Contemporary historiography has actively engaged the subject of the influence of Russian imperial authorities on the religious and national identity of the Jewish population. As is clear from the most recent works, in spite of vacillation, disruption, and failure, the authorities’ orientation toward inclusion of particular segments of the Jewish population in the estate (soslovie) structure of Russian society – “selective integration” in the terminology of Benjamin Nathans – represented the most well-considered approach to the resolution of the Jewish problem.
More...Keywords: church; revolution; army; Bolshevism; crisis; atheism;
The success of the Bolshevik revolution was due not only to the deep crisis that was prevailing in the Russian society, to the many defeats the tsarist Army suffered, but also to the turmoil the Orthodox Church had been passing through for several decades. A breach had been felt inside the Church between episcopate and the clergy of the parishes, as well as between clergy and the ordinary faithful. Many Russian intellectuals passed through a true crisis of religious identity, having been attracted by atheism and Marxism. Can we blame the Orthodox Church for the success of communism in Russia? I try to explain in this study the lack of reaction of the Orthodox Church when faced with the spreading of the communist ideology in the Russian society and Army.
More...Keywords: sensorial; affective language; senses; suggestion;
Throughout the whole Hallipa series, Hortensia Papadat Bengescu seems to reject the solution of harmonization between body and soul, blocking any communication between inner and outer body, her characters cannot live in a unified frame, and they are unable to hear their intimacy. An approach on the sense organs (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching), on the extra sensorial (intuition), and on the elaborated sensorial impressions in her novels offers a better understanding of the literary work and emotions. The sensitivity seems to be dominant in feminine fiction in general and particularly in Papadat Bengescu’s texts. She thought the main aim in art is to share all she has to say to the senses, using the technique of expressive structural motifs, transforming the work into allusions, introspections and psychological revealing. The sensorial is dominated by language and it is decoded through an affective language, since the affect is a condition of speaking. The author was concerned about the language only as a sensitive corpus and disclosed its intrinsic sensorial spontaneity that often seems to lead to heresy.
More...Keywords: postmodernism; Mikhail Bulgakov; Kurt Vonnegut; novelistic conventions; parody;
This paper aims to analyze two novels illustrating the emergence of the postmodernism in the sixth decade of the past century, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov and Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, written and published in distinct cultural areas. Concerning the novelistic devices, the postmodernism promotes an anti-mimetic poetics, pluralism and fragmentation, by cultivating the internal incoherence, nonlinear narration, stylistic eclecticism associated with an ironic-parodic and demystifying attitude. Notwithstanding the thematic and structural differences, these two novels are following the main features of postmodernism, ultimately anti-imitative, self-referential and deconstructive, revealing the character of an open work.
More...Keywords: e-book; digital; deposit; avatar; technology;
Books have been around for millennia, playing a vital role inhuman civilization as a practical way to code and safeguard knowledge acquired by people who lived long before us. Not only that, but prior to TV and modern-day electronic devices books were a source of entertainment for literate individuals. We as civilized specie owe a lot to books and it would be pity to abandon them in the wake of the digitally interactive world that is shaping before our eyes. Although paper books have a certain appeal for the purist who enjoys the pleasure of turning pages with the tip of the fingers, one must not be afraid of digital books such as e-books or audio books. Ever since transitioning from writing and drawing on cave walls and rocks to writing on leaves and animal skins, books have evolved as well. The same way as ancient Egyptian books written on papyrus or Western European medieval books hand written on lamb skins bear little resemblance to current books printed on paper, modern e-books or digital audio books are just different avatars of knowledge safekeeping through books.Just think that a humble PC or laptop can shelter millions digital books,while it would take a monumental building to shelter and make available that many books in printed version.
More...Keywords: Solemn year; Rural; Romanian Patriarchs; Nicodim; Iustin;
His Beatitude Daniel, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, underlines the main characteristics of „2019 – The Solemn Year of the Romanian Village (of priests, teachers and diligent mayors) and the Commemorative Year of Patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Iustin Moisescu, and of the translators of church books in the Romanian Patriarchate”.
More...Keywords: Kayseri Museum; Female Head; Early Hadrian Period;
The female head which was uncovered during foundation excavation of a house by a person in 1964 has not been published until today. Although it is difficult to date Kayseri piece, of which finding place and building connection are not known, based on only hair fashion and physiognomical features, it is tried to bring forward a proposal of period and identification to the female head by my evaluations and comparisons. The hairdressing fashion, plump face, the lack of depicting pupil and iris on Kayseri piece which I have written to add to the archeology literature are defining features that allow us to date the female head. “Ceres Type” hair fashion on the piece preserved in Kayseri Museum, closely resembles formal and private female portraits in Julio-Claudian Dynasty and Hadrian periods. Although only the hairdressing fashion on Kayseri head reminds the hair fashion in the periods of Julio-Claudian Dynasty, the lack of patetic expression distinguishes the female head from the stylistic features of this period. Though the hair fashion on the female head is also very similar to the hairdressing fashion on the female portraits of Hadrian period, the portrait of Kayseri does not include the expression of the physiognomic features by idealizaton seen in the portraits of Hadrian period as in the pieces of Julio-Claudian Dynasty. However, at the same time, the absence of a patetic expression on the piece, the "Ceres Type" hair fashion and the lack of depicting the pupil and iris make it possible to date the female portrait to the Early Hadrian period when the physiognomical features were not fully idealized. In my study, it has been aimed to give detailed information about the date of the piece, identification study and the reasons for the period I proposed by comparing the head of Kayseri with both periods in which the "Ceres Type" hairdressing fashion was seen.
More...Review of: Tatiana Agapkina 2019. Derev’ia v slavianskoi narodnoi traditsii: Ocherki. Moscow: Indrik. 656 pp. In Russian.
More...Keywords: bird names; Karaim Bible translations; Ottoman Turkish Bible translations; Gözleve Bible; the Book of Leviticus; Crimean Karaim; Oghuzic characteristics; Kipchak characteristics
This paper is a continuation of a previous study that presented the names of mammal, insect, and reptile species appearing in the Book of Leviticus of the so-called Gözleve Bible. The present study aims to survey the rest of the animal names in the corpus, representing bird species. The translation shows a mixed vocabulary and therefore the distribution of the Kipchak, Oghuzic, and non-Turkic elements will be compared with their equivalents in some of the other books of the Gözleve Bible, a recently published critical edition of another Crimean Karaim Bible, and some Ottoman Turkish Bible translations.
More...Keywords: intellectual property;paratext;nineteenth century;apocrypha;plagiarism;translation;
In a politically, socially and historically challenging context as the one that characterizes the 19th century, all actors involved in translation publishing seem to take liberties dictated by the desire to respond to the preferences or needs of the target readership: on the one hand, the translator towards the original author, the target audience and the editor (by choosing the texts to be translated) and on the other hand, the editor towards the author, the translator and the readers. Between 1800 and 1900, the absence of deontological norms and the quasi-sure existence of the notion of intellectual property in the Romanian Principalities are reflected not only in the laxism of the translational approaches but also in certain aspects of the paratextual apparatus accompanying the translations themselves. And if some of the translators are aware of the importance of their fully assumed role, the editorial behavior (from page layout and in(voluntary) omission of information to misspellings and renaming according to the Romanian graphy) betrays the negligence or the ignorance of the messengers of the cultural act. Our research focuses on a corpus of relevant paratexts that frame the main texts and are likely to provide valuable insights into how such meta-elements and meta-speeches have influenced, changed or altered the reception of the source text in the target culture. Therefore, at the dawn of the translation studies in Romania, our goal is to analyze if and how editorial decisions canceled, minimized or granted the right of the first author and that of the secondary author (the translator).
More...Keywords: realism; social classes; Industrial Revolution; friendship; mystery;
Charles Dickens was a representative writer for the realistic period of the 19th century. He is known both as a novelist and as a literary critic. This paper presents a few aspects of realism in literature and the way its representatives depicted everyday experiences and real life stories. The author manifested a particular interest in emphasizing the gap between social classes that characterized Dickens’s epoch, the working conditions and harsh treatment applied to children. All these elements are described with mastery in „Great Expectations”. The novel reveals the specific themes of the century: innocence, human weakness, love, friendship, burning ambitions, destiny. Against all odds, the spectacular events have a happy ending, turning the novel into an experience that has fascinated generations of readers.
More...The history of censorship in Russia is unusually sad. But Ukraine would still be comparatively fortunate if only the censorship laws were applied to it to the same degree as in Great Russia, or as in Poland or Finland. Special censorship laws for Ukraine have always been promulgated in Russia, and they have been applied with draconian cruelty, unlike the case for the other nationalities. I therefore think it will be interesting and useful to acquaint my readers, if only briefly, with the more or less striking features marking the history of the treatment of Ukrainian literature by the Russian censorship laws, a survey of which is the object of the present article.
More...Keywords: M. Bulgakov; N. Gogol; dead souls; merging the fantastic with the real; grotesque;
В статье проводится параллель между двумя великими русскими писателями, жизнь и творчество которых можно воспринять, как продолжение во времени одной и той же жизненной и творческой судьбы. Очевидна тесная духовная связь ещё с ранних гимназических лет М. Булгакова с миром Н. Гоголя, хотя литературный дебют первого был отмечен другими именами.
More...Keywords: musicology; current scientific; Carpathian-Danubian Pontic; musicological context;
In the context of the musicology research of the centuries before the Christian reform (1814), the current scientific research brings to the fore the donors who have dedicated themselves to the media-Byzantine musical art in the cultural, ethnic, religious, musicological context, striving through their primary research to contribute after being able to the area of the researches in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area thus completing the obol of their potential in the perspective of the great event from the beginning of the 19th century.
More...Keywords: musicology; current scientific; Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic; musicological context;
In the context of the musicology research of the centuries before the Christian reform (1814), the current scientific research brings to the fore the donors who have dedicated themselves to the media-Byzantine musical art in the cultural, ethnic, religious, musicological context, striving through their primary research to contribute after being able to the area of the researches in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area thus completing the obol of their potential in the perspective of the great event from the beginning of the 19th century.
More...Keywords: Biblical; christian State; country; Church; social transformation; poor; work; social justice; politics;
This paper examines the conection between the Church and the society. It analyses the Church interraction with society in four major domains, namely work, poverty, social justice and politics. The premise of this article is that the church is called to play a major role in the transformation process o the local community. Our goal is to examine the New Testament evidence which offer guiding principles on the topic of social responsability of the church.
More...Keywords: Statuette, collection; faux; moderne; Anubis
Dans l’age des antiquaires et des collectionneurs de Transylvanie (XVIIe–XIXe siècles), outreles abondantes antiquités découvertes dans les ruines des anciens centres romains de Dacie, il y avait aussi une série de faux modernes. C’est le cas d’une statuette en bronze de la collection du comte Kemény József de Luncani, dép. de Cluj. En raison de certains détails de la description et des dessins de la statuette la figure représentée était associée soit à Anubis, soit aux Chevaliers Danubiens. En 2022, à l’occasion de la reévaluation de la collection égyptienne du Musée National d’Histoire de Transylvanie Cluj-Napoca, parmi les autres pièces considérées comme des faux modernes a également été identifiée la statuette en bronze de la collection du comte Kemény József. Certains symbols contenus suggèrent que la statuette a été fabriquée dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle.