Keywords: ethical finances; investments
More...There exists a body of evidence suggesting that Russia's energy sector-based interests are not monolithic. On the contrary, and quite intuitively, Russia’s political economy is fractured along institutional, temporal, and informational lines not just at the various levels of the country’s federal system, but also along the economic value chains that define the Russian energy sector. In order to tease these political, economic and social nuances out from the context in which they are embedded, it is felt that current research needs to move away from the shadow of neo-Kremlinology and expand its scope to reconsider the existence of fissures among political and economic interests, identify competing elite groups within the federal institutional structure, and understand the structural conditions that contribute to strategic decision-making process of the Russian Federation. Based upon several years of research conducted at the Aleksanteri Institute, four separate deficiencies concerning the nature of the structure of Russia’s political economy have been identified and will be discussed in turn below.
More...Keywords: Social World; symbolic interactionism; hatha‑yoga; legitimization process; arenas
The goal of the paper is analysis of the current situation of the practice of hatha‑yoga in the Western countries with the use of the sociological perspective of social worlds (the concept of Anselm Strauss). The social world is a form of social association basedon shared interests and some primery activity that is performed by individuals, and theprimary activity defines their attachment to the world. The social world of hatha‑yoga isdescribed on the basis of studies and analyzes carried out in 2008–2012. The paper deals also with the issue of influence of traditional Hindu culture on the present form of yoga and controversies related to the “dogmatic” interpretation of the direct transmission of hatha yoga from India to the Western world (the paradox of “mutual influence” presented by Mark Singleton). One part of the article describes the intersection of the social world of yoga with other worlds and sub‑words: mass culture, sports, the world of mountain climbing, business, medicine, etc.
More...Keywords: Kingdom of Hungary: aristocracy; economic activity; modern age; Thurz family;
Bádanie o aristokracii Uhorského kráľovstva nepatrilo v Maďarsku v druhej polovici 20. storočia medzi preferované témy. S výnimkou Rakúska však to nebolo inak ani na Slovensku, dokonca ani v Chorvátsku či v Rumunsku, kde sa dodnes uchovávajú časti rodových archívov viacerých rodov, ktoré zohrali rozhodujúcu úlohu v dejinách krajiny. Kým za necelých sto rokov od druhej polovice 19. storočia bola o najznámejších rodoch vydaná celá rada monografi í a pramenných edícií (predovšetkým v maďarskom jazyku o rodoch Balassi, Batthyány, Csáky, Esterházy, Forgách, Illésházy, Nádasdy, Pálffy, Rákóczi, Thurzo a Zrínyi), od konca 40. rokov 20. storočia sa pozornosť bádateľov zamerala predovšetkým na hospodársku činnosť príslušníkov magnátskych rodov. V súvislosti s Thurzovcami treba spomenúť zásadné hospodársko-historické práce Petra Ratkoša a Mariána Skladaného zo Slovenska a Karen Lambrecht z Nemecka.
More...Keywords: people with intellectual disabilities; museum; Pictograms; PCS system
The paper discusses the issues related to the provision of cultural texts (art, literature) and the content of the museum exhibition to people with intellectual disabilities using augmentative and alternative communication, especially picture systems. At the present time, museums are places where people with disabilities can come into contact with art in an accessible way. These are institutions that try to abolish barriers in access to culture and have a strong imperative of inclusion of everyone. Such openness was brought about by a two-hundred-year history characterized by gradual widening of the public. A special place among spectators with intellectual disabilities, take those who use augmentative and alternative communication especially picture systems. PCS System (Picture Communication Symbols) is one of the most popular and understandable systems of this kind. PIC (Pictogram Ideogram Communication) is also popular. The paper discusses the goals, methods of work, resources, dictionaries used during classes using AAC at the museum. He also points out the importance of cooperation between the museum and the support person (teacher), describes the planning and conducting schedule of museum activities. Paper also presents the project „Pan Tadeusz” for people with intellectual disabilities, which is addressed to people with intellectual disabilities, using augmentative and alternative communication.
More...Keywords: water; healing; bathing; balneotherapy; medicine;ancient Rome;
The medicinal properties of water and bathing were quite early recognized by ancient physicians and were extensively used in Greek medicine. Such methods of treatment were also used in Rome; however, ancient texts demonstrate that not all of them were eagerly accepted. The paper aims at showing the complex attitude towards the use of bathing for medicinal purposes in Rome. This is done through the presentation of selected literary sources and their confrontation with archaeological evidence from Roman healing spas, situated in Italy. Based on the presented information we can conclude that even though the effectiveness of bathing as a medicinal method was questioned by some, archaeological and epigraphic sources demonstrate that it was a common and frequently used healing procedure.
More...Keywords: apps; motivation; technology;communication;
We are living an era where new generations are developing within a virtual world very different from past generations. Now, we are working with young iGen who are born between 1995 and 2012 (Twenge, 2017: 9). Therefore, teaching methods should be adapted to all that encourages learning to this new generation. Kathy Schrock has proposed a design that coordinates Revise Bloom’s Taxonomy with the integration of technology. According to this model, the educator takes advantage of some technological tools to create a better learning experience within the classroom. Students go from the analysis to the evaluation and then to the creation of their final product. The use of technology and some specific applications in the classroom are more and more necessary tools to complement the teaching of a foreign language.
More...Keywords: asterism; astronomy; controversy; culture; Guarani
Fieldwork is crucial, altogether with the documental, historical and anthropological investigation, in Cultural Astronomy. Thus, one can confirm the asterisms identified in mythical narratives and informers’ statements. From the identification, description, and classification of asterisms and the relations between celestial phenomena and socio-historic features, derives the contribution for better knowledge and understanding of native epistemological systems and the complex relations established between things from things the sky and those of the earth. During the research among the Guarani in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo in Brazil, there were moments when some discrepancies between informers were noticed about asterisms, especially concerning their location, composition, and cultural role. More than a sort of problem, those disagreements are an anthropological and astronomical material that must be included among the hypothesis of the investigation. In the fieldwork in Espírito Santo in 2013, while some asterisms were identified, some controversies came about. We propose to discuss the discursive role of these divergences in knowledge production systems based on orality.
More...Keywords: Lied;intermediality;literature;music
The chapter concerns the literature-music interface, presenting the problems that can be encountered in translating songs with reference to German Leider.
More...Keywords: interlingual literary translation;film adaptation;re-adaptation;Jane Austen
The chapter reflects on an analogy between interlingual translation and film adaptations of classical novels in the context of intersemiotic translation.
More...Keywords: Film;immaterialism;spiritualism;George Berkeley;Samuel Beckett
The chapter adopts a philosophically-oriented approach to discuss the influence of George Berkley’s thought on Film by Samuel Beckett.
More...Keywords: Science fiction; 2030s; Anthropocene; time crisis; survival
In “L’Apocalypse de 2030”, “Chroniques de la fin du monde” and “La fin des temps”, three novels by French, American and Japanese authors respectively, the novelists try to hold up a mirror to readers of our world that has become a field of ruin, but they do not fail to warn that the crisis of the present is nothing compared to what awaits us in the decade of 2030. In this gruesome setting, the question of survival remains the major leitmotif of this apocalyptic corpus. By analysing these works under the scalpel of psychocriticism, the critic comes to the conclusion that the authors are taking a critical look at the catastrophic situation of the world, with both compassion and indignation. But beyond their essentially anxiety-provoking and presentist vein, apocalyptic fictions propose a rather anxiolytic framework, oriented towards the future and the conduct to be maintained in this ‘crisis of time’. The authors of apocalyptic literature, far from being “the horsemen of the apocalypse”, set themselves up as prophets of the days of doubt.
More...Keywords: property; religious institutions; United states; Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), Pub. L. 106–274, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc et seq., is a United States federal law that prohibits the imposition of burdens on the ability of prisoners to worship as they please and gives churches and other religious institutions a way to avoid burdensome zoning law restrictions on their property use. It also defines the term “religious exercise” to include” any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” RLUIPA was enacted by the United States Congress in 2000 to correct the problems of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993. The act was passed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate by unanimous consent in voice votes, meaning that no objection was raised to its passage, so no written vote was taken. The currant article deals with the issues of RLUIPA’s implementations and challenges the problem which local governments face dealing with the different religious groups. It also contains the guide which the Congress issued for better understanding and application of this act.
More...Keywords: artificial intelligence; climate change; environmental security; ethics
The author considers the climate change as a substantial element of the environmental security. The legal framework and policies for adapting to climate change in Bulgaria take into account the international legal commitments and the EU legislation. The presentation highlights the dual role of artificial intelligence (AI) concerning climate change, namely, AI as a contributor to climate change and AI as a supporter of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
More...Walahfrid Strabo was a celebrated poet and theologian of the 9th century. He lived and studied mainly in Reichenau, a monastery in modern Germany, where he was monk and at some point abbot. His education covered the Scripture, the writings of the Holy Fathers, as well as Latin, Greek, geography, poetry and the liberal arts. Walahfrid’s many works, written in Latin, consist of theological treatises in prose and many poems on different subjects. Among them is a poem on gardening and the medicinal uses of the plants titled „De cultura hortorum” – „On the cultivation of gardens”. The poem has many scientific and poetical sources: Pliny the Elder, Collumela, Dioscorides, Celsus, Serenus Sammonicus, Pliny Valerianus, Apuleus Platonicus, Isidore of Seville, Virgil, Horace, Lucretius Carus. Strabo used his sources creatively, with a view to do more than just another compilation. He used the words and phrases he found as building blocks in order to come up with a new, contemporary concept for both aesthetics and utility. He is believed to have served as a monastery gardener himself, so likely fused his ideas and practical experience with the received literary tradition of his time. He thus created a unique snapshot of a real life cloister garden – his own garden – both authentic and ideal.
More...Keywords: Mogul Empire; North India; Persian; Hindavi; Rekhta;
The emperors and noblemen of the Mogul Empire in North India(1526─1857) patronised artistic, linguistic and perhaps religious syncretism during the first phase of the Empire. It is well known that the Mogul miniature painting has developed from a synthesis of Iranian, traditional Indian and European styles. Less attention has so far been paid to the poetry in mixed language with Persian, Hindavi (Hindi) and Turk words and phrases. Deconstructing some modern and pre-modern myths about mixed-language poetry, Rekhta, and examining its early history on the basis of reliably datable works and manuscripts, the paper shows that almost all early exponents of mixed-language poetry belonged to the Mogul courtly elite.
More...Keywords: monetary policy efficiency; central bank independence; central bank transparency; SVAR
The objective of independent central banks is to ensure price stability to achieve macroeconomic stability, because controlling inflation depends on the effect of monetary policy on activity. So central banks have two mandates. They act on the interest rate based on the economic situation. To ensure price stability, most developed and developing countries have made their central banks independent and transparent. Independence strengthens the credibility of monetary authorities and makes monetary policy in this context more effective. To verify the effectiveness of monetary policy within the framework of the independence of the central bank, we mobilized a SVAR model for the Moroccan case. The study covers two separate periods on a quarterly basis (1994 to 2005 and 2006 to 2020) to take account of the effective implementation of independence. The results imply an efficient transmission of monetary policy, and we conclude that the framework of independence is a good solution to conduct monetary policy for BAM.
More...Keywords: urban naming ; unofficial circulation ; Bydgoszcz
The article is intended to be a research reconnaissance, an attempt to face the variable and unstable resource of unofficial urban onims, to signal methodological problems that may arise during proper research, to show the possibilities and limitations of the researcher of this issue. Already from a superficial analysis prepared on a small set of colloquial urban names, difficulties arise related to the generacy, hermetic, openness of the set and fluidity of names different from official ones. The analysis led to the following conclusions that urban colloquial nomenclature arises by modifying official names through ellipses, phonetic changes, inflectional changes, etc. — existing names or through doublets — previous names, changed; and without reference to the circulation of official names in the form of urbanonyms created on the basis of associations, language games or language jokes.