Inclusion of people with disabilities – good practices in Poland after joining the EU Cover Image

Inkluzja osób z niepełnosprawnością – dobre praktyki w Polsce po przystąpieniu do UE
Inclusion of people with disabilities – good practices in Poland after joining the EU

Author(s): Dorota Kobus-Ostrowska, Maria Agnieszka Paszkowicz
Subject(s): Economy, Sociology, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: people with disabilities; well-being; corporate social responsibility (CSR); occupational health and safety (OSH); supported employment
Summary/Abstract: The monograph aims to explain the essential concepts and indicate the benefits and costs generated by using CSR in the enterprise and services supporting people with disabilities as part of supported employment. The monograph’s unique nature is reflected in its composition, which is visible both in the structure and content. The monograph consists of four chapters. The first chapter, devoted to disability, emphasizes that people with disabilities can be active in many areas of life. However, this activity is possible with the support of many people and organizations and the determination of ON. Chapter two covers corporate social responsibility; it explains the concept of CSR, emphasizing its multi-aspect nature. It also discusses CSR tools and indicates the benefits and costs of using the CSR concept. The third chapter analyzes selected ESG reporting issues, including human rights, employee health and well-being, and occupational health and safety. The fourth chapter presents the practical dimension of CSR. The authors explain the theoretical and practical aspects of supported employment in Poland.The uniqueness of the prepared monograph can be seen in its theoretical, empirical, and applied nature. This is where an attempt was made to verify the question - what good practices do employers use about disabled employees? Including the most critical problems of theory and practice in one literature, as well as identifying activities carried out in Poland that confirm the social responsibility of entrepreneurs and good practices within the framework of supported employment, is its most significant value.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-633-8
  • Page Count: 112
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Polish
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