Gender Stereotypes: Sound Familiar? Cover Image

Rodni stereotipi: zvuči poznato?
Gender Stereotypes: Sound Familiar?

Contributor(s): Monja Šuta-Hibert (Editor), Jakov Čaušević (Illustrator)
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Education, Media studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sociology, Social development, Social differentiation, Studies in violence and power, Family and social welfare, Social Norms / Social Control, Sociology of Education
Published by: Transkulturna Psihosocijalna Obrazovna Fondacija (TPO Foundation)
Keywords: gender; stereotypes; education; teachers; parents; media; women; rights; social norms; social control;
Summary/Abstract: The book “Gender Stereotypes: Sounds Familiar?” is a part of the project An Initiative for Creative Dialogue and Education. Together with the group “Brkate” and comic book author Jakov Čaušević, TPO Foundation Sarajevo designed the comic book edition: Bogey Femiteaching. The aim of Bogey Femiteaching is to challenge prejudices on feminism and gender equality, and to question the position of women in contemporary BosnianHerzegovinian society through the use of comics genre and humour. Our choice for the comics genre is twofold. It has potential to engage young people with a variety of subjects, while simultaneously acting as an educational tool in an encouraging and non-intimidating manner. Initially, our team aimed only at publishing twenty comic stories and to present them to the wider public – especially young people, through setting up an exhibition. However, we decided to take the project a step further due to the positive interaction and the great interest young people showed during exhibitions. This experience also led us to conclude that the comics genre is an ideal form for an interdisciplinary approach to education. It provides a great motivating tool for all those who are not as interested in the traditional educational methods, such as books for example. Building on this initial success, the edition of Bogey Femi-teaching was completed with an additional book, “Gender Stereotypes: Sounds Familiar?”, which represents a unique combination of educational comics with shorter thematic texts. They directly challenge and question a variety of gender and feminist related issues, as well as discourses tied to education, patriarchal family values, law, science, religion, politics, media, domestic violence, and many other gender-based discriminatory practices. We are strongly convinced that only through a critical evaluation of the politics of established gender norms, while using the lens of humour, a positive contribution towards a more realistic representation of existing discrimination, oppression and exclusion can be made. In other words, femiteaching should not at all be seen as a bogey. Instead, it should be seen as an opportunity to visualise an idea about a world in which men and women, as well as other excluded and marginalised groups and individuals, equally participate in all walks of life.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-0386-4-8
  • Page Count: 125
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Bosnian
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Recenzija knjige ,,Rodni stereotipi: Zvuči poznato?"

Recenzija knjige ,,Rodni stereotipi: Zvuči poznato?"
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