The Timetable collapsed ... Hungarian Railways in the First Year of the Great War
Összedőlt a menetrend…. Magyar vasutak a Nagy Háború első évében
Keywords: military train; of military importance; Galicia; Serbia; frontiers;
In Europe and Hungary the soldiers first got on the trains during the revolutionary waves of 1848-1849. The military headquarters deliberately put up the railway-systems in service of moving the military corps from the second half of the 19th century. The Austrian-Hungarian military commanders prepared for a war against Russia and Serbia, but separately. Railways transported soldiers both to southern and eastern directions when the Great War broke out on the summer of 1914. The civilian schedule of railways collapsed, the military trains were treated first everywhere. Enormous amounts of munitions, thousands of soldiers and horses were transported to the frontiers by the MÁV (Hungarian National Railways) in the first year of the Great War. On the north-eastern and southern parts – as signed on the map – meagre civilian traffic was conducted for six months.Keywords: military train, of military importance, Galicia, Serbia, frontiers.