DILEME DEMOKRATSKE NACIJE I AUTONOMIJE - ogledi o političkoj tranziciji u Srbiji
DILEMMA OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATION AND AUTONOMY - essays on the political transition in Serbia
Author(s): Jovan Komšić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Theory, Civil Society, Governance, Government/Political systems, Political behavior, Politics and society, Geopolitics, Politics and Identity
Published by: Centar za regionalizam
Keywords: political transition; Serbia; democracy; Quasi-Statehood
Summary/Abstract: This book comprises essays on political transition in Serbia, written in the 1997 – 2006 period. Twenty-four works are devoted to sociological and politicological-legal aspects of the great changes in the now already considerably differentiated world of post-communism. Particular attention is focused on the problems of an overdue and deformed transition in Serbia, meaning that in the centre of the analysis there are complex interactions of culture and institutional structure in a society that has not yet emerged from the grip of a deep crisis of the change and has not resolved still numerous dilemmas in the confrontation with the many “shocks of the reality”. This relationship may actually be taken as the “red thread” of the topically various reflections of political controversies and theoretic-ideological dilemmas concerning the aims, contents, pace and means of building a modern state and nation, as well as of consolidation of democracy in a heterogeneous (multicultural, pluralist) social setting of Vojvodina and Serbia as a whole. All this has, therefore, caused the essays, the majority of which have so far been published in thematic anthologies and periodicals, to be grouped in this book in five topical wholes.
- Print-ISBN-13: 86-7549-532-3
- Page Count: 576
- Publication Year: 2006
- Language: Serbian
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction