Statutul profesiei de avocat. Un examen critic și un posibil punct pe ordinea de zi a Congresului U.N.B.R. din 2012
From its very beginning the Statute of the lawyer’s profession has been the object of some criticism formulated in law reviews and specialized publications. Renowned authors such as Şerban Beligrădeanu or Flavius A. Baias have pointed out even since 1996 the weaknesses contained in this legal instrument. In juridical terms, the weak points of the Statute of the lawyer’s profession consist of vices of unconstitutionality and vices of illegality, accompanied as well by a few terminology issues. Unfortunately, most of the critical disapproval that has been voiced so far regarding the Statute are still valid , as many of the critical remarks made to improve the Statute have not been followed by any consequent amendments. The present paper synthesizes some of the criticism that has been raised over the last 16 years in relation to the Statute of the lawyer’s profession and adds new items to the list of flaws, hopeful that this year’s meeting of the U.N.B.R Conference will add on its agenda the necessity of finding solutions to these sensitive issues in the organization and practice of the lawyer’s profession.