Периодика 2016
Content of the main Bulgarian scientific journals for the current year in linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography, archaeology and art studies
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Content of the main Bulgarian scientific journals for the current year in linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography, archaeology and art studies
The author of the article focuses on Polish writers that intentionally create their works simultaneously in Polish and in languages other than Polish, situating their creativity directly in European and world literature. She also discusses the case of bicultural authors whose creativity emanates from Polish culture but for whom Polish was only one of the languages they based their literature on. While listing such examples, the author considers the possibility of interpreting such works and placing them in the discourse of world literature.
The article discusses the volume of reports by Ewa Winnicka. The author of the article examines the contact between two different (Polish and British) cultures, both deeply rooted in different traditions and entangled by evident stereotypes. The reason for such cultural interference is, that Polish emigration to Great Britain is facetiously described by the author as ‘the invasion of the colonizers’. Winnicka’s narrative strategy enables readers to observe local inhabitants as well as Polish migrants who have different experiences and attitudes. This ‘unsymmetrical dialogue’ reveals that, a ‘colonizer’ as a stranger must always lose, because he exists in between his native community (that he does not belong to anymore) and the new one (that he aspires to, trying to prove that he is worth being accepted).
The article is an attempt to analyse relations between Polish Jews, the country of their first inhabitancy along with their Polish fellow citizens. It is an extremely complicated matter, because such relations are influenced by their fondness for the lost homeland and resentment felt towards the Poles. The selected poems of the authors, representing different generations, are analysed in the article. They reveal the whole variety of personal experiences and sentiments in a more emotive way than the works of prose. The article consists of two parts entitled: “The image of sentiment” and “The image of resentment”. They are based on the poetry of Irit Amiel, Łucja Gliksman, Renata Jabłońska, Szlomo Leser, Aleksander Rozenfeld, Jael Shalitt and Aviva Shavit-Władkowska.
Polish literature is popular in China. For over a hundred years some 330 works of Polish literature have been published in China along with hundreds of critical works. The article aims at presenting the reception of Polish literature in China, it discusses issues such as: the history of translation, the selection of translated works and translators’ interests, interpretation of the works and their significance for both Polish literature and Chinese society.
Soren Gauger is a Canadian writer who has decided to write in Polish. The author of the article examines the writer’s motivations, the way he develops his ideas and his first literary creation in Polish. Soren Gauger’s works reflect his attitude towards Polish culture where he invents defence mechanisms based on feelings of inferiority. In Soren Gauger’s literary works he can be seen to be disregarding the influence of popular trends in hegemonic cultures, referring to old and old-fashioned works, and styling himself on marginality and fantasticality.
The present article aims at introducing Edward de Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats” method and the way it is applied to the system of education. This method can be applied in various ways and contexts, but the aim is to illustrate how it can be used in the classroom to enhance and develop creativity. In order to find solutions, the method consists in analyzing the situation from various points of view.
In the contemporary Polish Catholic discourse one can notice increased presence of figure of Satan and Biblical topos of his fight with God. The figure appears not only in strictly religious texts but also in discussion on up to date phenomenon of social life, such as abortion, in-vitro fertilization, homosexual partnerships and others. The article is trying to answer the question about functions of this topos. The answer is being searched with usage of sociological findings on the role of language in religion and the role of religion in social life – both issues are discussed in the first chapter. The second chapter, based on fragments from catholic press, presents ways of language construction of analyzed figure. The third chapter focuses on four functions of the topos. The first one is to support religious vision of the world; the second is to strengthen so called nomos, which is the conjunction of rules on which the society is based; the next two functions have rhetorical, persuasive character. The Biblical topos is a kind of a rhetorical formula, which enables in an easy and simple way to explain and to judge the reality but at the same time it gives a very schematic and simplified picture.
In the paper, the issue of paternalism in the institutional talks is presented. The main features of paternalism as a communication strategy are shown sketchy. The author analyses two talks: a medical consultations and an institutional talk in the office. On these examples some of the basic manifestations of paternalism are presented, among them the ignoring of the patient`s voice, doctor`s domination including his knowledge regarding the patient`s individual feelings, using of the informal phrase “ty” (“you”), using of diminutive forms. As the result, the voice of patient/client is outgrown or muted, and at the same time the voice of the institution is dominating, and even strengthened.
The present article outlines the problem of terrorism in “The Sewers of Paradise” by Jorge Diaz. Moving it to the current times, the play uses the Biblical myth of Cain and Abel, however, with a completely changed original meaning. The world presented in the play is full of absurd situations highlighting an individual’s incomprehension of the events that shape today’s socio‑political scene. Díaz questions the ethics of the current world, emphasizing the following problems: the religious intolerance, authority abuse, opportunist manipulation, xenophobia, discrimination of women, conformism and solitude of the individual lost in a cruel and hostile universe. Generally, the work investigates the concept of terrorism and shows its complexity. The model of the “triangle of violence” by Johan Galtung is used here. Diaz presents the phenomenon of aggression in terms of structural, cultural and direct violence.
The concept of “a language” (Einzelsprache, that is, one of many extant languages) and its opposition to “dialect” (considered as a “non-language,” and thus subjugable to an already recognized language merely as “its” dialect) is the way people tend to think about languages in the West today. It appears to be a value-free, self-evident conception of the linguistic position. So much so that the concept of “language” was included neither in Immanuel Kant’s system of categories, nor in the authoritative Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe: Historisches Lexikon zur politisch sozialen Sprache in Deutschland. This paper sketches the rise of the “dialect vs language” opposition in classical Greek, its transposition onto classical Latin, and its transfer, through medieval and renaissance Latin, to the early modern period. On the way, the Greek and Latin terms for “language” (and also for “dialect”) sometimes functioned as synonyms for peoples (that is, ethnic groups), which – importantly – contributed to the rise of the normative equation of language with nation in the early nineteenth century. It was the beginning of the ethnolinguistic kind of nationalism that prevails to this day in Central Europe.
The present article undertakes a semasiological analysis of four Polish vulgarisms associated with sexual intercourse: gzić się, grzać się, parzyć się, bzykać się. Taking is the point of departure their etymology, it investigates the changes in the meanings of these units. It was discovered that initially the analysed lexemes communicated a very wide range of content, far from their contemporary semantic structure. Successively, some of their senses were rearranged, causing these units to become attributed to animal copulation and later to human sexual intercourse. However, it was until the mid-20th century that the analysed verbs have come to play the role of vulgarisms.
Dishes and food products – the way they are made, their complexity, taste and appearance – are all part of culture and tradition that are created by people feasting at the table. While discussing various everyday issues, they also talk about food – they praise it, complain about it and criticize it. Eating meals with friends and family both in everyday situations and on special occasions creates a special mood. It creates an occasion for confessions, advice, jokes, memories and reflections about life. Various sayings and proverbs, which enrich the culture of a given country or region are brought to life on these occasions. Croatia is not an exception in this regard. Many proverbs and sayings connected with local culinary traditions exist in Croatian. Some of them are known widely throughout the country, others only in certain territories. Numerous proverbs are known throughout Croatia, albeit with a slightly changed imagery. The proverbs presented in my article are found in a dictionary by Josip Kekez, a renowned Croatian paremiologist. It is worth noting that they comprise selected material, which does not cover information present in internet dictionaries. Further in the paper I describe regional proverbs and songs, which are an important element presenting the diversity of Croatian dialects. Each Croatian phrase is accompanied by my Polish translation, which clarifies its meaning. Additionally, I quote other language variants like jargonisms and foreign lexis in culinary vocabulary with a view to present the extraordinary abundance and diversity of Croatian culinary lexis.
The paper gives a comparative historical analysis of derivative words with the i / i/y- interfix and a verb as the first component in Serbian, Russian and Polish from the standpoint of contemporary Slavic morphology (derivatology). The aim is to provide their description in terms of semantic variation. The author ascertains that all the three languages feature a derivational model of forming expressive lexis by means of the i / i/y- interfix, predominantly nouns, of mostly humorous and pejorative meaning. A special group is formed by onyms (nicknames turned surnames, but also toponyms, oronyms, hydronyms etc). This type of words first occurred in Serbian and Russian in the thirteenth century (possibly in Serbian in the eleventh century), and in Polish in the fifteenth century. Judging by the available sources, derivatives with the i- interfix appear frequently in historical as well as modern Serbian, Polish and Russian (much more in Serbian and Polish than in Russian). In Serbian and Russian pre-nineteenth-century sources chiefly given names and nicknames-turnedsurnames were noted (in Russian, also some animal and plant names as well as abstract nouns). In Old Polish, words of the discussed kind are zoological and botanical lexemes; from Middle Polish on, the lexemes encompass all semantic categories characteristic of modern Serbian and Russian. It should, however, be stressed that the inaccessibility of the spoken language as well as the limited number of sources introduce considerable uncertainty to observations regarding the time of origin and vocabulary of the first centuries of Slavic languages. This applies especially to expressively marked lexemes, a considerable portion of which is constituted by common nouns of the “A (verb) + -i- / -i/y- + B” model. In contemporary Serbian, Polish and Russian, the lexis formed by means of this derivational model is almost equally developed conceptually and relates predominantly to the same phenomena. Expressive words in all three languages are formed in the processes of metonymisation, metaphorisation, personification, hyperbolization and grotesque, and are characterized by numerous derivational and semantic equivalents.
Trauma is a notion whose perception in the psychoanalytic discourse has undergone dynamic changes, starting from the transfer of this concept to the psychic ground, through the conceptualisation of its impossibility of being shared, ending with Bracha L. Ettinger’s intervention. The aim of this paper is twofold: to track these changes and to (re)define the potential of the trauma discourse(s). After the analysis of main assumptions concerning the psychic wound in the thought of the fathers of psychoanalysis, the author proceeds to the branch of trauma studies influenced by the Holocaust, so as to finally introduce Bracha L. Ettinger – a clinical psychoanalyst, theoretician, artist, feminist and member of the Second Generation after the Holocaust – and her matrixial theory. As the author endeavours to demonstrate, this thought provides us with the tools to rethink the shape and possibilities of the trauma discourse.
The article focuses on the presentation of basic features of the camp world in the memoirs of former prisoners as a space of tangled categories defined as dead and alive. The world of values described by the witnesses illustrates a significant change in the generational awareness: the birth of a new dimension of the narrative. The text stresses the role, meaning and change in distinctive features of the genres related to memoir literature. The traditional typology, based on the universal rules of distinguishing the genres from one another, gives way to a more open formula, striving for “communicational orientating.” In the article, the “consciousness” of the prisoner’s body and its basic strategies are presented. The author provides an overview of gulag stories, revealing the perspective of the body, whose “adventures” in Auschwitz form the central narrative axis of these statements. The camp body transforming into the dead body, returning intermittently to the order of the living, overlays the whole camp space, to finally become its most capacious symbol. In the prisoners’ memoirs, it is a biological organism, a cell within a living organism, and a part of the scenery, both the real one – the horizon, the landscape – and the cultural one, as it builds this place (cemetery). A special role in these narrations is assigned to the corpses, which are proofs of the experienced loneliness, fragments of the camp landscape, reminders of the physical fragility, subjects of jokes, vaudevilles and songs, but also documentaries filmed during the functioning of Auschwitz concentration camp.
The development of a new literary language requires elaboration of the system of abstract nouns. The use of abstract lexis, of theological terminology, and a big number of compound words differentiates the Old Bulgarian (Old Church Slavonic) literary vocabulary from every Slavic dialect in the 9th century and today. The present study of the abstract nouns formed with suffixes in the Egipetski Paterik sheds light on an early stage of the development of abstract lexis in the Old Bulgarian literary language. Such nouns characterize translator’s style and the challenges he met. This paper discusses the following types of abstract nouns in the Egipetski Paterik: abstract nouns of feminine gender with suffixes -ость, -ъınʜ, -ота/-ета, -тва, -ʜna, -ьва and neuter abstract nouns in -nʜѥ/-тʜѥ, -ʜѥ, -ьство и -ьствʜѥ. The semantics of the lexemes examined is discussed according to the context in which they are used. Further, the use of these lexemes in the Egipetski Paterik is juxtaposed with their use in three types of sources: the so-called classical Old Bulgarian (OCS) corpus from the 10th–11th centuries; texts originating from 10th-century Preslav that survive in later copies; and similar – in style and language – Old Bulgarian translations of paterica.
Focusing on the modern Bulgarian culture in the period between 1878 and 1944, this article explores the role of modern nationalism in forming the special attitudes in Bulgarian society towards values of traditional culture. The main accent is put on the place of National ethnographic museum as a key element of creating and spreading the knowledge about the romantic past of the nation and its significance as a cultural heritage in the present. The next topic in the analysis is closely connected to the question of how museum acted as a mediator in the field of culture in the examined period. Why the modern Bulgarian urban population decorated its homes with things that are similar to (or the same as) the traditional ones, what was accepted as original and where is the place of the aesthetic – these are amongst the principal questions in the article.
Animalisms as the animalistic components of paremiaes play an important role in the semantic codes in Paremiology. The comparative and contrastive analysis of animalisms in the structure of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian paremiaes with the use of a biocentric approach allows us to describe the general and specific features of behaviour and characters that exist in the most widespread paremic images of wild and domestic animals. The animalistic images are typical of: the Polish, Russian and Ukrainian culture. The process of describing each category of animal which takes place in the paremiologic units supports the reconstruction of fragments of a linguistic world‑image and allows us to observe a correlation between such concepts as Animal and Human Being.