Glas i Pismo
Voice and Writing
Reverberations of Jacques Derida
Contributor(s): Petar Bojanić (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Metaphysics, Semiology, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Law, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Keywords: writing; trace; difference; différance; Derrida; deconstruction; poststructuralism; structuralism; to come; spectres; Truth in Painting; deconstruction of art;
Summary/Abstract: 8. i 9. decembra 2004. godine, tačno dva meseca nakon smrti francuskog filozofa Žaka Deride |Jacques Derrida|, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Narodna biblioteka Srbije, organizovali su kolokvijum posvećen radu i teorijskim uticajima jednog od najznačajnijih mislilaca prošloga stoleća. Podelivši tematski u četiri celine (književnost, umetnost, filozofija i politika) izlaganja u kojima su se čule različite recepcije, čitanja, tumačenja, pozivanja i opozivanja dela Žaka Deride, namera organizatora bila je da artikuliše tek osnovne registre filozofije koju je negovao, predavao i pisao. Namera je bila, isto tako, da se ovom prilkom, zajedno, progovori o prihvatanju Deridine filozofije i o njenom uticaju na ovim prostorima.
- Print-ISBN-10: 86-82417-11-1
- Page Count: 247
- Publication Year: 2005
- Language: Serbian
Pozdravna reč
Pozdravna reč
(Welcome Speech)
- Author(s):Sreten Ugričić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:12-12
- No. of Pages:1
- Summary/Abstract:Poštovani prijatelji, Možda ima prijatelja, a možda ih i nema. Možda ima Žaka Deride, a možda ga i nema. Usudiću se da dodam: možda ima Srbije a mo_da je i nema. Pozdravljam vas u ime Narodne biblioteke Srbije, kao neprimetni domaćin, upućujem vam dobrodošlicu i želim vam da vas posluži dobar glas, čitko pismo i bistro oko.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Jacques Derrida
- Contributor(s):Sanja Bojanić (Translator)
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Semiology, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:13-28
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:Čim otvorim usta ja zaveštavam, što je malo verovatno, neverovatno u mom životu, to je pravilo koje bih hteo da sledim i koje prosuđuje, jednom reči, dvoboj između onoga što pišem i onoga što bi gore, iznad, u tekstu Džef napisao, pored ili iznad mene, po meni, ali isto tako i za mene, meni u prilog, ka meni i umesto mene, jer, mogli biste da primetite da, biće da je njegov hvalospev vrele hladnoće, jednom reči...
- Price: 4.50 €
A dekonstrukcije: la différance, pisanje, Derida i „mi”
A dekonstrukcije: la différance, pisanje, Derida i „mi”
(A of Deconstruction: La différance, Writing, Derrida and „We”)
- Author(s):Novica Milić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Semiology, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:29-35
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:La différance – the difference with an “a” – makes not only one of the key terms of Derrida’s philosophy, but is a keystone of his strategy of deconstruction of the Western metaphysics. What kind of keystone is it, if, according to its inventor, la différance is “neither a concept, nor a word”? In analysing yhis question we try to show Derrida’s contribution both to the institution of philosophy and that of literature, as well as the strange logic of the “and” which links and separates – identifies and differentiates – these two fields of thinking and language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Smrt autora, poèetak komunikacije
Smrt autora, poèetak komunikacije
(The Death of an Author: The Beginning of Communication)
- Author(s):Ivica Mlađenović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Theoretical Linguistics, Communication studies, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language, Theory of Communication, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:37-44
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The basic aim of this paper is to discuss some deconstructive views on the problem of communication. The death of an author is not quite Derrida’s theme, but it has an important role for explaining the field of communication. According to Derrida this kind of absence, together with absence of the receiver of message, structures every possible communication. This very structure is something that unable intention to be clear and present, both in oral and written way of exchanging messages. For the reason of discussing the problem of communication, attention will be focused on Derrida’s lecture “Signature Event Context” in which he addressed that topic in the most direct way. First, it will be examined the notions of writing and absence, and secondly, those of intention and context. It will be argued that Derrida is more interested in the new pragmatics, than in the bare criticism of some classical metaphisical views on language or recent linguistic theories.
- Price: 4.50 €
Čitanje nečitljivog. Derida bi da svedoči za Celana
Čitanje nečitljivog. Derida bi da svedoči za Celana
(Reading of the Unreadable. Derrida Would Bear Witness for Celan)
- Author(s):Jovica Aćin
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:45-50
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:In his three analyses, Shibboleth pour Paul Celan, A Self-Unsealing Poetic Text and Béliers, Jacques Derrida proposed an expanding interpretation of Paul Celan’s poems. He raises the questions of translation, responsability, witnessing. These are the questions we find without doubt as essentially important to us. According to Derrida, on the other hand, the poetic text is a coded, encrypted text. For that reason, the French philosopher tries to make a deconstructive deciphering. However, Aćin suggests and shows in short that Celan’s poetry is not an encrypted text at all, but a text where every word, every phrase, and every caesura is already a deciphering which transfers itself onto the reader. Although below the surface, the living sense is clearly inscribed in the poems. It seems the reader also can only approach the unreadable elliptically, through poetic language and beyond language, invoking all possible referential contexts. When we are at the edge of the readable, mixing together the real and the imaginary, we do read and understand. Welcoming that and allowing that into our minds is like receiving a gift.
- Price: 4.50 €
Samoubistvo prevodom. Uz Deridinu istinu u slici
Samoubistvo prevodom. Uz Deridinu istinu u slici
(Suicide by Translation. On Derrida’s Truth in Painting)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Mančić Milić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Theoretical Linguistics, Philosophical Traditions, Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language, Hermeneutics, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:51-57
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Mančić takes the translation of a fragment of La vérité en peinture by Jacques Derrida, as translated by Julio Cortázar in his short story “A Diary on A Short Story”, and examines its effects. In this sense, she tests the possibility or impossibility of drawing a general distinction between “original” and “translation” when the translated text becomes a part of a new original. May a fact that the original asks to be annuled as original and to find itself on the place of a translation be called suicide? Or a translating process is the one commiting suicide by obtaining such a result? Could it, even, be called a suicide, or what we are dealing with here is an other survival?
- Price: 4.50 €
DaDa Gramofon (o upadima realnog ili o The galaxy of events – galaksiji događaja)
DaDa Gramofon (o upadima realnog ili o The galaxy of events – galaksiji događaja)
(YesYes Gramophone (on Invasions of Reality or on The Galaxy of Events))
- Author(s):Jovan Čekić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:59-65
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:What Relations are possible to the galaxy of events and coincidence of meeting? There are a different approach from the artist, like Duchamp, novelist Joyce, to the philosopher Derrida. Each of them had a different solutions, but not as a final or universal, but rather as a game in a different context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Žak Derida sa Žakom Lakanom
Žak Derida sa Žakom Lakanom
(Jacques Derrida with Jacques Lacan)
- Author(s):Radoman Kordić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Semiology, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Psychoanalysis
- Page Range:67-71
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:The modality “with” (deconstruction with the theory of psychoanalysis) assumes two forms of complex relations. The first one is expressed through the ability of the subject of that modality, of Lacan or Derrida, to say “we”, or in other words in the ability to overcome differences in the point, essentially common to them. The other form of relation of the modality “with” consists of visible and invisible ties between theories of deconstruction and psychoanalysis, the dimension of the other, otherness in theory, and the temptation emanating from the fact that only one subject of the modality “with” can say “we”. In this case it is Derrida who is saying it, but in his own way. “In his own way”, which is also immanent to Lacan, functions as a point in which the difference is overcome, it becomes “in our own way” and confirms the modality “with”.
- Price: 4.50 €
(La transfusion)
- Author(s):Sanja Bojanić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:73-79
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Depuis plus de quarante ans, Hélene Cixous et Jacques Derrida, chacun de son côté mais aussi amicalement liés, ont travaillé la langue française a cru, soucieux de toute son altér(n)ation. Ce texte tente, en analysant les incipit du Circonfession (Jacques Derrida) et de Jours de l’an (Hélene Cixous), a reconnaître dans le couple cru-cruauté le commencement qui féconde a la fois leurs riches poétiques et leurs forces réflexives.
- Price: 4.50 €
Hibridna pitanja o dekonstrukciji i umetnosti
Hibridna pitanja o dekonstrukciji i umetnosti
(The Hybrid Questions about the Deconstruction of Art)
- Author(s):Miško Šuvaković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Photography, Visual Arts, Aesthetics, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:81-87
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Yet, it has been one priviledged moment for deconstruction when she became a feshion, which means uncertain, open interpolation and tends towards displacements of atmosphers of intervent performance within different hybrid social contexts, first of all, within culture, which means within art. Deconstruction has been a kind of a feshion, or set of feshions between theoretical postistoricism and political globalism. Text which follows is a try to trace these uncertain and worryng paths from philosopfy towards art by the way of theoretical intervent instruments. Within the art theory deconstructive searching of textual differences (or analoguosly, visual, spatial, time) aspects and characterizatcons of paniting besomes discursive production of meaning, that is, production of ‘differences’ and ‘differAnces’ that are result of confrontation of complex and arbitrare culturally driven discourses of Western painting (metaphisics of painting as constituent of painting). Production of meaning, based on deconstructive theory or its specific applications (in literature theory, theory of painting, architecture theory, musicology, theatrology or film theory),could be conveyed into the domain of art production as matherial sygnifying practice and become poetic productive model for texts (literally: weaving /lat. textus/) of painting, architecture, music, theater, film, etc. Painters on the margins of modern or after the modern don’t perform the painting as coherent system of the very sensual-i.e.,-visual representations. They construct it as heterogenious and hyberid field of different/defer of painterly modes of multiple referential contexts and historical realizing eclectic model based on procedures of montage and collage.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dekonstruktivistièka arhitektura n'existe pas
Dekonstruktivistièka arhitektura n'existe pas
(The Deconstructivist Architecture n'existe pas)
- Author(s):Ljiljana Blagojević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, History of Philosophy, Aesthetics, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:89-95
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:During the 1980s and 1990s, an intensive discourse has developed around the question of deconstruction and architecture, spurred by the work of Jacques Derrida andhis subsequent collaborations with architects. Although it is not possible to elaborate on the complex issues of this question in the narrow constraints of this paper, the discussion follows some of the main points in the work of architects who participated in the exhibition Deconstructivist Architecture, held in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1988, namely Zaha Hadid, Bernard Tschumi, and Peter Eisenman. Rather than asking the question “What is deconstructivist architecture?”, and understanding architecture not as a representation or illustration of philosophical concepts, but as, inter alia, thinking philosophical problems through architecture, the main point of departure is the question of what is it in architectural discourse that enables us to see the problem of deconstruction. In that, the paper focuses on the probing and analysis of the conceptual pair modernity/ deconstruction, with regard to the projects discussed. Consequently, if this architecture is seen as a major shift in the thinking of the condition of modernity and an anticipation of, as Hadid calls it, new modernity, could it be argued that, in fact, what is, generally easily gathered under the term “deconstructivist architecture” is but an empty set with a name?
- Price: 4.50 €
Derridin potpis na performativu savremenog performansa
Derridin potpis na performativu savremenog performansa
(The Signature of Derrida on the Performative of the Contemporary Performance)
- Author(s):Ana Vujanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Semiology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper I consider Derrida’s influence(s) on contemporary performing arts theory and practice. More specific, the topical subject of the paper are influences and significance of Derrida’s re-reading of theory of performative (as it is put within analytic philosophy, and philosophy of ordinary language in particular – e.g. in Austin, Strowson, and Searl’s work) for/in performing arts theory and practice from 1970s till nowadays. The point of departure for the process I consider is Derrida’s text Signature, event, context (1971), where he makes a brilliant profound deconstruction of the very conceptual system that enables, as it is presupposed, unique continual communicational context, and happy realization of a performative utterance in the frame of it. Thence he achieves replacement of the elements in the binary pair ‘literal – parasitic’ performative, deconstructing common sense propositions of the ‘seriousness’ of communication in ‘ordinary life’ in difference to ‘stage’ situation. His re-reading enters the field of performing arts, where becomes integrated in its basic concepts and practices, such as concept of performance itself. Thanks to Derrida, new paradigms of performance’s performatives in its cultural and social context replace former naive intentions of direct impacts, and their already-yet failures. Nowadays, one of the dominant thesis of performance’s performative within performing arts studies is that performance is relative autonomous but necessairly inner social practice, whose intervention is first of all illocutory act of artistic discourse in the network of social discourses – as one of them, and whose politics is therefore nothing than its work with the discourse with all its ideological implications itself.
- Price: 4.50 €
Derridina kritika Saussureovog koncepta lingvističkog znaka
Derridina kritika Saussureovog koncepta lingvističkog znaka
(Derrida’s Criticism of Saussure’s Concept of Linguistic Sign)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Bošković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Phonetics / Phonology, Semantics, Pragmatics, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language
- Page Range:105-111
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:The paper outlines the main points of Derrida’s critical remarks on the key concept of Saussure’s structuralist linguistics – the concept of the linguistic sign. It is argued that this critique, besides being very important for understanding Derrida’s ideas of writing and difference from the late 1960s and early 1970s, also forms a very important tool in the social sciences and humanities in general – since it opens space for a pluralist, open-ended, relativist methodology. Therefore, Derrida’s reading of Saussure transcends the limits of philosophy or linguistics, positioning itself firmly into the methodologies for a critical, open-ended science.
- Price: 4.50 €
Muzika i dekonstrukcija – mogući pristupi
Muzika i dekonstrukcija – mogući pristupi
(Music and Deconstruction – Few Possible Sketches)
- Author(s):Vesna Mikić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Aesthetics, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:113-117
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Considering the fact that there are few studies (in Serbian, as well as in Serbian translation) that deal with Derrida’s deconstruction and music, this paper’s goal is to offer the possible angles of thinking deconstruction and music relations. This is achieved through four sketches “entitled”: deconstruction in music; deconstruction of music; deconstruction by music and, finally, deconstruction and music, showing that music has everything to with deconstruction, almost asserting that music is and has always been deconstructive art par excellence.
- Price: 4.50 €
Derida posle Deride
Derida posle Deride
(Derrida apres Derrida)
- Author(s):Milorad Belančić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Semiology, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language
- Page Range:119-123
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Est-il possible Derrida apres Derrida? Et comment? Cette question suggere, peut-ętre, l’idée que désormais aucun sens ne revient plus au vivant (qui est porteur du nom) mais seulement au nom, a l’esprit (ou: spectre?) du nom, ou bien, comme dirait Derrida lui-męme, “au nom du vivant comme nom du mort”. Et en plus: au nom du mort comme nom du encor-vivant! Étant donné que la survie est la vie la plus intense possible.
- Price: 4.50 €
Voljeti smrt kao sestru, umirati skupa: autobiografija i žalovanje
Voljeti smrt kao sestru, umirati skupa: autobiografija i žalovanje
(Aimer la mort comme une soeur. Mourir ensemble: l’autobiographie et le deuil)
- Author(s):Zoran Janković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Metaphysics, Semiology, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:125-132
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:Derrida, a l’encontre de Heidegger, essaie d’effacer les frontičres que l’ontologie fondamentale trace rigoureusement entre “ma mort”, toujours la mienne et la mort d’autrui. Pour brouiller cette distinction stricte heideggerienne, Derrida, tout comme Ricoeur, assigne un rôle crucial au deuil. En examinant ce “deuil originaire”, et la fonction du ton autobiographique qui devient omniprésent chez le “dernier” Derrida, cet article souleve la question qui est celle de savoir ce qui se passe quand mon deuil est raconté. Rapprochant de cette maniere Ricoeur et Derrida, il tâche tout d’abord de faire apparaître que l’autobiographie ne peut pas “approprier” la mort par principe, et, ensuite que le deuil originaire derridien, en derničre analyse et paradoxalement, implique une certaine violence.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kalem Levinas
Kalem Levinas
(Graft Levinas)
- Author(s):Branko Romčević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Metaphysics, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology
- Page Range:133-138
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:This paper deals with Derrida’s introduction of Levinas’s concept of trace into the thinking of différance. Since his earliest reading of that concept – in Violence and Metaphysics – was highly negative and exclusive, there obviously happened some change of perspective. In order to explain it, the author reached for Derrida’s idea of writing as grafting, considering his earlier refusal of Levinas as the “silent” entry of graft “Levinas” in his writing.
- Price: 4.50 €
À propos: Marx u strujanju dekonstruktivnog čitanja
À propos: Marx u strujanju dekonstruktivnog čitanja
(À Propos: Marx – in the Blast of Deconstructive Reading)
- Author(s):Alpar Lošonc
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Existentialism, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Marxism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:139-146
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on an analysis and evaluation of the importance of Marx’s theory may have for Derrida. First, it is argued that the deconstructive reading of Marx’s texts is to be seen as the way toward the articulation of the politics and ethics in Derrida’s work. Second, the article maintains that the interpretation of Marx’s critical theory depends on the Derrida’s dealings with Levinas. I emphasize especially the significance of the phenomenology in this context, in fact, the importance of the Derrida’s dealing with the phenomenology of otherness. Third, I critically analyse in particular the concepts of absolute hospitality and messianistic coming. The conclusion is the next: Marx is, nolens volens, treated in Derrida in the light of the contradiction between ethics and politics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Konzervativizam, dekonstrukcija, univerzitet
Konzervativizam, dekonstrukcija, univerzitet
(Conservatism, Deconstruction, University)
- Author(s):Predrag Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:147-153
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:The paper examines the relation (or the lack thereof) between Derrida and Habermas in the later stages of their thought. Habermas’ buzzword-accusation of postmodern philosophy as being “conservative” is taken as a symptom of misunderstanding, but also, in a sort of recomposition, as a possibility for a different, fruitful understanding of Derrida. Derrida’s anti-sovereignist and, in a sense, anti-political conception of deconstruction, as the resistance-faith and the supreme philosophical loyalty, is presented primarily in its application to the field of reflecting on the institution of the university and its future, as well as – to a lesser extent, and by analogy – to the question of the “new” Europe and its establishment. The affinity here does not appear so close, probable, or even desirable, as it has lately been presented and as it presumably was mutually desired.
- Price: 4.50 €
Čemu to umiru filozofi? O političkoj funkciji jednog studentskog zahtjeva
Čemu to umiru filozofi? O političkoj funkciji jednog studentskog zahtjeva
(What is It Philosophers Die for?)
- Author(s):Borislav Mikulić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:155-159
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this contribution is to reflect upon institutional and political sense of a local philosophy student group asking after Jacques Derrida when he died. The iniciative came in a philosophical context lacking, since 1970s, any serious reception of Derrida’s theoretical work by eather philosophical currents (marxist, analytical or hermeneutical), and in the very asking after Derrida the iniciative both fails to recognize its real philosophical target and succedes in reveiling the void of local philosophy as event of thought. It is, such is at least the message of this “postcard”, just this function of Derrida’s being mere name that might serve to re-organize a self-understanding of young philosophers.
- Price: 4.50 €
In-statuere institucije filozofije Protiv-institucija – stoj, stajanje, ležanje, leškarenje, leš...
In-statuere institucije filozofije Protiv-institucija – stoj, stajanje, ležanje, leškarenje, leš...
(In-Statuere of the Institution of Philosophy)
- Author(s):Petar Bojanić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:161-167
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the nineties, almost every Derrida’s lecture deals with constants as “Philosophy as an Institution”; “Institution of the Philosophy”; “Philosophical Institutions” and then, on August 23 2002 at Cerisy, he starts to treat the “Philosophical model of a contra-institution” or “The Model of philosophy as a contra-institution”. The aim of this paper is to present and determine the institution of philosophy in the context of dead of a philosopher.
- Price: 4.50 €
Derrida sa Levinasom. Komentar jednog ogleda
Derrida sa Levinasom. Komentar jednog ogleda
(Derrida with Levinas: The Comentary of an Essay)
- Author(s):Boris R. Bratina
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology
- Page Range:169-176
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:This text is a part of a broader examination that considers Derrida’s relation to Levinas in his early works. It is particulary focused on “Violence and Metaphysics- an essay on the thought of Emmanuel Levinas”. In the text that I present here I investigate the so-called ontological violence. The main point I claim is that Derrida’s argumentation against Levinas, in spite of its deconstructive\destructive effects, still remains in the manner which was described by Levinas as an empirial nature of western thought. Besides that, I amshowing some indications for posing that there is functional paralelism between Levinas’ doublet face\Other and Derrida’s being\differance. Furthermore, I believe that if we consider all three kinds of violence and other Derrida’s texts, which were written those years, it might be shown that the theory of the Other was used as the transforming model toward the theory of differance. The pattern for this can be seen in Derrida’s degradation of meaning of “face” related to the rank which that concept has for Levinas. So, all this testifies about mutual positive influence, maybe for both of them, at least Levinas remains as his fourth inspiration after 3H (Hegel, Husserl, and Heidegger).
- Price: 4.50 €
Kritika čistog gostoprimstva
Kritika čistog gostoprimstva
(Critique de l’hospitalité pure)
- Author(s):Ivan Milenković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:177-181
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Dans ce texte l’auteur souligne la tension qui régne entre, d’un coté, principe de l’hospitalité inconditionnelle qui impose d’ouvrir la porte a chaque nouveau venu, ŕ tout étranger, qui vient de n’importe oů et, de l’autre coté, l’hospitalité conditionnelle qui se manifeste dans toutes les lois de l’hospitalité. Cette tension est directement visible dans le statut juridique et politique des refugiés et des personnes sans-papiers et indirectement elle touche les concepts politiques traditionnels, il y a peu de temps presqu’ intouchables, comme c’est la souveraineté, l’appartenance étnique oů un Etat-nation. Dans ce sens l’auteur fait la différence entre un étranger et un réfugié, en montrant que bien que le réfugié est toujours un étranger, l’étranger n’est pas toujours un réfugié, en tenant compte de la différence de leur status juridique et politiques, c’est a dire en ayant en vu les lois d’(in)hospitalité.
- Price: 4.50 €
Niko živ ne može vršiti dekonstrukciju. Ka Deridinoj epistemologiji fantomskog
Niko živ ne može vršiti dekonstrukciju. Ka Deridinoj epistemologiji fantomskog
(No Man Alive Can Do Deconstruction)
- Author(s):Ugo Vlaisavljević
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:183-190
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:Already in his earliest writings on Husserl, Derrida came to believe that the essence ofWestern thought lies in its will to secure a lasting presence of things. His determination of metaphysics as a metaphysics of presence has become very known and abundantly interpreted. However, there is a scandalous silence concerning his complementary determination of metaphysics as a metaphysics of life. As for all history of philosophy, and most evidently at its end in Husserl, the presence meant a vivid presence, a full presence of Life to itself. So the famous critique of metaphysics has to be, not in a second place, a critique of the philosophy of Life. How much seriously have we taken Derrida’s early insight that “the living present”, that ultimate ground of phenomenology, which is in turn characterized as “the most modern, critical and vigilant form of metaphysics,” is “a concept that cannot be broken down into a subject and an attribute?” To take a clear hold on this issue is to see in deconstruction a thought that tries to introduce into philosophy not death in general but “my own death.” In comparison with the metaphysics, its proper register is neither life nor death. Deconstruction turns out to be a thought that is not afraid of being haunted by specters and phantoms.
- Price: 4.50 €
Filozofeme i aporije tranzicione pravde
Filozofeme i aporije tranzicione pravde
(Philosophemes and Apories of Transitional Justice)
- Author(s):Đorđe D. Sibinović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, Law and Transitional Justice, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:191-197
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:With a synergy between UN agencies, governments and global civil society sector that managed to build a number of international institutions of criminal justice in the 1990s and the challenges to this commitment in the 2000s, in this paper we ask about sustainability and viable mechanisms to support the work of international courts. Do we in present conditions have a general responsibility to support these institutions even as by-standers to distant conflicts, as opposed to specific responsibilities to our political communities that are protagonists in conflict? We address this question through an examination of Jacques Derrida’s texts that discuss transitional justice issues including the concepts of forgiveness, responsibility, cosmopolitanism and its relation to international institutions. The effort to create a new language of solidarity of global publics in support of international justice, as a sole mechanism securing sustainability of its institutions, following Derrida, will have to seek a significant role for the exercise of philosophy in this project.
- Price: 4.50 €
Evropa: „mi“ i drugi
Evropa: „mi“ i drugi
(Europe: “We” and Others)
- Author(s):Adriana Zaharijević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics, Anthropology, Philosophy, Gender Studies, Philosophical Traditions, Political Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:199-204
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:This paper questions the paradox of hospitality from within, by interrogating the phrase We, the Europeans. By employing the metaphor of mythical raped, putatively black Europe, it introduces the concept of foundational/conservative violence, as a means to initiate and maintain the European production of otherness. Whereas previously the conception of the other was mapped and fabricated for colonizing purposes by those who possessed the power to “civilize”, nowadays all the others tend to slip out of their imposed image, trying to imbricate themselves in the genuinely European – male and white – model of “man and citizen”. In contrast to available patterns of assimilation of and indifference towards the others, I propose Derridian concept of negotiation as a way of dealing with the other. Negotiation displaces and uproots the horizons of the possible, since it advocates neither monopoly nor dissipation. The paper ultimately endeavors to present itself as a kind of “double-binded” negotiation, as having been written by a dubious European and a woman.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dekonstrukcija i normativnost
Dekonstrukcija i normativnost
(Deconstruction and Normativity)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Dobrijević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:205-208
- No. of Pages:4
- Summary/Abstract:The author re-examines so-called “normativity problem” in the light of some Derrida’s provisional definitions of the concept of deconstruction. Alleged unbreakable connection between the elementary Derridian conception and the concept of normativity here is criticized with help of “open question argument”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sila zakona protiv sile neprava
Sila zakona protiv sile neprava
(Force of Law Against the Force of Unrightness)
- Author(s):Đorđe D. Sibinović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Political Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:209-216
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:For Derrida, the force is a constitutive factor of the law and violence is its phenomenological aspect. As force is not legitimate in the field of subject’s activity, it subsists only in field of generality as condition and reason in the same time, and closes the circle “against” and the circle of “negation” of the non-justice of the essence of sovereign violence.
- Price: 4.50 €
Deridine sablasti: pogled vizira
Deridine sablasti: pogled vizira
(Derrida’s Spectres: His Pointing Out)
- Author(s):Nenad Daković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Metaphysics, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology
- Page Range:217-220
- No. of Pages:4
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to propose an answer to the question of possibility of a Phenomenology of spectral.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mislim, dakle, mislim drugo
Mislim, dakle, mislim drugo
(Deridina poetika gostoprimstva)
- Author(s):Jelisaveta Blagojević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Page Range:221-227
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:This paper addresses Jacques Derrida’s concept of hospitality as a critical one for his non-canonical understanding of the political. As a concept that is political par excellence, hospitality and/or the paradoxical gesture of welcoming the other opens up a space for different and diverse, unknown and unexpected guest, for the other, aporetically understood as impossible and unpredictable future to come, that cuts across, destabilizes and deconstructs all rational, established and safe ways of thinking and doing.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arhigrafija: arhiv i pamćenje kod Freuda i Derride
Arhigrafija: arhiv i pamćenje kod Freuda i Derride
(Archigraphia: Archive and Memory in Freud and Derrida)
- Author(s):Dragan Kujundžić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Psychoanalysis
- Page Range:229-234
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:Jacques Derrida’s Archive Fever starts with the aporia of the archive. The word arkhe, he recalls at the beginning of his book, names at the same time the command to remember, to archive, protect and keep, and the commencement of an institution of archivization which leads to forgetting. This aporia therefore splits from the outset the commemorative gesture into two irreconcilable demands or tasks, the symptoms in fact, to which Derrida gives the name of Archive Fever (Mal d’archive).
- Price: 4.50 €
Utopija razlike
Utopija razlike
(An Utopia of Differance)
- Author(s):Miroslav Milović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Metaphysics, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:235-239
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Derrida´s deconstruction can be regarded as a radical consequence of the question of ontological difference. According to him, Heideggerian project is still related to the specific hermeneutic reification. The new Derridian difference also has important ethical and political consequences. It is the framework within which it is possible to think democracy beyond metaphysics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Žak Derida, Robert Muzil: putevi s one strane stvarnog
Žak Derida, Robert Muzil: putevi s one strane stvarnog
(Jacques Derrida, Robert Musil: Different Approaches to the Realm Beyond Reality)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Kostić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Philosophy of Language, Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:241-246
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:Author initially attempts to differentiate ‘modern’ and ‘postmodern’ stance by emphasizing the subtle distinction between Derrida’s notion of peut-ętre (maybe) and Robert Musil’s concept of Möglichkeit (possible). These two notions are similar but nevertheless they can exemplify two different approaches to the realm beyond Reality: derridian ‘maybe’ refers to the openness of things, to surprise and ‘event’, whereas ‘possibility’ remains, by means of causality, motivation, utopism, etc., tied to existing reality. In the conclusion author suggests that ‘contemporary times’ – illustrated by Sloterdijk’s pictoresque portrait of polyvalent logics – demand ‘maybeness’ that encompass and surpass musilian contemplation on unreal, but possible things.
- Price: 4.50 €