Keywords: personalistic ethic; eugenic; genome; human dignity; genome therapy
An author of this article tried to define a bound, perceived from personalistic ethic perspective to which a man can advance interfering in his own genetic structure in order to act within the framework of treatment, rather than making of „superman”. For the purpose of specifying above-bounds an author tried to classify on therapeutic and not-therapeutic interferences in human genome. An analysis of ethical dimension various forms genome’s therapy insert in this article allows to draw a conclusion, that a specific genome interferences can not be univocally judged as admissible or not.
More...Keywords: marks of the enunciator/speaking subject; polyphonic discourse; alterity marks of discourse; non-asumed responsibility.
Viewed from a pragmatic and enunciative perspective, the text is no longer conceived as a homogeneous linear organization, a fact that triggers a new manner of understanding and approaching the verbal communication. In its quality of a transfrastic interactive structure, the text bears the marks of the enunciator/speaking subject, who assumes it, explicitly or implicitly and, at the same time, he sets it in relation with other texts (through commentary, parody, quotation). In the same time, the discourse becomes polyphonic, because, in many situations/circumstances, by using certain procedures, his author does no longer fully assume responsibility for the uttered content. Therefore, we can highlight different marks that point to the alterity of the discourse and that are evident, especially, in the use of quotation marks. The points of view expressed this way by different „voices” (enunciators/speaking subjects), which may or may not coincide with those of the locutor, will be analysed in a set of texts from written media. This paper will show that their function is that of miming objectivity in narrating facts, whereas the real goal of the journalist is that of imposing his own commentary on the event, sometimes even at the cost of manipulating the receiver.
More...Keywords: focus particles; exceptives; restrictives; quantifier; variable
The paper contrasts the exceptive constructions containing the particle decât in Romanian, namely nu…decât and nu…alt+ceva/cineva decât, considering the semantic and syntactic properties of these two constructions against the background of the analysis proposed by von Fintel (1993) for English exceptive constructions. It will be shown that (i) exceptives have a common core semantic content but they differ cross-linguistically especially in terms of syntactic behaviour; (ii) the two Romanian constructions differ semantically and syntactically and do not support an ellipsis analysis. Based on synchronic properties as well as diachronic data the paper proposes that these are two independent constructions, the first one containing a null quantifier. Given the semantic similarities between this construction and doar and numai, the paper argues for a uniform treatment of restrictive focus particles.
More...Keywords: distance learning; learner autonom; translation training;, functional translator; translation textbook
Surprisingly, translator training in distance learning is under-researched in Translation Studies and the scholars in the field have simply ignored the fundamental differences between distance and traditional modes of translator training. This study is a preliminary attempt to draw attention to this neglected area of research. Firstly, the study made an attempt to determine a set of criteria for educating functional and autonomous translation trainees in distance learning through a contrastive and critical review of the related literature. Taking a functionalist-communicative stance, ideas were borrowed from distance learning, second language teaching and translation theories for this purpose. The most important criteria must be learner-orientedness, process-orientedness and use of authentic real-life translation tasks. Later, the criteria were employed to evaluate a self-instructional translation textbook. The evaluation showed that these criteria could serve as a roadmap for assessing and/or designing self-instructional textbooks for distance learning mode. Finally, it was suggested to add translation training in distance mode to the applied branch of the so-called map of Translation Studies to promote further research in this area.
More...Straipsnyje pateikiama vokiečių rašytojo B. Lebert jaunimui skirto romano Crazy ir jo vertimo į lietuvių kalbą (J. Kunčinas) lingvistinė-stilistinė analizė, kurios tikslas, remiantis konkrečiais pavyzdžiais, aptarti pagrindinius jaunimo kalbos vertimo ypatumus. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas konotacinėms jaunimo žargono perteikimo problemoms bei stiliaus adekvatumo klausimams. Jaunimo kalboje, kaip žinia, gausu vulgarizmų, keiksmažodžių ir kitokių nepadorių žodžių. Tai viena iš priežasčių, dėl ko šiai sričiai lietuvių kalbotyrininkai ir normintojai skiria tiek mažai dėmesio ir vengia apie tai viešai kalbėti. Jei Vokietijoje tokie žodžiai jau seniai fiksuoti ir stilistiškai įvertinti netgi mažesnės apimties universaliuose vienkalbiuose žodynuose, tai į Lietuvoje leidžiamus šiuolaikinius žodynus nepatenka jokie grubesni, net ir labai plaèiai vartojami šnekamosios kalbos žodžiai. Vertėjas, susidūręs su tokiais žodžiais, atsiduria gan keblioje padėtyje, nes, ieškodamas kuo tikslesnio atitikmens, jis priverstas vadovautis vien tik savo kalbine kompetencija. Tyrimas parodė, kad vertėjas, neturėdamas jokių patikimų, legalizuotų gimtosios nenorminės leksikos vartojimo šaltinių, jį verčia vadovaudamasis etinėmis-moralinėmis normomis, o ypač grubesnius žodžius neretai sušvelnina ar pagražina. Straipsnyje keliama mintis, kad bandydami sukurti dirbtinai pagražintą kalbos vaizdą nei vertėjas nei leksikografas nepakeis kalbos vartojimo realybės ir neišspręs jos švarumo problemos. Užuot nutylėjus tam tikrus leksinius vienetus ar jų reikšmes, visų pirma turėtų bûti pripažintas jų egzistavimo faktas, įtraukus tokius žodžius į žodynus ir aiškiai apibrėžus jų stilistinį atspalvį bei vartojimo sferas.
More...In this paper, the attention was paid to the disturbing images representing aggressive and violent behavior in the movies awarded with the European Film Award. Among the winners of the EFA awards (1988-2014) is a greater number of representations of violent behavior and death, in various forms. Whether it is about the murder, self-punishment or legitimately imposed penalty, the representation of violence as an act of punishment, lethal, is in the focus of many European filmmakers – from Kieslowski, Amelio, fon Trier, Polanski, Haneke to Pawlikovski and others. The causes should be sought in turbulent times and events that have marked Europe in recent decades. Using the examples of European award-winning films, the paper deals with the phenomenon of violence and is representation on cinema, as an individual act but also as an act in which the State punishes the perpetrators, imposing the maximum sentence. Special emphasis was given to the two films that deal with violent deaths and result with death sentences handed down by the law as formal way of violent act: A short film about Killing by K. Kieslowski (1988) and Open Doors by G.Amelio (1991). It points also to the ethical-philosophical question of prescribing the death sentence. The violence is in function of deterrent and represents a method of social impact, as anticipatory but also as a corrective factor.
More...Keywords: translation studies; translation theory; functionalism; functional translation; equivalence; Czech translation theory; Slavic translation studies; norms; teleology; communication; sociosemiotics
Slavic translation studies as a whole is an uncharted territory almost missing on the international map of the discipline. At the same time, Western digests, overviews and encyclopaedias often reduce functionalism to the Skopos theory. There are several reasons for this status quo in the discipline. Jiří Levý, sometimes referred to as a Russian formalist, is taken here as an example of Eastern functionalism and compared to Western functionalisms. It is hoped that recent tendencies in TS will result in the integration of Eastern TS into the mainstream and in the extension of the functionalist family membership, along with the reassessment of what functionalism is.
More...Keywords: ethics; police studies; police organization; attitudes; values;
Ethics occupies a special place and value in sciences. It has a strong impact on research, as well as on project management and governance in higher education institutions. Studying the issues of ethics and ethical behaviour is a top priority of each higher education institution which deals with the education of police and other security institutions. The significance of ethics in a democratic society with modern policing is of importance for the development of the police profession and respect of human rights and freedoms.This paper aims to present the views and opinions of students regarding the ethics not only in education but also in the police profession. A group of 80 students were included in the survey, who answered to 13 questions regarding ethics in the police studies and in the police profession. A group of questions are related to the students’ opinion on citizen’s views.The results of the survey will offer appropriate conclusions to improve the curriculum on police ethics, simultaneously acknowledging the views of students and their needs for additional training or education in the field of ethics. This approach will give a more comprehensive view of ethics and will become a driving force of the change of attitudes among the police officers.
More...Keywords: legal professions; professionals; lawyers; law; sociology of legal professions; unity;
Legal professions play a pivotal role in modern legal systems. Due to their systemic importance, legal professions had to develop strategies to sustain their existence and retain their influence. One of such strategies would be to foster unity of the legal profession(s) amongst themselves and its members. This strategy is embedded in all the stages of entering legal professions, as well as in the later phases of a career development or progression. Having that in mind, this paper aims at shedding some light on the importance of that strategy employed to maintain the subsistence of legal professions.
More...Keywords: spatial language; Williams syndrome; cross-linguistic comparisons; genetically disordered people;
The paper argues that even in studying genetically disordered populations, taking a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural approach seems to be fruitful. Using data from several languages, including Hungarian, might help to clarify the real nature of some cognitive and linguistic disorders. Data from the longitudinal Hungarian Williams Syndrome Project, which included mainly children between five and eighteen, are presented. Williams syndrome is an extremely rare (1: 25,000 live births) genetic disorder, that shows serious impairments in spatial cognition, with a relatively intact language. However, many claims were made regarding qualitative peculiarities within the language area as well. The Hungarian data helped to clarify some of the controversies around these issues. Most notably there were no signs in Hungarian for morphological over-generalizations being more characteristic of Williams syndrome people. Regarding spatial language, using the rich Hungarian system of suffixes and postpositions, it was observed that while their spatial term use is limited, as expected on the basis of their constrained spatial cognition, the qualitative pattern is similar to typically developing children. On the whole, our data support the use of cross-linguistic comparisons to support a more refined theory of development in genetic impairments, with a role for the individual life path.
More...Keywords: sociology of sport; biography analysis; football – 1970s; sport career; transformation
Polish football players born in 1970s is an unique group. Theirs careers were affected by social transformation which started in 1989. Thus the macrostructural changes remained the background for their life choices. This paper is the analysis of these footballers’ (auto)biography books. The key topic is the private experience of the mentioned historical moment. Therefore, the text is focused on the confidential plots – social bonds, family situation, friendship, love relation. In effect, it gives the „intimate portrait” of the Polish football „1970s generation”.
More...Keywords: Progress; dignity; state; society; cosmopolitanism; morality; ethics;imperative;
The article presents the discrepancies in the interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s practical philosophy. First of all, Marek J. Siemek’s interpretation emphasising the intersubjective character of Kant’s thought is presented. It has been confronted with other contemporary receptions of the Critiques’ author’s work, including, among others, the socio-political interpretation by Hannah Arendt. While in the end, the criticism made by Theodor Adorno has been outlined, which shows the irremovable contradictions underlying Kant’s thought.
More...Keywords: early year's science; animal taxonomy; socio-cultural perspective; Islamic science worldview;
The purpose of this research was to explore and compare the ideas of Saudi boys and girls on animal species. Eighty-four children (comprising 42 boys and 42 girls), aged nine years, from four primary schools, participated in structured interviews to determine their ideas pertaining to taxonomic labels, namely ‘animal’, ‘fish’, ‘amphibian’, ‘reptile’, ‘bird’, ‘mammal’, and ‘insect’. The results demonstrated that Saudi children of both genders display a wide range of alternative conceptions; more specifically, the effect of gender was significant for all taxonomic vertebrate labels, suggesting that Saudi boys have better knowledge relating to animals than girls. However, generally, children did not have adequate forms of reasoning for biological classification. It was also found that none of the fourth graders thought of humans as animals due to the Islamic science worldview. Based on these findings, it is argued that science education, notably in an international context, should strive to incorporate an understanding of local values and beliefs.
More...Keywords: Spiš; diocese; parishes; branches; priests; believers
The establishment of the Spiš bishopric, as well as the gradual growth of the number of parishes and priests in the diocese after the Reformation period helped to create the Schematisms of the Spiš diocese. With data from individual parishes and their branches, they have thus become an important administrative and practical element in their administration. They were a kind of simplistic equivalent of canonical visits. The data contained in them were regularly updated, always in the specific year of issue of the new schematism. Initially, they were not published every year. It always depended on the financial means of the diocese and various other circumstances. In this way, the episcopal manor tried to help the priesthood in the often difficult pastoral ministry. Thus, one can see the effort to gradually improve the church administration in Spiš, which was accompanied by a national, cultural and spiritual advance of the consciousness of priests and believers. In the first half of the 20th century, however, some of the Spiš parishes came under the jurisdiction of the Polish clergy, as part of the Spiš territory fell to Poland. Nevertheless, the number of parishes, priests and believers of the Spiš diocese later increased even more.
More...Keywords: schizophrenia; humour; Gricean implicatures; IQ; Theory of Mind;
Humour is an important component of social cognition. The last few years of cognitive research of schizophrenia provided a considerable amount of empirical evidence about social cognitive impairments in this serious neurodevelopmental disorder. The aim of this study is to investigate verbal humour comprehension and its cognitive background in a group of schizophrenic patients with normal intelligence. Results showed that patients were practically unable to understand verbal jokes, Gricean implicatures, and second-order Theory of Mind (ToM) tasks, when compared with healthy subjects. As the statistical analysis shows, verbal joke comprehension of patients living with schizophrenia significantly correlated with the comprehension of the linguistic incongruity of the Gricean implicatures and with verbal intelligence. On the other hand, smooth handling of verbal jokes did not significantly depend on the comprehension of second-order ToM and did not correlate with the comprehension of the intended meaning of the speaker’s utterance in the Gricean implicatures’ tasks.
More...Keywords: vaccine; criminal liability; ethics; legal boundaries; proportionality;
In the current social context, the issue of children's vaccination is a hot topic that has divided both public opinion and medical professionals into two belligerent camps that are fighting an endless war. The issue of vaccination can be approached from a multiple perspective but, by virtue of our specialization, we have proposed an objective approach that starts with morality and ends with the identification of legal boundaries, both in terms of the state's right to impose the vaccination of children, as well as the right of parents to refuse to execute such an obligation. Can we talk about a right and a correlated legal obligation in terms of child vaccination? What would be the rationale for editing imperative rules imposing such a task that can have consequences in terms of physical development, health of children and even their life? The act of criminalizing human behaviour must respect the desiderata of specific social peril level, necessity and proportionality. Is the penal intervention of the State on the issue of sanctioning the parents' refusal to vaccinate their children in accordance with these desiderata? Here are just a few of the ideas that we propose to discuss in the present study, which aims not to provide terse solutions, but to invite to an open, impartial and balanced dialogue.
More...Keywords: human evolution; nature of science; non-scientific explanations;
The purpose of this study was to measure the freshmen’s level of knowledge about genetics, evolution, human evolution, the nature of science, and opinions on evolution and the presence of non-scientific explanations among Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Turkish students. Determination of prior knowledge and pre-conceptions about these issues is important because they are filters to learning other related concepts. The results are going to be a starting point for developing teaching strategies concerning Darwinian evolution and preparing prospective science teachers for working with students in national and international contexts. A total of 994 first-year university students from the Czech Republic (276; 27.8%), Slovakia (212, 21.3%), Slovenia (217, 27.3%) and Turkey (235, 23.6%) participated in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: knowledge especially that of the nature of science at the freshmen level was seriously flawed. Non-scientific explanations were present in high percentages. Both were regarded as barriers towards scientific reasoning and acceptance of general human evolution especially for students expressing orthodox religious beliefs.
More...Keywords: architectural installation; contemporary art; form/formless; monolithic; (un)aesthetics; habitable/uninhabitable;
Since the postwar period, with the emergence of different approaches in art, the discipline of architecture has been a scene for many radical approaches and experimental urban-related problems. Originally derived from theatre design installations in the Renaissance period and infused with the spirit of the Dada movement and Russian Constructivism in the 1920s, architects in the late 1960s and the 1970s expanded their practice in an interdisciplinary context that included contemporary art. By the nature of their dynamics, installations can be regarded alongside paper architecture and architectural competitions as practices that transgress the conventional ways of thinking and doing architecture, creating a new field of experimentation, and pushing the frontiers of understanding and questioning the limitations and the possibilities of space, structure, form, and materiality. Architectural installations can be examined as an in-between and formless practice that transgresses the boundaries of disciplines and move beyond the “act” of construction realized as an outcome of architectural practice. As Christo points out, such artworks offer a “sense of fragility, vulnerability, and urgency, while also stimulating an awareness of the emptiness that [accompanies] its eventual dismantling.” Installation art makes the invisible visible, or brings along a new reading, a new perspective that gives different meanings to the ordinary elements of everyday life. Some installations that serve as examples thereof include the burning down of a building (such as in Casagrande and Rintala’s temporary installation), demolishing an existing building as a form of activism (as in Gordon Matta-Clark’s interventions), and making visible the sensible and invisible (such as Rachel Whiteread’s urban sculptures). In this way, some installations coincide and intersect with architectural space or architectural activism through collective activity, including architectonic traits such as elements, materials, surfaces that go beyond the radical form and have the potential to radically transform architectural thought.
More...Keywords: Sweden; nuclear program; nuclear weapon; NATO; neutrality; anti-nuclear posture; Russia
This paper investigates the effects of Sweden’s nuclear weapons program in its historical global positioning. Author analyzes the causes and scope of the launched nuclear weapons program, looking at the perspective of the continuity of Swedish neutrality and military non-alignment, until the country’s latest decision to join NATO. By shutting down the nuclear program, Sweden marked the path of the main promoter of global disarmament and the initiator for the elimination of all nuclear arsenals. The main hypothesis that is being proven reads: By joining NATO, Sweden would not only abandon the centuries-old tradition of neutrality, but as a member of the military alliance would lose the image of a global antinuclear promoter. The paper is based on realistic premises regarding the security threat when analyzing the perception of the former Soviet and today’s Russian security threat. Normative approach was used to explain the abandonment of the nuclear program, noting that the security calculation overcame the strength of anti-nuclear norms in Sweden’s political practice. The relationship in the triangle NATO – neutrality – antinuclear posture will become more and more complicated over time, and after formal membership in NATO, Sweden may face the issue of deploying nuclear weapons on its territory. The paradox lies in the fact that Sweden abandoned its nuclear program on the verge of producing its own atomic arsenal, only to accept foreign (nuclear weapons) as part of its defense strategy decades later.