Книги 2014–2015 г.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in 2014-2015
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Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in 2014-2015
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in 2015-2016
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year.
Discontinuum-continuum: the theory of composition by Julio Estrada. The Julio Estrada’s output is still the unexplored area, what creates the opportunity to study the phenomenon called discontinuum-continuum. During the last 36 years of the creative activity, Estrada has developed several aspects of the macro timbre that integrate several compounds of a composition. In his research, Estrada confronts two different situations in the compositional process: continuous transformation of the sound and chronographical method, using strictly defined recording process in order to receive three-dimensional movements of the sound in the topological order. As a result of existing these two situations, a musical work is impossible to be defined by one technique or musical style. Examination of the theory of composition called discontinuum-continuum allows one to understand a new methodology of musical creation that involves scientific research of the physical phenomenon of sound and introspection of the imagination of the sound.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
This article presents a possible model for teaching 9th grade Literature material related to the Bible and the Old Bulgarian literature by applying the knowledge that the students have acquired during the Information Technology classes. The demonstration of the student presentations about famous Bulgarian monasteries favors the formation of teamwork skills, the creative usage of the Internet resources and the improvement of the knowledge connected with the subjects studied in 9th grade.
Conference report on an international scientific conference “Old Believers Abroad”, held in Toruń 19th-20th September 2016. The conference was devoted to various aspects of life of Old Believers’ communities outside Russia, as well as the problems of Old Believer emigration and general questions of Old Believerism.
Se estudia el enfoque que se le dio a la lactancia materna en diversos textosde la temprana modernidad: obras médicas de los siglos XV al XVII del Viejo y delNuevo Mundo y crónicas de la conquista espiritual de América. El corpus textualseleccionado lo unifica su marcado providencialismo y su potestad Divina. Se proponeubicar estas obras desde una tradición que toma en cuenta el eclecticismo y eldinamismo en la materialidad de la cultura escrita: siempre se construye un texto a partirde distintas fuentes para conseguir, de modo activo, algo novedoso. Con base en esto, sedestaca que los autores médicos y cirujanos de esta clase de obras crearon unametatextualidad en dos sentidos: uno propio del quehacer del arte médico y otromeramente literario. Finalmente, se propone entender las funciones de los autoresdentro del entramado al que invita su discurso normativo de estilo áspero, desde el cualdefendieron la idea de un paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo ante el cisma que tuvo la Iglesiaen el siglo XVI.
Mefküre Mollova was the first Turkish woman and university professor in Bulgaria, who defended her Ph.D. thesis in the field of turkology and gained international fame for her research. She is the author of over 150 publications in prestigious international journals that continue to be cited today. Mefküre Mollova was among the founders of the Turkish Philology at the University of Sofia. She had worked for only about 7 years (1953-1961), when she and her husband were dismissed from their academic positions on false claims, and the Department was closed. She remained outside the academia until the end of her life.
Serbocroatistic contributions have been published on the pages of “Ricerche slavistiche” since 1952, when this academic journal of Slavic Studies was founded by Giovanni Maver at the University of Rome (now Sapienza University). Articles and reviews on various Serbocroatistic topics (that is concerning linguistics, literary history, literary criticism, culture) have been appearing in this journal with such a continuity that they can be included among the most frequent ones.
This text explores the potential for updating the phraseological fund of the Bulgarian language in the Bulgarian public discourse and examines the influence of different types of updates on the specifics of the functioning of the given phraseological units in public speech. The most visible updates are those that clearly introduce new elements into the meaning of the original sustained phrase, but at the same time retain the obvious connection to the original language unit. Phraseological units, which are generally distinguished by semantic indivisibility, stability of their lexical composition, invariable structure, imagery, emotionality and expressiveness, are subject to dynamic changes occurring in Bulgarian language in recent years. We direct our interest to stable expressions, in the composition of which a new component appears as a manifestation of lexical dynamics, which replaces an already established one, or an additional element appears in the structure of a phraseology, i.e. our attention will be directed mainly to the so-called lexical updates of the phraseological fund. In the text, we trace the change (structural and semantic) in a number of phraseological units in the Bulgarian language, in which the entry of the lexical component kopeyka is observed. The excerpted material is from two corpora – CLASSLA-web.bg (Bulgarian web) and the corpus of parliamentary speech ParlaMint corpus: https://www.clarin.si/ske/#concordance. The examples extracted from the corpora are relevant for tracking the changes we are interested in in the phraseological fund of the modern Bulgarian language.
From industry to teaching, being competent implies knowing how to do things in a complex, adaptable, and reflective way in a variety of contexts. It involves the integration of knowledge, procedures, attitudes, and values whose mastery and application change throughout life. Besides this idea of being adaptable, we want to add the “just-in-time approach” (JIT approach), which had a boom during the pandemic of COVID-19 and which focused on providing learners with the language skills and knowledge they needed at the precise moment they required to accomplish a specific task or communicate effectively in real-life situations. Unfortunately, it also proved that a generation gap existed between 20-year-old students and their teachers of older generations. Current officer cadets have not lived without mobile phones or the Internet which drastically have changed the way we communicate and had a significant impact on our lives. New technologies made communication more accessible and convenient with beloved ones, colleagues, and the conduct of business operations. Networking was not only advisable but a must and the pandemic proved how useful online teaching was and how well-adapted our cadets were. New technologies made it possible to access the Internet from anywhere, providing instant access to information, entertainment, and services.
Data about scientific events in the field of the humanities in Bulgaria in the first half of 2024.
This article is about philosophy as a path, leading man, a civilised being, to re-establish communication with what Gilles Deleuze calls “primordial nature.” This foundational phenomenon, being the primary reservoir of life energy, underpins the existence of the human civilised world. However, by the same token, this phenomenon, since exempt from conditioning and subject to no restrictions or constraints, can disrupt the functioning of this world. Thus, disengagement from primordial nature is the fundamental purpose of the existence of civilization. Unfortunately, its development over time excessively diminishes that connection, deepening alienation, frustration and aggression in social life. I will undertake to demonstrate that the practice of philosophy can be one of the basic ways of coping with that inevitable civilisational impasse.
This paper approaches the naming word order in Bulgarian dialects from different regions of the country and from Bessarabia. In these dialects, the family name is placed first, then the father’s name follows, and the given name stands at the end. The author supposes that this phenomenon has appeared in the Bulgarian dialects under Greek and Turkic influence.
The paper gives information on a medieval Slavonic translation of the Vita of St. Sabbas the Sanctified. A Middle Bulgarian copy of the translation (manuscript no. 226 of the 14th century, kept in Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos) is edited with variant readings from two other copies: Hilandar 432 and Dragomirna 706.
The author compares the lexical choices in three translations of Solomon’s Song made from Greek disseminated in medieval Slavonic Cyrillic manuscripts: an early translation of the late 9th or early 10th century and two later ones imbedded in catenae.