Сборник с доклади от докторантски семинар №1. Разработки на докторанти от катедра "Медии и обществени комуникации" - УНСС
Research papers from Doctoral Seminar №1. Research of Ph.D. students from the Department of Media and Public Communications - UNWE
Author(s): Boryana Hristova, Vili Yankova, Georgi Minev, Roslava Kumanova, Stanislava Tsvetkova, Tea Daulova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Summary/Abstract: This book collects scientific papers and reports presented on the doctoral seminar organized by the Department of Media and Public Communications at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-324-0
- Page Count: 82
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bulgarian
Турските медии за руския шпионски скандал в България
Турските медии за руския шпионски скандал в България
(Turkish Media for Russian Diplomats Espionage Scandal in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Boryana Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:3-13
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:geopolitics; turkish media; diplomacy; scandal; European Union; espionage
- Summary/Abstract:The Bulgarian-Russian diplomatic scandal over espionage on 24.01.2020 is engaging not only for the countries, involved in the scandal, but for all NATO and EU countries. The coverage of this hap-pening by the Turkish media rises the questions of information leakages, national security, the common geopolitical situation of the region as well as the reputation of the Turkish independent journalism.
Ефекти на радионовините в конвергентна медийна среда
Ефекти на радионовините в конвергентна медийна среда
(Effects of The Radio News in Convergent Media Environment)
- Author(s):Vili Yankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:14-24
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:convergent media environment; radio; radio news; media effects
- Summary/Abstract:The effects of the media have been subject of research for decades. Opinions of what the media can do are changed over the years. Their impact changes with the development of societies, but also with new technologies. In the convergent media environment in which, along with traditional media, Internet-based media have emerged, radio, television and newspapers have changed. The effects they have on their audience are also different. The purpose of this report is precisely to seek an answer to the question of how the effects change and how the way the audience perceives the information changes. The subject of the research is narrowed down to the effects of radio and in particular of radio news in information radio.
Начини на финансиране на дигиталните медии: предизвикателства и перспективи
Начини на финансиране на дигиталните медии: предизвикателства и перспективи
(Ways of Financing Digital Media: Challenges and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Georgi Minev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:25-37
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:media; financing; digital era; digital disruption; paid content; media convergence
- Summary/Abstract:The media world faces in today's digital era many challenges and maybe the biggest one of them is how to find success way of financing. For many businesses, this could sound an easy thing, but not for the publishers. The old ways for monetizing the media content are dead and the new ones are not already established. So, the success of media outlets in the future will be not only to be good at creating and distributing content but also at monetizing them. That's why this paper researches the most popular models of financing media business.
Ценности и ценностна система. Видове култури
Ценности и ценностна система. Видове култури
(Values and Value System. Cultural Types)
- Author(s):Roslava Kumanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:38-58
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:values; value system; culture; axiology
- Summary/Abstract:Value science is called axiology. Values are also dealt with in the philosophy of culture, cultural studies, anthropology, psychology, sociology and folk psychology. For some, they are attitudes, beliefs, and for others - models of behavior, cultural patterns, orientation of interests and desires, etc. Many contemporary anthropologists, sociologists, and other humanities scholars use the term cultures instead of values. The Dutch anthropologist Heert Hofstede introduces five basic cultural dimensions that characterize a society. They are: crops with a long and close distance to power; collectivist and indi-vidualistic cultures; cultures with masculine and feminine values; crops with a strong and weak expres-sion of future anxiety and long- and short-term oriented crops.
Онлайн бранд на наунопопулярни медии: стратегии за дигитално съдържание
Онлайн бранд на наунопопулярни медии: стратегии за дигитално съдържание
(Online Brand of Popular Science Media:
Digital Content Strategies)
- Author(s):Stanislava Tsvetkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:59-71
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:online media brand; digital content; popular science media; digital content
- Summary/Abstract:The report analyzes the maintenance of an online media brand of popular science media by cre-ating digital content for the Instagram and Facebook platforms. Its purpose is to show the need for new forms of content in media distribution channels for segmented audiences. The methods of observation and comparative analysis were used for the research. The results prove that the online media Atlas Ob-scura and Futurism are actively using some of the opportunities offered by the network to establish their media brand among the audience. However, it is recommended that popular science media introduce additional innovations in the creation and distribution of media content. These include the active use of augmented and virtual reality, notifications of published content, increasing the streaming of video, maintaining a mobile application. In the future, other important elements of creating an online media brand for popular science media can be explored, such as the development of e-mail marketing com-munication, user-centered web design, online communities, and other social media channels, including Youtube and Twitter.
Основополагаща рамка за характеризиране на модели на виртуални общности
Основополагаща рамка за характеризиране на модели на виртуални общности
(Basic Framework for Characterization of Virtual Community Models)
- Author(s):Tea Daulova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:72-81
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:virtual communities; models; internet; framework
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the text is to define the frame in which virtual communities can be examined. The ideas of Howard Rheingold on the impact of the Internet on its users will serve as a criterion. The very first examples of virtual societies are listed in chronological order. This gives an opportunity to propose an approach for defining virtual communities models. Examples of virtual communities models are listed.