Man as an Electro-Mechanical Art Project
Man as an Electro-Mechanical Art Project
The concept of the machine as an extension of the human body or a kind of prosthesis is rooted in European cultures (cf.. the mechanical dolls created in ancient times, which can be regarded as the prototypes of robots). The concept of cyborgs is part of contemporary imagery. A cyborg may be perceived as a creation of imagination, inhabiting s/f films and novels, but also as an element of modern reality, a hybrid who changes the relationships between nature and culture, by making technology indispensable to its life. Referring to this Janus creature in the present volume, I use the term cyborg in a double meaning: firstly when I talk about the creation of human imagination, futurological projections and speculations; secondly to refer to the modern man preoccupied with technology. It is difficult to draw clear boundaries between fiction and reality; one is reflected in the other. Fiction and imagination allow us to perform a mental experiment of creating a different version of ourselves – for example a human as an electro-mechanical art project. This project is the subject of the article.