Židé v Čechách - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 24. a 25. října 2006 v Liberci
Jews in Bohemia - Collection of papers from a seminar held on October 24 and 25, 2006 in Liberec
Contributor(s): Markéta Lhotová (Editor), Vlastimila Hamáčková (Editor), Monika Hanková (Editor)
Subject(s): Jewish studies, Media studies, Regional Geography, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Military history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, Demography and human biology, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Jews; Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; minorities; ethnohistory; migrations; Nazism; persecution; media; communities; property; entrepreneurs; antisemitism;
Summary/Abstract: On November 24-25, 2006 in Liberec, the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec, in collaboration with the Jewish Museum in Prague, hosted a seminar for researchers focused on Jewish history in Bohemia, particularly modern issues and border regions' history. This event aimed to establish a tradition of regular meetings, addressing the history of Jewish communities in areas occupied by Nazi Germany in October 1938 and the broader history of Jews in 20th-century Bohemia. Contributions included master's and doctoral theses, broader projects, and regional museum research, covering topics from World War I to the 1950s. The seminar highlighted the need for such gatherings and their focus on contemporary issues and border regions. The authors are responsible for their studies' content, and the spelling of "žid" or "Žid" is left to their discretion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-86889-58-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-86889-58-0
- Page Count: 228
- Publication Year: 2007
- Language: Czech
Židovští uprchlíci z Haliče a Bukoviny ve východních Cechách během první světové války
Židovští uprchlíci z Haliče a Bukoviny ve východních Cechách během první světové války
(Jewish refugees from Galicia and Bukovina in Eastern Bohemia during the First World War)
- Author(s):Klára Habartová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Regional Geography, Ethnohistory, Military history, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), History of Antisemitism, Migration Studies
- Page Range:3-20
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Jewish refugees; Galicia; Bukovina; World War I; Habsburg monarchy; living conditions;
- Summary/Abstract:This text focuses on the plight of Jewish refugees from Galicia and Bukovina during World War I, who were forced to flee their homes due to the conflict between Russian and Austro-Hungarian armies. These refugees traveled in large numbers to the interior of the Habsburg monarchy, primarily to Vienna and various regions in the Czech lands. They faced numerous hardships, including long journeys on foot or in overcrowded trains, and were often housed in inadequate conditions. The state and charitable organizations provided some support, including food, clothing, and medical care. Refugees were also subjected to health inspections and quarantines to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Despite these efforts, many refugees suffered from poor living conditions and high mortality rates. The document highlights the significant impact of these refugees on local communities, both positive and negative, and the ongoing challenges they faced even after the war ended.
- Price: 4.50 €
První republika a židovští uprchlíci před nacismem
První republika a židovští uprchlíci před nacismem
(The First Republic and Jewish refugees before Nazism)
- Author(s):Michal Frankl
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:21-31
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Czechoslovakia; Jewish refugees; Nazi persecution; interwar period; refugee policy; antisemitism;
- Summary/Abstract:This analysis looks into the refugee policy of Czechoslovakia during the interwar period, particularly focusing on Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. Initially, Czechoslovakia was seen as a haven for refugees from Germany and Austria, with a relatively open policy. However, over time, the policy became more restrictive, especially towards Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe. The state distinguished between political and economic refugees, often denying entry to those deemed economically motivated. The document highlights the challenges faced by refugees, including legal and economic barriers, and the role of international and domestic organizations in providing support. It also discusses the impact of antisemitism and economic crises on refugee policy, and the eventual shift towards a more exclusionary stance as the political situation in Europe deteriorated.
- Price: 4.50 €
Antisemitismus v českém tisku v období druhé republiky
Antisemitismus v českém tisku v období druhé republiky
(Anti-Semitism in the Czech press during the Second Republic)
- Author(s):Petr Bednařík
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Media studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:32-45
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Second Republic; Czechoslovakia; antisemitism; Jewish emigrants; nationalism; censorship;
- Summary/Abstract:The study analyses Czech newspapers during the Second Republic, a period marked by significant political, economic, and moral crises in Czechoslovakia. During the 1930s, Czechoslovakia became a refuge for many Jewish emigrants from Germany and Austria. However, the events of 1938 revealed a more complex situation regarding antisemitism in the country. The study highlights the critical economic situation, the government's challenges in dealing with refugees, and the rising nationalism and antisemitism in the press. Newspapers began promoting Czech culture and removing foreign influences, with Jewish artists and intellectuals being targeted. The study also examines the role of censorship and the impact of government policies on the press. The analysis underscores the significant influence of agrarian newspapers in shaping public opinion and the varying degrees of antisemitism across different publications.
- Price: 4.50 €
Recepce norimberských zákonů v Říšské župě Sudety
Recepce norimberských zákonů v Říšské župě Sudety
(Reception of the Nuremberg Laws in the Sudetenland County)
- Author(s):Ludomír Kocourek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:46-59
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Nuremberg Laws; antisemitism; Sudetenland; racial theories; Nazi policies; Jewish segregation;
- Summary/Abstract:This study investigates the reception of the Nuremberg Laws in the Reichsgau Sudetenland, highlighting the ideological principles of racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism that were implemented following the occupation of Czechoslovakia in October 1938. It discusses the pseudoscientific racial theories used to justify the superiority of the German race and the subsequent anti-Jewish terror that became state policy after the Nazis came to power in 1933. The Nuremberg Laws, enacted in September 1935, aimed to eliminate Jews from public life by distinguishing between "Reich citizens" and "state subjects," with Jews being classified as the latter. The document details the various discriminatory measures, including the prohibition of marriages between Jews and non-Jews, the requirement for Jews to adopt additional names, and the restrictions on their employment and public activities. It also examines the administrative measures taken to identify and segregate Jews, the role of the press in promoting antisemitic propaganda, and the impact of these policies on the Jewish population in the Sudetenland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arizace potravinářských podniků a obchodů v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava
Arizace potravinářských podniků a obchodů v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava
(Aryanization of food enterprises and shops in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia)
- Author(s):Monika Sedláková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:60-70
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Aryanization; food enterprises; Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia; Treuhänder; Jewish businesses; liquidation;
- Summary/Abstract:This text focuses the Aryanization of food enterprises and businesses in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, following the decree by Reich Protector Konstantin von Neurath on June 21, 1939. Jewish businesses were placed under the administration of trustees, known as Treuhänder, who were appointed by the Reich Protector or the Oberlandrat. These trustees had extensive powers to manage the businesses, often leading to their eventual Aryanization or liquidation. The process was driven by economic incentives and the desire to eliminate Jewish influence from the economy. The document highlights the significant interest in these positions due to the financial benefits and opportunities they provided. It also discusses the broader impact of these policies on the Jewish community and the economy of the Protectorate, including the high rate of liquidation of Jewish food businesses. The role of German organizations and individuals in the Aryanization process is also examined, emphasizing the collaboration between the Nazi regime and local authorities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ghetto Terezín a Mimořádný lidový soud v Litoměřicích v letech 1945-1948
Ghetto Terezín a Mimořádný lidový soud v Litoměřicích v letech 1945-1948
(The Terezín Ghetto and the Extraordinary People's Court in Litoměřice in the years 1945–1948)
- Author(s):Kateřina Lozoviuková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Law, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Antisemitism, Court case
- Page Range:71-95
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Extraordinary People's Court; Holocaust; anti-Semitism; retribution courts; Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia; Sudetenland;
- Summary/Abstract:This analysis looks into the role of the Extraordinary People's Court in Litoměřice from 1945 to 1948, focusing on the prosecution of crimes committed during the Holocaust and the post-war period. It highlights the challenges in addressing anti-Semitism and Jewish issues in the decisions of post-war retribution courts in the Czech lands. The research project "Jewish Issues and Anti-Semitism in the Light of Retribution Courts (1945-1948)" reveals that the punishment of war crimes against Jews was not a central concern for these courts. The document discusses the varying methods of researchers, the differences in criminal acts against Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia versus the Sudetenland, and the specific legal provisions for crimes against Jews. It also covers the role of Jewish community leaders, the involvement of local collaborators, and the difficulties in achieving justice for Jewish victims. The document underscores the importance of understanding the historical context and the limitations of the retribution courts in addressing Holocaust-related crimes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Změna postoje vládnoucích orgánů CSR k židovské komunitě po roce 1948 na příkladu vystěhovalectví
Změna postoje vládnoucích orgánů CSR k židovské komunitě po roce 1948 na příkladu vystěhovalectví
(The change in the attitude of the ruling authorities of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic towards the Jewish community after 1948 as an example of emigration)
- Author(s):Monika Hanková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism, History of Antisemitism, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:96-104
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Czechoslovakia; Jewish emigration; Israel; antisemitism; Zionist movements; international organizations;
- Summary/Abstract:The analysis looks into the shift in the Czechoslovak government's attitude towards the Jewish community post-1948, particularly focusing on emigration to Israel. Initially, the government supported Jewish emigration, reflecting a friendly relationship with Israel and the Soviet Union's geopolitical stance. However, after the communist takeover, the policy became more restrictive, influenced by rising antisemitism and political changes. The emigration process involved cooperation with international organizations like UNRRA and AJDC, and many Jews emigrated to countries in Latin America and Israel. The document highlights the challenges faced by Jewish emigrants, including bureaucratic obstacles, financial exploitation, and the impact of political shifts on emigration policies. It also discusses the role of Zionist youth movements and the involvement of various government ministries in facilitating or hindering emigration. The document underscores the complex interplay between domestic and international factors in shaping Czechoslovakia's emigration policy towards Jews.
- Price: 4.50 €
Formování samosprávy židovské obce Postoloprty na sklonku 17. století
Formování samosprávy židovské obce Postoloprty na sklonku 17. století
(The formation of the self-government of the Jewish community of Postoloprty at the end of the 17th century)
- Author(s):Hana Legnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, 17th Century
- Page Range:105-112
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Jewish community; self-government; Postoloprty; 17th century; synagogue; administration;
- Summary/Abstract:This study investigates the formation of the Jewish community's self-government in Postoloprty at the end of the 17th century. It highlights the significant increase in the Jewish population due to the arrival of Jewish families from Lower Austria, following Emperor Leopold I's expulsion edict. The newly formed community had to establish organizational and communication mechanisms for its administration. The self-government was based on indirectly elected representatives responsible for maintaining order, collecting taxes, and managing communal finances. The most prestigious position was the reeve (Richter), who had extensive powers and responsibilities. The document also discusses the role of other elected officials, such as the elders and treasurers, in the administration. The synagogue was the center of religious and social life, with the rabbi playing a crucial role. The self-government had to navigate the influence of the local nobility and adapt to the legal and social constraints of the time. The study provides insights into the challenges and dynamics of Jewish communal life in a small town during the early modern period.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé a Mostecko v průběhu staletí
Židé a Mostecko v průběhu staletí
(Jews and the Most region over the centuries)
- Author(s):Jana Sýkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Regional Geography, Preservation, Ethnohistory, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:113-123
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Jewish community; Most region; cultural identity; persecution; World War II; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document provides an overview of the history of the Jewish community in the Most region, highlighting the challenges and transformations they faced over the centuries. It discusses the community's initial settlement, their economic activities, and the impact of various political and social changes on their lives. The text emphasizes the community's resilience in maintaining their cultural and religious identity despite external pressures and periods of persecution. It also covers the establishment of Jewish self-government, the role of prominent Jewish families, and the development of religious and communal institutions. The document further explores the effects of World War II and the Holocaust on the Jewish population in Most, including the destruction of the synagogue and the persecution of Jewish residents. Post-war efforts to rebuild the community and the eventual decline in the Jewish population are also addressed. The study concludes with a reflection on the historical significance of the Jewish community in Most and the preservation of their heritage.
- Price: 4.50 €
Z dějin židovské komunity v Teplicích
Z dějin židovské komunity v Teplicích
(From the history of the Jewish community in Teplice)
- Author(s):Kvìtoslava Kocourková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:124-134
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Jewish community; Teplice; persecution; Enlightenment; antisemitism; Holocaust;
- Summary/Abstract:The document delves into the history of the Jewish community in Teplice, which was once the third largest in Bohemia after Prague and Pilsen. It traces the community's origins back to the 15th century, highlighting periods of growth and persecution. The Jewish community in Teplice faced various challenges, including high taxes and restrictive regulations imposed by local authorities. Despite these hardships, the community thrived, engaging in various trades and establishing important institutions such as synagogues, schools, and hospitals. The document also discusses the impact of the Thirty Years' War, the influence of the Clary-Aldringen family, and the effects of the Enlightenment and Josephine reforms on the community. The Jewish population in Teplice continued to grow and integrate into the broader society, contributing significantly to the local economy and culture. However, the rise of antisemitism and the events leading up to World War II had devastating effects on the community, culminating in the destruction of the synagogue and the persecution of Jewish residents during the Holocaust. The post-war period saw efforts to rebuild the community, but many survivors emigrated, leaving behind a rich but fragmented legacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Historie židovské komunity v Nýrsku a okolí - dosavadní průzkum
Historie židovské komunity v Nýrsku a okolí - dosavadní průzkum
(History of the Jewish community in the Nýrsko region and its surroundings – a survey to date)
- Author(s):Lenka Sýkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Regional Geography, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:135-140
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Jewish community; Nýrsko; synagogue; economic development; persecution; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:This study investigates the history of the Jewish community in Nýrsko and its surroundings, detailing their settlement and contributions from the medieval period to the 20th century. It highlights the establishment of the Jewish ghetto, the construction and reconstruction of the synagogue, and the various professions held by Jewish residents, including traders, butchers, and teachers. The text also discusses the impact of significant events such as the fires of 1798 and 1861, which destroyed parts of the ghetto, and the economic development brought about by Jewish entrepreneurs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The document further examines the challenges faced by the Jewish community, including high taxes, restrictive regulations, and periods of persecution. It also covers the contributions of notable individuals like Wilhelm Eckstein and Max Reiser, and the efforts to preserve Jewish heritage in the region through research and museum exhibitions. The study concludes with a reflection on the ongoing interest in the history of Nýrsko's Jewish community and the importance of preserving their legacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Využití pramenů k dějinám chrudimských židů. Nástin demografického vývoje
Využití pramenů k dějinám chrudimských židů. Nástin demografického vývoje
(Using sources for the history of the Chrudim Jews. Outline of demographic development)
- Author(s):Alžběta Langová, Renáta Růžičková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Social history, Modern Age, Demography and human biology, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century
- Page Range:141-148
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Jewish community; Chrudim; Holocaust; trade; settlement; historical research;
- Summary/Abstract:The document provides a brief overview of the history of the Jewish community in Chrudim, emphasizing the sources used for research and the potential for further study. It traces the presence of Jews in Chrudim back to 1254, when King Přemysl Otakar II granted them the right to settle in royal towns. The earliest written record of Jews in Chrudim dates to 1511, and the community faced various challenges, including restrictions on trade and settlement. Despite these obstacles, Jews in Chrudim engaged in financial transactions and trade with local residents. The document also highlights the impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish community, with many members being deported to concentration camps. Post-war efforts to document and preserve the history of the Jewish community in Chrudim are also discussed, including the reconstruction of the Jewish cemetery and the identification of individuals buried there. The study underscores the importance of understanding the historical context and the contributions of the Jewish community to the town's development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovští podnikatelé a exportéři v jabloneckém průmyslu
Židovští podnikatelé a exportéři v jabloneckém průmyslu
(Jewish entrepreneurs and exporters in the Jablonec industry)
- Author(s):Petr Nový
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:149-164
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Jewish entrepreneurs; glass industry; jewelry export; Jablonec nad Nisou; economic integration; historical events;
- Summary/Abstract:This study investigates the history and contributions of Jewish entrepreneurs and exporters in the glass and jewelry industry in Jablonec nad Nisou from the 18th century onwards. It highlights the involvement of Jewish traders in the production and export of glassware and jewelry, their establishment of businesses, and their adaptation to local conditions. The text also discusses the challenges faced by Jewish entrepreneurs, including legal and social constraints, and their efforts to integrate into the local economy. The document provides examples of prominent Jewish businesses and their impact on the regional economy, as well as the role of Jewish community leaders in supporting economic development. Additionally, it examines the influence of historical events, such as the liberalization of the Habsburg monarchy and the rise of antisemitism, on the Jewish business community. The study concludes with a reflection on the legacy of Jewish entrepreneurs in the region and the importance of preserving their contributions to the local industry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Osudy rodiny Mandelíků, majitelů zámku v Ratboři u Kolína
Osudy rodiny Mandelíků, majitelů zámku v Ratboři u Kolína
(The Fate of the Mandelík Family, Owners of the Castle in Ratboř near Kolín)
- Author(s):Ladislav Jouza
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century
- Page Range:165-185
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Mandelík family; Kolín; sugar industry; entrepreneurship; World War II; community involvement;
- Summary/Abstract:The document details the history of the Mandelík family, prominent entrepreneurs in Kolín and its surroundings. It highlights their rise in the sugar industry, starting with Bernard Mandelík in the 19th century, and the family's significant contributions to the local economy. The Mandelíks were involved in various industries, including oil refining, chemical production, and agriculture. They also played a crucial role in the development of Kolín's infrastructure and social life, supporting cultural and charitable activities. The family's fortunes were intertwined with the broader historical events of the 19th and 20th centuries, including the impact of World War II and the subsequent communist regime. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Mandelíks left a lasting legacy in the region, with their entrepreneurial spirit and community involvement being particularly noteworthy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zmizelí obyvatelé Chomutova v polovině 20. století
Zmizelí obyvatelé Chomutova v polovině 20. století
(The Disappeared Residents of Chomutov in the Mid-20th Century)
- Author(s):Josef Märc
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:186-193
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Zmizelí sousedé; Chomutov; Aryanized property; Holocaust; Jewish settlements; Terezín Memorial Book;
- Summary/Abstract:This text focuses on the project "Zmizelí sousedé" initiated by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports in 1999, aimed at finding Jewish neighbors who disappeared mainly during World War II. The project, intended for students aged 12-18, faced challenges in Chomutov due to the lack of surviving witnesses. The research was conducted in the State District Archive in Chomutov, focusing on materials related to Aryanized property, pre-war German and Czech gymnasium catalogs, and documents from the Chomutov land office. The study revealed two main research lines: mapping Jewish settlements in Chomutov and statistical studies using the Terezín Memorial Book and the Yad Vashem database. The project eventually found contacts with pre-war residents and Holocaust survivors, leading to an exhibition in 2006. The document also highlights the pre-war Jewish population in Chomutov, their departure, the Holocaust, and the post-war situation, including the re-establishment of the Jewish religious community in 1945.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stopy židovských obcí na území bývalých soudních okresů Bezdružice, Tachov, Planá a Stříbro
Stopy židovských obcí na území bývalých soudních okresů Bezdružice, Tachov, Planá a Stříbro
(Traces of Jewish Communities in the Former Judicial Districts of Bezdružice, Tachov, Planá and Stříbro)
- Author(s):Václav Chvátal
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Preservation, Ethnohistory
- Page Range:194-206
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Jewish communities; Český les; cemeteries; preservation; heritage; documentation;
- Summary/Abstract:This study investigates the traces of Jewish communities in the former judicial districts of Bezdružice, Tachov, Planá, and Stříbro. It highlights the unique demographic characteristics of the Český les region, where Jewish communities existed in small, closely situated villages and towns. The research, initiated by the Museum of the Český les in 2002, focuses on the preservation and documentation of Jewish cemeteries, many of which were in a state of disrepair due to neglect and vandalism. By 2006, seven cemeteries had been restored, with detailed plans and photographic documentation created for each. The document also discusses the challenges of preserving Jewish heritage in the region, including the lack of archival materials and the need for extensive fieldwork. The study emphasizes the importance of these cemeteries as the only remaining written records of the Jewish presence in the area. Additionally, it provides an overview of the current state of Jewish monuments in various localities, including Bernartice, Bezdružice, Cebiv, Chodová Planá, Dlouhý Újezd, Dolní Jamné, Kořen, Krsy, Lestkov, Nové Sedliště, Pořejov, Prostiboř, Skupeč, Stráž u Tachova, Stříbro, Svojšín, Tachov, and Telice.
- Price: 4.50 €
STIKO Liberec a osud majetku židovských obcí a spolků
STIKO Liberec a osud majetku židovských obcí a spolků
(STIKO Liberec and the Fate of the Property of Jewish Communities and Associations)
- Author(s):Markéta Lhotová, Vlastimila Hamáčková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:207-225
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Sudetenland; Jewish communities; Aryanization; STIKO; Kristallnacht; Nazi policies;
- Summary/Abstract:This analysis looks into the fate of Jewish communities and their properties in the Sudetenland after its annexation by Nazi Germany in October 1938. It highlights the challenges in researching the history of these communities, whose members fled before the arrival of the German army. The text discusses the role of the Stillhaltekommissar für Organisationen (STIKO) in managing and Aryanizing Jewish properties, including synagogues and other communal assets. The document also explores the involvement of various Nazi organizations and local authorities in the process, as well as the impact of Kristallnacht on Jewish properties. The research is based on archival materials from Vienna and the Czech Republic, shedding light on the systematic approach taken by the Nazis to confiscate and repurpose Jewish assets. The study underscores the importance of understanding the administrative mechanisms and the broader context of Nazi policies towards Jewish communities in the Sudetenland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ediční poznámka
Ediční poznámka
(Editorial note)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Editorial
- Page Range:226-226
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial; Jews; ethnohistory;
- Summary/Abstract:V listopadu 2006 uspořádalo Severočeské muzeum v Liberci ve spolupráci se Židovským muzeem v Praze setkání badatelů zabývajících se dějinami Židů v Cechách. Tento seminář byl jednou z akcí připomínajících v rámci Roku se židovskou kulturou 100. výročí vzniku Židovského muzea. Nemělo by se však jednat o akci jednorázovou. Rádi bychom založili tradici pravidelných pracovních setkání. Na Moravě plní takovou úlohu od roku 1994 každoroční konference pořádaná muzeem v Kroměříži. V Cechách se tuto mezeru pokusilo zaplnit setkání uskutečněné v roce 1999 v Ceském Dubu, nenašlo však následovníky. Po roce 1989 vzrostl počet badatelů, kteří se začali židovskou tematikou zabývat, rozšířil se také okruh zpracovávaných témat. Seminář v Liberci se zaměřil především na dva tematické okruhy: výzkum dějin židovských obcí z území zabraného v říjnu 1938 nacistickým Německem a obecně dějiny Židů v Cechách ve 20. století. Zájem účastníků potvrdil potřebu takovýchto setkávání i účelnost jejich zaměření na novodobou problematiku a otázky pohraničních oblastí.
Seznam autorů
Seznam autorů
(List of authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:227-227
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;