Analysis and Assessment of Technologies for the Production of Ethyl Alcohol Cover Image

Анализ и оценка на технологиите за производство на етилов алкохол
Analysis and Assessment of Technologies for the Production of Ethyl Alcohol

Author(s): Aleksandra Gospodinova, Stanislav Dobrev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Economic development
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: ethyl alcohol; technology; production
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the present work is to analyze and evaluate the technologies for the production of ethyl alcohol, as the article provides a historical review of the evolution of the industrial technologies applied in the process for its production. Attention is paid to the ways of its preparation, its physical and chemical properties, as well as its numerous applications in modern society.Conclusions are made about the problems in the production of ethanol, which highlight their relevance to the concept of sustainable development and environmental protection. Possibilities for their solution were considered, regarding the renewal of the technique and technology in production enterprises, the use of raw materials of natural origin, the reduction of waste products and the increase of energy efficiency.