Instytucjonalne i historyczne wymiary dyskusji o ekonomii i gospodarce
Institutional and historical dimensions of discussions on economics and the economy
Contributor(s): Katarzyna Szarzec (Editor), Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Metaphysics, Economic history, Labor relations, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Economic development, Law on Economics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Commercial Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu
Keywords: instytucje;ekonomia;finanse publiczne;pieniądz;bank centralny;państwo;rolnictwo;rynek pracy;korporacje;paradoks;zrównoważony rozwój;przedsiębiorstwo;
Summary/Abstract: Ekonomia instytucjonalna stała się ostatnio nie tylko popularnym podejściem badawczym, ale wręcz w niektórych obszarach nauk społecznych dominującym paradygmatem (…). Naukowcy badają instytucje gospodarcze i całe złożone zbiory instytucji, które warunkują i kształtują mechanizmy lub organizacje, takie jak „rynki” lub firmy. Analizują także instytucje zapewniające społeczne warunki funkcjonowania gospodarki, których przykładami są zarówno kodeksy prawne, jak i normy kulturowe. Wreszcie – badają wpływ gospodarki na nieekonomiczne wymiary społeczeństwa, w tym na przykład na systemy polityczne. Polska myśl instytucjonalna, wpisując się w ten globalny dyskurs, może również kształtować kierunki interpretacji zjawisk społeczno-gospodarczych, pokazując konsekwencje dokonywanych wyborów w szerokim, ale uwarunkowanym lokalnie i historycznie kontekście instytucjonalnym. Z wprowadzenia do książki.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-237-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-236-8
- Page Count: 296
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Polish
Wkład Mikołaja Kopernika do rozwoju myśli ekonomicznej i jego percepcja przez polskich uczonych
Wkład Mikołaja Kopernika do rozwoju myśli ekonomicznej i jego percepcja przez polskich uczonych
(Copernicus’s contribution to the development of economic thought and its perception by Polish scholars)
- Author(s):Mirosław Bochenek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Economic history
- Page Range:19-34
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:monetary treatises by Copernicus;law of inferior money;bullion theory of money;
- Summary/Abstract:Nicolaus Copernicus developed original concepts. Unfortunately, his writings remained unknown for 300 years. It took Polish scholars more than 200 years to discover and interpret them. The aim of this study is to identify his most important contributions to the field of economics, while the research problem is to try to assess their correct reading. In doing so, the deductive method and the method of critical analysis of literature were used. The author of this study has accessed works about Copernicus written by 125 writers. Of these, 73 dealt with the law of money circulation and only 21 with monetary theory. Of the first group, 36 recognised the Astronomer as the discoverer of the law of inferior money and almost as many attributed its authorship to Thomas Gresham. In contrast, 12 (one of whom later changed his mind) researchers considered Copernicus to be the founder of the bullion theory of money, 9 authors attributed to him a quantitative theory, and 2 ascribed to him the nominalist theory.
Współczesna ekonomia instytucjonalna w świetle metafizyki
Współczesna ekonomia instytucjonalna w świetle metafizyki
(Modern institutional economics from a perspective of metaphysics)
- Author(s):Jerzy Boehlke
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Metaphysics
- Page Range:35-48
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:metaphysics;institutional economics;methodology of sciences;hermeneutics;
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter aims to present and evaluate the metaphysical conditions and consequences of scientific cognition on the ground of modern institutional economics. The attempt made to identify the dominant way of defining metaphysics in institutional economics indicates the focus of methodological reflection in this area on syntactic and semantic analysis, that is, on the properties and structure of the concepts used. Questions of a metaphysical nature, concerning the meaning and “first” reasons for the existence of social entities ofan institutional nature have not, so far, received a satisfactory answer. The analysis of the syntactic and semantic aspects of metaphysics contributes to the growth of the number of possible interpretations and understandings of the concept of institutional order and the objects that constitute it, rather than to the determination of the “first” causes and meaning of the existence of the entities that constitute it. This is demonstrated by analysing the basic concepts and categories of institutional economics, such as example, institution, ownership, transaction costs, firm. In the light of hermeneutics, such effects of cognition are acceptable and, with the current state of methodological knowledge, practically only possible. However, this is not enough to discover the truth about the world of institutions in the classical sense. Building further interpretations and ways of understanding institutional entities is still possible and necessary. However, this does not exempt economists from the search for the truth about the institutional order, the criterion of which is experience.
O filozofii ekonomii, której nie potrzebuje ekonomia
O filozofii ekonomii, której nie potrzebuje ekonomia
(On philosophy of economics which economics does not need)
- Author(s):Bartosz Scheuer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Economy
- Page Range:49-60
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:philosophy of economics;methodology of economics;philosophy of science;realism;antirealism;philosophy of culture;
- Summary/Abstract:Philosophy, including economic philosophy, is usually considered a privileged field of study. Therefore, it is rarely considered that it may be irrelevant or even harmful to the economics. There are two main areas of consideration in contemporary economic philosophy. The first is the application of the philosophy of science to economics, the second is the problem of realism of assumptions in economic models and theories. In the chapter I indicate the reasons why the arrangements made in both of these areas are unnecessary for economics. The conclusion of the considerations is that economics needs, above all, a philosophy of culture, because as a science it should be perceived as a field of culture.
Co czeka nauki ekonomiczne?
Co czeka nauki ekonomiczne?
(What awaits economic sciences?)
- Author(s):Marian Gorynia
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Education
- Page Range:61-72
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:economic sciences;economic education;
- Summary/Abstract:The author intends to formulate a set of remarks on the expected future of economic sciences (an answer to the question: what will it probably be like?), and also to present recommendations on what should be done in the sphere of the development of economic sciences to increase their impact in the sphere of social agency and usefulness. In this chapter the author refers to several selected threads/aspects of the issue raised in the title. The choice is arbitrary and selective and refers to the author’s publications in which he posted his thoughts on the topics discussed. Several parts are distinguished in the structure of the text. The first one contains the answer to the question: why are the subject of the discussion here the economic sciences and not economics itself? The second part touched upon the topic of developing scientific research at the level of academic degrees and the title of professor. The third part develops thoughts on teaching economics at the academic and higher education levels. In the fourth part, the attention was focused on economic education at the primary and secondary school levels. Finally, in the fifth part, attention was focused on universal economic education beyond universities and schools.
Zmiana instytucjonalna z perspektywy instytucji formalnych i nieformalnych
Zmiana instytucjonalna z perspektywy instytucji formalnych i nieformalnych
(Institutional change from the perspective of formal and informal institutions)
- Author(s):Julia Jastrząbek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:73-84
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:institutional change;institutions;
- Summary/Abstract:This study aims to present models of institutional change from the perspective of both formal and informal institutions. Based on a critical literature review, it addresses the question of which institutions – formal or informal – play a predominant role in models of institutional change. The conclusion drawn is that in the contemporary world, institutions, particularly the formal ones, are quite fragile and prone to change. The pervasive sense of uncertainty across various domains of life discourages decision-making with a long-term perspective. However, it is essential to highlight the significant role that informal institutions also play in this context. The interaction between formal and informal institutions is bidirectional, and sometimes informal institutions evolve gradually and evolutionarily under the influence of formal ones, and sometimes the reverse occurs.
Finanse publiczne w świetle ekonomii instytucjonalnej
Finanse publiczne w świetle ekonomii instytucjonalnej
(Public finances in the light of institutional economics)
- Author(s):Stanisław Owsiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Public Finances
- Page Range:85-100
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:institutional economics;public finances;social contract;trust;transaction costs;allocative efficiency;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is to examine the extent to which the institutional economics method can be useful for analysing phenomena and processes in the area of public finances. Based on a critical analysis of the literature, the work takes into account the achievements of institutional economics. Key concepts of institutional economics were selected for consideration, such as: contract, social contract, transaction costs, trust, allocative efficiency. It was examined to what extent these tools can be helpful in explaining phenomena and processes in public finances. The mission of the chapter is also to encourage economists dealing with institutional economics to take broader account of the theory and public finances in their research. Based on the analysis of selected categories of institutional economics, in the final part of the work, an attempt was made to assess public finances in Poland.
O niektórych nowszych interpretacjach zasady niezależności banku centralnego
O niektórych nowszych interpretacjach zasady niezależności banku centralnego
(On some recent interpretations of the central bank independence principle)
- Author(s):Andrzej Wojtyna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:101-113
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:central bank independence;accountability;macroeconomic and financial stability;populism;Global Financial Crisis;
- Summary/Abstract:Between the mid-1990s and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) central bank independence was a generally accepted principle guiding monetary strategies and policies in both advanced and emerging market economies. During the GFC it became clear that the responsibility of central banks goes beyond macroeconomic stability and has to encompass financial stability as well. This largely unexpected broadening of central banks’ mandate posed new theoretical and practical challenges and dilemmas. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have further complicated the already difficult trade-offs and have increased the role of interactions between economic and political factors. The aim of the chapteris to present and assess some new directions in research that emphasize these interactions. The recent arguments of some leading economists are cited, confronted, and discussed. The chapter also draws attention to the development of research on the central bank independence principle in the area of political economy and politics. The chapter concludes that there is a necessity to complement the research with the case studies of specific countries in specific periods, which makes it possible to capture specific aspects and institutional details that, at certain moments in history, may determine far-reaching changes in the functioning of central banks, and consequently in the entire economy. Hence the economic history return is observed.
Instytucjonalne i historyczne wymiary ewolucji form pieniądza
Instytucjonalne i historyczne wymiary ewolucji form pieniądza
(Institutional and historical dimensions of the money evolution)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Zaleska, Magdalena Kozińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Political economy
- Page Range:115-127
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:money;banknotes;coins;electronic money;central banks;central bank digital currency;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is to show the evolution of forms of money, indicating the institutional determinants of changes. The analysis presented in the chapter shows that over the centuries – with the development of the economy and the increasing importance of trade – the nature and role of money have changed. At the same time, forms of money have also evolved – from primitive payers to modern electronic or digital money. The evolutionof money was however supported by institutional changes in the economies and financial systems. Currently, fiat money coexists in the form of physical cash and electronic money, what results and is backed by evolved role of the central bank. The presented evolution of the forms of money confirms also a paradox of banknotes – on the one hand, there is a reductionin the role of cash in payment systems, and on the other hand, there is an increase in demand for high-denomination banknotes due to the value storage motive. The role of cash increases in times of crisis. At the same time, central banks are working on a new form of money – central bank digital currency (CBDC). The dual role of central banks in the provision of money (physical and electronic) to the economy is a proof of the strong institutional background in the evolution of the forms of money. The current phase of money evolutionis also connected with strengthening of the role of central banks in economic life thanks to the increase in their importance in areas that have not been their domain so far. To sum up, the presented analysis shows that the evolution of money is strongly dependent on the changing role of institutions in the economy. Currently, the decisive one is the central bank, which is the main entity shaping the evolution of money. However, this broad and expanding role (from purely physical to digital as well) strengthens the central banks themselves.
Ekonomia instytucjonalna i fenomen korporacji
Ekonomia instytucjonalna i fenomen korporacji
(Institutional economics and corporation phenomenon)
- Author(s):Anna Ząbkowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:129-138
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:business groups;transaction costs;bargaining power;dominant position;institutional political economy;
- Summary/Abstract:What is economic-institutional input in recognising business group activities and significance? The results of literature studies are contained in two major sections. Section1 informs about respective findings derived from Williamson’s and North’s theories constituting the core of new institutional economics. Section 2 presents respective extracts from inputs in economic-political thought by such institutionalists as Commons and Galbraith. The comparison inclines the author to following claims. Although the first strand of thought, thanks to Northian studies, recognizes politics in institutional environment of firm, it basically tends to avoid problems of power and subordination. The other strand claims that these problems do matter in economic analysis because due to concentration of power and wealth business groups enjoy advantage both in the economy and polity. The conclusion says that this dominant position of business groups must not be overlooked because of its practical consequences for economic diagnosis and policies.
Własność państwowa we współczesnej gospodarce – znaczenie, funkcje
Własność państwowa we współczesnej gospodarce – znaczenie, funkcje
(State ownership in the contemporary economy – meaning, functions)
- Author(s):Maciej Bałtowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Economic policy
- Page Range:141-153
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:state-owned enterprise;function of state-owned enterprises;
- Summary/Abstract:Among the wide range of factors and institutional conditions affecting the economy and being the subject of economists’ research, state ownership in the economy – its types, importance and functions – often seems to be misunderstood. The aim of this chapter is to make an attempt, partly original, at a contemporary approach to state ownership (state-owned enterprises) in economics. The chapter consists of four parts. In the first one, I present the controversies related to the separation and definition of state ownership and state-owned enterprises. In the second one, I show the importance and place of state-owned enterprises in the economy and in modern, very diverse economies. In the third part, I discuss the functions of state-owned enterprises. In conclusion, I formulate some comments and conclusions of a more general nature.
Czy ziemia i kapitał to wciąż odrębne czynniki produkcji? Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania finansyzacji ziemi na obszarach wiejskich
Czy ziemia i kapitał to wciąż odrębne czynniki produkcji? Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania finansyzacji ziemi na obszarach wiejskich
(Are land and capital still separate factors of production? Institutional determinants of land financialisation in rural areas)
- Author(s):Bazyli Czyżewski, Aleksander Grzelak, Anna Matuszczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:155-169
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:land;capital;financialisation in rural areas;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter is a voice in the discussion of the need to develop a separate theory for the factor of land and land rent, arguing the thesis that the institutional constraints of land financialisation in rural areas are so persistent and socially adequate that reducing land to another type of capital is theoretically inappropriate. The financialisation of agriculturall and results in its inevitable outflow to other uses, which is socially undesirable both from the perspective of environmental common goods, as well as from the perspective of food security and the agrarian question viewed through the lens of agricultural income deprivation. The financialisation of land thus provides a rationale for deeper and more precise regulation of agricultural land circulation. From the farmer’s point of view, land will never be just an income stream discounted by an alternative rate of return, at least not in the European Model of Agriculture. In conclusion, the development of land factor economics and land rent theory is needed as the sources of land rent evolve, particularly in the context of global criteria that will inevitably determine the individual perspective over time.
Płaca minimalna jako instytucja rynku pracy
Płaca minimalna jako instytucja rynku pracy
(Minimum wage as an institution of the labour market)
- Author(s):Baha Kalinowska-Sufinowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Economic policy
- Page Range:171-180
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:minimum wage;labour market;earnings;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is to present the essence of the minimum wage understood asan institution of the labour market. The concept of minimum wage and its understanding in the development of economic thought were presented in the first part. Next, current and contemporary aspects of the minimum wage in Poland and chosen other EU countries were stated. Thereafter, arguments for and against the functioning and increase of the minimum wage were presented. Subsequently, the discussion on the doubts raised by minimum wages functioning in the economy was covered. The methods used in the chapter are critical literature analysis,logical analysis and simple methods of descriptive statistics. The conclusions of the presented analyses are included in the end. They are open-ended, i.e. the legitimacy of increasing minimum wages is determined by the economic situation, and can also be considered from the point of view of the function that the minimum wage should perform in the economy and in society.
System finansowy a wzrost gospodarczy – czy instytucje mają znaczenie?
System finansowy a wzrost gospodarczy – czy instytucje mają znaczenie?
(Financial system – economic growth nexus – do institutions matter?)
- Author(s):Ryszard Kokoszczyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:181-191
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:financial system;economic growth;institutions;
- Summary/Abstract:Financial system – economic growth nexus has been a popular subject of empirical research for three decades. Studies conducted before the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) seemed to be dominated by a widely accepted conclusion that the financial system affected positively growth and that the direction of causality was from finance to growth. Studies conducted after the GFC are less conclusive. Some of them support the previous conclusion, while others suggest the lack there of or that interactions between the financial system and economic growth are nonlinear and may vary depending on the level of development, the structure of the economy etc. The GFC also introduced explicitly the role of institutions as moderators for the financial system–economic growth interactions. The recent decade brought some empirical support for that. This chapter surveys both strands of this literature and also shows results for Poland, both published previously and conducted by the author specifically for this study, These results support similar conclusions for Poland as those for other countries.
Korporacje w procesie finansjalizacji środowiska przyrodniczego.
Korporacje w procesie finansjalizacji środowiska przyrodniczego.
(Corporations in the process of financialising the natural environment)
- Author(s):Hanna Pondel, Yanina Dymitrowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Business Ethics
- Page Range:193-203
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:financialisation;natural environment;transnational corporations;deforestation;land grabbing;
- Summary/Abstract:The processes of commodification, privatisation, and securitisation of natural environmental components are strongly evident in the socio-economic sphere. The aim of the chapter is to present and assess the place of transnational corporations in the financialization of the natural environment, with a focus on two areas – deforestation and land grabbing. Currently, a significant portion of deforestation is attributable to consumers in wealthy countries, with approximately a quarter of global forest loss resulting from deforestation driven by resource extraction and the expansion of large industrial corporations. Land grabbing is a consequence of changes in land management as a factor of production and the increasing importance of land as an investment and speculative asset. The interest of global entities in environmental goods is primarily associated with the potential benefits that presence in this market can bring, compounded by issues with the real valuation of environmental resources, weak effects of available regulatory instruments, and the weaknesses of global organizations. The analysis of the research problem was conducted based on literature studies, using descriptive statistical methods.
Przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne – fenomen i jego trwałość
Przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne – fenomen i jego trwałość
(Family businesses – the phenomenon and its stability)
- Author(s):Jerzy Węcławski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:205-215
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:family firm model;family firms goals;family business age;
- Summary/Abstract:Family-owned businesses are a significant part of the economy in many countries. It is a highly differentiated population which makes it difficult to formulate a clear definition of them. The aim of this chapter is to determine the social and economic characteristics of family businesses, their changes during the business life cycle and their ability to carry out succession. The research method was a review of the research results of other authors, mainly foreign. The conclusions of the research indicate the possibility of a positive or negative impact of the specific characteristics of family businesses on their activities. In the long term, the character of typical family enterprises is mainly retained by small and medium-sized enterprises. The diversification of ownership and professionalisation of large family enterprises makes their family character mainly of an image nature.
Przedsiębiorstwa państwowe – kontrowersyjne instytucje II Rzeczypospolitej
Przedsiębiorstwa państwowe – kontrowersyjne instytucje II Rzeczypospolitej
(State enterprises – controversial institutions of the Second Polish Republic)
- Author(s):Urszula Zagóra-Jonszta
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic history, Economic policy
- Page Range:217-229
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:state-owned enterprises;the Second Polish Republic;large-scale industrial spheres;
- Summary/Abstract:State enterprises in the Second Polish Republic aroused enormous controversy. Their existence was not in line with the liberal doctrine dominating economic theory, which was clearly emphasized by academic thought. They were also the subject of sharp criticism from representatives of large industry, who saw them as competition for the private sector. Even government circles also spoke critically against them. Despite this, the state sector continued to develop, constituting approximately 20% of national wealth in the late 1930s. The chapter presents the position of large industry towards state enterprises. Attention was drawn to the duplicity of economic spheres, on the one hand criticizing state sector, and the other demanding subsidies, tax breaks and government orders from the state.
Jakość respektowania instytucji w krajach posttransformacyjnych
Jakość respektowania instytucji w krajach posttransformacyjnych
(Quality of enforcement of institutions in post-transition countries)
- Author(s):Maria Lissowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Economic history, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Economic development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:233-242
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:institutions;informal institutions;formal institutions;enforcement;transition;
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter intends to comment on the insufficient respect of formal institutions inpost-transition countries. It is very important to distinguish formal and informal institutions,because during the transition to market economy, only formal institutions changed, while informal ones were left unchanged. This situation brought about a potential conflict between the two. We analyze the results of this conflict and the need to enhance the enforcement of formal institutions. Among others, the policy can play a role in this enhancement.
Konwergencja i dywergencja instytucji państwa w krajach postsocjalistycznych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
Konwergencja i dywergencja instytucji państwa w krajach postsocjalistycznych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
(Convergence and divergence of state institutions in post-socialist countries in Central-Eastern Europe)
- Author(s):Bartosz Totleben, Dawid Piątek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Governance, Public Administration, Economic history, Economic policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:243-255
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:institutional change;post-socialist transition;state institutions;economic freedom;political freedom;governance quality;institutional convergence;institutional divergence;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter addresses the issue of institutional changes in post-socialist countries. Its objective is to present the changes in the levels of political, economic freedom, and governance quality in these countries, and to examine whether there has been convergence or divergenceof state institutions in post-socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe compared to selected European Union members. A study was conducted using sigma convergence fordata from 1990 to 2022, examining indicators of economic freedom, political freedom, and governance quality. In terms of economic freedom, convergence was confirmed in all analyzed country groups. The direction of political freedom changes was varied. Convergence was confirmed in the Baltic and Southeastern European countries, with ambiguous results for Central Europe and divergence in Eastern Europe. Similarly, changes in governance quality closely mirrored those of economic freedom. Convergence was apparent across all groups within the studied time frame, except for the Central European group. Here, divergence was noted from 2004 to 2022, although statistically insignificant over the entire period.
Poziom niepewności makroekonomicznej w Polsce
Poziom niepewności makroekonomicznej w Polsce
(Level of macroeconomic uncertainty in Poland)
- Author(s):Jacek Pietrucha
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:257-270
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:uncertainty;text mining;text data
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter reviews methods for measuring uncertainty and then measures the level of uncertainty in Poland. A new indicator based on data from an internet search engine was used to measure macroeconomic uncertainty. Indicators using data from consumer surveys were also calculated. Other measures were also used for comparative purposes, including those prepared by the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission. The information value of individual indicators is different, which is consistent with previous research. The macroeconomic uncertainty indicator using data from an Internet browser shows significant similarities to indicators calculated using survey data (GUS, ECB), especially those relating to households, with a significant difference in the period of inflation. These results should not be interpreted from the point of view of the weaknesses of individual research approaches - but rather as an indication that individual measures show partial knowledge about the multi-faceted and highly fuzzy phenomenon of uncertainty. An indicator based on data from an internet search engine shows interesting features and is worth continuing to work on.
Instytucjonalne paradoksy. Dlaczego dobre intencje dają złe efekty w skali państw i przedsiębiorstw i jak temu zaradzić?
Instytucjonalne paradoksy. Dlaczego dobre intencje dają złe efekty w skali państw i przedsiębiorstw i jak temu zaradzić?
(Institutional paradoxes. Why good intentions give bad results for countries and enterprises and how to deal with it?)
- Author(s):Jan Polowczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:271-282
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:institution;paradox;institutional perspective;behavioral approach;diversity;inclusion;
- Summary/Abstract:The main goal of the chapter is to present the concept of institutional paradox. Innovations, hypercompetition and growing social demands create an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. In this situation, the paradox becomes an important concept facilitating the understanding and management of contemporary organisations. Traditional organisation theory assumes that science allows us to objectively discover the truth and formulate recommendations for politicians and managers. The concept of paradox assumes that knowledge and understanding arise from the confrontation of opposing but coexisting dynamic forces in social contexts. Paradox helps in accepting different views and supports tolerance for diversity. The chapter consists of four parts, which present: the concept of paradox, the institutional perspective, the paradoxes of macroeconomic development and the paradoxes of enterprise development.
Instytucje w aspekcie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu
Instytucje w aspekcie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu
(Institutions in the aspect of the Corporate Social Responsibility concept)
- Author(s):Grażyna Wolska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:283-296
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:education;CSR;higher education;quality of education;
- Summary/Abstract:An effective institutional system has a direct impact on the efficient functioning of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept. It also helps reduce uncertainty and disruptions in the flow of information. The aim of the study is to prove that an efficient institutional system determines the optimization of the implementation of the CSR idea. There search methods used in the work are primarily critical literature studies, the hermeneutical method (striving to interpret texts in accordance with the intentions of their authors), logical and semantic analysis, conceptualisation (introducing and defining concepts), the principle of Occam’s razor (simplicity of argument, avoiding issues that are not necessary to solve the problem). The analyses carried out in the text show that effective institutions influence the level of implementation of the CSR idea and that the CSR concept then has a chance to be found not only in the sphere of intellectual disputes, but also in the sphere of interest of representatives of state institutions.