The Politics of Life Itself
Polityka życia samego
Keywords: bioethics; biology; biopolitics; biotechnology; corporeality; genetics; the science of life; vitality
This article examines the contemporary biopolitics in light of the often cited guidance of Michel Foucault, that the present policy of focusing on "the life". He suggests that the recent developments in the life sciences, biomedicine and biotechnology can be usefully analyzed with respect to three aspects. First one concerns the control logic, the second - the regime of truth in the life sciences, and the third - the technology itself. In modern biopolityce mean respectively risk policy, policy of molecular and etopolitykę. The article suggests that these three aspects of people became "Individualities somatic": personality and is often de'niowana in terms of physicality, and between our behavior and biology are established new, direct relationships. At the same time that somatic and corporeal body is forced to choose, to be prudent and responsible and subjected to experiments and challenge. All these elements contribute to the policy of "life itself".