Author(s): Meliha Karić
Subject(s): Media studies, Sociology of Culture, Pedagogy
Published by: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Keywords: daily newspapers; constructive elements of culture; culture and mass media;
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the collected data on the representation of constructive elements of culture, more precisely content about culture and from culture in mass media - daily newspapers. The culture in broader sense defined as the life of people in its comprehensiveness, in a narrower sense it includes the values created by man. It includes a wide spectrum of human expression in the areas of: culture, language, performing arts, cultural customs, heritage, applied art, literature. Newspapers are the oldest and cheapest mass media. They reflect the spirit of the times in which they are created and reveal all the activities that take place in the community, but also foreshadow all the changes that will take place in a certain social community. We can differentiate five types of newspapers: daily, weekend, weekly, specialized newspaper and shopping guide. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Considering the specificity of the content: they have four key roles: to inform the public about important and current events, to entertain, convince and convey culture and cultural values to readers. The aim of the work is to present the values and strength of daily newspapers as an effective means of shaping personal and social cultural identity. Apart from the theoretical presentation, the paper presents the results of the conducted research, which analyzed the content of the daily newspaper Oslobođenje, published over a period of seven days. Research results show that most of the titles belong to the field of justice, judiciary and crime. The least published titles are from the fields of science and technology and the field of ecology. When it comes to published content from the culture and cultural events in our country, the collected data indicate that titles that promote and/or announce film screenings and plays dominate. The collected data show that headlines of an informative and educational character lead the way.
Book: Pedagogija – tradicija i suvremenost - zbornik radova
- Page Range: 214-229
- Page Count: 16
- Publication Year: 2025
- Language: Bosnian
- Content File-PDF