan Oruç Önalan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Economy, Economic history, Economic policy, Economic development
- Page Range:1-44
- No. of Pages:44
- Keywords:Economics; History; Methodology;
- Summary/Abstract:In the theoretical framework, capitalist thought believes that the functioning of the market of perfect competition in the economy will effectively direct the economy and ensure the unity of supply and demand at full employment equilibrium. For this reason, the state should not intervene in the functioning of the economy in any way. Therefore, economic logic, like the laws of physics, etc., has universal validity, and therefore the goals and instruments of economic policy are the same for all economies, regardless of their level of development. However, when we look at the issue from the perspective of reality, it becomes possible to say that people may behave irrationally for some reasons other than the consideration of economic interest. Moreover, these behaviors cannot be isolated from the dynamics of the society in which the individual lives.
Bir Dayanışma Örneği Olarak Gayr-i Resmi Karz-ı Hasen Sandıkları
Bir Dayanışma Örneği Olarak Gayr-i Resmi Karz-ı Hasen Sandıkları
(Unofficial Qard El-Hasan Funds as an Example of Solidarity)
- Author(s):Muhammed Emin Durmuş, Rıdvan Demir
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Economy, Islam studies, Economic development, Financial Markets
- Page Range:45-69
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Qard El-Hasan; Turkey; Solidarity;
- Summary/Abstract:When we look at the studies in the literature, there are many studies on the classification of qard al-hasan, it’s functioning, examples of practice in the world and Turkey, and under which institution it will be more beneficial. This study aims to reveal the operation of unofficial qard al-hasan practices, which are thought to be incomplete in the literature, to identify the problems encountered in these practices, and to develop a solution proposal for these problems. Ultimately, those who unofficially implement the qard al-hasan practice are trying to answer the question of whether they should continue in this way or should they become formalized and institutionalized. For this purpose, in the first part of the study, after the conceptual framework has been revealed, in the second part, the practices of qard al-hasan in the world and Turkey will be mentioned, and in the third part, the findings that emerged as a result of the interviews with three different unofficial qard al-hasan ballot boxes will be included. The problems they encounter and the solutions for them will be discussed. Thus, in this study, theory and practice will be tried to be put forward together.
Sürdürülebilir Küresel Rekabet İçin Değişmi Anlamak
Sürdürülebilir Küresel Rekabet İçin Değişmi Anlamak
(Understanding "Change" for Sustainable Global Competition)
- Author(s):Tuğkan Arıcı
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:71-79
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Sustainable Global Competition; businesses; companies;
- Summary/Abstract:Scientific and technological developments in the world force companies to change. Change management is the key factor for companies that want to achieve sustainable success today. Understanding change is essential for businesses. Managers have a great responsibility to manage change successfully. Companies that do not understand the requirements of change will lose their success in the sector and will disappear over time. On the other hand, being aware of change is not enough to ensure successful change. Studies show that 60% of change efforts fail. Therefore, managers must lead their employees and make some strategic moves for change to be successful. In this study, the companies understanding of change, the do's and don'ts in the change process are examined.
Alternatif Finansman Kaynağı: Tüm Yönleriyle Kitlesel Fonlama
Alternatif Finansman Kaynağı: Tüm Yönleriyle Kitlesel Fonlama
(Alternative Source of Finance: In All Its Parts Crowdfunding)
- Author(s):Nagihan Aktaş, Gökhan Özer
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Financial Markets, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:81-115
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:Finance; Crowdfunding; crowdfunding activities;
- Summary/Abstract:Crowdfunding, which has gained a lot of attention in recent years, is seen as a popular way to finance modern, creative, and innovative projects. Crowdfunding is a practice that allows raising funds from a large number of people through an online platform to fund an idea or venture. In crowdfunding, there are three parties backers, project owners, and the crowdfunding platform. In terms of the contribution of the project owners to the fund supporters, crowdfunding is divided into two non-financial and financial. Charitable and reward-based crowdfunding has no financial returns, while debt- and equity-based crowdfunding is financially returns. This study, it is aimed to present a general perspective on the concept of crowdfunding. This way, readers will better understand the types of crowdfunding, their advantages and disadvantages, and how these affect crowdfunding projects. As a result of the study, it has been seen that crowdfunding can be a powerful tool to finance ideas or projects. It is thought that project owners should carefully plan and implement crowdfunding activities to achieve their projects' financing targets and increase their chances of realizing their ideas.
Metaverse Kavramsal Çerçeve
Metaverse Kavramsal Çerçeve
(Metaverse Conceptual Framework)
- Author(s):Burak Karababa
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Media studies, Social Informatics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:117-129
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Metaverse; virtual world; technologies;
- Summary/Abstract:Metaverse is a combination of the words "meta" and "universe". It is expressed as “a three-dimensional virtual world in which the characters called avatars engage in social, economic, political and cultural activities” (Wiederhold, 2022). Computer-generated “meta universe, collective space in virtuality, life diary, mirror world, ubiquitous universe, embodied internet: space for simulation and collaboration” has been expressed through many concepts (Bruun & Stentoft, 2019; William, 2018; Kyle). , 2021).According to the Wall Street Journal, the metaverse is "a virtual world where our digital avatars and people in our communities and around the world come together to work, shop, attend classes, pursue hobbies, enjoy social gatherings, and more." (Wiederhold, 2022). A “metaverse” post-reality universe includes users who bring the digital world and physical reality together at a common point. “Metaverse” addresses the main limitations of 2D e-learning (web-based) tools related to online distance education (Mystakidis, 2022). The concept of metaverse emerged after more than twenty years and is generally expressed as an embodied version of the internet. Today, individuals will be able to discover the Metaverse thanks to "virtual reality" or "augmented reality" technologies, just as we can do our operations with the help of a cursor at the beginning of the internet.
Enflasyondaki İstikrarsızlığın CO2 Emisyonuna Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği
Enflasyondaki İstikrarsızlığın CO2 Emisyonuna Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği
(The Impacts of Inflation Instability on CO2 Emissions: The Case of Turkey)
- Author(s):Ayşe Arı
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:131-146
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Turkey; CO2 Emissions;
- Summary/Abstract:Environmental pollution and inflation are among the most important problems for developing countries. In recent years, it has been stated that there is a relationship between instability in inflation and environmental pollution. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of inflation instability on CO2 emissions for the Turkish economy. In this context, the period of 1974-2015 was analyzed by using the Bayern-Hanck (2013) cointegration test and, FMOLS and CCR estimators. According to the results, inflation instability has positive impact on CO2 emissions. It is also seen that the increase in energy consumption, trade openness and economic growth cause increase in CO2 emissions. The development of the financial sector is negatively related to CO2 emissions. In conclusion, we can say that a stable inflation and a strong financial system will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. For this reason, the authorities will be able to gain in both respects by implementing policies to ensure stability in inflation which also contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution.
Critic Tabanlı Mabac ve Marcos Yöntemleri ile 19 Orta Doğu Ülkesinin Lojistik Performanslarının İncelenmesi
Critic Tabanlı Mabac ve Marcos Yöntemleri ile 19 Orta Doğu Ülkesinin Lojistik Performanslarının İncelenmesi
(Investigation of Logistics Performances of 19 Middle East Countries with CRITIC-Based MABAC and MARCOS Methods)
- Author(s):Nazife Şahin Macit
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Economic history, Present Times (2010 - today), Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:147-185
- No. of Pages:39
- Keywords:Logistics; logistics performance; Middle East Countries;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study, CRITIC, MABAC and MARCOS methods were used to create a decision model for the evaluation of logistics performance of 19 Middle Eastern countries within the scope of 2018 World Bank data. Logistics performance index components were included in the research as performance criteria in the evaluation of logistics performance. While the CRITIC method was used to weight these performance components, the MABAC and MARCOS methods were used to evaluate and rank the logistics performance of the Middle East countries. The results obtained from the CRITIC method showed that international shipments and logistics competence were the most important and least important performance criteria, respectively. As a result of the performance evaluations made with the MABAC and MARCOS methods, it was revealed that the countries with the highest and lowest logistics performance in 2018 were the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan, respectively. As a result of all these evaluations, while there is no difference in the countries with high and low logistics performance for the two different methods; It was observed that the logistics performance of Israel and Oman countries differed during success. The success ranking of the remaining 17 countries was the same in both methods, indicating that the methods were applied successfully.
Doğrusal Olmayan ve Fourier Temelli Birim Kök Testleriyle Dış Borçların Sürdürülebilirliği: MINT Ülkelerinden Ampirik Kanıtlar
Doğrusal Olmayan ve Fourier Temelli Birim Kök Testleriyle Dış Borçların Sürdürülebilirliği: MINT Ülkelerinden Ampirik Kanıtlar
(Sustainability of External Debts By Non-Linear and Fourier-Based Unit Root Test: Empirical Evidence From MINT Countries)
- Author(s):Ali Çelik
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Economic history, International relations/trade, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Financial Markets
- Page Range:187-209
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:external debts; MINT Countries; Mexico; Indonesia; Nigeria; Turkey;
- Summary/Abstract:The study aims to investigate whether the external debts of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey (MINT) countries are sustainable. For this purpose, we test the data for the years 1970-2021 for four different ratios representing external debts employing ADF(1979), RALS ADF (2014), Kruse (2011), Fourier ADF (2012), Fourier KSS (2012), Flexible Fourier (2012), Omay (2015) and Güriş (2019) unit root tests. According to the results of the analysis, it is determined that the total external debt and short-term external debt stocks are not sustainable in all countries. However, it is seen that the long-term external debt stocks of Turkey and Nigeria and the share of external debt stock in total reserves are sustainable. Especially Fourier KSS (2012) unit root test results show that the share of external debt stock in total reserves is sustainable for all countries. The Guris (2019) unit root test also produces a similar result for the same series, except for Indonesia.
Neoliberalizmde Toplum ve Birey Anlayışına Eleştirel Bir Bakış
Neoliberalizmde Toplum ve Birey Anlayışına Eleştirel Bir Bakış
(A Critical Perspective on the Understanding of Society and Individual in Neoliberalism)
- Author(s):Ahmet Küçük
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics, Political economy, Financial Markets, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:211-224
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Neoliberalism; Society; Individual; Neoliberal market society;
- Summary/Abstract:This study addresses the fact that Neoliberalism, while developing individual normative ideas, failed to develop a theory of a closed society and focused on shaping society in accordance with a market society. Methodologically, an approach has been adopted aimed at establishing this basic position based on the texts of Friedrich von Hayek and other Neoliberal figures. The ideas about the evolutionary formation of the market and society put forward by Hayek are considered the most important reference point of Neoliberalism. The main goal of neoliberalism is to shape society in accordance with a market society. However, when looking at its applications, Neoliberalism has the appearance of a project for the disintegration of politically organized society. Individual freedom in the neoliberal sense, on the other hand, consists only of non-discrimination in market participation. The aim of the study is to show that Neoliberal market society and market individual understanding cannot be the solution to today's social problems.
Uluslararası Ticarette Belirsizlik ve Bozulma
Uluslararası Ticarette Belirsizlik ve Bozulma
(Uncertainty and Disruption in Global Trade)
- Author(s):Emine Beyza Satoğlu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade, Globalization
- Page Range:225-244
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Global Trade; trade; globalization;
- Summary/Abstract:This work describes the transformations in the understanding of globalization that have arisen in the fifteen years following the 2008 global crisis caused by uncertainty and disruptions in global trade. Global markets have been negatively affected by the 2008 Great Recession, the EU-Brexit process, trade wars between the United States and China, lockdown measures during the pandemic, and finally, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war in the middle of Europe. As a result of the uncertainty and disruptions in the markets during this period, the average annual growth in international trade volumes has decreased compared to previous periods of globalization. Ongoing supply chain problems, increases in production costs, and rising protectionism support the idea that globalization, as we know it, will come to an end.
Makroekonomik Kuramlar ve Ekonomik Sistemler
Makroekonomik Kuramlar ve Ekonomik Sistemler
(Macroeconomic Theories and Economic Systems)
- Author(s):Hasan Alpago
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Political economy, Financial Markets, Globalization
- Page Range:245-260
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Macroeconomic Theories; Economic Systems; globalizing world economy;
- Summary/Abstract:In the globalizing world economy, a controlled free market mechanism dominates under the auspices of the state. This mechanism is based on an economic and political system in which property, commerce and industry are controlled by private owners rather than the state for profit. However, as seen during the COVID 19 pandemic process, the state needs to step in as a regulator in case the private sector loses its functions partially or completely due to economic, health, legal and security-related problems. On the other hand, macroeconomic theories are based on the development of a balance and sustainable policy at the point of meeting the endless needs of scarce resources. These macroeconomic theories are shaped in the light of liberal and socialist ideas. However, both liberal and socialist macroeconomic policy practices have been the subject of intense criticism in every period. In addition, as the economic and social developments in the world have gained a global dimension, Keynesian mixed macroeconomic models are gaining weight instead of purely liberal or socialist macroeconomic policies. Due to this importance of the subject, liberal and socialist macroeconomic theories are examined with a comparative analysis in this study. Thus, whether these theories are alternative, complementary or contradictory to each other has been evaluated within the framework of their common aspects and basic differences. These evaluations suggest making a conscious choice in the economic policy-making process. Since the subject has been comprehensively evaluated with a wide literature review and a descriptive evaluation in the study, it foresees to make an important contribution to the field.
Türkiye Bankacılık Sektöründe Dijital Dönüşüm Süreci Sonucunda Ortaya Çıkan İş Stresi
Türkiye Bankacılık Sektöründe Dijital Dönüşüm Süreci Sonucunda Ortaya Çıkan İş Stresi
(Business Stress Resulting from the Digital Transformation Process in The Turkish Banking Sector)
- Author(s):Kemalettin Kaya
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:261-282
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Banking Sector; Turkey; Digital Transformation; Business Stress;
- Summary/Abstract:With the Digital Transformation, the preferences of both individuals change and the way of doing business and management of organizations are completely restructured. For Turkey, the sector most affected by Digital Transformation is the Banking Sector. The Banking Sector is very important both in terms of demand and increasing production capacities and development. From the perspective of our country, the sector has advanced technology and qualified employees. During the global pandemic, The Banking Sector had to fit the investments in a span of as short as two years which should have been made in ten years. As a result of this rapid change, many factors such as being overloaded, being constantly online, changing the way of doing business, complexity, work-life balance uncertainties have caused work stress on employees. On the basis of this, factors such as increasing time and space flexibility of employees, being constantly mobile and online, increasing work tempo, and multiple and complex task responsibilities have shown the necessity of improving the skills of employees to resist work stress. With the increase in digitalization, it is seen that both the number of employees and the number of branches decrease. Factors such as job security, organizational change, uncertainty of the future are the main culprits for job stress. These in turn lead to low performance, absenteeism, dissatisfaction, decreased motivation, work efficiency, and loss of qualified workforce, which will be costly. Banks need to emphasize on giving more importance than ever to the work stress that occurs during the digital transformation process. The subject will be discussed in more detail with a field study.
Yönetim ve Strateji Perspektifinden Kurumsal Yönetimin Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Gelişimi ve Geleceği
Yönetim ve Strateji Perspektifinden Kurumsal Yönetimin Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Gelişimi ve Geleceği
(The Evolution and Future of Corporate Governance in the World and Turkey from the Management and Strategy Perspective)
- Author(s):Nigar Çağla Mutlucan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Governance, Management and complex organizations, Economic development, Financial Markets
- Page Range:283-314
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Turkey; Corporate Governance; Financial Aspects;
- Summary/Abstract:Corporate governance emerges as a concept whose importance is increasing daily due to company scandals in recent years. Corporate governance is a concept that has been used in Europe, America, and Japan since the 19th century. However, the importance of corporate governance increased in the 1980s, mainly due to corruption and scandals in companies. One of the first studies on corporate governance was the report titled "The Cadbury Committee Report: Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance" (1992), prepared by Sir Adrian Cadbury in England and referred to as the Cadbury Report. The published report regulates the responsibilities of the board of directors and managers, the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, and the auditors' roles. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) also published the principles related to corporate governance under the title Corporate Governance Principles in 1999. In the United States, the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) law was promulgated by the American Congress in 2002. TUSIAD carried out the first study on corporate governance in Turkey. Later, the Capital Market Board (SPK) enacted corporate governance principles for publicly traded companies in 2003. Subsequently, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) introduced a corporate governance regulation for banks in 2006. Furthermore, the issue of corporate governance was included in the Capital Markets Law in 2011. Finally, the new Turkish Commercial Code, which came into force in mid-2012, introduced important regulations regarding corporate governance. In this study, in addition to the applications in countries such as America, England, Germany, France, and Japan, the applications in South Africa, Brazil, and Turkey were examined from the perspective of management and strategy. At the end of the study, opinions were shared about how the corporate governance approach should evolve.