Židé v Čechách 2 - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 24. a 25. září 2008 v Nýrsku
Jews in Bohemia 2 - Collection of papers from the seminar held on September 24 and 25, 2008 in Nýrsko
Contributor(s): Monika Hanková (Editor), Markéta Lhotová (Editor), Vlastimila Hamáčková (Editor)
Subject(s): Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory, Military history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Health and medicine and law, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism, Migration Studies
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Jews; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; ethnohistory; modern age; 20th century; medicine; demography; education policy; migrations; communities;
Summary/Abstract: On September 24-25, 2008 in Nýrsko, the Museum of Královský hvozd in Nýrsko, in collaboration with the Jewish Museum in Prague, hosted the second seminar on Jewish history in Bohemia, focusing on modern issues and the history of Jews in border regions. The seminar included discussions on the stay of Galician refugees in Bohemia during World War I, the contribution of Jews to industrial business development, and Czech-German relations post-1945. Regional topics included the history of Jews in specific localities, activities inspired by the "Lost Neighbors" project, and the documentation of Jewish cemeteries. Not all contributions were included in the proceedings, but efforts were made to publish them in a planned third issue. The authors are responsible for their studies' content, and the spelling of "žid" or "Žid" is left to their discretion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-86889-96-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-86889-96-2
- Page Count: 167
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: Czech
Židovští uprchlíci z Haliče a Bukoviny na Klatovsku v období první světové války
Židovští uprchlíci z Haliče a Bukoviny na Klatovsku v období první světové války
(Jewish refugees from Galicia and Bukovina in the Klatovy region during the First World War)
- Author(s):Klára Habartová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Military history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), History of Antisemitism, Migration Studies
- Page Range:3-19
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Jewish refugees; Galicia; Bukovina; World War I; Habsburg monarchy; living conditions;
- Summary/Abstract:The document discusses the plight of Jewish refugees from Galicia and Bukovina during World War I, who were forced to flee their homes due to the conflict between Russian and Austro-Hungarian armies. These refugees traveled in large numbers to the interior of the Habsburg monarchy, primarily to Vienna and various regions in the Czech lands. They faced numerous hardships, including long journeys on foot or in overcrowded trains, and were often housed in inadequate conditions. The state and charitable organizations provided some support, including food, clothing, and medical care. Refugees were also subjected to health inspections and quarantines to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Despite these efforts, many refugees suffered from poor living conditions and high mortality rates. The document highlights the significant impact of these refugees on local communities, both positive and negative, and the ongoing challenges they faced even after the war ended.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podnikání ve sladkostech s trpkým koncem Velimská továrna na čokoládu, cukrovinky a kávové náhražky a rodina Glaserů
Podnikání ve sladkostech s trpkým koncem Velimská továrna na čokoládu, cukrovinky a kávové náhražky a rodina Glaserů
(A sweet business with a bitter end. The Velim chocolate, confectionery and coffee substitute factory and the Glaser family)
- Author(s):Ladislav Jouza, Miroslava Jouzová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century
- Page Range:20-49
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:Velim chocolate factory; Szalatnay; Glaser family; coffee substitutes; chewing gum; nationalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The Velim chocolate factory, established in 1869 by Jan Pavel Szalatnay and his cousin Justus Emanuel Szalatnay, initially produced coffee substitutes, chocolate, and malt. The factory evolved into a joint-stock company in 1872, producing various coffee substitutes and chocolate. The Glaser family, prominent in the business, expanded the factory's operations, including the production of chewing gum in the early 20th century. Despite challenges during the Great Depression and World War II, the factory continued to innovate and produce a wide range of confectionery products. After the war, the factory was nationalized and became part of the Czechoslovak national enterprise, focusing on candy production until its closure in 1994.
- Price: 4.50 €
Klara Fischer-Pollak (1899-1970) (Po)válečné osudy židovské lékařky z Karlových Varů
Klara Fischer-Pollak (1899-1970) (Po)válečné osudy židovské lékařky z Karlových Varů
(Klara Fischer-Pollak (1899–1970). The (post)war fate of a Jewish doctor from Karlovy Vary)
- Author(s):Monika Hanková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Health and medicine and law, 19th Century, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:50-70
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Klara Fischer-Pollak; Jewish doctor; Nazi occupation; Czech-German relations; post-war challenges; resilience;
- Summary/Abstract:Klara Fischer-Pollak, a Jewish doctor from Karlovy Vary, faced numerous hardships during and after World War II. Her life story reflects the suffering of Jews and mixed families during the Nazi occupation and the complex Czech-German relations post-1945. Despite being a capable and dedicated physician, she struggled with legal and social challenges due to her German nationality and Jewish heritage. After the war, she was nationalized and faced significant difficulties in reclaiming her property and resuming her medical practice. Her health deteriorated due to the physical and emotional toll of her experiences. Eventually, she emigrated to Bavaria, where she continued to face challenges but managed to rebuild her life and career. Klara's story is a poignant example of resilience and the struggle for recognition and stability in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
- Price: 4.50 €
Z našeho výzkumu týkajícího se Židů v městečku Bezdružice (Weseritz)
Z našeho výzkumu týkajícího se Židů v městečku Bezdružice (Weseritz)
(From our research on Jews in the town of Bezdružice (Weseritz))
- Author(s):Ingild Janda-Busl
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:71-78
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bezdružice; Jewish community; Löwenstein-Wertheim; Sinay family; Nazi occupation; synagogue;
- Summary/Abstract:The research on Jews in the town of Bezdružice (Weseritz) highlights the historical presence and contributions of the Jewish community in the Czech-Bavarian border region. The study began with the discovery of Jewish cemeteries and memorials in the Tachov area, leading to a deeper exploration of Jewish life in Bezdružice. The Löwenstein-Wertheim family acquired the Bezdružice estate in the early 18th century, and Jewish families, such as the Sinay family, played significant roles in the local economy. The Jewish community faced numerous challenges, including property confiscation and persecution during the Nazi occupation. Despite these hardships, the community's legacy is preserved through historical records and ongoing research efforts. The synagogue and cemetery in Bezdružice, although damaged, remain important cultural and historical sites.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zaniklé židovské obce. Bílina, Sobědruhy, Duchcov
Zaniklé židovské obce. Bílina, Sobědruhy, Duchcov
(Extinct Jewish communities. Bílina, Sobědruhy, Duchcov)
- Author(s):Kvìtoslava Kocourková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:79-86
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Teplice; Duchcov; Sobědruhy; Jewish community; synagogue; cemetery;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish communities in the Teplice and Duchcov districts were significant in the early 20th century, with Teplice having the largest community. Despite facing challenges, including the Great Depression and World War II, these communities maintained their cultural and religious practices. The Teplice synagogue and Jewish ghetto were destroyed, but the community's legacy persists through historical records. The Jewish community in Duchcov, although smaller, also played a vital role in the region's history. The Sobědruhy community, formed by families expelled from Teplice, had a strong presence and contributed to the local economy. The Jewish cemetery in Sobědruhy, established in the late 17th century, remains a significant historical site.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé na Kladně
Židé na Kladně
(Jews in Kladno)
- Author(s):Irena Veverková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Modern Age, History of Judaism
- Page Range:87-95
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Kladno; Jewish community; Reimann; Taussig; Nazi occupation; synagogue;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish community in Kladno, researched by Irena Veverková, has a rich history dating back to the 17th century. The community grew significantly in the late 19th century, with many families moving from the nearby Hostouň ghetto. Prominent families included the Reimann, Taussig, and Heitler families, who were involved in trade and industry. Despite initial distrust, Jews in Kladno integrated well, contributing to the town's social and economic life. The community faced severe persecution during the Nazi occupation, with many members deported and killed. Notable figures included rabbis Herman Schwarz, Vilém Pollak, and Moric Müller, who served the community through challenging times. The Jewish cemetery and synagogue in Kladno remain important historical sites, reflecting the community's enduring legacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Materiály k dějinám Židů ve Státním okresním archivu Klatovy
Materiály k dějinám Židů ve Státním okresním archivu Klatovy
(Materials on the history of Jews in the State District Archives of Klatovy)
- Author(s):Lenka Sýkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Antisemitism, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:96-102
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Klatovy; Jewish minority; state records; parish documents; German populations; association laws;
- Summary/Abstract:The State District Archive in Klatovy has seen increased interest in the history of the Jewish minority, despite the absence of a dedicated Jewish religious community fund. The archive primarily relies on state and municipal records, as well as parish office documents. The materials focus on Jewish communities in areas with significant German populations, which were annexed to Germany between 1938 and 1945. The most informative records are from the political districts of Klatovy and Sušice, established in 1850. Jewish communities were organized under association laws, requiring registration and approval by political authorities. The archives contain detailed records of Jewish religious communities, including membership lists, financial contributions, and property management. These documents provide valuable insights into the Jewish minority's history in the southwestern border region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé ve Starém Městě pod Landštejnem
Židé ve Starém Městě pod Landštejnem
(Jews in Staré Město pod Landštejnem)
- Author(s):Blanka Rozkošná
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:103-115
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Staré Město; Jewish community; 17th century; Nazi occupation; synagogue; cemetery;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish community in Staré Město pod Landštejnem dates back to at least the early 17th century, with the first recorded mention in 1495. The community faced significant challenges, including property confiscation and persecution during the Nazi occupation. Despite these hardships, the community's legacy is preserved through historical records and ongoing research efforts. The synagogue and cemetery in Staré Město, although damaged, remain important cultural and historical sites. The Jewish population in the town declined significantly after World War II, with many families emigrating or being deported. The community's history is documented through various records, including census data and property registers, providing valuable insights into the Jewish presence in the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Výzkum historie židovského osídlení na Havlíčkobrodsku
Výzkum historie židovského osídlení na Havlíčkobrodsku
(Research into the history of Jewish settlement in the Havlíčkův Brod region)
- Author(s):Alena Jindrová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Museology & Heritage Studies, Regional Geography, Ethnohistory, Military history, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Education, State/Government and Education, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:116-119
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Jewish settlements; Havlíčkův Brod; Jewish Museum; Terezín; educational programs; World War II;
- Summary/Abstract:The Museum of Vysočina in Havlíčkův Brod initiated a project in 2007 to explore the history of Jewish settlements in the region. The first event was an exhibition on Jewish history and traditions in Bohemia and Moravia, held from February to April 2007. This exhibition commemorated the 65th anniversary of the Jewish transports to Terezín in 1942. The museum collaborated with the Jewish Museum in Prague, showcasing local Jewish artifacts and traditions. The project also included educational programs for schools, featuring lectures and performances by notable figures such as Chief Rabbi Karol Efraim Sidon and actor Jaroslav Achab Haidler. The research covers Jewish communities in towns like Golčův Jeníkov, Habry, and Havlíčkův Brod, focusing on their history from the Middle Ages to World War II. The project aims to publish comprehensive studies on these communities, with the first book released in 2008. The museum continues to collect memories and documents, expanding its research to include the communist era. The project highlights the significant contributions and hardships of the Jewish population in the Havlíčkův Brod region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pátrání po zmizelých židovských občanech z Nýrska a okolí
Pátrání po zmizelých židovských občanech z Nýrska a okolí
(Search for missing Jewish citizens from Nýrsko and the surrounding area)
- Author(s):Irena Vaňkátová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:120-127
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Nýrsko; Jewish community; persecution; narratives; museum; heritage;
- Summary/Abstract:The Museum of the Royal Forest in Nýrsko aims to systematically document the history of the local Jewish community, which was once significant. In 2007, they contacted former residents, including Pavel Škorpil and William Tanzer, to gather memories and photographs. These narratives, along with archival research, have helped reconstruct the lives of Jewish citizens like Dr. Julius Tanzer and Leopold Goldbach. The project has uncovered stories of persecution during the Nazi occupation, with many community members deported and killed. Despite these hardships, the Jewish legacy in Nýrsko is preserved through personal recollections and historical records. The museum continues to collect and share these stories, highlighting the contributions and suffering of the Jewish population. The project also includes exhibitions and educational programs to raise awareness about the Jewish heritage in the region. The museum's efforts have been supported by local and international contacts, including descendants of former residents. The ongoing research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Jewish community's impact on Nýrsko's history.
- Price: 4.50 €
Činnost Občanského sdružení Abraham Poběžovice
Činnost Občanského sdružení Abraham Poběžovice
(Activities of the Abraham Civic Association in Poběžovice)
- Author(s):Eva Lešková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Civil Society, Ethnohistory
- Page Range:128-133
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Abraham Civic Association; Jewish heritage; Poběžovice; cemetery restoration; cultural promotion; historical records;
- Summary/Abstract:The Abraham Civic Association in Poběžovice, established on March 1, 2007, focuses on preserving the Jewish heritage in the area. The association's primary goals include the restoration of the Jewish cemetery and the Jewish bath (mikveh) in Poběžovice. They also aim to support and manage the Jewish cemetery, promote cultural life in the town, and boost tourism by creating and distributing promotional materials about Jewish landmarks. The association collaborates with local residents and descendants of Jewish families to gather memories and historical records. Notable efforts include the reconstruction of the Jewish cemetery, which began in 2006, and the collection of old photographs and documents. The association has successfully restored many gravestones and continues to work on improving access to the cemetery. They also organize exhibitions and lectures to educate the public about the Jewish history of Poběžovice. The association's work is supported by local and international contacts, including descendants of former Jewish residents. Their ongoing efforts aim to ensure the preservation and recognition of the Jewish cultural heritage in the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovské hřbitovy v severozápadních Čechách
Židovské hřbitovy v severozápadních Čechách
(On the documentation of Jewish cemeteries)
- Author(s):Ludomír Kocourek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, 19th Century
- Page Range:134-146
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Jewish history; northwestern Bohemia; cemeteries; Teplice; Ústí nad Labem; restoration;
- Summary/Abstract:Interest in the study of Jewish history and culture in northwestern Bohemia has grown since the late 1980s, leading to numerous publications and online resources. The region's Jewish cemeteries, often neglected and damaged by Nazi and communist regimes, have become a focal point of research. The Jewish communities in areas like Teplice, Ústí nad Labem, and Litomìøice have left behind significant historical records, including cemetery inscriptions and community documents. Efforts to preserve these sites have increased, with many cemeteries undergoing restoration funded by the European Union and local authorities. The Teplice Jewish community, once the second largest in Bohemia, has a rich history documented through various sources. The Ústí nad Labem cemetery, established in 1866, faced significant damage during and after World War II. In Litomìøice, the Jewish cemetery dates back to the 16th century, with many historical tombstones still present. The preservation and study of these cemeteries provide valuable insights into the Jewish heritage of the region. Local organizations and volunteers play a crucial role in these restoration efforts. The ongoing research and preservation work aim to honor and remember the Jewish communities that once thrived in northwestern Bohemia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Staré židovské hřbitovy na území CHKO Slavkovský les
Staré židovské hřbitovy na území CHKO Slavkovský les
(Old Jewish cemeteries in the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area)
- Author(s):Lukáš Svoboda
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:147-158
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Jewish cemeteries; Slavkovský les; Arnoltov; Krásná Lípa; Malá Šitboř; preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish cemeteries in the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area are significant remnants of the Jewish communities that once thrived in this region. These cemeteries, located near villages such as Arnoltov, Krásná Lípa, Malá Šitboř, Poutnov, and Úbočí, date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The cemeteries have faced neglect and damage over the years, but efforts are being made to document and preserve them. The cemetery in Arnoltov, for example, contains 26 gravestones, with the oldest dating back to 1833. In Krásná Lípa, the cemetery is the largest and oldest in the area, with 112 gravestones, the oldest from 1755. The cemetery in Malá Šitboř, established around 1820, has 90 gravestones. Poutnov's cemetery, one of the smallest, has 47 gravestones, with the oldest from 1830. Úbočí's cemetery, founded in 1837, contains 71 gravestones. These cemeteries provide valuable insights into the history and culture of the Jewish communities in the Slavkovský les region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teorie vložené řady. Schéma postupu exploatace plochy venkovského židovského hřbitova na příkladu hřbitova v Telicích
Teorie vložené řady. Schéma postupu exploatace plochy venkovského židovského hřbitova na příkladu hřbitova v Telicích
(Theory of the embedded series. Scheme of the process of exploitation of the area of a rural Jewish cemetery using the example of the cemetery in Telice)
- Author(s):Václav Chvátal
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:159-164
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Telice; Jewish cemetery; restoration; gravestones; Nazi occupation; burial practices;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish cemetery in Telice, dating back to the late 18th century, was used until the 1930s and faced significant damage during the Nazi occupation and subsequent looting. Restoration efforts began in 2004-2005, revealing 241 gravestones or fragments, with the oldest readable gravestone from 1746 and the newest from 1935. The cemetery primarily served the Jewish communities of Telice, Prostiboř, Nedražice, Mířkov, and Darmyšl, with some gravestones belonging to war refugees from Bukovina and possibly Polish Kazimierz. The cemetery's boundary wall is mostly intact, except for the eastern side, and features a preserved entrance gate and a small gate in the northwest corner. The cemetery's layout evolved over time, with initial burials placed irregularly and later rows forming as space became limited. The site provides valuable insights into the burial practices and community organization of rural Jewish cemeteries. The restoration and research efforts aim to preserve this historical site and honor the memory of the Jewish community in the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ediční poznámka
Ediční poznámka
(Editorial note)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Editorial
- Page Range:165-165
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial; Jews; ethnohistory;
- Summary/Abstract:V září 2008 uspořádalo Muzeum Královského hvozdu v Nýrsku ve spolupráci se Židovským muzeem v Praze druhý seminář k dějinám Židů v Cechách. Stejně jako první setkání, uskutečněné v říjnu 2006 v Liberci, i tentokrát byl seminář zaměřen na novodobou problematiku a dějiny Židů v pohraničí.
Seznam autorů
Seznam autorů
(List of authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:166-166
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;
- Price: 4.50 €