Karl Kraus: selected bibiography
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Karl Kraus: selected bibiography
More...Karl Kraus: selected bibiography
More...Keywords: Ohrid Framework Agreement; Republic of Macedonia; Macedonians; Albanians; conflict; Bi-nationality; Ethnic minorities
After the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, croatia and Kosovo, nor Republic of Macedonia has failed to keep his inner provisional peace that was constantly brought into question during the nineties. At the beginning of XXI century in this country woke up the old spirit of hostility between Macedonians and Albanians which has escalated into armed conflict. Thanks to the strong political and diplomatic intervention by the international representatives, war activities were stopped and thus prevented the expansion of hostilities throughout the whole territory of Macedonian state and commencement of a new civil war in the Western Balkans. Signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement was the condition for establishment a final peace. With this agreement Republic of Macedonia became a state whose statehood, according to the letter of the constitution, is in the hands of its citizens. content of the Ohrid Agreement is a basis for creation multinational, multicultural and integrated macedonian state. Unfortunately, actual situation in this country does not at all reflect multiethnicity and integration of the Macedonian society. After the conflict with ethnic Albanian rebels and after signing of Ohrid Framework Agreement, Republic of Macedonia has started its future way through adoption of binational characteristics and creation an atmosphere of parallel societies within it. Macedonian and Albanian communities live in common state, but in contrary to the provisions of the Ohrid Agreement and constitution, do not tend for creation mutual integration and adoption of common values and interests.
More...Keywords: Slovakia; Czechoslovakia; journalism; censorship; democratization; 60s; 1968;;
Verejnosť si nie vždy dostatočne uvedomuje, že nastolenie slobody tlače bolo jediným právne zakotveným výdobytkom demokratizačného procesu roku 1968. Malo absolútne zásadný význam pre jeho vznik, priebeh, ale aj tragické dôsledky. Z týchto dôvodov je potrebné, aby som svoje vystúpenie začal objasnením podstaty komunistickej cenzúry a ťažkostí pri jej prekonávaní.
More...Keywords: Corporate Governance (CG); Effects of CG on Performance; Federal Statutory Bodies; Malaysia
This study securitized the effects of corporate governance (CG) on performance of Federal Statutory Bodies (FSB) in Malaysia. Various static approaches have been used such as Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect and Random Effect to analyze cross sectional time series data over the year of 2009 to 2013 for 51 FSB. . The study found a strong evidence of significant positive effects of Corporate Governance, including Internal and External Governance mechanism on financial and non-financial performance: Key Result Areas (KRA); Accountability Index (AI) and Return On Equity (ROE). It is therefore recommended that the Malaysian public sector agencies should enhance good corporate governance practices in order to accelerate their performance.
More...Keywords: Julian Tuwim; anthology; bibliophilia; collection; curiosity
Julian Tuwim was a tireless collector and book‑lover. He created anthologiesthroughout his whole life, augmenting his library of books and curiosities.The author strives to fathom what creating anthologies meant for the poet before WorldWar 2 and how it changed after the war. Julian Tuwim’s anthologies constitute a literaryrepresentation of a collection. The sketch is also an occasion to look for a linkbetween the passion for collecting and the art of creating an anthology.
More...Keywords: gloss; neologism; anglicism; xenism; glose; neologisme; anglicisme; xenisme
This research is part of the “Neoveille” project, aiming at detecting and analysing neologisms in seven languages. We explore the different types of glosses on new loanwords in the French journalistic discourse. It is commonly assumed that loanwords are words that are more likely to be used along with explanations in the French language. Following this assumption, we suggest that journalists may resort to various ways to provide information aimed at explaining the meaning of the foreign signs they use. We also expect these explanations to vary in accordance with the nature of the foreign element. We can suppose that the use of words referring to foreign realias, also known in French as xenismes, gives rise to metalinguistic comments and to further explanations whereas using a loanword involves giving a French equivalent. // Cette contribution s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Neoveille, reperage, analyse et suivi des neologismes en sept langues ». Nous proposons d’examiner les differents types de gloses portant sur les emprunts neologiques dans le discours de la presse francaise. Il est generalement admis que les emprunts figurent parmi les mots les plus susceptibles d’etre accompagnes d’explicitations. Ainsi, on peut supposer que les journalistes deploient differents moyens pour apporter des informations pouvant faciliter la comprehension du mot etranger utilise. On s’attend egalement a observer une certaine variation de ces gloses en fonction de la nature du mot etranger. Les mots designant des realites etrangeres non importees, appeles communement des xenismes, seraient ainsi accompagnes d’explications developpees tandis que l’emploi d’un emprunt impliquerait celui d’un equivalent francais.
More...Keywords: European VAT Action plan;tax reforms;VAT rates;economic effects;tax harmonization;
The last VAT reform proposed in the EU sets a more efficient and neutral VAT system with the introduction of a broaden base, as well as the implementation of new rules regarding VAT rates; all that without involving an erosion of VAT revenues. In general, the tax reforms settled in the framework of the economic crisis and the respect of the SGP are similar in the EU Member States; increasing VAT rates to raise the VAT revenue collection and to reduce the public debt. The aim of this article is to analyze the latest tax reforms regarding the VAT in Europe, in particular in Spain and to explain their principal effects. We study also, what it could happen, when the political budgetary measures will be the opposites: e.g. to reduce the VAT rates. The current VAT rules difficult to extend reduced-rate treatment to new areas, because laws have to be taken unanimously by the Council. As a result, it is necessary to review and set out new actions steering of the overhaul of the current EU VAT rate system.
More...Keywords: supernatural; fantasy; science-fiction;
The boundary is an essential notion in the study of the fantastic genre. As a result, this article hinges around an analysis of the boundary at stake between this genre and the closest one, that is science-fiction. Then, it reflects on the limits between what is fictitious and what is real in the fantastic genre through a reflection on the notion of supernatural and its main characteristics.
More...The article The Vampirism — Illness — Degeneration in Contemporary Russian Literature presents the analyses of the vampire motives in the contemporary Russian novels, whose authors present the vampire motives in many aspects. The author of the article discusses the specific of the conception of the vampire’s types of Sergey Lukjanienko, Oleg Divov, Andrey Bielanin, Victor Pelevin, Sergey and Marina Diachenko and the motives connected with, such as illness, degeneration, deviation, epidemic. The author emphasizes the dissimilarity of the presentation of these motives relative to the traditional idea of the vampire presented in the rich literature about vampires.
More...Keywords: hybrid work of art;experience;Luigi Pareyson;contemporary reality
This article focuses on the hybrid work of art viewed as a form of experience. The issue taken into consideration is hybrid work of art viewed as a form of experience from the perspective of how Dewey wrote about art which can be perceived as a form of experience. How can we understand the notion of experience in relation to a work of art, and, more importantly, to a hybrid work of art? The analysis of the experience category is based on the philosophical texts written by Luigi Pareyson. The question explored is whether hybrid works of art portray the experience of contemporary reality. The poems of Paula Claire (ES-SENSE and Hymns to Isis) and the artistic book by Jim Butler (A.M.D.G) are taken into consideration.
More...Keywords: Frankenstein; posthumanism; Mary Shelley; prometheus; cinema; sequence; theater; novel;
Mary Shelley’nin Frankenstein; Ya da Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein; or, Modern Prometheus 1818) romanının uyarlamaları; sinema, dizi, tiyatro ve türlü kurmaca biçimlerinde günümüze kadar defalarca karşımıza çıkmış ve her daim ilgi çekmiştir. 2011 yılında İngiliz yönetmen Danny Boyle’un Royal National Theatre için yönettiği ve 2020 de dâhil olmak üzere zaman zaman seyirciye gösterimi yapılan uyarlama ise belki de en ilgi çekici Frankensteinuyarlamasıdır. Çünkü Dr. Victor Frankenstein’ı canlandıran aktör Johnny Lee Miller ile Frankenstein’ın yaratığını canlandıran Benedict Cumberbatch, ilk gösterimden sonra rolleri değişirler; yaratık rolündeki Cumberbatch bu sefer doktoru canlandırır, doktoru canlandırmış olan Miller ise yaratık rolüne bürünür. Yönetmenin ve yapımcıların bu tercihi manidardır ve romanın ana fikrini verme konusunda yapılmış ustaca bir hamledir. Gerçekten de romanda insan olanla insan olmayanı ayıran çizgi o denli belirsizdir ki, romanın sonuna kadar insan olmanın ne demek olduğunu sorgularız. İnsanı insan yapan sınırların, ancak kendi öznelliğimizin dışına uzanıp “insan-dışı” ile buluştuğumuzda ya da bazen insan-dışını anlayabildiğimizde belirlenebileceğini hissederiz. Dolayısıyla, kısa fakat oldukça derin olan Frankenstein romanı yalnız insan olgusunu, sınırlarını sorgulamamıza olanak sağlamaz; insan sonrasını düşünmek konusunda da bize eşsiz bir düşünsel zemin sağlar. Mary Shelley
More...Keywords: Marivaux; Cabinet du philosophe; traveler; meta-discourse; reality and appearance
Brought about by the reflections of the author-narrator of "Le Cabinet du philosophe" ("In The Philosopher’s Study"), Marivaux’s last jornalistic endeavour (1734-1738), the narrative fiction that occupies the last six issues, could make one puzzled, even disturbed. From the second episode, the title metamorphoses from "Le Voyageur dans le Nouveau Monde into Monde vrai [Suite du]" ("The True World [Continuation of]"), as if the narrator, with his own way of being and seeing, wanted to disappear behind the result of the changes in his vision of humanity. However, it is his triple status that determines what follows. Our analysis will therefore look at the status of the narrator-traveler, at his own perception of that status, at his evolution and at the commentary on it. Marivaux’s reflections could well have a universalist implication, even one that points towards the socio- and ethnological relations and their critiques of later centuries.
More...Keywords: diplomatic discourse; interpersonal discourse markers; intensification; politeness
This paper examines discursive means used to construct a close bilateral relationship in a specific genre of diplomatic discourse i.e. heads of state joint statements issued at press conferences at the end of official visits abroad. Whereas studies on diplomatic discourse generally concern negative politeness means, such as ambiguity or indirectness, this paper focuses on positive politeness strategies. The study emphasizes the role of intensifiers and personalization of institutional relations in the construction of the credibility of diplomatic friendship discourse. Data are drawn from French president E. Macron’s statements delivered at the beginning of his presidency, between May and December 2017.
More...Keywords: Hezbollah; Qana; Lebanon; Grapes of Wrath; Second Lebanon War
Qana is a town located in the south of Lebanon, 14 km from Tyre, inhabited mostly by Shiʽite Muslims and a small number of Christians. According to the research of Lebanese historian Dr. Youssef El Hourany, Qana is known to have been the place where Jesus turned water into wine. However, for most Lebanese, Qana is associated with human suffering, martyrdom, and a symbol of resistance to Israel’s military aggression. In 1996, 106 people were killed in the town as a result of shelling by Israeli artillery. Ten years later, Israel attacked Qana again in an airstrike that resulted in the deaths of 27 more. Sixteen years after the tragedy, it is more and more difficult to find the causes, the course of events and generally – what exactly happened in Qana. As a participant and witness of those events, it is the author’s aim to revive the memory of the tragic fate of the inhabitants of that small town in southern Lebanon.
More...Keywords: European Union; Romania; health crisis; fundamental rights; legislation; free movement of persons; soft law; transparency of institutions;
Fundamental rights in the European Union, including Romania, are a sensitive point in the action of the European organization, its leaders and the representatives of the Member States during a period of crisis, which has not yet ended. The European Union guarantees the highest level of respect for human rights by establishing the Charter of Fundamental Rights, a document with legal force of Treaties, yet limited in its scope. The study aims to substantiate the possibilities for interpretation and application of specific human rights rules in the European Union, by referring to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union which adds to the document and other sources, such as general principles of Union law or the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. This multitude of institutions, agencies and offices as well as sources related to the protection of fundamental rights raises the issue of their observance in a borderline situation, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the crisis has not ended at this time, the most important moments seem to have taken place: the imposition of traffic restrictions - on people and goods -, the purchase of medical equipment or the financing of vaccine discovery research and their purchase. The study examines the legal implications of the health crisis by sampling them, starting from the observance of its own rules by the Union institutions, in particular regarding the decision-making transparency of the European Commission, regulation by documents without binding legal force (soft law), especially by recommendations issued by the Commission European or measures taken to restore the free movement of persons.