Critică şi poezie în dublă ipostază cerchistă. Cornel Regman şi Ştefan Aug. Doinaş
Author(s): Florina Daniela Moldovan Lircă / Language(s): Romanian
/ Issue: 3/2012
Keywords: (Cercul literar de la Sibiu) Literary Circle from Sibiu; postwar criticism; postwar poetry; „modă poetică” ("poetic fashion"); Cornel Regman; Ştefan Aug. Doinaş; literary chronicle
Poet / critic, essayist / reviewer of poetry, Ştefan Augustin Doinaş and Cornel Regman are similar, firstly, by the same community of ideas, through a common horizon of taste and sensibility, by similar cultural experiences. Basically, the pair have more in common, but in the present discussion we will refer only to the two "critical" attitudes to the society and literature of the time they lived, shaped especially in the literary chronicles of 60s, 70s and 80s. The intention of this paper is to provide a comparative perspective of the criticism of the two poetry reviewers, and also to capture the way they have contributed to the installation of the postwar literature "canon". Commenting on the artistic act of some poets, Doinaş only draws the poetic principles of the postwar poetry, synchronous to the European and universal movement, but also he manages to shed light, on several occasions, the talent of some true poets. Here, we can already identify a first cerchist critical aspect, distinct from that, especially critical and cerchist, but different, of Cornel Regman’s. For the first, the literary works remain simple assumptions in order to formulate theoretical conclusions, to a personal "philosophy" of poetry, in an elegant and balanced form is true, while the second prefers to abandon the theoretical assumptions in the alternative and puts on the forefront the work itself, issuing firm and objective value judgments. The first starts in his chronicles from a personal theory about poetry, which he illustrates by the practice of the present moment, while the second remains concerned about the literary practice, contemporary to its self, which inspires, occasionally, brief theoretical reflections. Fighting the "poetic fashion" is another trend, which greatly approaches the two members of the Circle, as "iconic figures" (V. Nemoianu) for responding to the poetry’s challenges. Regardless of its forms of manifestation, the offensive against "fashion" in general, and poetry in particular, is for the two cerchist critics, the biggest "critical liability" (Şt. Aug. Doinas), as a solution of the dissociation of the authentic values from their appearance.