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The present volume of A dictionary of Silesian writers, similarly as the previous ones, contains biographical notes and discussions of the works of persons who, from the earliest times up to the present, co-created the history of Silesian literature, writing in Polish, German, Czech or Latin. In principle, the biographical notes present only deceased authors, including those whose relations with Silesia were only temporal, nevertheless still explicit and significant as far as their literary output is concerned.The work aims at demonstrating the multiculturalism and multilingualism of Silesian authors, presenting and systematizing current state of knowledge, as well as at being an indication and encouragement to further studies that would facilitate the development of methodologically up-to-date synthesis of Silesian literature.A dictionary of Silesian writers is a kind of factual and bibliographical guide for academics of various specializations, it can serve as a teaching aid for secondary school learners, facilitating the implementation of objectives connected with regional education. It is also addressed at all enthusiasts of Silesian culture.
Studium elementów gramatyki narratywnej w popularnonaukowych opowiadaniach Stanisława Lema Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie. Zawiera wnikliwą i nowatorską analizę podstawowych środków gramatycznych języka polskiego używanych w budowie tekstu narracyjnego i określających zjawiska tekstualne związane z odbiorem anatomii opowiadania przez czytelnika.Analiza została przeprowadzona w formie zazębiających się badań nad zasobem wykładników gramatycznej budowy tekstu, przyczyniających się do powstania spójnego, wielowarstwowego i bogatego pod względem artystycznym tekstu narracyjnego, takich jak: czas, aspekt, schematy składniowe, współrzędność i podrzędność składniowa, partykuły i spójniki oraz szyk zdania. Wielopłaszczyznowe ujęcie ukazuje wzajemne oddziaływanie literackich i językowych elementów, tworząc obraz sztuki narracyjnej Stanisława Lema i zarazem obraz struktury językowej polszczyzny.
Analysis of cultural and intercultural linguistics, language – culture relationship in the communication-discursive dimension, key concepts and definitions, self-presentation categories and their cultural and linguistic models. Discussion on the problems of code switching in conversation, communication misunderstandings in multicultural communities and the research and development perspectives of this field of linguistics.
This book contributes to the reflection around the problem of the distinction between the oral and the written. It is organized along two major disciplinary axes: linguistics and didactics of foreign languages, with their various fields of research, as the complexity of the subject is often at the crossroads of academic disciplines and different areas of the social and private life of language users.
Studies presented in this volume focus on representations of the city in today's French and francophone narrative prose. Two areas of research are favoured: problems of decentralization of the city in its material and non-material dimensions, as well as the urban space as a place of sedimentation of individual and collective memory. The volume includes thetexts concerning Jean Echenoz, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters, Antoine Volodine, Annie Ernaux, Assia Djebar, Guy Vaes, Patrick Modiano and Alain Fleischer.
Result of cooperation between the Institute of French Studies at the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Literature and Languages at the University of Poitiers, the book discusses the current state of research of the so-called "French School of Discourse Analysis" and its application to the analysis of the contemporary types of discourse. The authors present, among the others: the analysis of literary and press discourse, various types of public discourse, and the influence of ideology on discourse. They also deal with more detailed problems, such as the use of different forms of address, the role of contemporary pamphlet or the punctuation analysis.
An attempt to define the values brought by the Augsburg Evangelicism into the culture of the First Polish Republic. The studies on selected ideas and ideals related to Lutheranism present the religious doctrine of this confession as the holistic cultural concept. The authors point to the Lutheran component of the cultural heritage of the Reformation, the formation and hierarchization of the constitutive values for the Polish culture and the dialogue with the European debate on Renaissance christianitas.
The authors present the Russian culture of the First Polish Republic – both Orthodox and Uniate – in a dynamic relationship with the Polish–Latin culture and the processes taking place in the Orthodox Church after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, and in the face of the growing power of Moscow. They do not perceive the Russian culture as different and question legitimacy of the civilization barrier concept. This culture, as part of the heritage of the multinational Polish-Lithuanian state, enriches the culture of Central and Eastern Europe and the entire Byzantine-Slavic area.
An interdisciplinary publication which is a forum of exchange of ideas on various strategies of presenting history. The authors examine the Polish-German relations throughout history as well as selected elements of the past related to the culture of Poland or Germany. They refer to the historiographical literature recalling the most important events in various periods from the perspective of the detailed studies and memories of people living in the particular period. The articles also include the theory on the ways of codifying memory, which can be regarded as a significant retrospective of the contemporary discourse on history.
The translation of Barbara Juliana de Krüdener’s French sentimental novel (Valérie, ed. 1804) made by Maria Ciostek. The publication contains the research essay and the preface written by the translator, providing the comprehensive overview of the life and work of the author. The novel had a significant influence on development of the world literature, also Polish, at the turn of the 18th and the 19th centuries. The references to the book can be found in the works of A. Mickiewicz, Maria Wirtemberska née Czartoryska, J. Lipiński, J.U. Niemcewicz. A very good, stylistically uniform translation, valuable for the literary scholars and researchers in the sentimental novel of the Enlightenment and the European Romanticism.
The authors (linguists, literary scholars, culture experts, comparatists, Slavists, speech language therapists, doctors) respond to the challenges of Polish glottodidactics with regard to six subject areas: developing linguistic competence, integration, cultural mediation, literary genres, special needs of learners and teaching practice. The volume initiates the series Studia Glottodydaktyczne [Glottodidactic Studies] prepared by POLONICUM at the University of Warsaw.
Thomas Pynchon is an acclaimed American writer associated with postmodernism. His fiction offers complex insights into the social, cultural and political dimensions of American life, describing a variety of important phenomena, such as the invasion of entertainment industry, the expansion of new technologies, the strengthening of regimes within apparently democratic establishments. Pynchon dissects the linguistic mechanisms of communication and of shaping human consciousness.
The author explores contemporary American fiction in its various contexts: social, historical, geographical, political. Every event or phenomenon that leaves an imprint in people's consciousness – to mention 9/11, the recession of 2008, or the expansion of the Internet - has a complex representation in literature.
This selection includes review essays on Polish translations of Ulysses and A Portait of the Artist as a Young Man, as well as two other, less known works by James Joyce, reviews of Polish translations of two novels by Toni Morrison and English translations of Wisława Szymborska's poems. Essays not directly concerned with translation include an examination of Ralph Ellison's and Ngugi wa Thiog'o's "rewritings" of Conrad's Lord Jim, an analysis of Ezra Pound's and James Joyce's "civic imagination", and an inquiry into possible ways of reading Frank O'Hara's long poems. There are also shorter pieces about the poetic qualities of Donald Barthelme's fiction, the early work of William Burroughs, and critical approaches to reading Rafał Wojaczek's Sanatorium.
The present book is a collection of selected aspects of the reception and functioning of mythological tradition in the literature of Renaissance and Baroque. In the first part, there are texts that specify the attitude towards mythology adopted by two most important Polish writers of the Renaissance period: Mikołaj Rej and Jan Kochanowski. The analysis of the nature of the mythological references presented in the article entitled Rej i mitologia [Rej and mythology] confirms the hypotheses formulated in the latest research into Rej’s writings on its medieval roots. It is evidenced by the following: the derogatory assessment of mythological tradition; the interpretation and adaptation of antique motifs in a spirit of allegoresis, euhemerism, and astrology; the sources of mythological knowledge and the place of mythologisms in the structure of a literary work. Rej did not consider mythology as an indispensable constituent of poetic language, which is demonstrated in the works that are completely devoid of it. The article entitled ”Owa prosto będziecie ze mnie mieć Chirona”. Kod mitologiczny „Fraszek” Jana Kochanowskiego [ ”Owa prosto będziecie ze mnie mieć Chirona”. The mythological code of ‘Epigrams’ by Jan Kochanowski”] advances a thesis that Kochanowski took advantage of mythological tradition intentionally and deliberately. Even in the translations of antique literature, mythologisms were not taken over automatically, but rather were subjected to the process of adaptation and selection. The juxtaposition of Epigrams with foricoena confirms the assumption that the manner of employing mythological tradition is a part of poetic strategy of Kochanowski. Moreover, it seems that, to some extent, the conclusions reached on the basis of the analysis of mythologisms in Epigrams may be related to the whole Polish-language writings of the poet. The second part is devoted to the studies on baroque religious literature represented by three separate research fields. The study Apollo u żłóbka i stajenka, która przewyższa Olimp. Antyk w staropolskich pastorałkach dramatycznych [Apollo at the manger and the stable which overtowers Olympus. Antique in Old Polish pastoral dramas] makes use of works commemorating Christmas, mostly anonymous and connected with Jesuitical drama and education. Despite the fact that mythologisms here are infrequent, their significance is not quite marginal, as they co-create the vision of the world in which everything, including the historically and ideologically alien antique tradition, is subjected to didactic aims furthered by church authorities. Pastoral dramas consistently refer to Eclogue 4, the so-called Virgil’s messianic, regarded as prophetic in Middle Ages, and here combined with biblical tradition. The next text concerns the paraphrase of the antique work written by Kasper Miaskowski („Polio polski” Kaspra Miaskowskiego: Wergiliusz odmieniony „wedle potrzeby” [“Polio polski” by Kasper Miaskowski: Virgil transformed as required]). The modifications introduced by the poet lead to a modernization and particularization of the text and its explicit contextualization in Christian reality. The article Mitologia w perswazji kaznodziejskiej [Mythology in preacher’s persuasion] focuses its attention on the field of literature that is in principle devoid of any references to antique tradition. The reading of the compilation of Sunday sermons, by, among others, Franciszek Rychłowski, Antoni Węgrzynowicz, Berard Gutowski, and Bazyli Rychlewicz, allows to identify the aspects of the functioning of mythologisms that are different than those in poetry, as well as an ambivalent attitude towards them. The third part contains texts that undertake the issue of mythology as an element shaping poetic language and love discourse. The article Słodki i okrutny. Wizerunek Kupidyna w poezji staropolskiej [Sweet and cruel. The image of Cupid in Old Polish poetry] provides a characteristics of this extremely significant mythological figure that encompasses its antique origin and poetic images in the poetry of Polish Renaissance and Baroque. An important role of Cupid is the shaping of love discourse, especially in intricate poetry of the 17th century. A separate attention is drawn by the theme initiated by Andreas Alciatus, which demonstrates a tragicomic history of accidental exchange of weapons belonging to the gods of love and death, developed by, among others, Mikołaj Rej and Wacław Potocki. The article Topika mitologiczna w poezji dawnej [Mythological topoi in old poetry] attempts to situate antique mythology within Old Polish topoi and specify its role in poetic realizations of loci communes. The revision of the state of research is done with a view to take the attitude towards various suggestions concerning the understanding of the notion of topos, and employing it in the analysis of mythologisms in old poetry, with a special emphasis placed on the topoi of Apollo. The analytical part of the work is devoted to the observation of various kinds of topoi in baroque poetry, their variability and the way they are used in poetic texts. The terms used in the article Szyfr, kod i konwencja. Staropolskie sposoby „mówienia mitologią” [Cipher, code and convention. Old-Polish ways of “talking mythology”] refer to the ways of exploiting antique mythology in Old Polish works, from concealing specific information under the layer of literal meaning, through the enhancement of a text with cultural references, to conventional usages, when a mythologism plays mainly an ornamental function. Mythological plots and characters appear in Old Polish works most frequently together with allegorical background. Some of these allegories are universal in nature (being the consequence of the search for universal truth in myths),while others, which are the manifestation of adapting antique topics to the Christian worldview, have become outdated, but they still perform an important role in understanding texts of culture.
The main aim of this book is to analyse and interpret relations between community and literature in Morcinek’s works, for example, the ideology of implication, symbolic representations and delimitation of creative freedom. The second goal is to distinguish fantasies, traumas and obsession presented in Morcinek’s novels. Last but not least, Mikołajec describes the comparatistic project of the new community, which is based on regional universalism. The studies feature thematic arrangement. To reconsider the work of Gustaw Morcinek, the researcher engages methodologies, concepts and ideas proposed by Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Louis Althusser, Pierre Bourdieu, Eric Hobsbawm, Jacques Lacan, Peter Sloterdijk, Jacques Derrida, Walter Benjamin and Carlos Paris. Thus, Mikołajec confronts Morcinek’s works with ideas that are beyond the literary criticism created by the native context of interpretation of this naïve, folk and mining-district writer. In addition to the analysis, interpretations and comments on Morcinek’s prose, Mikołajec reaches for other artists, who help us to see the discussed issues and topics in a broader context. Community and Literature. Studies in the prose of Morcinek by Marek Mikołajec corresponds with the current research trend, whose main goal is to re-read canonical writers, who are generally recognized as well-known but in fact remain undiscovered.
This study analyses etymological and word-formation methods employed to create the non-standard vocabulary of Stanislaw Lem’s Cyberiada (The Cyberiad) and Powtórka [Repetition], with a particular focus on neologisms. The analysis also considers equivalents of this vocabulary used by the Bulgarian translators of these works, and translation solutions they decided to apply. As established, differences between their translation strategies led to significant losses in the Bulgarian translation of Powtórka in comparison with the source text.
This book is an invitation to the parallel reading of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s The Wilko Girls, and Zbigniew Uniłowski’s Wspólny Pokój [The Common Room]. All of the literary inquiries included in it contribute to a coherent narrative of the male otherness in the women’s world. Such a masculinity is based on passivity and withdrawal, uncertainty and anxiety; due to the affects of desire, reluctance, or abjection, it marks the experience of the otherness of the women’s world in terms of both fascination and rejection. Moreover, in the works analysed the female protagonists are presented as complete – if not excessive – whereas the male ones encounter the multiplying lack; in other words, these women immerse in existence, while the men barely reach its surface.
This book is dedicated to three important Old Bulgarian and Greek sources, connected with the names of Cyril and Methodius: the Service for Cyril the Philosopher; the Long vita of Clement of Ohrid and the Byzantine Hymnographic Cycle in honour of Clement of Ohrid.