List of illustrations to the articles of the following authors: Pozsony Ferenc, T. Szabó Csilla, Tőtős Áron, Ferenczi Szilárd, Wellmann László, Murádin János Kristóf.
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List of illustrations to the articles of the following authors: Pozsony Ferenc, T. Szabó Csilla, Tőtős Áron, Ferenczi Szilárd, Wellmann László, Murádin János Kristóf.
General Conventions of Polish Historians serve as a form of professionalisation of historical science and integration of the scholarly milieu. Since 1925, the event has been held under the auspices of Polish Historical Society [PTH]. But its history is even longer: the first Convention was organised by the Cracow-based Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences [PAU] on the 400th death anniversary of the chronicler Jan Długosz, in the year 1880. There was enough time, then, to determine the canon of objectives and purposes, and the concept(s) of their institutionalisation.
This article seeks to answer the question of whether the local conditions or determinants influence the socio-political language. Within the context of the nationwide discourse in the nineteenth-century Kingdom of Poland, an analysis follows how the concept of ‘intelligentsia’ functioned in the local press from the industrial city of Łódź. A source analysis leads to the conclusion that in the specific circumstances, of which the social mix was a constituent, certain notions of a defined meaning in the countrywide context may be interpreted in a manner divergent from the rule. As the social structure of Łódź was becoming more and more similar to that of Warsaw and other big cities, the differences in the definitions of the term ‘intelligentsia’ were gradually smoothening out.
The article sets out to profile the results of preliminary research into the stances taken by two Warsaw Yiddish daily newspapers, Haynt and Der Moment, on the phenomenon of Italian fascism. These ranged from guarded and benevolent interest, and even a certain fascination, to categorical rejection, depending on the official stance of the fascist movement towards the Jews. The article discusses the initial ad hoc judgments on fascism made in the 1920s, opinions on Polish and Jewish emulators of Mussolini, with particular attention to Vladimir Jabotinsky and the Revisionist movement, and the opinions of Jewish political journalists on Mussolini’s volte-face regarding the Jews in the 1930s. A separate section is devoted to a series of 1938 reportage features showcasing the life of the Italian Jews in Fascist Italy.
Review of: Mihai-D. Grigore- Gábor Kármán, Confession and Politics in the Principality of Transylvania 1644–1657, Göttingen, 2020, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 302 pp.; series: Refo500 Academic Studies, 6 Łukasz Hajdrych - Kateryna Dysa, Ukrainian Witchcraft Trials. Volhynia, Podolia, and Ruthenia, 17th–18th Centuries, Budapest, 2020, Central European University Press, 264 pp., 22 ills Mikołaj Getka-Kenig - Tomasz Opaliński, Stan chłopski w Księstwie Warszawskim w świetle akt sądowych [The Peasant Estate in the Duchy of Warsaw, in Light of Court Files], Warszawa, 2020, Wydawnictwo DiG, 196 pp., tables, list of abbreviations, bibliog., annexes Malte Rolf - Aleksander Łupienko, Order in the Streets: The Political History of Warsaw’s Public Space in the First Half of the 19th Century, transl. from Polish by Jarek Garliński, Berlin, 2020, Peter Lang GmbH, 272 pp.; ills, bibliog., index; series: Geschichte – Erinnerung – Politik. Studies in History, Memory and Politics, 29 Aleksander Łupienko - Beate Stö rtkuhl and Rafał Makała (eds), Nicht nur Bauhaus: Netzwerke der Moderne in Mitteleuropa / Not Just Bauhaus: Networks of Modernity in Central Europe, Berlin, 2020, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 400 pp., 200 ills; series: Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 77 Grzegorz Krzywiec - Nils Fehlhaber, Netzwerke der “Achse Berlin–Rom”. Die Zusammenarbeit faschistischer und nationalsozialistischer Führungseliten 1933–1943, Köln, 2019, Böhlau Verlag, 343 pp.; series: Italien in der Moderne Aleksei Lokhmatov - Izabela Wagner, Bauman: A Biography, Cambridge, 2020, Polity Press, 500 pp., bibliog., appendix Rafał Stobiecki - Anna Sosnowska, Explaining Economic Backwardness. Post-1945 Polish Historians on Eastern Europe, Budapest–New York, 2019, CEU Press, 372 pp., bibliog., name and subject indices Natalia Jarska - Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz, Piotr Perkowski, Małgorzata Fidelis, and Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Kobiety w Polsce 1945–1989: Nowoczesność – równouprawnienie – komunizm [Women in Poland 1945–1989: Modernity – Equality – Communism], Kraków, 2020, Universitas, 520 pp., bibliog., ills and list thereof, index of personal names Anna Sosnowska - Béla Tomka, Austerities and Aspirations. A Comparative History of Growth, Consumption, and Quality of Life in East Central Europe since 1945, New York, 2020, Central European University Press, 456 pp., appendix, notes, bibliog., index
This article presents the person of Daniel Beavois – a distinguished student of the Polish-Russian-Ukrainian relations in the post-partitioned era – and his contacts with the editors of the Paris ‘Kultura’. The author’s concern is also with the question of how Beavois’ work on the Polish nobility in Ukraine in the years 1831–63 was received among Polish post-war exiles, and with Beavois’ postcolonial diagnosis that emerged on the margins of his research and concerned the tensions to which Polish national identity was subject in Poland’s old eastern borderland (the so-called Kresy).
The subject of article is transformation as a multilevel social phenomenon, experience of transformation and modernization of Polish society (in the period from 1989 to the present day, including the turning point of the reforms in 1999 and the context of Poland’s membership in NATO and the EU) and changes in its mental characteristics. Mental qualities play one of the most important roles in the processes of social transformation: they have their share in shaping the perception and implementation of attitudes, correspond to values, established norms of behavior. At the same time, they can significantly complicate the rapid mastery of innovation (both consciously and subconsciously), because one of the main functions of mentality is to counteract violent revolutionary reformist transformations and to promote paths of evolutionary cultural, social and other changes. The study of mental features should clarify which of them were helpful, and which rather the opposite – hindered at the stage of reforms and social changes and the creation of civil society. These considerations are based on the assumption that destructive mental traits are mainly associated with many years of subjecting Poland to the power of other countries, especially the Soviet Union, which led to negative state experiences, which in turn translates into a lack of liberal traditions and a low level of civic awareness of society. A very important task that Polish society faces is abandoning outdated Soviet behavior, increasing the level of responsibility and activity, mutual trust and cooperation, developing social activity, strengthening civil society, which is the engine of change and the controller of local and state self-government.
At the April plenum of the Central Committee (CC) of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) in 1956, a commission was elected to investigate the case of Traicho Kostov and the related trials. Georgi Tsankov, a member of the Politburo of the CC of the BCP and Minister of the Interior since January 6, 1951, also testified before this commission. It is clear from his testimonies that political repression and perversion were softened after 1951, but political trials, new arrests of party and military activists continued to be held, and members of the CC of the BCP were subjected to agency recruitment. The expulsions of “politically inconvenient people” from the border areas and from the big cities of the country and the deportations to labor camps did not stop. G. Tsankov blamed the Secretary General of the CC of the BCP and Prime Minister Valko Chervenkov, the Soviet advisers of the Ministry of Interior, and the investigators from the Bulgarian State Security for the “violations of the socialist legality”.
Geber (Latinized name of Jabir ibn Hayyan (c. 721 – c. 815)) is among the most notable representatives of medieval chemistry. The article, dedicated to the 1300th anniversary of his birth, tries to depict his work as the beginning and groundwork for Arabic alchemy, also serving as a push for the formation of chemistry in the future. The article touches upon his life, characteristics, evaluation of his works, doubts about his identity and authorship. His influences are examined and his achievements in the area of metallurgy (sulfur-mercury theory, characterizing all known metals), knowledge of `secret` (stimulating the transmutation of metals) substances, mineral acids, salts, chemical processes and apparatus, his contributions to practical chemistry prove the broadness of his interests. His rational and practical approach is acknowledged and also his “outer” spiritualism present in the terminology inherited by the authors of Alexandria. The legacy he leaves – his authority, influence on the development of chemistry and followers – Arabic medical alchemists. In the conclusion his services to science and civilization are summarized.
The purpose of the article is to determine and explore the relationship and interaction of historical events (Russian Revolution of 1917 and its consequences; World War II (1939-1945); anti-Roma policy of Nazism and the Holocaust; the collapse of the USSR) on the formation of Roma culture in the context of socio-cultural space of Ukraine XXI century. The methodology is based on the use of historical, socio-cultural methods to reveal the historical truth in the formation of Roma culture in different chronological periods. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in chronological order the relationship and interaction of historical events of the ХХ century (the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its consequences; World War II (1939-1945); anti-Roma policy of Nazism and the Holocaust; the collapse of the USSR) and the formation of Roma culture in the context of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine in the XXI century, determines the origin, formation, current state, and influence of Roma art on the development of Ukrainian culture of the XXI century. Conclusions. Historical events, from ancient times to the present, including the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its consequences, World War II (1939-1945), anti-Roma policies of Nazism, the Holocaust, the collapse of the USSR, had a relationship and decisive influence on the formation of Roma culture in the context of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine of the XXI century. The first Holodomor became a motive for strengthening the Ukrainian national consciousness, the settlement of Roma on the territory of Ukraine, and uniting the joint efforts of Ukrainians to resist the Soviet government. During the Second World War, the Roma did not lose their optimism and thirst for creativity, raised the fighting spirit with military songs, dances, and amateur front-line concerts. It was emphasized that a significant number of Roma were killed in the punitive actions of the Nazi occupation regime in Ukraine. In the middle of the twentieth century, no book in the Romani language (neither artistic nor scientific) was published in the USSR, and Romani schools were closed. The development of Roma culture was formal. After the collapse of the USSR, Roma artists were able to tour freely around the world and integrate their culture without any fear of oppression of their creative activities, continuing their development in the socio-cultural space of Ukraine in the XXI century.
Les auteurs de l'ouvrage mettent en évidence la contribution remarquable apportée par la Société Nationale de la Croix Rouge de la Roumanie au noble effort de notre peuple pour la conquête de l'indépendance d'Etat pendant les glorieuses années 1877—1878 ; 1916—1918. On mentionne que toutes les mesures d'organisation prises par la Société Nationale de la Croix Rouge ont eu comme but la préparation dans les meilleures conditions de celle-ci, pour pouvoir assumer les tâches qui lui revenaient pendant la guerre. La Société Nationale de la Croix Rouge a été un véritable catalyseur des masses : elle a contribué à la levée des donations destinées à soutenir les troupes et certains de ses membres ont pris part effectivement à la guerre (soignant les malades et les blessés) faisant preuve d'abnégation, d'esprit de sacrifice, de patriotisme ; d'ailleurs pour leur héroïsme beaucoup d'eux ont été décorés. Pendant les années de la première guerre mondiale, la Société de la Croix Rouge de la Roumanie a agi dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles sur le territoire temporairement occupé et en Moldavie, soignant les malades, les blessés, les invalides, les orphelins... Par cette vole les auteurs de l'ouvrage rendent hommage à tous ceux qui ont déployé une activité soutenue dans le cadre de la Croix Rouge ne se ménageant en rien pour conquérir et maintenir l'Indépendance nationale.
International order is one of the key concepts of international relations of the 19th and 20th centuries following the wars and the shifting of major paradigms. When the Cold War ended it became more relevant for the Balkans since the balance of power was no longer the most suitable model for regional peace, following the dangerous ethnic tensions, and new realities. The paper intents to explain the main values and characteristics of the contemporary international order, specifically since the collapse of the balance of power; and to analyze what this means for the Balkans, both in terms of international involvement in the Balkans, and the positioning of Balkan states in the system of international relations? The study identifies the main patterns that shape contemporary international order, noting the increased impact of globalization, and shifting of the models of international order towards the stability, geopolitical relevance, and development of the Balkans.
Almost immediately after the end of the Second World War (WW II) and the declaration of the Iron Curtain policy, the Cold War broke out between the socialist and capitalist countries: the so-called opposition between the Eastern and Western bloc. The most acute confrontation between the USSR and the USA was manifested in such areas as the arms race, space exploration, struggle to expand spheres of influence. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the world was on the brink of nuclear war. After the occupation in 1940, Latvia was part of the Soviet system, and therefore was exposed to the Soviet ideology and propaganda. Most of the inhabitants of Latvia (like of the whole USSR) had practically no opportunity either to visit the USA or to obtain reliable information. Periodicals of the USSR imposed on the Soviet reader their image of America and the Western world in general; a huge role in creating this image was assigned to satirical publications. The article reveals the principles of representation of the USA image in the magazine “Dadzis” [The Thistle] and “Dadža kalendārs” [The Thistle Almanac] using imagological and cultural-historical approaches. The research focuses on the textual and visual representations of the phenomenon under study both in feuilletons and caricatures created by Latvian and foreign authors and published in the 1960s Latvian satire. The study reveals that the static image of the USA consisting of a certain “set” of stereotypes was implanted in the Latvian society of the above-mentioned period and later.
The German community of the Yugoslav Kingdom was, for the most part, concentrated in the territory of today’s Vojvodina. Their centuries-long presence in this area indicates their readiness to live in a multinational environment, but also their ambition to live better than others, both in a cultural and economic sense. The attitude of this community towards the newly formed Yugoslav state was cautious, marked by concern and reserve, but it was not as negative as the one seen in the Hungarian community. The Germans intended to preserve their cultural identity through the organization of associations, and then to found a party. Their ambitions grew with the strengthening of the Third German Reich, when their political manifestation became more provocative and militant.
The paper outlines the path of research on the Thracian Antiquity from the first studies in the first half of the 18th century until Thracology became an autonomous academic domain. The most important publications and academic forums illustrating its emergence from the shadow of Ancient Greece and Rome are indicated, as well as the most important achievements in the research on the ancient Thracian lands in the context of Southeastern Europe and the new perspectives that would lead to reinterpretation not only of finds and sites, but also of the overall socio-economic life, foreign policy and economic relations. The political history of the Thracian kingdoms is usually examined from the viewpoint of military and political clashes. The stereotype of opposing Greeks and Thracians was gradually surmounted, which led to the elaboration of the expressed idea on the ancient Thracian lands as contact zone of economic, cultural and trade interactions.
This article is taking account of the different historiographical clusters or frameworks in which the 1821 Greek Revolution has (or not) found its place. The clusters identified reflect the ways in which Greek history and by extension the Greek Revolution, itself a function of the overall reception of Greek history, are globalized. They show their prevalence in some rubrics and relative absence in others, depending on the epoch. Among the rubrics, foremost is the question whether, when and by whom the events of 1821 were represented as a revolution and why some historiographical traditions withhold this characterization. Other clusters, analyzed comparatively and in the context of modernity, are nationalism studies, international relations, especially the Eastern Question, the issue of violence, as well as women studies. Finally, addressed is the issue why the Greek Revolution, without doubt global in its imagination, connections and ramifications, is sorely missing from the big narratives of world history.
The cognitive specificity of social pedagogy is its interest in the issues related to social conditionings of human development and, respectively, the specific social conditionings of the upbringing process. The notion has been developed in various directions since the very beginning of the discipline, yet the most clearly visible area seems to be the functioning of individuals, families and broader environment. Simultaneously, it is possible to observe that the issues have been entangled in certain socio-political conditions, the knowledge of which is substantial for the reconstruction and identification of the research heritage of social pedagogy. All these interrelationships allowed to distinguish particular stages of development of social pedagogy. Contemporarily, it is a discipline with descent scientific achievements which marks out and indicates new perspectives both in the field of educational practice and the theory of social activity.
In 1881–1914, two million Jews emigrated from the Russian Empire, with 78 percent of them settling in the United States of America. The article focuses on the local dimension of the great migration. Two towns in Podlasie (Bielsk and Orle), mostly inhabited by Jews, serve as the case study. An attempt is made to estimate the size of the Jewish migration and to reveal its anatomy, including questions related to getting passports, illegal border crossing, and the attitude of the authorities to the Jewish exodus.
Review of: Cezary Kuklo - Mateusz Wyżga, Homo movens. Mobilność chłopów w mikroregionie krakowskim w XVI–XVIII wieku, Kraków 2019, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, ss. 468