Poland: Saved from Collapse?
Poland: Saved from Collapse?
Keywords: Poland; EU; Leszek Miller; Aleksander Kwasniewski
Poland's prime minister offers early elections in exchange for cross-party support for reforms ahead of EU accession.
More...Keywords: Poland; EU; Leszek Miller; Aleksander Kwasniewski
Poland's prime minister offers early elections in exchange for cross-party support for reforms ahead of EU accession.
More...Keywords: Poland; Leszek Miller; Democratic Left Alliance; economy; Mariusz Lapinski; Polish troops; Gazeta Wyborcza
Leszek Miller’s first two years in power have been turbulent. Can he ride out the storm?
More...This year we are saying farewell to two great authors of Jewish literature, Arthur Miller and Saul Bellow. Tom Teicholz remembers Arthur Miller.
More...Keywords: clinical case study; systemic psychotherapy; borders; ambivalence
This case study presents a psychotherapeutic intervention with a young married couple. The main complaints refer to communication difficulties, and the parents-in-law’s involvement in couple’s life. The systemic conceptualization reveals a borders’ pathology and individuals’ fight for power. The wife presents an ambivalence concerning the relation with her husband. In 13 months after the last session, the couple hadn’t had major communication’s difficulties; a meaningful change had been initiated in their life.
More...Keywords: case study; HBS infection; ambivalence; cognitive-behavioral approach; clinical hypnosis; short therapy
This study presents a psychotherapeutic intervention with a young man. The main complaints refer to the separation from his girlfriend and stress at work. The patient had identified his dysfunctional automatic thoughts and had tested them by confronting them with realistic alternatives. The main interventions targeted small behavioral changes, cognitive restructuring, clinical hypnosis and the empty-chair technique for ambivalence. The therapist took into account a virus B infection as a favoring factor for depression; the patient was properly informed. Therapeutic objectives were achieved thanks to the multiple resources available to the patient.
More...“Tropic of Cancer” by Henry Miller
More...Tânăra poetă Andra Rotaru, născută în 1980, publică a doua carte, Ţinuturile sudului, apărută la Editura Paralela 45, semnificativ diferită faţă de cea de debut, care, fără îndoială îi confirmă vocaţia lirică. În noiembrie 2005 a debutat editorial cu volumul de versuri Într-un pat sub cearşaful alb, Editura Vinea. Acest volum a fost distins cu Premiul Asociaţiei Scriitorilor din România. De asemenea, Andra Rotaru a fost premiată cu Premiul Tudor Argezi la festivalul omonim de tradiţie din Gorj. Ţinuturile sudului a fost lansat în premieră la Salonul Internaţional de Carte Book Fest 2010. Unele poeme din această carte au fost publicate în antologia de poezie nouă românească, tradusă în limba sârbă, Iz novije rumunske pezije care a apărut anul acesta la Editura Fondul Europa din Novi Sad, responsabil pentru selecţia poeziilor din această antologie este scriitorul Pavel Gătăianţu.
More...It is only recently that modern day scholarship has begun to appreciate and investigate Spinoza‘s affinities with the Stoics. Jon Miller‘s Spinoza and the Stoics is a welcomed contribution to philosophical literature as the first book-length study to undertake a full comparison between the two schools of thought. Although his is not the first monograph—Firmin DeBrabander‘s Spinoza and the Stoics: Power, Politics and the Passions (Continuum, 2008) is worth recognizing—it is the first to step outside of practical philosophy to include metaphysics, epistemology, and meta-ethics as part of its investigation.
More...Keywords: national unity; freedom of conscience; democratic principles; globalization;
From the perspective of current circumstances, the fundamental idea for this research is the interference resulting from the connection of the idea of national unity with the freedom of conscience and the principles of democratic society. After a brief introduction, the article presents the three factors of the relationship: the idea of national unity, freedom of conscience and the principles of democratic society, then analyzing the connection and the relationship between them in order to discover new possibilities for practical implementation in the context of a society in continuous change. The end of the article will contain a summary of the results.
More...Keywords: literary magazine; Romanian exile; oblivion; restitutio; cultural activity;
A literary magazine having a distinct character among all Romanian publications is Antilethe. Its name remind us of the Lethe River (the river of oblivion in Greek mythology) because the main purpose of the founder – Mihaela Albu – together with the editorial board - is an act of restitutio. In short – to bring into attention of the contemporary readers the cultural activity of the Romanian intellectuals from exile. Each issue has a specific subject - Vintilă Horia (no. 1), Mircea Popescu (no. 2), Ștefan Baciu (no. 3) and Camilian Demetrescu (no. 4). Our presentation is mainly focused on the life and activity of the great artist Camilian Demetrescu.
More...Keywords: polynomial; array; determinant; theorem;
The following work considers that the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix of order n is defined in relation to the square matrix In, this observation allows us to expand the notion of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix A in relation to another square matrix of the same order with A, the polynomial coefficients being sums of mixed determinants. This polynomial allows for a generalization of the Cayley-Hamilton relation for two matrixes A and B that commute and afterwards form the necessary and adequate conditions for the forming of two homogenous and invertible matrixes of grade p of the two matrixes A and B. Interesting to note is also an intermediary result, the lemma of the two polynomial matrixes, that can lead to the generating of new mathematical identities.
More...Keywords: learning outcomes; pandemic crisis; disadvantaged children;
The period following the outbreak of the pandemic in Romania, more precisely from the 11th of March 2020, when the teaching-learning process was transferred online, generated difficulties for students, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, deepening the existing gap between them and the other students. In the short run, we notice effects like: anxiety in children who do not have access to online education, gaps in the process of knowledge acquisition and that of skills development. In the long run, there will be effects ranging from school failure to the inability to access the labour market.
More...Keywords: Ceausescu-regime; cultural policy; contemporary Hungarian drama; Transylvania;
The cultural policy leadership of the Ceaușescu regime had complete control over all the important matters pertaining to theatre, including programme. It determined in minute detail the category of plays that were permitted on stage. Moreover, it turned contemporary plays into a cornerstone of prosaic theatrical repertoire, in particular the national ones that demonstrated awareness of current issues and social reality. How was this programme policy implemented in the Hungarian department of the theatre in Târgu-Mureș? Was contemporary Hungarian drama included in the repertoire? If yes, did it have any impact on stage practices? These are the questions I intend to answer in a study of productions based on András Sütő`s comedies.
More...Keywords: anti-Americanism; antisemitism; expatriation; imagology; national stereotypes; racism;
This paper argues that the antisemitism and racism found in the writing of Henry Miller relates to personal issues of self-identification. To understand his prejudices, the impact of New York City on Miller’s perception of nationality and ethnicity before, during, and after his expatriation from the United States needs to be studied. Through the application of imagological theories, the textual function of his stereotypes is explained and placed in a larger, temporal context which reveals both the writer’s struggle to detach himself from his German-American origins and his desire to embrace an otherness that he, for instance, finds in France.
More...Keywords: research ethics; results dissemination; regulation;
The ethically process in research is time consuming because we also find a difficulty when judging different problems seeing that many regulations have ambiguous meaning. For ethics commission members it appears to be a burden when it comes to analyze the research ethics issues. The main reason is represented by the increased subjectivism and also the differences between an institutions to another or even between different countries. This study aim is concentrated around the ethics problems that appear in the research field. Each researcher must be informed about the research ethics and make an individual effort to find the appropriate information that fits to his personal interest regarding all possible ethics issues that can appear in his interest domain. A specialist with integrity and common sense it is supposed to act with active and politically correct conscience during his research activity especially in experimentation systems and afterwards when results dissemination is prepared for publishing. The intellectual property is the most important set of exclusive rights granted to original creations or extraordinary research results. The ethics commissions around the world would appreciate, protect and encourage all the politically correct behavior in this vast domain.
More...Keywords: peace; demonstrations; Russia; Pygmalion Gallery;
Zece milioane de demonstranți pentru pace pe străzile Moscovei. Patru la St. Petersburg, două milioane, veniți de pe tot cuprinsul stepei, la Novosibirsk. Putin, însoțit de trei generali și opt oligarhi, încercând să fugă, reținut pe un aeroport privat. Alegeri anticipate pentru Duma de Stat./ Galeria Pygmalion din Timișoara a găzduit expoziția Friends, a doi artiști timișoreni: graficianul Remus Rotaru și sculptorul Bogdan Nueleanu.
More...Keywords: freedom; religion; values; ideology; economy;
Religious freedom is a fundamental value of the Euro-Atlantic space and a necessity for the authentic manifestation of freedom of conscience, of the naturalness of the human soul. Religious freedom depends fundamentally on the lens through which we look at it, and the only authentic way is that of personal ascetic commitment and ecclesial communion. Freedom has different connotations in the political, economic or religious public space, but the authentic meaning is that of Revelation. All other perspectives retain only a reflection of the true meaning of freedom. The concept of freedom influences our lives and choices, but it has also created different political and social ideologies and systems. In the economic space, the concept is tributary to the medieval Protestant perspective, but today, various ideological influences tend to reduce economic freedom only to statist non-interventionism and freedom from any pressure outside the regulation of supply and demand, the foundation of the free market economy.
More...Keywords: freedom; religion; public space; Christianity; humanity;
Human freedom is always the direct expression of the values that man cultivates and what he believes. Between freedom and values there is a close, direct and necessary connection. Therefore, the greater the degree of inner freedom, the greater the degree of social and public freedom, as well as the deepening of the world of values. Religious freedom is the barometer of a society’s freedom, and trends in public curtailment of liberty first, always, as history testifies, begin with the curtailment of religious freedom. Values are the expression of God’s will, authentic values, and living life according to them is an advance on freedom. Freedom is, then, what supports the deepening of values.
More...Keywords: bibliography; National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism;
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