Utilizarea tehnologiilor educaționale și informaționale moderne pentru formarea competențelor profesionale ale studenților în instituțiile de învăţămât superior
The use of modern educational and informational technologies for the training of professional competences of the students in higher education institutions
The scientific-practical conference with international participation
Author(s): Liubov Zastînceanu, Valeriu Cabac, Carolina Tcaci
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Communication studies, Higher Education
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: învăţământ superior-Republica Moldova; congrese; competenţe profesionale; formare; învăţământ superior; tehnologii informaţionale; instituţii superioare de învăţământ; metode de instruire; studenţi-formare profesională; publicaţii USARB
Summary/Abstract: Lucrarea prezintă materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifico-practică internaţională „Utilizarea tehnologiilor educaționale și informaționale moderne pentru formarea competențelor profesionale ale studenților în instituțiile de învăţămât superior” care a avut loc pe 7-8 decembrie, 2018 în incinta Universităţii de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-3276-0-2
- Page Count: 298
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Romanian, Russian
Modalităţile de formare şi dezvoltare a competenţelor profesionale în mediul digital
Modalităţile de formare şi dezvoltare a competenţelor profesionale în mediul digital
(Modalităţile de formare şi dezvoltare a competenţelor profesionale în mediul digital)
- Author(s):Valeriu Cabac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:6-13
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:obiectiv; competenţa; abordare prin competenţa; formarea/dezvoltarea competenţei prin situaţii; tehnologia informaţiei şi a comunicaţiilor; platforma de învăţare MOODLE; objective; competence; compete
- Summary/Abstract:In communication it is analysed the issue of the competence approach of learning, the relation between goals and competencies, the possibilities for developing competencies through and in complex situations, the possibilities of information and communication technology using in forming and developing competencies În comunicare este analizată problematica abordării prin competenţe a instruirii, relaţia obiective-competenţe, posibilităţile de formare a competenţelor prin şi în situaţii complexe, posibilităţile de utilizare a tehnologiei informaţiei şi a comunicaţiilor în formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor
Resurse informatice, utilizate pentru organizarea şi desfaşurarea procesului de predare-învaţare-evaluare la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
Resurse informatice, utilizate pentru organizarea şi desfaşurarea procesului de predare-învaţare-evaluare la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
(Resurse informatice, utilizate pentru organizarea şi desfaşurarea procesului de predare-învaţare-evaluare la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale)
- Author(s):Radames Evdochimov
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:14-19
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Information and communication technologies; education; ICT tools; teaching-learning-evaluation process
- Summary/Abstract:Information and communication technologies (ICT) have penetrated into all the fields of activity of a contemporary society, including in everyday life of people. This has led to the use of ICT in education, in order to increase the success of students in studies. This article is about ICT tools used for organizing the teaching-learning-evaluation process at the Information and Communication Technologies course that is part of the USARB’s non-IT specialties study programs.
Serviciile internet pentru organizarea procesului educaţional şi lucrul independent a studenţilor în domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
Serviciile internet pentru organizarea procesului educaţional şi lucrul independent a studenţilor în domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
(Serviciile internet pentru organizarea procesului educaţional şi lucrul independent a studenţilor în domeniul tehnologiilor informaţionale şi comunicaţionale)
- Author(s):Diana Moglan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:20-27
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:social networking services; educational materials on the Internet; information and communication technologies; educational activities on the Internet; servicii sociale de reţea; materiale educatţional
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the options for using network services for the organization of the educational process at the university. The specific examples describe the use of network services for the development of educational materials and their placement on the Internet, the organization of interaction between participants in the educational process and information about the results of the implementation of practical tasks. În comunicare sunt prezentate opţiunile de utilizare a serviciilor Internet pentru organizarea procesului educaţional în instituţie de învăţământ superior. Pe baza exemplelor concrete se descrie utilizarea serviciilor Internet pentru elaborarea materialelor educaţionale şi plasarea lor în reţeaua Internet, pentru organizarea interacţiunii participanţilor la procesul educaţional şi informarea cu privire la rezultatele efectuării sarcinilor practice.
Elements of adaptive learning for developing professional competencies at future engineers
Elements of adaptive learning for developing professional competencies at future engineers
(Elements of adaptive learning for developing professional competencies at future engineers)
- Author(s):Corina Negara, Elena Rotari, Liubov Zastînceanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:28-32
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:learning; developing professional;engineering
- Summary/Abstract:Developing professional competencies to future engineers is essential for their integration into professional life. The process of developing professional compentencies is influenced by several internal and external factors. Internal factors are determined by the learning needs of student, their level of knowledges and so on. External factors are the requirements of society, employers, etc. Usually in designing and developing competencies, teachers are focused on external factors, and less attention they paid to internal factors.
Organizarea evaluării curente a studenţilor secţiei cu frecvenţă redusă în condiţiile utilizarii cursurilor digitale
Organizarea evaluării curente a studenţilor secţiei cu frecvenţă redusă în condiţiile utilizarii cursurilor digitale
(Organizarea evaluării curente a studenţilor secţiei cu frecvenţă redusă în condiţiile utilizarii cursurilor digitale)
- Author(s):Liubov Zastînceanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:40-45
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:higher education; professional abilities; current evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The aproach towards higher education systems through various abilities as well as the necessity of training, or at least the initiation of some professional abilities of graduates, implies the revision of all aspects of the educational process. Studies at a reduced frequency in this sense represent a challenge because of the small amount of direct contact lessons, the necessity of achieving quality studies and difficulties in the organization of certain types of activities, necessary for a high quality educational process. The article analyzes the problems for realizing the current evaluation in the context of the training necessity and appreciation of the graduates’ professional skills in this type of education. Certain solutions are presented that allow the accomplishment of a current relevant evaluation through the use of digital courses.
Интеграция видов музыкальной деятельности как средство художественно-творческой подготовки будущих педагогов по музыкальному воспитанию
Интеграция видов музыкальной деятельности как средство художественно-творческой подготовки будущих педагогов по музыкальному воспитанию
(Интеграция видов музыкальной деятельности как средство художественно-творческой подготовки будущих педагогов по музыкальному воспитанию)
- Author(s):Marina Caliga
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Adult Education, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:58-62
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:integration; types of musical activities; future teachers of musical eduction
- Summary/Abstract: In connection with the transition from traditional education to the usage of new technologies in the context of the modernization of education, the need arose to revise the theory and methodology of professional training of future teachers. The significance of the artistic and creative training of future teachers is explained by the fact that in the condition of the development of vocational education, the modern requirements of society for the future teacher have changed, and the problems of teacher professionalization and individualization, the integration in its training, connecting theories with practice, are actualized.
Utilizarea resurselor web 2.0 în procesul de predare-învăţare-evaluare în liceu
Utilizarea resurselor web 2.0 în procesul de predare-învăţare-evaluare în liceu
(Utilizarea resurselor web 2.0 în procesul de predare-învăţare-evaluare în liceu)
- Author(s):Liubov Zastînceanu, Tatiana Cernei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:67-73
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:E-Learning; proces instructiv-educativ; instruire centrată pe cel ce învaţă; evaluare; instrumente Web 2.0.; instructional-educational process; learner-centered training; evaluation; Web 2.0
- Summary/Abstract:O ascendenţă deosebită în ultimii 20 de ani, o constituie, globalizarea şi schimbările tehnologice – procesele ce stau la baza unei noi economii mondiale „pusă în mişcare de tehnologii, alimentată de informaţii şi condusă de cunoştinţe” [1]. Răspândirea acestei noi economii globale are implicaţii majore în structura şi scopurile instituţiilor educaţionale. Perioada de actualitate a informaţiei se micşorează continuu, iar gradul de acces la ea creşte exponenţial. Sistemul educaţional nu mai poate fi axat doar, pe transmiterea unui set rigid de cunoştinţe de la profesor spre elev într-o perioadă fixă de timp. Materialul de faţă propune o abordare a procesului instructiv-educativ în liceu, din perspectiva e-learningului, utilizând Tehnologiile Informaţionale şi Comunicaţionale, în particular a resurselor Web 2.0. A particular rise in the last 20 years is globalization and technological change - the processes underpinning a new global economy "driven by information-driven and knowledge-driven technologies. The spread of this new global economy has major implications for the structure and purposes of educational institutions. Because the current information period is continuously decreasing and the degree of access to it increases exponentially, the educational system can no longer be focused on transmitting a rigid set of knowledge from the teacher to the student within a fixed period of time. This material proposes an approach to the educational process in high school from the perspective of e-learning, using Information and Communication Technologies, in particular Web 2.0 resources.
Aspecte privind învăţarea bazată pe proiecte în cadrul unităţii de curs analiză complexă
Aspecte privind învăţarea bazată pe proiecte în cadrul unităţii de curs analiză complexă
(Aspecte privind învăţarea bazată pe proiecte în cadrul unităţii de curs analiză complexă)
- Author(s):Natalia Gaşiţoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:81-85
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:învăţarea bazată pe proiecte; metode interactive; numere complexe; funcţii elementare de variabilă complexă; transformări conforme; project-based learning; interactive methods; complex numbers; elemen
- Summary/Abstract:Procesul instructiv contemporan în instituţiile de învăţamânt superior solicită cadrului didactic schimbarea strategiei de predare, transformarea lui într-un ghid sau trainer al studentului, iar sala de curs trebuie să fie transformată într-un mediu de lucru colaborativ în care studentul dezvoltă competenţele sale de explorare, învaţa să formuleze întrebări esenţiale, constructive, „bune”. Investigarea problemelor de analiză complexă permit înţelegerea profundă s,i autentică a conceptelor de analiză reală, iar succesul poate fi obţinut aplicând învăţarea bazată pe proiecte realizând o sinteză a rezultatelor din algebră, trigonometrie, analiză reală, geometrie şi topologie.Contemporary instructional process in higher education institutions requires the teacher to change his teaching strategy, transforming him into a student’s guide or trainer, and in the same time the classroom should be transformed into a collaborative work environment in which the student develops his exploration skills, learn to formulate essential, constructive, "good" questions. The investigation of complex analysis problems allows a deep and authentic understanding of real analysis concepts, and the success can be achieved by implementing project-based learning by synthesizing results from algebra, trigonometry, real analysis, geometry and topology.
The use of exploratory-creative methods in the process of training the professional competences of students studying engineering and related activities
The use of exploratory-creative methods in the process of training the professional competences of students studying engineering and related activities
(Utilizarea metodelor explorativ-creative în procesul de formare a competenţelor profesionale ale)
- Author(s):Emil Fotescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:154-159
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:metodelor explorativ-creative; inginerie; activităţi inginereşti; professional competences; studying engineering
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes: the essence and the functions of exploratory-creative methods; the essence of reproductive and formative education. It describes the role of explorative-creative methods in shaping the creative personality. There are examples of the exploration-creative methods used in the educational process.
Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaţionale moderne în domeniul turismului
Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaţionale moderne în domeniul turismului
(Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaţionale moderne în domeniul turismului)
- Author(s):Veronica Garbuz, Oleg Petelca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Vocational Education, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Economic development
- Page Range:160-165
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:tehnologiile informaţionale moderne; domeniile economiei; turism; travel sector; national economy; tourism
- Summary/Abstract:Modern information technologies are found in all areas of the national economy, the tourism sector being one of the main beneficiaries. With the emergence of IT in the travel sector, the tourist has a lot of choices, the Internet being one of the most popular search and information tools. Undoubtedly, these tools are advantageous for companies and for users. Tehnologiile informaţionale moderne se regăsesc în toate domeniile economiei naţionale, sectorul turismului fiind unul dintre beneficiarii principali. Odată cu apariţia IT în sectorul călătoriilor, turistul are o mulţime de opţiuni de alegere, Internet-ul fiind unul dintre cele mai populare instrumente de căutare şi informare. Indiscutabil, aceste instrumente sunt benefice atât pentru companii, cât şi pentru utilizatori.
Importanţa metodei grafice la predarea- învăţarea fizicii
Importanţa metodei grafice la predarea- învăţarea fizicii
(Importanţa metodei grafice la predarea- învăţarea fizicii)
- Author(s):Mihail Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:188-194
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:metode grafice; fizica; graphical method in teaching – learning; graphical deductions of physical
- Summary/Abstract:The paper demonstrates the importance of applying the graphical method in teaching - learning of physics. The practical part presents some graphical deductions of physical laws.
Experimentul demonstrativ la fizica – metoda indispensabila în formarea competenţelor studenţilor
Experimentul demonstrativ la fizica – metoda indispensabila în formarea competenţelor studenţilor
(Experimentul demonstrativ la fizica – metoda indispensabila în formarea competenţelor studenţilor)
- Author(s):Mihail Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Vocational Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:195-200
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:experimentul demonstrativ la fizica; competenţe; demonstration experiment on physics; students’ competencies
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents important arguments about the demonstration experiment on physics as an indispensable method in the formation of students’ competencies. At the practical side the application of the demonstration experiment in the teaching of certain themes from "Geometric Optics" is presented.
Sisteme de congruenţe liniare de o variabilă
Sisteme de congruenţe liniare de o variabilă
(Sisteme de congruenţe liniare de o variabilă)
- Author(s):Tatiana Rotari
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Vocational Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:219-221
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:algebra; congruenţe liniare de o variabilă; teorie a numerelor
- Summary/Abstract:Noţiunea de sistem de congruenţe liniare de o variabilă este o noţiune fundamentală studiată în cursul de Algebră şi teorie a numerelor în cadrul programului de studii a specialităţii Matematică şi Informatică.
Formarea competenţelor profesionale a viitorilor programatori în cadrul procesului de predare - învăţare - evaluare la unitatea de curs ”programarea funcţională”
Formarea competenţelor profesionale a viitorilor programatori în cadrul procesului de predare - învăţare - evaluare la unitatea de curs ”programarea funcţională”
(Formarea competenţelor profesionale a viitorilor programatori în cadrul procesului de predare - învăţare - evaluare la unitatea de curs ”programarea funcţională”)
- Author(s):Olesea Skutniţki
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Education, Vocational Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:222-225
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:programmer; professional competence; forming/developing of the programming competence; information and communications technology; programator; competenţa profesională; formarea/dezvoltarea competenţei
- Summary/Abstract:În societatea contemporană profesia programator a devenit foarte populară. În acelşi timp cererea programatorilor calificaţi depăşeşte oferta. Acest fapt se datorează nivelului pregătirii profesionale a absolvenţilor, care nu corespunde cerinşelor societăţii. În comunicare sunt analizate competenţele necesare unui programator pentru a fi angajat şi modalitatea de formare a acestora în cadrul unui curs universitar. Nowadays programmer is extremely popular profession. But the demand is exceeding the supply. The reason - insufficient level of competence after graduating from high school. In communication it is analysed the list of most nesessary competencies for programmer and the possibilities for developing them in a university course.
Разработка методики решения реальных задач на основе применения химических и физических эффектов
Разработка методики решения реальных задач на основе применения химических и физических эффектов
(Разработка методики решения реальных задач на основе применения химических и физических эффектов)
- Author(s):Vasile Şaragov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Scientific Life
- Page Range:226-230
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:химических и физических эффектов; фундаментальныe и прикладныe дисциплины
- Summary/Abstract:The technique to solve real problems is offered. The technique consists of five steps:1) recording of the conditions of problem; 2) statement of aim of the problem; 3) identification of the causes of appearance problem; 4) finding ways of solving the problem; 5) analysis of the solutions. The essence and content of each stage is discussed.
Optimizarea metodelor numerice, aplicate la interpolarea funcţiilor
Optimizarea metodelor numerice, aplicate la interpolarea funcţiilor
(Optimizarea metodelor numerice, aplicate la interpolarea funcţiilor)
- Author(s):Vitalie Ţîcău
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Vocational Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:231-234
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:metode numerice; interpolarea funcţiilor; interpolating functions
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with interpolating functions based on uniform and non-uniform structures. Functions are either discreet or rather complicated. In the literature, the calculation formulas of the interpolation polynomial Newton, Gauss, Stirling, Bessel and Heverette in the equidistant nodes are specified. But these formulas are based on the application of a recurrent formula for calculating the value of the polynomial for any point investigated. Thus, many of the calculations are repeated. In order to optimize the work, the paper investigated the possibility of determining the coefficients of the Newton interpolation polynomials in normal form without performing repetitions. The paper examines the following aspects:• description of numerical methods of interpolation of functions;• the theoretical determination of the coefficients of the formulas in the definition of the interpolation polynomials for a uniform discrete network for the concrete number of nodes;• defining the interpolation polymorph formulas by one or two parameters based on the determined coefficients;• a programming the formulas defined in the interpolation of functions in discrete or continuous mode. For each variant used, examples of application are presented.
Helping students develop higher order thinking skills
Helping students develop higher order thinking skills
(Helping students develop higher order thinking skills)
- Author(s):Viorica Condrat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:238-242
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:higher order thinking; transfer; problem solving; critical thinkin; skills
- Summary/Abstract:The 21st century context seems to be quite challenging when it comes to discriminate between facts and opinions, truth and lies. Therefore, students should be equipped with the necessary skills which will enable them to judge the value of truth, to transfer the acquired knowledge to new contexts, to solve problems and to think critically. The article examines the importance of scaffolding the development of higher order thinking skills at the university level. Students appear to be rather unprepared to think critically. That is why the educator is to design the education process in such a way as to help students enhance their higher order thinking skills. The article examines some strategies applied to fourth-year students at Alecu Russo Balti State University, which can be used to help students become critical thinkers.
Работа с прототипом в ходе анализа литературного произведения в вузе
Работа с прототипом в ходе анализа литературного произведения в вузе
(Работа с прототипом в ходе анализа литературного произведения в вузе)
- Author(s):Veaceslav Dolgov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:249-254
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:prototype; analyzing and interpreting the artistic features of a literary; didactic strategies; прототипом в ходе анализа литературного произведения
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims at presenting the experience of working with the prototype while analyzing and interpreting the artistic features of a literary work in the didactic aspect. Some pre-reading tasks are suggested, as well as a system of questions and assignments used during the reading stage. We have chosen Evdokia’s life and the play “Seven Saints from the Village Bryuho” by Lyudmila Ulitskaya as the didactic materials. The recommended procedure is based on the common didactic strategies used to develop not only independent critical thinking competences, but also the competences of comprehensive and adequate interpretation of the literary works.
Importanţa tehnologiilor informaţionale în activitatea şi formarea profesionala a psihologilor
Importanţa tehnologiilor informaţionale în activitatea şi formarea profesionala a psihologilor
(Importanţa tehnologiilor informaţionale în activitatea şi formarea profesionala a psihologilor)
- Author(s):Vasile Garbuz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology
- Page Range:255-259
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:tehnologii informaţionale; competenţe profesionale a psihologilor; skills of psychologists
- Summary/Abstract:The use of information technologies and tools in the field of psychological activity and training is a pressing necessity at the present stage. This is conditioned by the development of information technologies, the need to capitalize on time and to provide psychological services in optimal time and distance. Formation of professional skills of psychologists includes the obligation to use the computer and various information systems. Utilizarea tehnologiilor şi instrumentelor informaţionale în domeniul activităţii şi formării profesionale a psihologilor reprezintă o necesitate stringentă la etapa actuală. Acest lucru este condiţionat de dezvoltarea tehnologiilor informaţionale, necesitatea valorificării timpului şi acordării serviciilor psihologice în timp optimal şi la distanţă. Formarea competenţelor profesionale a psihologilor cuprinde obligaţiunea de a utiliza computerul şi a diferitor sisteme informaţionale.
Current changes in the english verb
Current changes in the english verb
(Current changes in the english verb)
- Author(s):Iulia Ignatiuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Philology
- Page Range:260-265
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:regularization of irregular forms; grammatical changes; attitudinal function; interpretative use; passival; mediopassive; mandative subjunctive; modals; semi – modals; english verb; Geoffrey Leech; Chr
- Summary/Abstract:The present article is an overview of essential grammatical changes that have recently occurred in the Modern English verb. The article draws on works by Geoffrey Leech, Christian Mair, Marianne Hundt and Randolph Quirk. Although these changes are referred to as current, some of them started in the first half of the twentieth century. The emphasis in the paper was on the major changes related to the increase in use of continuous forms, decline of be-passive, decrease in the use of some modal verbs and increase in the use of semi-modals, and the revival of the mandative subjunctive. These changes are of particular interest for teachers of English.
Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor digitale la studenţii domeniului socio-juridic prin noile tehnologii interactive la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor digitale la studenţii domeniului socio-juridic prin noile tehnologii interactive la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale
(Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor digitale la studenţii domeniului socio-juridic prin noile tehnologii interactive la unitatea de curs tehnologii informaţionale şi comunicaţionale)
- Author(s):Lidia Popov
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:266-274
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:interactive whiteboard; teaching; learning; assessment; interactive information technologies; key competence; digital competence
- Summary/Abstract:This paper describes the formation and development of digital competences for the students of the socio-law field through the new interactive technologies used in teaching the ITC course. It also explains the didactic, professional and interactive teaching-learning-assessment tool – the interactive whiteboard and SMART Notebook educational software.
Web 2.0 tools in a language class: benefits and challenges
Web 2.0 tools in a language class: benefits and challenges
(Web 2.0 tools in a language class: benefits and challenges)
- Author(s):Ludmila Raciula
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:275-279
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:barriers in communication; communicative competence; intercultural communication; professional interaction
- Summary/Abstract:The twenty first century is rightly considered the epoch of technology and speed, the two terms being often used together, implying that technology helps the users perform a task spending less time on it and making it more attractive. Teaching and learning has also changed under the influence of the new technological advances. A language class is rarely carried out without the use of any technology, be it directly through the use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom, or using them to prepare for the class. Learners use social media, You Tube channels, online learning tools to communicate with their peers in English, to perform some tasks, or to improve their skills. Thus, no matter whether we want it or not, technology has already occupied a substantial niche in the field of language teaching. This article presents the background of the issue of technology in the classroom, as well as the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 tools by teachers and learners
Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в процессе межкультурной коммуникации
Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в процессе межкультурной коммуникации
(Developing coomunicative competence in the process of intercultural communication)
- Author(s):Micaela Ţaulean, Diana Mirca-Griţunic
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:290-295
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:barriers in communication; communicative competence; intercultural communication; professional interaction
- Summary/Abstract:Teaching intercultural communication has become an important issue of modern curriculum that comes to help university students to develop not only their communicative skills but also to break all the stereotypes and to overcome misunderstanding while dealing with foreigners. This work explores the skills, the techniques and the exercises that can be applied while teaching English in order to provide students with valuable information regarding some country’s culture. A study of different cultures and civilization will lead to a successful intercultural communication devoid of embarrassing situations.