Sergius Ciocau, Orheiul Vechi: Localități și așezăminte monastice (secolele XVI-XIX)
Review of: Sergius Ciocau, Orheiul Vechi: Localități și așezăminte monastice (secolele XVI-XIX), Chișinău: Cartdidact, 2021. – 220 p.
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Review of: Sergius Ciocau, Orheiul Vechi: Localități și așezăminte monastice (secolele XVI-XIX), Chișinău: Cartdidact, 2021. – 220 p.
Ideologically, the last century has been broadly dominated by three principled constructs, which we can think of as belonging to the same genus, which we call high-powered chauvinism. The communist ideology claimed that all the revolutions produced in the entire history of humanity did nothing but replace the dominance of one social class with the dominance of another class, that is, to change one form of exploitation of man by man with another form of exploitation. But, for the first time in history, the proletariat is called, somewhat messianically, to abolish private property and, by doing so, to completely abolish every form of exploitation of man by man. In the course of the socialist revolution, the proletariat not only emancipates itself, but, by emancipating itself, it also emancipates, objectively and even involuntarily, the entire society. In German Nazism, Hitler replaces the proletariat of the communist ideology with the German people, replaces the social class saving mankind with the superior race of the Aryans, also meant to save mankind. The superior race and the need to safeguard it, for the good of all mankind, is the principle from which the absolute ideological truth and the belligerent rhetoric in this case derive. Finally, in the contemporary hegemonic neoconservative ideology, the United States must hold global dominance, because it has military power, and it must have as much military power as possible, in order to hold global dominance for as long as possible. This construct says: we are the strongest military alliance in History, so we are always right. These constructs have had bad consequences and can only have bad consequences.
Among the agents of the infi ltration of polyphony in native religious singing are the reforming current, coming from the West through Transylvania, as well as the act of uniting with Rome a part of Transylvanian Romanians (1701). Catholic choral pieces are insinuated in Psalter manuscripts, including the curious phenomenon of the transposition of polyphonic religious singing into the Byzantine semiographic system. Th e two components — monodic and polyphonic — are also meet in Moldova. In 1782 during the abbotship of Paisie Velicikovski, a choir of Russian monks was established, who practiced harmonic singing (along with native monks who, traditionally, sang monodically) at Neamts Monastery. In the fi rst half of the 19th century, the contacts of psalter music with polyphonic religious music intensifi ed. Th e presence of choral singing was signaled in several cultural centers in the researched area (Arad, Bucharest, Iasi). As time goes on, psalter singing is competing more and more dangerously with harmonic singing, things being pushed to a fi erce confrontation between the two currents. Th e saving solution for keeping the balance between continuity and renewal is seen by the bishop Melchizedek of Roman.
The present paper is designed with the intention of capitalizing on the narrative praxis of foreign travelers, which partially outlines the image of music from the culture of Moldova, resulting from their stay on the territory of the country. Starting from the researched historical sources, the content, presented in chronological order, highlights and analyzes the points of view of the travelers from outside, whose refl ections and comments facilitate the penetration into the realities of court music and fi ddle music, oft en considered “minor forms” of manifestation of the sound art, to which local research has oft en paid less attention. Captured from the perspective of the non-professional traveller, the described information reveals the circumstances, in which the services of music are appealed to and the share of the phenomenon in offi cial events. At the same time, the syntheses undertaken shed light on the exaggerations and (or) subjectivisms expressed in the interpretations and opinions of foreign visitors. Nevertheless, the travel notes have the role of contributing to broadening the horizon of national music in the historical period under research.
Sport is a specific race activity, a specific competition activity with an educational and recreational dominant, and the commercial and the professional orientation must pass in the background, and the sport as a leisure returns to the basal values: health, education, recreation. The idea of sports and leisure should be seen as an elite group as proposed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1900 under the heading of 'Sport for All. Sport as leisure is a form of education included in the culture and contemporary civilization. If we want to isolate the methodological sport as leisure from the sport performance, then it refers to the human community, undifferentiated of economic, social, physical or age level. In the context of sport as leisure should be integrated any person. In Romanian of the last 15 years sport as leisure has become a necessity. Sport perceived as leisure insists on training of the trainers, who are required to overcome the types of economic signals and to understand the gradual change of culture. In the third millennium the physical activity became a business of first performance, on the other hand it is a clear need of harmonious development of every individual body. The Olympic spirit glorifies the good order, social order, balance, glory. The actual civilization resumes the motto "Citius, Altius, fortius" ( "faster, higher, stronger") like self-overcoming idea.
The funeral rite is a fundamental aspect of the process of a person's passage from this world to the underworld. Throughout history, each culture and society has developed its own representations of this important moment of transition. In modern society, depictions of funerary ritual have evolved in accordance with social and technological changes. Individual traditions and increasing cultural diversity have brought with it a number of changes in the way people face and express their grief of loss. Currently, funeral rites can range from traditional religious ceremonies to personalized civil burials or even commemoration actions. Many beliefs and traditions we inherited from our ancestors, the Dacians and Romans, and as testimonies over time are the customs and rituals that we still find in rural life. Each civilization emphasized its own values and beliefs about the afterlife. Depictions of the funeral rite give us insight into human values and understanding in the face of the inevitable – death. The funeral rite among the Greeks, as in Romanian culture, involved certain practices of preparing the body of the deceased for the burial rite. The last road to the Greeks was marked by certain offerings and sacrifices, where the community expressed its regrets; they organized memorial dinners to honor the memory of the departed, a custom that is still practiced today among Romanians. In Ancient Rome, there is also that custom of purifying the family home. The ancient Romans used certain aromatic plants to banish all the energies left after death. From the Dacians we do not have so much information regarding the funeral ritual. However, following discoveries and historical accounts, a different aspect catches our attention: cremation, burning of the body of the deceased. We also remember the Dacian tombs where various personal objects were placed, traditions that we inherited and which are practiced today.
Despite the fact that today there is a fairly comprehensive material on the architecture of Western Europe in the 18th century and a significant amount of research conducted regarding the outstanding architects of that time. There is not a lot of information available regarding the formation of architectural education in Germany, as a system of educational institutions, or at least this information has not been synthesized to give a clear picture of the processes that took place in this timeframe. The main aim of this article is to outline a complete chronological picture of the events that took place and to enable the reader to trace the challenging path of the development of architecture from a craft to the academic discipline. Given the turbulent political processes in eighteenth-century Europe, particularly in Germany, the article highlights some political developments which, in turn, had a huge impact on the development of culture, education and social life in the country. The main achievement of the 18th century in the field of education was the introduction of a compulsory state examination to obtain a certificate of higher education. A mandatory special training requirement for construction majors was also introduced. During this period, several textbooks were developed and published. The academies were actively gaining and consolidating their influence in both in education and science. The first debates about the importance of art and science in the training of architects appeared at this time, which is up-to-date in contemporary debates as well.
Bessarabian playwrights, at the turn of the centuries, addressed several taboo subjects, such as it was and still is the Dniester War of 1992. However, the evocation of this event that has already become history served as the pre/subtext of the following dramatic texts: Saxofonul cu frunze roșii/Saxophone with red leaves by Val Butnaru, staged at ”Luceafărul” Theater (1998); the plays by C. Cheianu Noi/We, staged at ”Luceafărul” Theater (1994), and Ţara asta a uitat de Noi…/This country has forgotten us…, at the National Theater ”Satiricus I. L. Caragiale” (2011); Fata cea mută a început să vorbească/The dumb girl started talking by D. Crudu, Teatrul Radiofonic România (2013); Tără(z)boi by Mariana Starciuc staged in Satu Mare, Iasi, Piatra Neamţ (2018); Valsul Tancurilor/Tanks’ Waltz by Irina Nechit staged at the National Theater ”Satiricus I.L. Caragiale” (2020). The scenes of the texts, written in different registers, alternate from deep drama to overwhelming tragedy, the amalgam of realism and fiction being, however, nuanced. Of an overwhelming topicality, these dramatic works are not only chronicles, but also open files in which the characters play the role of participants, witnesses, prosecutors, lawyers, executors. Thus, these plays are a true history lesson provoking the touching of sensitive chords and reviving the memory of present and future generations.
Throughout the period of the People’s Republic of Poland, political and systemic solutions were undemocratic. There was the Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows (GUKPPiW)., whose name was changed in July 1981 to the Main Office of Control of Publications and Shows (GUKPiW). On 13 December 1981, the communists (under the leadership of General Wojciech Jaruzelski) introduced martial law, which was abolished on 22 July 1983. The state authorities tried to stop the development of Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarity”. Society, including the makers of television serial and series, has been subjected to even tighter control. Preventive censorship had a negative impact on the development of cultural and artistic life. The aim of this article is to show the mechanisms of operation of Polish censorship (also in the historical and legal context), which had an impact on the broadcast of programs on Polish Television during martial law (1981-1983).
The union of the Principalities through the double election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859) represented the foundation of the modern Romanian state and was followed by numerous legislative initiatives aimed at ensuring full unification, among them a new education law, namely the Law of Public Instruction. The new law was promulgated by the ruler on November 25, 1864 and represented the brick that was the basis of the construction of the modern Romanian education system. Since the beginning of the reign of Al. I. Cuza, the problem of the education system, its organization on modern and unitary principles was a priority not only of the ruler, but also of the politicians around him. That is why the Law of Instruction (1864) was the result of the long-term work of numerous political and cultural people, but nevertheless caused, from the beginning, two great controversies regarding its content as well as the context in which the normative act was developed. The first of these controversies was related to the wider circumstances of the adoption of foreign models in the Romanian society, and the second referred to the short time in which the new education law was drafted (June-November 1864). The adoption of the foreign models in the Romanian society was a problem that referred not only to education, but also to other fields, being one of the ways through which the modernization of the Romanian society was achieved. The Law of Instruction from 1864 represented a synthesis of the principles included in the Romanian political projects developed at the end of the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th century, but also of some principles taken from the Western models, all adapted to the realities of the Romanian society from the second half of the 19th century, a society in constant change especially after the Union of the Romanian Principalities in 1859. More than that, this law was the fruit of solid concepts and principles and that is why it lasted a long period of time, despite all the appeals and attempts of abolishment that have existed.
Thanks to its destiny as a "royal residence", Sinaia was, at the end of the 19th century, the fastest growing town on the European continent. The first house was built in 1872, the settlement acquired its own administrative status in 1874, and became a town ten years later. All the attributes of a thriving town also emerged and grew rapidly. In 1890, the first printing press and the first newspaper were established here. The newspapers that are printed in Sinaia until the beginning of the First World War are varied, with different periodicity and highlight two distinct aspects, addressing different groups. On the one hand there are the inhabitants of the town (those who live here all year round, as well as those who have holiday homes in the resort), on the other hand there are the tourists who need information. Discovered at the Romanian Academy Library, these periodicals, published between 1890 and 1914, deserve a dedicated research in the context of the era.
This work wants to bring in the attention of academic community, as well as those interested in this subject, a new research theme overlooked in the field of cultural studies, namely music festivals and their significance for contemporary Romanian culture. The festival market in Romania has grown significantly in recent years, with a variety of events such as theater festivals, music festivals, film festivals, gastronomic festivals, medieval festivals, and more. This is also the subject of my doctoral thesis, a brand new research in Romania. Such events not only signify entertainment but also involve elements of psychology, sociology, ethnology, as well as practical matters such as budgets and the impact on local tourism. In other countries, there are already university programs titled Festival Studies that address this branch of cultural studies. As an example, we can mention the Eurovision Song Contest, which has inspired numerous academic studies. Furthermore, psychology plays a crucial role in such events, especially as the audience experiences various emotional states, ranging from joy and euphoria to even sadness. We will attempt to address this topic from a psychological perspective as well.
This thesis deals with the image of the Hungarians as they are depicted in the work of Joachim Wittstock. Firstly, there is a theoretical part that presents the main concepts of the Imagology: image, auto-image, hetero-image, stereotype and prejudice. Secondly, there is a part that elicits the personal and the professional life of the author. Furthermore, the Nation of the Hungarians is illustrated, followed by an imagologigal analysis of the Hungarians in the work of Joachim Wittstock.
The purpose of the paper is to offer a panoramic view of a critical approach to totalitarianism in the past century. I am interested in observing how the French-Romanian writer manages to vituperate Fascism and Communism in a century where the Second World War appeared to destroy the lives of ordinary people. Also, I am interested in discussing how people can be foolish because authoritarian dirigents want to impose their point of view in a world where peace and fraternity are dominant. I will consider using the technique of close reading Eugene Ionesco’s masterpiece Lesson and heteroclite books to reflect in which way it is sought to express the idea of the necessity of democracy in a disparate universe. The creative use of language will be regarded as a means to make visible the new paradigm of fraternity can be understood by the readers in contemporaneity.
The article deals with the image of post-war administration in the eyes of the authors of the parish chronicles from Oleszyce and Przeworsk. The influence of administration on life of both authors was examined, and a comparison was made of administration in both chronicles at the same time. Its assessment in the period up to 1947 is completely different for both circuit breakers. Rev. Penc from Przeworsk was struck as a foreign element imposed on the authorities. Rev. Mroczkowski from Oleszyce, who operates in an area where the main threat of the OUN/UPA exists, has a completely different opinion about the supreme authorities. A counterweight to the Ukrainian underground are Home Army soldiers, who are expected to join the ranks of citizen militias, as well as district and municipal administrations. He is also the author of the Oleszyce family chronicle, which is responsible for its development because it includes members of the Polish anti-communist conspiracy. In comparison to the situation in Przeworsk, this power is not exerted oppressively towards the parish priest. What’s more, Rev. Mroczkowski co-created it himself, sitting on the Presidium of the District National Council in Lubaczów. The situation changed dramatically in 1947, when the administration in Oleszyce, as in the entire Lubaczów district, was taken over by communists. Since then, the threats of both chroniclers, as well as their basic power, being active.
Local history, including histories of parishes as centres of religious but also social and cultural life, have long been the focus of interest of both historians, history lovers and local patriots. This is also the case of the parish in Rybna, which has recently become the theme of a monograph – of popular-science nature, though based on extensive archive research. Even though it does not exhaust the theme of the history of that village and parish near Cracow, it is a perfect point of reference for this paper. The 19th century was very significant for the history of the Rybna parish: among others, a new church was built there in the first quarter of that century. That is why the sources from that period are pretty significant, if not fundamental in many aspects. The documents developed at that time are now kept in several institutions, of which the most important are the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Cracow and the National Archive in Cracow. This paper discusses the materials kept there.
The mariavitana, i.e. archive materials and book collections on the Mariavite Church are the focus of interest not only of the researchers of that denomination but also other Christian currents. They are a valuable source of information on the doctrine, history and context of functioning of minority churches in the mosaic of denominations in Poland. Although there are no Mariavite centers in Galicia, we can find mariavitana both in Galician archives and publishing houses. On the other hand, Galician printed works are an integral part of the remains of Mariavite libraries. This paper is a contribution to the research on the links between the Mariavite activity in the then Congress Kingdom of Poland and its reception in Galicia. Another suggestion for further research is the reception by the Mariavites of theological literature published in Galicia.
The article deals with issues related to the formation of book collections of libraries of technical universities founded after the end of World War II, i.e., Gdansk University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology, and Silesian University of Technology. The histories of the establishment and roots of these universities were briefly discussed, as well as the first steps towards the organization of libraries. Methods of completing book collections, and organizational challenges (location, staffing, as well as methodological) are presented.
The ruler’s title serves as a crucial element in the argumentative strategy for legitimizing power. It is directed towards a complex system of heterogeneous audiences and is a valuable source for the changes in the socio-political self-identification of the ruling authority. Medieval Serbia experienced a brief period of prominence in southeastern Europe, particularly under the reign of Stefan Dušan (1331–1355), who expanded his realm to include territories inhabited by Greek-speaking populations. The political landscape of the new empire was multifaceted, requiring the Serbian ruler to navigate complex dynamics by balancing the interests of longstanding subjects, newer constituents, and the Byzantine hierarchy of rulers alongside Western European traditions. This article aims to analyze and elucidate these ideological processes as evidenced in royal charters written in Greek, while also challenging M. Popovich’s thesis regarding the existence of a Serbian “ecumene” and Stefan Dušan’s claims to the Byzantine throne.