МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ДОСВІД ФІНАНСУВАННЯ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАД (на прикладі формування мережевої інфраструктури)
International Experience of Financing sustainable Development of Communities (on the Example of Network Infrastructure Formation)
Author(s): D. I., Oilynyk
Subject(s): Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: НІСД Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень
Summary/Abstract: The analytical report analyzes the European and international experience of financing the investment development of communities using the example of the deployment of network infrastructure and the construction of "smart" cities and "smart" communities. Special attention is paid to the role of technical regulation in the implementation of strategic priorities for the deployment of integrated network infrastructure of territorial communities, sustainable mobility and automation within the framework of the EU Global Strategy "Shared Vision, Shared Action: Strengthening Europe". For politicians, regulators, experts, scientists, specialists, subjects of authority, representatives of public organizations and individual citizens, everyone who is interested in the problems of the future development of territorial communities. The publication can be useful during the development and adoption of legislative acts that will regulate legal relations in this area.
Series: Аналітична доповідь
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-966-554-293-3
- Page Count: 48
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Ukrainian
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction