Židé v Čechách 4 - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 17. a 18. října 2012 v Trutnově
Jews in Bohemia 4 - Collection of papers from the seminar held on October 17 and 18, 2012 in Trutnov
Contributor(s): Monika Hanková (Editor), Vlastimila Hamáčková (Editor)
Subject(s): Cultural history, Jewish studies, Agriculture, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, Demography and human biology, History of Antisemitism
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Jews; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; modern age; 20th century; ethnohistory; minorities; agriculture; merchants; demography;
Summary/Abstract: On October 17-18 2012 in Trutnov, the Jewish Museum in Prague, in collaboration with the State District Archive in Trutnov and the Museum of Podkrkonoší in Trutnov, hosted the fourth meeting of archivists, historians, and regional museum workers focused on Jewish history in the Czech Republic, particularly modern issues and border regions' history. The seminar included discussions on the contribution of Jews to industrial business development, the history of individual Jewish communities, and lesser-known Jewish personalities in both Czech and world history. It also covered broader demographic research results and the documentation of immovable monuments. The next seminar was planned for autumn 2014 in Teplice, with an expanded focus on post-1945 Jewish history in the Czech Republic. The authors are responsible for their studies' content, and the spelling of "žid" or "Žid" is left to their discretion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-33-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-33-2
- Page Count: 274
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Czech
Židovská čtvrť v Údlicích z pohledu daňové evidence
Židovská čtvrť v Údlicích z pohledu daňové evidence
(The Jewish Quarter in Údlice from the Perspective of Tax Records)
- Author(s):Michaela Balášová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, History of Judaism, Demography and human biology, 19th Century
- Page Range:3-14
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Údlice; Jewish quarter; synagogue; 19th century; population decline; fire;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish quarter in Údlice, located in northwestern Bohemia, was a significant settlement from the 15th century, with Jewish inhabitants possibly arriving as early as the late 15th century. By the mid-18th century, the quarter had its own synagogue, school, and hospital, and housed around 15 buildings. The Jewish population peaked in the early 19th century, with over 600 residents. However, a fire in 1815 destroyed most of the quarter, sparing only the synagogue. Despite rebuilding efforts, the Jewish population began to decline in the latter half of the 19th century, and by the early 20th century, the community had significantly diminished. The quarter was eventually integrated into the broader town structure, and many of its buildings were demolished or repurposed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Otisky zaniklého světa (K užívání a podobě židovských pečetí v 17. a 18. století)
Otisky zaniklého světa (K užívání a podobě židovských pečetí v 17. a 18. století)
(Imprints of a Disappeared World (On the Use and Form of Jewish Seals in the 17th and 18th Centuries))
- Author(s):Hana Legnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:15-32
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Jewish seals; 17th and 18th century; Bohemia; State Regional Archive; material culture; genealogy;
- Summary/Abstract:The study explores the use and appearance of Jewish seals in 17th and 18th century Bohemia, focusing on the limited physical artifacts that can be definitively linked to specific individuals. It highlights the challenges in identifying Jewish seals due to their scarcity in national collections and the predominance of seals attached to official documents. The research draws on materials from several estates in the State Regional Archive in Litoměřice, revealing the presence of Jewish seals on various administrative documents. The study also examines the variability in the design of these seals, noting influences from both Jewish tradition and contemporary non-Jewish styles. It underscores the importance of these seals in understanding the material and spiritual culture of their owners. The findings include detailed descriptions of the seals' physical characteristics, such as size, shape, and imagery, which often featured zodiac signs and traditional Jewish symbols. The study concludes that Jewish seals provide valuable insights into the genealogy, social status, and cultural practices of the Jewish community in early modern Bohemia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Po stopách židovské menšiny v Horním Litvínově
Po stopách židovské menšiny v Horním Litvínově
(Following the Traces of the Jewish Minority in Horní Litvínov)
- Author(s):Jana Sýkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:33-49
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Jewish minority; Horní Litvínov; World War II; refugees; businesses; deportation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document traces the history of the Jewish minority in Horní Litvínov, starting from the late 18th century when Jews sporadically appeared in the area. It details the gradual increase in the Jewish population, their involvement in local industries, and their contributions to the town's development. Notable Jewish figures included businessmen and professionals who played significant roles in the community. The document also covers the impact of World War I and the subsequent influx of Jewish refugees from Galicia. It highlights the flourishing Jewish businesses in the interwar period and the challenges they faced during the economic crises of the 1920s and 1930s. The narrative continues with the tragic events of World War II, including the deportation and extermination of many Jewish residents. Post-war, the document notes the return of some Jewish survivors and their efforts to rebuild their lives. The history concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Jewish community on Horní Litvínov.
- Price: 4.50 €
Po stopách židovského osídlení města Planá
Po stopách židovského osídlení města Planá
(Following the Traces of Jewish Settlement in the Town of Planá)
- Author(s):Markéta Novotná
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:50-64
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Planá; archival materials; synagogues; expulsion; cultural impact;
- Summary/Abstract:The document explores the history of Jewish settlement in the town of Planá, located near Mariánské Lázně, from the late 16th century. It highlights the challenges in documenting this history due to the scarcity of sources and the loss of many original documents. The study relies on various archival materials, including manuscripts by local historians and records from the State Regional Archive in Tachov. It details the presence of Jewish residents, their contributions to the local economy, and the establishment of Jewish institutions such as synagogues and cemeteries. The narrative also covers the expulsion of Jews in the late 17th century and their subsequent return in the 18th century. The document concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Jewish community on the town's cultural and historical landscape.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé na Trutnovsku v 18. století
Židé na Trutnovsku v 18. století
(Jews in the Trutnov Area in the 18th Century)
- Author(s):Pavel R. Zahradník
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Demography and human biology, 18th Century
- Page Range:65-70
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Jewish community; Trutnov; 18th century; Familiant Law; Joseph II; economic activities;
- Summary/Abstract:The document examines the history of the Jewish community in the Trutnov region during the 18th century, a period marked by significant changes in state policies towards Jews, including the Familiant Law and various reforms by Joseph II. It utilizes Jewish censuses from 1723-1724, 1783, 1793, and 1799, as well as archival materials from the State District Archive in Trutnov. The study highlights the earliest mentions of Jews in the region, dating back to the 16th century, and details the Jewish population's economic activities, such as trade and crafts. It also discusses the impact of regulatory measures like the numerus clausus and the expulsion of Jews in 1744. The document further explores the reforms of Joseph II, which aimed at modernizing the state and included significant changes in the economic, educational, and legal status of Jews. The narrative concludes with the Jewish community's contributions to the local economy and their gradual integration into broader society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé pod Vraními horami (dvě kapitoly z regionálních dějin 20. století)
Židé pod Vraními horami (dvě kapitoly z regionálních dějin 20. století)
(Jews under the Vraní Mountains (Two Chapters from the Regional History of the 20th Century))
- Author(s):Vlastimil Málek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Regional Geography, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:71-90
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Jewish population; Žacléř; Holocaust; forced labor camps; census data; Nazi occupation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document details the Jewish population in the Žacléř region, highlighting their presence from the late 19th century through the interwar period and World War II. It notes the decline in the Jewish population due to emigration and the impact of the Holocaust. The text provides statistical data from various censuses, showing the small and decreasing number of Jews in the area. It also discusses the establishment of forced labor camps during World War II, where Jewish women were subjected to harsh conditions and forced labor. The document mentions specific families and individuals, their contributions to local industries, and the tragic fate of many during the Nazi occupation. Post-war, the Jewish community's remnants faced significant challenges in rebuilding their lives. The narrative concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Jewish community on the region's history and culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stavitel Konrad Kuhn a jeho plány trutnovské synagogy
Stavitel Konrad Kuhn a jeho plány trutnovské synagogy
(Builder Konrad Kühn and His Plans for the Trutnov Synagogue)
- Author(s):Roman Reil
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Judaism, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:91-99
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Jewish community; Trutnov; synagogue; Kristallnacht; Konrad Kühn; Nazi occupation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document explores the history of the Jewish religious community in Trutnov, focusing on the construction and fate of the Trutnov synagogue. It highlights the contributions of notable architects like Konrad Kühn and Johann Blažek, who designed the synagogue and other significant buildings in the region. The text details the establishment of the synagogue in 1885, its architectural features, and the community's efforts to maintain it. It also covers the tragic events of Kristallnacht in 1938, which led to the synagogue's destruction. The document includes information on the Jewish population's economic activities and the impact of Nazi occupation during World War II. It concludes with reflections on the preservation of Jewish heritage and the challenges faced in documenting the community's history due to the loss of many original records.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovský hřbitov Bezdružice
Židovský hřbitov Bezdružice
(Jewish Cemetery in Bezdružice)
- Author(s):Václav Chvátal
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:100-106
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Bezdružice; synagogue; cemetery; restoration; gravestones;
- Summary/Abstract:The document details the history of the Jewish settlement in Bezdružice, starting from 1694. It highlights the establishment of the Jewish community and cemetery in the mid-18th century, noting the preservation of several original Jewish houses despite modern renovations. The synagogue, built in 1812 in a classicist style, was destroyed by the Nazis in 1938 but remains a cultural monument. The cemetery, once neglected, underwent extensive restoration between 2011 and 2012, revealing 185 gravestones, including the oldest from 1762. The document also discusses the discovery of Jewish gravestones used as construction material in the 20th century and their subsequent return to the cemetery. It emphasizes the unique architectural and epigraphic features of the gravestones, such as plant motifs and the use of matronymics. The restoration efforts were supported by German volunteers and local organizations, highlighting the collaborative nature of the project.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovští obchodníci s českým sklem na světových trzích
Židovští obchodníci s českým sklem na světových trzích
(Jewish Merchants of Czech Glass on World Markets)
- Author(s):Jitka Lněničková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:107-113
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Jewish merchants; Bohemian glass; Lötz glassworks; Central Europe; archival sources; global trade;
- Summary/Abstract:The document investigates the role of Jewish merchants in the global trade of Bohemian glass from 1900 to 1914, focusing on the Lötz glassworks in Klášterský Mlýn. It highlights the significant contributions of Jewish-owned firms in Central Europe, despite the challenges in tracing these connections due to limited archival sources. The study examines the business relationships between the Lötz glassworks and its Jewish customers, who were involved in various sectors, including retail, wholesale, and luxury goods. It also discusses the geographical distribution of these customers, with a notable presence in Eastern Europe, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The document provides detailed accounts of specific Jewish firms and their orders, illustrating the diversity and extent of their involvement in the glass trade. The research underscores the importance of Jewish merchants in the dissemination of Bohemian glass worldwide and their impact on the industry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovští podnikatelé ve lnářském průmyslu na Trutnovsku
Židovští podnikatelé ve lnářském průmyslu na Trutnovsku
(Jewish Entrepreneurs in the Flax Industry in the Trutnov Area)
- Author(s):Bohumír Smutný
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:114-129
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Jewish entrepreneurs; linen industry; Trutnov; mechanical flax spinning; Nazi occupation; nationalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The document examines the role of Jewish entrepreneurs in the linen industry in the Trutnov region during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It highlights the establishment of the first mechanical flax spinning mill in 1836 by Johann Faltis and the subsequent involvement of Jewish businessmen like Filip Morawetz, Jakob Oberländer, and Leopold Abeles. The text details the expansion of the industry, including the founding of additional mills and weaving factories by Jewish entrepreneurs such as the Buxbaum brothers and Josef Pfefferkorn. It also discusses the impact of World War I and the economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s on the industry. The document covers the Nazi occupation, the confiscation of Jewish-owned businesses, and the tragic fate of many Jewish entrepreneurs during the Holocaust. Post-war, it notes the nationalization of the textile industry and the challenges faced by surviving Jewish business owners in reclaiming their property.
- Price: 4.50 €
Chrastečtí Heislerovi
Chrastečtí Heislerovi
(The Heislers of Chrasteck)
- Author(s):Klára Habartová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 18th Century, 19th Century, History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:130-141
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Chrast; Heisler family; industries; Holocaust; nationalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The document details the history of the Jewish settlement in Chrast and its surroundings from the late 18th century, following the issuance of the Toleration Patent by Joseph II. It highlights the significant Jewish families, such as the Heisler family, who were prominent in various industries and became major employers in the region. The Heisler family established several factories, including a paper tip factory for cigars and cigarettes, a chemical factory producing pharmaceuticals, and a factory processing human hair. The document also covers the impact of World War II, including the confiscation of Jewish-owned businesses and the tragic fate of many Jewish residents during the Holocaust. Post-war, the document notes the nationalization of industries and the challenges faced by surviving Jewish business owners in reclaiming their property. The narrative concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Jewish community on the industrial and cultural development of Chrast.
- Price: 4.50 €
Hellerové na Kolínsku - obchodníci a podnikatelé v zemědělství a potravinářském průmyslu
Hellerové na Kolínsku - obchodníci a podnikatelé v zemědělství a potravinářském průmyslu
(The Hellers in the Kolín Area – Merchants and Entrepreneurs in Agriculture and the Food Industry)
- Author(s):Ladislav Jouza, Miroslava Jouzová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:142-190
- No. of Pages:49
- Keywords:Heller family; Kolín region; agriculture; synagogue; steam mill; Holocaust;
- Summary/Abstract:The document explores the activities of the Heller family in the Kolín region, focusing on the descendants of Elias Heller, a prominent Jewish merchant in Křinec. It details the family's contributions to local agriculture and the food industry, highlighting their involvement in the establishment of the Křinec synagogue and the Jewish cemetery. The text also covers the family's business ventures, including the operation of a mixed goods store and the management of various estates. The narrative includes the construction of a steam mill in Kolín by Moric and Raimund Heller, their involvement in the chicory drying industry, and their participation in local social and political life. The document concludes with the impact of World War II on the Heller family, including the confiscation of their properties and the tragic fate of many family members during the Holocaust.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dvojí exulant Herbert Poláček. Plzeňský rodák s kolínskými kořeny
Dvojí exulant Herbert Poláček. Plzeňský rodák s kolínskými kořeny
(The Double Exile Herbert Poláček. A Pilsen native with his roots in Kolín)
- Author(s):Karel Řeháček
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Communism, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:191-200
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Herbert Poláček; double exile; Nazism; Communism; persecution; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:The document chronicles the life of Herbert Poláček, a Jewish man from Pilsen, who became a double exile, first fleeing from Nazism and later from Communism. Born in 1906, Poláček's family had deep roots in Kolín's Jewish community. He pursued a legal career in Prague before escaping to the UK in 1939. His family faced severe persecution during the Nazi occupation, with his parents perishing in concentration camps. After World War II, Poláček returned to Czechoslovakia, only to flee again in 1949 due to the Communist regime, eventually settling in the UK. The narrative highlights his contributions to the Jewish community, his professional endeavors, and the family's struggles and resilience through the 20th century's tumultuous events.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Prague Rabbi“ z New Yorku aneb Victor Vorhand a aktivity židovských ortodoxních organizací v poválečném Československu (1945-1949)
„Prague Rabbi“ z New Yorku aneb Victor Vorhand a aktivity židovských ortodoxních organizací v poválečném Československu (1945-1949)
(The "Prague Rabbi" from New York, or Victor Vorhand, and the activities of Jewish Orthodox organizations in post-war Czechoslovakia (1945–1949))
- Author(s):Monika Hanková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:201-215
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Victor Vorhand; Agudas Jisroel; Vaad Hatzala; Jewish refugees; yeshiva; Jewish heritage;
- Summary/Abstract:The document discusses the activities of Rabbi Victor Vorhand, an orthodox rabbi who played a significant role in post-war Czechoslovakia. Born in 1912 in Hungary, Vorhand was involved in various Jewish organizations, including Agudas Jisroel and Vaad Hatzala. He organized the transport of Jewish orphans to the West and supported numerous Jewish families. After a brief period in Austria, he moved to the USA in the early 1950s, where he continued his work by establishing a congregation and supporting Jewish education and social services. The document highlights his efforts in aiding Jewish refugees, his involvement in the establishment of a yeshiva in Mariánské Lázně, and his contributions to the Jewish community in New York. Vorhand's legacy includes his dedication to preserving Jewish heritage and his impact on both European and American Jewish communities.
- Price: 4.50 €
7935 let Židů v Tachově, co s tím? Demografická sonda o stavu židovské komunity v Tachově v roce 1921
7935 let Židů v Tachově, co s tím? Demografická sonda o stavu židovské komunity v Tachově v roce 1921
(7935 years of Jews in Tachov, what about it? Demographic survey on the state of the Jewish community in Tachov in 1921)
- Author(s):Jan Edl
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Demography and human biology, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:216-238
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Jewish community; Tachov; census data; economic activities; World War I; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document provides a demographic analysis of the Jewish community in Tachov in 1921, based on census data and other archival sources. It highlights the age distribution, family structures, and economic activities of the Jewish population, noting a significant decline in numbers over the years. The study also examines the living conditions, including housing and employment, and the impact of historical events such as World War I and the subsequent economic crises. The document discusses the challenges in tracing the community's history due to the loss of many original records and the importance of preserving Jewish heritage. It concludes with reflections on the contributions of the Jewish community to the local economy and culture, despite the adversities they faced.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sňatková turistika v židovských obcích českého pohraničí vletech 1920-1935
Sňatková turistika v židovských obcích českého pohraničí vletech 1920-1935
(Wedding tourism in Jewish communities of the Czech border region in the years 1920–1935)
- Author(s):Lenka Matušíková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Tourism
- Page Range:239-256
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:marriage tourism; Jewish communities; Czech-German border; legal requirements; rabbis; investigations;
- Summary/Abstract:The document examines the phenomenon of "marriage tourism" among Jewish communities in the Czech-German border regions between 1920 and 1935. It highlights the practices of rabbis who conducted marriages for foreign Jews, often bypassing Czechoslovak legal requirements. The text details the involvement of various rabbis, the administrative challenges, and the subsequent investigations by Czechoslovak authorities. It also discusses the socio-political context, including the impact of World War I and the economic crises of the 1920s and 1930s. The document provides statistical data on the number of marriages recorded in Jewish religious communities and the legal repercussions for the rabbis involved. It concludes with reflections on the broader implications of these practices for Jewish communities and their legal standing in Czechoslovakia and neighboring countries.
- Price: 4.50 €
K osudu písemností židovských obcí okupovaného pohraničí
K osudu písemností židovských obcí okupovaného pohraničí
(On the fate of documents of Jewish communities of the occupied border region)
- Author(s):Vlastimila Hamáčková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:257-271
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Jewish community; confiscation; Nazi era; synagogue items; Gestapo; archival records;
- Summary/Abstract:The document investigates the confiscation and handling of Jewish community assets in the occupied border regions during the Nazi era, focusing on the records from the Stillhaltekommissar für Organisationen Reichenberg and related institutions. It highlights the detailed financial records, including securities, real estate, and movable property, but notes the lack of information on the historical or artistic value of synagogue items, which were often melted down for their silver content. The study also examines the fate of Jewish community documents, such as financial books and membership records, which were often seized by the Gestapo. It discusses the administrative processes involved in the confiscation and the subsequent handling of these assets, including the involvement of various local and regional archives. The document underscores the challenges in tracing the history of these assets due to the destruction and dispersal of records during and after World War II. It concludes with reflections on the importance of preserving Jewish heritage and the ongoing efforts to document and understand the impact of these confiscations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ediční poznámka
Ediční poznámka
(Editorial note)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Editorial
- Page Range:272-272
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial;
- Summary/Abstract:V říjnu 2012 uspořádalo Židovské muzeum v Praze ve spolupráci se Státním okresním archivem Trutnov a Muzeem Podkrkonoší v Trutnově v pořadí již čtvrté setkání archivářů, historiků a pracovníků regionálních muzeí, kteří se zabývají dějinami Židů v Cechách se zaměřením na novodobou problematiku a historii pohraničních oblastí.
Seznam autorù
Seznam autorù
(List of authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:273-273
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;