Ekonomia i inne nauki społeczne. Studia interdyscyplinarne
Economics and other social sciences. Interdisciplinary studies
Contributor(s): Jan Polowczyk (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Energy and Environmental Studies, International Law, Sociology, Economic policy, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Theory of Communication, Social psychology and group interaction, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Social development, Management and complex organizations, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Economic development, Law on Economics, Financial Markets, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Business Ethics, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu
Keywords: interdyscyplinarność;nauka;teoria ekonomii;wojna w Ukrainie;neuronauka;marketing;podejmowanie decyzji;polityka społeczna;uwarunkowania kulturowe;rachunkowość;prawo;finanse;inwestycje;zrównoważony rozwój;Covid-19;powrót historii;grzeszne spółki;informacja;
Summary/Abstract: Specjalizacja badań naukowych w XX wieku przyspieszyła postęp w odkryciach i wdrażaniu innowacji. Wraz ze wzrostem złożoności naszej cywilizacji wskutek dynamicznego wzrostu gospodarczego wspieranego rozwojem technologii rośnie jednakże potrzeba transferu wiedzy między różnymi obszarami ludzkiej działalności. Dążenie do zrównoważonego rozwoju i zachowania różnorodności środowiska naturalnego wzmacnia te tendencje. Dotyczy to w szczególności nauk społecznych. Książka składa się z dziesięciu rozdziałów napisanych przez autorów z trzech centrów akademickich: poznańskiego, wrocławskiego i katowickiego. Przedstawione zagadnienia potwierdzają celowość i ważność projektów interdyscyplinarnych dotyczących integracji wiedzy z zakresu nauk społecznych, zwłaszcza ekonomii i finansów oraz nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości, psychologii, nauk o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, nauk o polityce i administracji, nauk prawnych i nauk socjologicznych. Adresatami książki są pracownicy naukowi i doktoranci specjalizujący się w dziedzinie nauk społecznych, w szczególności ekonomii. Niektóre rozdziały mogą być wykorzystywane do celów dydaktycznych na zajęciach z odpowiednio przygotowanymi studentami na studiach magisterskich, a także podyplomowych.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-192-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-191-0
- Page Count: 185
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Wojna w dobie „powrotu historii”
Wojna w dobie „powrotu historii”
(War in the Era of “the return of history”)
- Author(s):Marek Ratajczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Sociology, Economic policy, Military policy, Economic development, Globalization, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:17-38
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:wojna w Ukrainie;powrót historii;globalizacja;geopolityka;
- Summary/Abstract:The study contains an attempt to answer two questions. First: why does war, which seems to be completely contrary to the idea of humanism and the essence of humanity,remain an integral element of the world around us? The second question is: why the war, and not the cold one but the hot one, returned to Europe? An attempt to answer the above questions has been set in the current socio-political and economic contextand what the author defines – following Robert Kagan (2009) – as the period of the return of history.
Znaczenie interdyscyplinarności w rozwoju marketingu
Znaczenie interdyscyplinarności w rozwoju marketingu
(The importance of interdisciplinarity in the development of marketing)
- Author(s):Henryk Mruk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:39-54
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:interdyscyplinarność;marketing;zachowania konsumentów;neuronauka;komunikacja marketingowa;
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of marketing appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of production surplus over demand. This resulted in the development of research on consumer behaviour, who strengthened their position in the exchange processes, having the opportunity to choose products. Shifting the focus from production to the consumer forced research into consumer behaviour. The analysis of factors influencing consumer decisions required cooperation with other social sciences. In conjunction with mathematics, models of consumer behaviour were built. Relations with psychology, sociology, interpersonal communication, cognitive science also developed, and over time – with neurobiology, the theory of decision-making. The development of behavioural economics turned out to be helpful, pointing to the importance of emotions in consumer behaviour. The development of new technologies resulted in their introduction into marketing activities (e.g., data science, brain activity, eye movement). The growing complexity of research topics, forcing cooperation with other disciplines, has led to the development of independent marketing agencies providing services to enterprises.
Psychologiczne i neuronaukowe podstawy podejmowania decyzji
Psychologiczne i neuronaukowe podstawy podejmowania decyzji
(Psychological and neuroscientific foundations of decision-making)
- Author(s):Jan Polowczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Management and complex organizations, Demography and human biology, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:55-71
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:podejmowanie decyzji;neuronauka;poznanie;emocje;ewolucja mózgu;wzajemność;współpraca;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the chapter is to present the micro-foundations of making economic and business decisions, taking into account the latest achievements of psychology and neurosciences. The chapter consists of five parts. The first one discusses the dualistic concepts of brain functioning presented in the psychological and economic literature. The second part is devoted to the importance of affect and cognition in decision-making processes. The third part presents the possibilities of using the achievements of neuroscience in research on the management of organizations. The fourth part is devoted to describing heuristics and evolutionary cognitive tendencies. In turn, in the fifth part, the processes of reciprocity and trust, which are significant in decision-making, are presented. The chapter was created on the basis of critical literature studies, as well as many years of the author’s own managerial experience and observations. Attention was drawn to terminological differences between the concepts propagated in the economic literature and the latest studies on management.
Neurobiologia relacji w świecie nadmiaru informacji
Neurobiologia relacji w świecie nadmiaru informacji
(The neurobiology of relationships in a world of information overload)
- Author(s):Marek Kaczmarzyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Theory of Communication, Social psychology and group interaction, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Demography and human biology, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:72-81
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:neurobiologia;informacja;ewolucja;mózg;relacje społeczne;
- Summary/Abstract:The human species exist only for three hundred thousand years. We can attribute our success to our uniquely effective brains, which basic characteristic was the propensity to cooperate and share information. Relationships are at the base of our adaptation strategy, and their neurobiological basis, in the form of the community brain, have to be operational for everyone of us. However, in today’s world, full of information, interpersonal contact and emotional overload, these mechanisms become a trap. Our natural sensitivity, developed to live in small groups of hunters and harvesters, becomes the source of a dangerous overload. The change in scale of our communities made our strongest assets into our most serious challenge for the future. Understanding these facts gives us the tools to interpret community phenomena, which, from other points ofview, can be seen as the effects of reluctance, bad faith or even of intrinsic evil. Working with this knowledge gives us a chance to understand that humans, naturally cooperative, can build a world based on trust and collaboration, even if it has to be built on a much bigger, and unnatural for us, scale.
Wzajemność wśród Polaków i rola polityki społecznej w jej kształtowaniu
Wzajemność wśród Polaków i rola polityki społecznej w jej kształtowaniu
(Reciprocity among Poles and the role of social policy in shaping it)
- Author(s):Piotr Michoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Social psychology and group interaction, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:82-99
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:wzajemność;polityka społeczna;zaufanie;współpraca;państwo opiekuńcze;jakość życia;
- Summary/Abstract:If an individual believes that others will reciprocate their initial cooperative behaviour, it is rational for them to cooperate. Conversely, if they believe the opposite, cooperation would be seen as irrational and potentially dangerous. Low levels of trust in society have negative implications for quality of life, economic progress, and the functioning of public institutions. Surveys have revealed a prevailing lack of trust among the Polish population. Poles hold the belief that people are mainly driven by self-interest, implying that they anticipate others to engage in free-riding rather than altruism. The survey participants exhibit a low belief in reciprocation among those receiving benefits, suggesting a diminished desire to support others. Moreover, a significant portion of Poles still holds the view that receiving social benefits, excluding pensions, leads to changes in attitudes and behaviours, making beneficiaries less inclined to reciprocate to society.
Relacje między kulturą a ekonomią – kulturyzacja ekonomii i ekonomizacja kultury w kontekście determinizmu technologicznego
Relacje między kulturą a ekonomią – kulturyzacja ekonomii i ekonomizacja kultury w kontekście determinizmu technologicznego
(Relationhip between culture and economics – culturisation of economics and economisation of culture in the context of technological determinism)
- Author(s):Magdalena Sobocińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:100-117
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:uwarunkowania kuturowe;ekonomia;nowe technologie;rynek;kultura;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the study is to show the relationship between culture and economics as well as the interpenetration of these two fields and the resulting implications for the management of the cultural sphere. The paper is based on in-depth literature studies. Special attention is paid, on the one hand, to the role of culture in socioeconomic development and its relationship with economics, and, on the other hand, to changes in the cultural sphere taking place under the influence of the development of market, economic thought and new management concepts that are applicable in the area of culture. The context of the development of new technologies and the concept of technological determinism are also considered, as the behaviour of culture participants is strongly affected by algorithms and information bubbles within which culture participants function.
Religia jako czynnik kulturowy a rozwój rachunkowości w wybranych państwach azjatyckich
Religia jako czynnik kulturowy a rozwój rachunkowości w wybranych państwach azjatyckich
(Religion as a cultural factor and accounting development in chosen Asian countries)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Czerny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Theology and Religion, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:118-132
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:rachunkowość;religia;Azja;uwarunkowania kulturowe;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents the influence of belief systems (religion) as a cultural factor on the development of accounting in Indonesia, India and China. Contrary to appearances, this influence is not limited only to the development of a specific system of economic ethics in terms of Weber’s theory, so into accounting ethics. The chapter present show belief systems determine the attitudes and the needs of stakeholders, so also the scope of information provided by accounting, the rank of accounting principles, the scope of disclosures, as well as the development of, among others, accounting and controlling techniques. To illustrate this process, Asian countries that are economically developed and religiously diverse (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam) were selected.
Grzeszne spółki: synteza 15 lat badań teoretycznych i empirycznych
Grzeszne spółki: synteza 15 lat badań teoretycznych i empirycznych
(Sin stocks: A synthesis of 15 years of theoretical and empirical studies)
- Author(s):Paweł Niszczota
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Marketing / Advertising, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:133-150
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:grzeszne spółki;inwestycje;decyzje inwestycyjne;społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu;
- Summary/Abstract:In the narrowest sense, sin stocks are shares in companies engaged in the production of alcohol, tobacco, or gambling. Starting with the article by Hong and Kacperczyk (2009), they have been attracting an increasing interest from researchers. In this article, I attempt to synthesize recent theoretical and empirical work on morally controversial companies, by presenting (1) differences in the way sin stocks are defined, (2) work on estimating the sin stock premium, (3) determinants of propensity to invest in sin stocks, and (4) studies analysing selected cases in which sinful investments can be perceived differently. These could include (a) delegating investment decisions to fund managers who have behaved nobly in the past, (b) delegating decisions to algorithms, and (c) short-selling sin stocks. Additionally, I present several potential directions for researchers interested in sin stocks.
Finanse ewolucyjne
Finanse ewolucyjne
(Evolutionary finance)
- Author(s):Paweł Kliber
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociobiology, Financial Markets, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:151-169
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:finanse;finanse ewolucyjne;inwestycje;zachowania ekonomiczne;premia za ryzyko;teoria gier;
- Summary/Abstract:In the article we present an evolutionary approach to the theory of finance, which becomes more and more popular in the recent years. This approach, known as ‘evolutionary finance’, differs from both the classical financial theory, based on the general equilibrium theory, and the more recent behavioural approach. As the behavioural approach, the evolutionary finance takes into account financial behaviours of real agents, which very often differ much from the ones proposed by the classical theory. But evolutionary finance (unlike the behavioural approach) also tries to provide explanations of these behaviours. These explanations provide an analysis of processes of historical evolution or some evolution-like processes (i.e. the processes that share the same mechanismas the biological evolution). In the chapter, we provide a brief overview of literature connected with this topic.
Czego nauki prawne mogą się nauczyć od ekonomii? Sprawa pomocy publicznej po pandemii COVID-19
Czego nauki prawne mogą się nauczyć od ekonomii? Sprawa pomocy publicznej po pandemii COVID-19
(What law can learn from behavioural economics? The case of state aid following COVID-19)
- Author(s):Jakub Kociubiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Law on Economics, Financial Markets, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:170-184
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Covid-19;pomoc publiczna;kryzys;
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter provides an overview of the newest European Union’s State aid acquis regarding interpretative trends revealed during the wave of COVID-19 relief measures and on this basis seeks to identify areas where law can learn from economics, in-line with the so-called More Economic Approach which is often proclaimed but rarely attained in state aid evaluations. The paper begins with a brief outline of the EU State aid instruments used to remedy economic disturbances. Then the analysis moves to the examination of identified problem areas – a risk of moral hazard resulting from extending subsidies beyond the absolute necessity and an issue of imposing conditions on the aid beneficiaries to ensure their adaptation to new, post-crisis market conditions. At the conclusion, the challenges associated with integrating economics into legal texts are analysed and recommendations are formulated.