Keywords: school psychologist activity; present status of school psychology
While recognizing the diversity in titles, roles, and responsibilities of school psychologists around the globe, the specialty of school psychology has been characterized as one that collectively provides individual assessment of children who may display cognitive, emotional, social, or behavioral difficulties; develops and implements primary and secondary intervention programs; consults with teachers, parents and other relevant professionals; engages in program development and evaluation; conducts research; and helps prepare and supervise others. School psychology is a profession that is established in many countries and also emerging in many others around the world. Contemporary scholarship provides valuable information regarding school psychology internationally. This article offers a brief summary of previous publications, recent resources, and emerging findings regarding the profession of school psychology around the world.
More...Keywords: Sweden; Children´s literature; translation; Romania; Astrid Lindgren; Swedish Welfare State; Children´s worldview; Constantin Noica
The world famous children´s books written by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) can with clarification be seen as an outcome of the particular welfare society that emerged through co-operative political and ideological forces during the twentieth century. In many ways her stories symbolizes the humanitarian solidarity which that social system originally was built upon, and by autAhentically and sensitively putting the world view of children always in focus, she set a new standard for children´s literature. The article outlines a group of questions raised by the relatively recent launching of her books in Romanian, mainly concerning the different cultural and linguistic contexts that are brought together when Lindgren is translated into Romanian, and how this can both generate fruitful interchange as well as reveal gaps or differences that need to be overcome.
More...Luminiţa Dumănescu: Transilvania copiilor. Dimensiunea demografică a copilăriei la românii ardeleni/Transylvanian Children. The demographic dimension of childhood at the Romanians from Transylvania. Cluj-Napoca, 2006.
More...Keywords: fairy tales; moral values; target public; horizon of expectations; reader.
Abstract This article deals with the horizon of expectations of the young Romanian public in connection with the particularity of Charles Perrault’s fairy tales, namely the explicit moral and the elegant narrative style as a modality of educating the reader in parallel with our great writer, Ion Creangă, namely the implicit moral and the familiar narrative style. The conclusion drawn is that the work of Ion Creangã is closer to the reader through the orality while Charles Perrault uses an elegant style. Résumé L’article présent l’horizon d’attente du jeune publique de Roumanie en connexion avec les particularités des contes de Charles Perrault, notamment la morale explicite et le style narratif élégant comme une modalité d’éducation du lecteur en parallèle avec notre grand auteur Ion Creangã, notamment la morale implicite et le style narratif familial. La conclusion est que l’auteur Ion Creangã s’approche un peu plus du lecteur par l’oralité de la narration, pendant que Charles Perrault a un style plus élégant. Rezumat Articolul prezintã orizontul de aşteptare a publicului tânãr român în relaţie cu particularitãţile operei lui Charles Perrault, mai exact morala explicitã şi stilul narativ elegant ca o modalitate de educare a cititorului în paralel cu marele nostru scriitor Ion Creangã, morala implicitã şi stilul narativ familial. Concluzia analizei este aceea cã Ion Creangã este mult mai apropiat de cititor prin oralitatea stilului, iar Charles Perrault are un stil mai elegant.
More...Keywords: non-unitary judicial practice; children protection; subject matter jurisdiction; disability;appeal;
The article presents the different jurisprudential opinions, illustrated with extracts from courts decisions, regarding the legal nature and the subject matter jurisdiction of the appeals brought against the decisions issued by the administrative commissions for children protection regarding the establishment of the disability degree in the case of children, accompanied by the author commentaries.
More...Keywords: collaboration; EFL; engagement; LEGO; oral skills; storytelling;
The current study shows how LEGO® was used as a learning tool in the foreign language classroom with young learners (7-10 years old) during an English Foreign Language (EFL) course in order to enhance fluency and develop students’ oral skills. The findings of this small-scale study support the idea that storytelling engages young learners in the process of foreign language learning and that LEGO® bricks could create contexts very favorable to language learning. Likewise, it indicates that students’ engagement in the storytelling task is determined by several factors, such as their interest in LEGO®, their level of assertiveness, their creativity and language level. As to the type of tasks, collaborative or individual, the current paper puts forward the idea that in the case of storytelling tasks, young learners perform better individually than in pairs or in small groups. This article approaches the language benefits of storytelling activities with young learners and displays a few pedagogical suggestions for the use of LEGO® as a language learning tool.
More...Keywords: Loredana Florentina Cătărău; migration; criminal behavior;
The volume “Evaluarea impactului migraţiei părinţilor asupra comportamentului infracţional al copiilor rămaşi acasă” (Assessment of the Impact of the Parents' Migration on the Criminal Behavior of the Children Left Home) by the author Loredana Florentina CĂTĂRĂU is published at the LUMEN Publishing House following the presentation of the doctoral thesis with the same title. The volume aims to analyse the deterioration of the intra-family relations that appears within the so-called transnational families – in which one or both parents are emigrated from Romania, and the children are left alone at home in the care of their grandparents or relatives – and to identify how the parent-child distance relationship may influence the adoption of criminal behavior by the juveniles remaining at home.
More...Keywords: family; child-disability; education; partnership; school; school psychologist
This article deals with the problem of the role of the school psychologist in the psychological counseling process of children with special educational needs. In the context of inclusive education, the services of the psychological counseling office focus on supporting the process of developing the student's personality as well as providing the psychological support to his family.
More...Keywords: partnership; kindergarten-family partnership; affective deficiencies
This article addresses the problem of kindergarten family partnership in the education of children with emotional deficiencies. Only in close collaboration with the family can the tasks of educating children with emotional deficiencies be successfully resolved.
More...Keywords: sharenting; distributing child’s photographs; social media /social networking platforms; freedom of expression; the child's right to his own image; children’s privacy.
The article presents a legal analysis of the content of the phenomenon of sharenting (share and parenting) / over sharenting, meaning that parents post information and disclose images with their children on Internet and on social media platforms, motivated by the need to socialize, to share experiences and to receive advice from other parents regarding raising children, or from the desire to share with others important moments, without being aware of their responsibility as parents regarding the distribution of images on the Internet, that of protecting children from the specific risks distribution of information on the Internet. The article highlights problems related to the amplification of this phenomenon, with the presentation of studies with statistical data. The distribution of children's photographs is done on social media platforms considered as public space. The article outlines the specific legal framework and the means of protection associated with the problems and risks generated by the phenomenon of sharenting or disclosing of photographs of one s on the Internet. The freedom of expression of the parent should not endanger the child, his emotional development, the child's right to his own image, the right to privacy and the protection of his best interest.
More...The present review aims to present to the interested readers the main points underlying the book Well-being seen through the eyes of the Romanian children: the results of the international study “Children’s Worlds” (ISCWeB), written by two professors of the University of Oradea, Department of Sociology – Social Assistance. Part of a research conducted internationally, the study aims to contribute to increasing the well-being of children and to support their participation in solving problems directly aff ecting them. In order to achieve this double objective, three questionnaires adapted to the ages of 8, 10 and 12 years were elaborated, which tried to cover the most important areas of their life. The results obtained from the undertaken study are valuable and useful to the approach regarding improving the quality of life of children
More...Keywords: SFÂNTUL PORFIRIE KAVSOKALIVITUL; Sfaturi despre creşterea şi educarea copiilor; Gabriel Mândrilă; Sophia; Metafraze; Bucureşti;
Review of SFÂNTUL PORFIRIE KAVSOKALIVITUL, Sfaturi despre creşterea şi educarea copiilor, traducere din limba greacă şi note de protopresbiter dr. Gabriel Mândrilă, Sophia/Metafraze, Bucureşti, 2016, 70 pp.
More...Keywords: neighborly exploitation; solidarity; social justice; working conditions; economic crisis; common values; the future of Europe;
The present article represents the complete translation of the only intervention delivered by an Orthodox theologian on the occasion of an international seminar organized by the European Parliament in Brussels on June 26, 2018. The topic of the seminar is “Implementation of the European Social Pillar. The Role of Churches and Religions.” The text shows what a minister of religion in charge of a religious community, an Orthodox one in this case, has to say about decent working conditions, the European Social Rights Pillar, and, in general, about social cohesion and the future of social Europe.
More...Keywords: juvenile delinquency; parental migration; criminal behavior; transnational families; minors; Loredana Florentina Cătărău;
The book ”Evaluarea impactului migrației părinților asupra comportamentului infracțional al copiilor rămași acasă” [Assessing the impact of parental migration on the criminal behavior of children left at home], written by Loredana Florentina Cătărău, published by Lumen Publishing House from Iași, Romania, în 2019, presents the scientific approach of the author's doctoral thesis, which analyzes how the deterioration of intra-family relationships within transnational families affects the behavior of minor children left at home, while highlighting the link between parental migration and child crime after parents leave. Using qualitative methods of data collection, but respecting ethical principles in relation to interviewing minors, specialists and parents, the author conducts a qualitative research that determines the deterioration of the child-parent relationship and how this reality is reflected on the subsequent behavior of minors, respectively the translation towards antisocial attitudes or towards some behavioral traits specific to criminal behavior.
More...Keywords: Divorce; marriage; partners; dissolution of marriage; caused of divorces;
In the interest of family law and limited legal literature, the family designates only the spouses and their children. Otherwise, the freely consented marriage is the union between a man and a woman, concluded according to the law, in order to start a family, and reglemetata the mandatory rules of law. Although in principle the marriage ends in life, she can separate through divorce if there are special reasons have seriously damaged relations between spouses and marriage can not continue.Divorce is a legal way terminating marriage. The divorce ends the married couple as marriage both partners lacks substantive elements on which it was terminated: mutual feelings of emotional nature, close relations and friendship, moral and material support given. Divorce is a complex psychological and social phenomenon, caused by a multitude of economic, social, cultural and religious acting for individuals, couples inside and outside.Dissolution of marriage is not only pesonal problems, because it not only interested in two husbands, but also society. The social character of marriage will make both spouses or only one of them can not constitute sufficient grounds for dissolution of marriage, divorce ruling only when the marriage can not continue because of good reasons. The impossibility of continuing the marriage shall be ascertained by the competent State authority, the state is directly interested in defending marriage and the family, that has regulated how a divorce can be accepted.In divorce proceedings partners are engaged couple - husband and wife - but, where appropriate, and third parties as well as their descendants (children), parents, relatives, colleagues, friends or neighbors (as witnesses). In traditional communities and certain ethnicities divorce is a matter that involves nations or even the entire community.
More...Keywords: young school-age children; attitude toward school; sociodemographic characteristics; comparative study;
This study addresses the attitude toward school among young school-age children. This variable is very important for the analysis of the factors responsible for the differences between young school-age children in terms of the quality of their adaptation to school tasks and the acquisition they make through the teaching process carried out in classroom. This study is based on a quantitative design. Participants (N = 157 students in grades 3 and 4) completed a standardized questionnaire that captured various indicators of attitude toward school. Descriptive data showed positive student attitude when the following areas were analyzed: relationship with teachers, classroom instruction, thorough preparation for school, homework, academic performance, and satisfaction with school. The hierarchy of daily activities by frequency placed preparing for class for school, reading, and solving homework in the top positions. The comparative data partially confirmed three of the working hypotheses. The results of the study are analyzed in terms of their relevance to psycho-educational approaches aimed at increasing motivation for school among young school-age children.
More...Keywords: parental leave; monthly child allowance; O.U.G. no. 111/2010; maintenance pension; maintenance obligation; art. 529-530 of the Civil Code; forced prosecution; art. 629;
CURTEA, examinând încheierea de sesizare, raportul întocmit de judecătorul‑raportor, susţinerile părţii prezente, concluziile procurorului, prevederile legale criticate, raportate la dispoziţiile Constituţiei, precum şi Legea nr. 47/1992, reţine următoarele: 10. Curtea Constituţională a fost legal sesizată şi este competentă, potrivit dispoziţiilor art. 146 lit. d) din Constituţie, precum şi ale art. 1 alin. (2), ale art. 2, 3, 10 şi 29 din Legea nr. 47/1992, să soluţioneze excepţia de neconstituţionalitate.
More...Keywords: classroom culture; classroom observation; development of children at early ages; quality of educational practices; social and emotional skills;
Educational practices and all that happens in the classroom are essential to children’s learning progress and their development. Despite the importance of teachers’ educational practices, in the low- or middle-income countries the practices are hardly ever measured, partly because of a lack of access to classroom observation tools and the high costs of their administration. As a result, the present research undertook the aim to analyze the improvement of educational practices on the dimensions that are comprised in the observation tool we used: classroom climate, instruction and social and emotional skills by means of classroom observation and providing feedback using the Teach observation tool. Thus, we assume that early childhood education teachers who participate in observation and feedback processes based on the Teach observation tool develop educational practices more adapted to the children’s social and emotional and cognitive needs. The study consisted of conducting a quasi-experiment with three repeated applications of the Teach observation tool on a sample of 19 kindergarten teaching staff. The 19 kindergarten teachers were from the same kindergarten in Braşov city, Kindergarten no.11, “House of joy”. The study was carried out during the 2020-2021 school year. Following the implementation of the Teach observation tool, we can conclude that its role is to facilitate the measurement of quality in early childhood education. Teaching can be a starting point for understanding, measuring and discussing the quality of teaching practices in early childhood education, leading to improved support for teachers and ultimately better learning experiences and higher outcomes for preschoolers. Also, in the future, the Teach observation tool can provide policy makers and stakeholders with the information they need to design and implement policies and programs in early childhood education.