Model of data mart prepared due to research regarding proceeding of e-mail campaigns and its effects
Model tematycznej hurtowni danych na potrzeby badania przebiegu i efektów kampanii e-mailingowych
Keywords: Internet promotion; e-mail campaigns; measurement of Internet promotion effectiveness; data mart; conceptual model; logical model
The article presents projects of conceptual and logistic model of data mart that can be used during research regarding/concerning the effectiveness of e-mail campaigns. Among the warehouse’s main objectives there will be: gathering, unification and organization of data regarding proceeding of campaigns and its effects during various periods of time. Within conceptual model project there have been characterized the business area in preparations, target users of designed tools and data sources that contribute to the warehouse. Moreover major facts and warehouse dimensions have been assigned. During the creation of a logical model, the choice has been made regarding its structure. Facts table has been designed along with dimensions table, including its attributes and elements of these attributes. Furthermore relations between particular tables have been defined. The prototype of a data mart will be a base to conduct multidimensional analysis by using adequate tools, type OLAP. The objectives of these tools will be establishing the effectiveness of all carried out on the Internet promotional actions.