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The author summarizes the results of his research on the relationship between myth and literature. He discusses the universal theoretical and literary issues, such as the concepts of literary myth, mythical roots of literature, myths as a source of literary inspirations, myth creating function of literature, types of myth transformations in the texts of various writers and the ways of functioning of the mythical stories and the mythical figures in the literary text. The author systematizes the most important literary issues, e.g. the differences between myth, fairy tale and legend. He also provides a detailed discussion of the traditional and latest methods of studies on myths in literature, as well as the most recent theories concerning the relationship between myth and literature.
The book tells not only the story of lives and writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Denis Diderot – two French philosophers in conflict, but also that of cultural relationships and divisions in the European Enlightenment. The texts are devoted to different categories, correspondences and discrepancies, examined diachronically and synchronically by outstanding Polish and French researchers of eighteenth-century literature.
An attempt at analyzing the process of the birth of contemporary Korean theatre. In the first decades of the 20th century theatre underwent radical transformations, as a result of which native performative forms were rejected, traditional theatre genres were modified, and, above all, foreign theatrical and literary models were adapted and turned into the leading artistic paradigm. Korean theatre was elevated to the position of social value and given a new, previously unheard of social dimension, which situated it within the trend of national interests and the social realities of an occupied country.
The monograph aims to discuss the Armenian-Turkish relations in the media discourse of the 21st century, predominantly on the basis of French and Russian-speaking mass media on the Internet, with particular emphasis on cognitive analysis of media materials and their influence on exacerbating or alleviating the Armenian-Turkish conflict.The Armenian-Turkish conflict, triggered by the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire and lasting for more than 100 years, has been widely discussed in media coverage, including on the Internet. Most of the research material therefore comes mainly from the Internet and includes online editions of paper publications, including traditional periodicals, digitalized official publications, blogs, forums, and even Wikipedia. The choice of the research material is motivated by approaching the subject via the analysis of information transmitted in any direction, in any medium, and in any form to any recipient, because an undefined recipient (i.e. everyone) often seeks out and retains information without paying attention to its source.The above approach has also conditioned the research timeframe, which covers the first and partly the second decade of the 21st century (with the origins of the conflict in the beginning of the 20th century briefly sketched out for context). The choice of languages, on the other hand, was dictated both by the fact that the Russian and Frenchspeaking media practically “accompanied” this conflict from the first moment onward, as well as by the fact that the former reflects its Eastern and the latter its Western perception.The present study constitutes the first foray into the topic and is an essential part of understanding and improving the processes taking place in French and Russianspeaking media discourses, among other things: 1) critical analysis of the abovementioned discourses, 2) influence of the media on the processes occurring in the perception of discursive information at the level of consciousness and subconsciousness of the recipients, 3) attempts to distinguish discursive fact and falsehood from the perspective of cognitive analysis of discourse models, 4) the paradigm of truthfulness of discourse at the level of its compatibility with reality.The examples analyzed in the book in both languages are identical or at least relatively substantially similar, taking into account the perceptual characteristics of both French and Russian.The monograph presents the theoretical foundations of the research (in particular, the philosophical and socio-psychological framework), introduction to the theory of discourse (the social functions of language, the place of information in cultural and relation-forming discourse, the critical analysis of discourse, the directions of research and discourse analysis) and the channels of information flow, along with their cognitive analysis (issues related to, among other things, the specificity of the language of the media, the illocutionary structure of discourse, and the categorization of discourse are taken into account).A fundamental place in the study is occupied by the matter of the semantic structure of the so-called plexuses (as components of cognitive analysis), which, derived from K. Popper’s paradigm of worlds, create discursive space and space for empirical translation (or materialization) of discourse. In addition, the monograph covers issues related to the normative meaning of discourse in correlation with national ideology and the analysis of manipulative discourse tactics. It also presents the influence of socio-political and economic factors on the linguistic structure of discourse.Moreover, the research presented in the monograph includes the influence of the noun genocide (from Greek genos – genus, genealogy, origin, and Latin cide, from caedere – to kill, to massacre) on its subliminal reception by the participants of the discourse, as well as ethnocultural stereotypes and the specificity of the sociolinguistic analysis of the ideological propaganda war. It is worth noting that the social interaction of the understanding of genocide in Armenian-Turkish relations was also taken into account in the study.The conclusion is that the discourse includes a number of clearly separated semantic codes, which in this case can be divided into historical-patriotic, legal-judicial, religiousspiritual, visionary-analytical, economic, critical-oppositional, state and raison d’etat, civilizational-European vs. barbarian-Asian, and national superiority.
This work is dedicated to literary translation in a language triangle, consisting of one Germanic language (German) and two typologically and culturally related West Slavonic languages (Polish and Czech). The analysis of the translations into Czech and Polish of the novels Herztier and Atemschaukel written by Herta Müller is a contribution to the description of translatability from the perspective of a language triangle in which each language is involved in different factors of understanding the texts created in it.
The typescript of Stanisław Baczyński's unfinished dissertation has been found in the writer's archive stored in the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw. The work, diagnosing the state of European civilization and culture after the First World War, was created in the second half of the 1920s. In the text, the author not only referred polemically to contemporary ideologies (fascism, communism, nationalism, but also Christianity) and the historiosophical concepts prophesying the end of culture (Spengler, Berdyaev), but he also formulated his own optimistic project of a "new", "revalued" European culture. The typescript found is not a complete text. The edition, combining the principles of traditional and genetic editing, captures the character of the work in the process of writing, unclosed and non-definitive. Detailed rules of editorial conduct, as well as the history and characteristics of the typescript, are presented in the Introduction. The Appendix to the edition contains fragments of the work, found in the monthly magazine "Europa", that are missing from the typescript. In order to bring the reader closer to the character of Baczyński's work on the printout prepared earlier, also scans of selected typescript cards have been included in the Appendix.
The first out of five parts that comprise Homosexuality and Polish Modernity.Sketches on Theory, History, and Literature, presents theoretical and methodologicalissues. Articles in this part provide the quintessence of discussions onthe history of sexuality, methodology (constructionism vs. essentialism), thestatus of psychoanalysis, as well as their relations with the queer theory. Themost important postulate that comes as the aftermath of these disputes is thequestion of extending local knowledge. The reception of international studieshas always been uncritical, the result of which was the acquisition of cognitiveschemata that are not necessarily adequate in the context of Polish studies. Oneof these schemata might be the assumption that the category of the homosexualemerges in Polish society and culture according to the same models (defined byMichel Foucault) as it happened in Western Europe. This may, however, lead tothe neglect of the fact that description done by Foucault is not the only possibleone. Furthermore, Foucault himself regarded it as a mere sketch which needsto be specified more precisely. Regardless of the extent to which we considerFoucault’s ideas expressed in The Will to Knowledge as final, we cannot, however,make it part of our everyday life. Therefore, to propose a Polish version of the“history of sexuality” is a burning issue. Otherwise, when undone, it will fail todepict a significant part of our cultural self-knowledge.I satisfy my desire to write of a Polish version of the “history of sexuality”in the second part of this book. I explore the questions of the two homosexualscandals from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries – that is, a scandal ofPhilip, Prince of Eulenburg, and a case of Oscar Wilde. Both the scandals onthe European scale, are presented in the light of Polish public opinion and thencontemporary politics. I have derived form documents form that époque, namely,the press, the general public texts, etc. The subject of the deeper reflection is therelation between a discursively constructed sexual and gender identity, andPolish national identity (then permanently threatened), which can be easily seenin the case of the scandal of Eulenburg.The subsequent parts deal solely with literature. The part entitled The Geopoeticsof Masculine Sexuality comprises three sketches, where the author analysesthe relations between space and a feeling of desire from the Interwar Period tocontemporary times. The provided analysis seems interesting, since Western Europeanas well as American studies have a tendency to create big-city enclaves offreedom and homosexual ghettos with patterns of behavior and subcultures belongingthere, whereas in the Polish agrarian tradition, such places did not evenspace in Polish culture where this non-normative desire may be able to manifestitself, and in what way this space has been rendered in literature.The fourth part of this book focuses on the personae of Jerzy Andrzejewski.His book, Ashes and Diamonds, has never been genuinely interpreted through theprism of gender studies. By presenting four approaches to Andrzejewski, the authormakes an attempt to do so. The author of Ashes and Diamonds, posthumouslydoomed to literary purgatory, while in his lifetime interpreted from the politicalperspective, appears as a tragic misfit, and his works are viewed as a record ofrejection, erotic obsession, and self-humiliation.The final part of the book is devoted to the homosexual personae as well asmotifs in the works of Stanisław Vincenz, Michał Choromański, Wilhelm Mach,and Krzysztof Boczkowski. Moreover, there is a sketch on the “ideology of thebody” in the literature of the Interwar Period. The books analyzed here are readrather separately; however, juxtaposed next to others, they prove that even if notall of us “have a pink tongue” (the term used by Błażej Warkocki), it is still possibleto hear it — this pink tongue — in literature more frequently than we might think.
The category of intensity is an interesting semantic category reflected in language on many levels. The subject of the description in the dissertation is the broadly defined category of intensity in the Polish-Slovak confrontational aspect (which includes dynamic processes of intensification and disintensification), and presented on the example of formal morphological exponents, through the prism of the part of speech: the adjective and the verb. The research on verbs was conducted from the perspective of the kind of action. Comparing these processes shows that the Polish language has a more significant resource of morphological exponents indicating the intensification process. In contrast, the Slovak language has a richer means of signalling disintensification.
Zbiorowy tom poświęcony Profesorowi Robertowi Mrózkowi charakteryzuje się rozmaitością tematyczną i metodologiczną. Dzieli się na trzy części: I. W przestrzeni onimicznej, II. W przestrzeni apelatywnej, III. W przestrzeni komunikacyjnej. Różnorodność podejmowanej przez autorów poszczególnych tekstów problematyki (46 artykułów) jest jednym z wielu walorów księgi. Tom ten z całą pewnością stanowi nie tylko ciekawą i pożyteczną lekturę dla językoznawców oraz dydaktyków, którzy interesują się onomastyką, dialektologią oraz zróżnicowanymi zjawiskami komunikacyjnymi, lecz także dla wnikliwego czytelnika zainteresowanego zmianami języka zachodzącymi na różnych jego płaszczyznach.
The monograph “La realtà dell’Italia post-unitaria nelle opere di Alfredo Oriani. L’analisi storicoletteraria del caso della ricezione di un autore preteso dal regime politico” raises the topic of a unique phenomenon in the history of Italian literature, so far rarely described in Italian studies, which was the evolving reception of the work of the writer, journalist and historian Alfredo Oriani (Faenza, 1852 – Casola Valsenio, 1909). Nowadays, little known even among Italian readers and not often mentioned in literature textbooks, ignored by literary critics during his life, forced to publish further texts for his own financial resources and in a few reviews described as an obscene artist and scribbler, in the interwar period he was surrounded by the cult of a fascist ideology’s precursor and, thanks to the personal commitment of Benito Mussolini, raised to the rank of one of the greatest writers in the history of Italy.In the thesis were discussed two motifs. First of them is an analysis of five novels of Oriani in terms of the image of Italian reality after 1861 presented in them. The second issue considered in the work is the writer’s extraordinary literary case, whose reception, changing over the decades, was strongly related to the appropriation of his oeuvre by the fascist regime seeking intellectual grounds of its ideological-political activity. The methodological assumptions of the dissertation are based on the reflection on the author’s position in the reception of a literary work and the issue of intentionality in its interpretation.
The book illustrates the poet's meeting with the reader and the poetic worlds they have created. It includes interpretations of poems written by artists biographically linked to Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Basin. They are connected not only by a common experience of place, but also by common themes: longing for the "little homeland", family peace, home (Florian Śmieja, Jan Darowski, Stanisław Horak, Tadeusz Różewicz), sincere expression of thoughts, emotions, de-sires, fears, disappointments over the most difficult matters (such as: homeland, politics, truth, woman) or attempts to tame death (Edward Zyman, Marian Kisiel, Jerzy Szymik), epiphany/metaphysics of words (Jerzy L. Woźniak, Tadeusz Sławek, Andrzej Szuba).
Książka zawiera cykl artykułów, których autorzy podejmują próbę wskazania sensu w procesie twórczym, kontaktach z otoczeniem, wyborach drogi życiowej. Pytania o sens bywają dziś bagatelizowane, relatywizowane albo zastępowane stwierdzeniem bezsensowności wszystkiego. W tak niesprzyjających okolicznościach autorzy, wśród których znaleźli się nie tylko teoretycy i komentatorzy cudzej twórczości, ale również artyści-praktycy, zdobyli się na odwagę poważnej refleksji o paradygmatach wartości, świadomości celu, porażkach, przezwyciężaniu trudności.
This book, innovative on the Polish publishing market, is an example of the ecocritical perspective used in literature research. It contains twenty texts written by specialists in French-language literature of the 20th and 21st centuries coming from different Polish and European universities and research centers. In their texts, arranged in five chapters, the authors look at literature through the prism of the links between man and nature. By analyzing different ways in which writers talk about non-human worlds, researchers consider key issues such as the attitude of human beings towards nature and towards the planet, the human-animal relationship, the borders between the human and non-human worlds, ecology, or the quest for a non-anthropocentric perspective.
The work constitutes part of a lively current in contemporary humanities research — masculinity studies. In the theoretical chapter, the author introduces and maps the latest international research in this area. In the analytical chapters that follow, he demonstrates the possibility of using these methodologies in the area of domestic literary studies. Applying the new concepts discussed in the introduction to the analysis of literary texts enables the author to demonstrate the unconscious and often difficult-to-express tension that the unstable limitation of gender categories — not necessarily related to our “here and now,” but, as it turns out, quite common and transhistorical — introduces in the discussed texts. The analyses of selected works expose the tensions that are at first glance invisible, unnamed, but fundamental, thus opening up the field of further inquiry for subsequent researchers. All the discussed plots demonstrate how changes in political, social, cultural and economic conditions have modified the definition of what is “masculine” or “non-masculine,” and how the characters have confronted these changes, sometimes attempting adaptation, at other times contestation. Between the lines of these texts one can find uncertainty, anxiety and a desire to establish an (imagined) ontological foundation for the male gender, which, however, is lacking in the secularizing, fluid reality. Moreover, almost every one of these changes resonates in the male bodies.
W powieści Wilcze noce dominuje semantyka nocy, zmierzchu, mgły, wiatru, korzeni, trzasków, szumów, błota, lepkości, śluzu, czerni, wody, próchna, gnicia — a wszystko to podkreśla płynność i niestałość kreowanych światów, przechodzących wielokrotne metamorfozy. Nie chodzi bowiem o zamkniętą przestrzeń iluzji, lecz o unaocznienie wpływu okolicy i ludzkich doświadczeń, pochodzących z różnych wymiarów czasowych, a stanowiących elementy, które składają się na doświadczenie mentalne człowieka. Ono określa tożsamość jednostkową. Autor jest bowiem przekonany, że w każdym jednostkowym losie skupia się doświadczenie kilku, co najmniej, generacji, zachowane w pamięci językowej i pamięci ciała.
The aim of the work is to present the way of conceptualizing the notionof corpo umano (a human body) and cura del corpo (taking care of the body) intexts devoted to women’s health and beauty.The corpus being analysed contains persuasive texts deriving from the ItalianInternet portals such as spaziodonna, donnamoderna, alfemminile, italiadonna,benesseredonna and Internet websites of the following periodicals: “IlCorriere della Sera”, “La Repubblica”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Marie Claire”, “Focus”,and “Panorama”.Chapter one presents the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, discussingthoroughly the issue of conceptualization based on a categorial organization ofexperience.Special attention was paid to metonymy (a mechanism creating semanticextensions within one domain based on adjacence) and metaphor (a processof copying from the input to the target domain based on similarities) that arethe basis of the conceptualization of the notion of corpo umano in the verycorpus.The analysis conducted was based on a cognitive conception of Lakoff andJohnson’s metaphor. The types of metaphors embodying our experience arereflected in a language use distinguished by the researchers were characterized.The process of conceptualization was presented in a wide communicativeand genological context. Chapter two gave definitions and determinants of thetext, as well as selected models of communication, taking into considerationa linguistic communication. In view of the source of the linguistic material, thework included descriptions of the communications models in the Internet.A lot of attention was paid to argumentative texts where the author presentshis/her point of view and makes the receiver accept it. In so doing, he/she usespersuasive strategies such as constructing the source of the expression or axiologization.In this perspective, a discourse is not only a functional product, but isalso treated as a phatic object and carrier of the value system, which proves itsmultidimensional nature.Further on, the work discusses the problem of manipulation, that is, animplicit persuasive communication being psychological in nature, and an axiologicalaspect of persuasive strategies.In subsequent chapters of the book, definitions and classifications mentionedin the analysis of the notion of corpo umano in a persuasive discoursewere characterized. The subject of the studies presented in chapter three weremetaphors used in a description of the body and actions taken when taking careof the body. As a result of the analysis of the linguistic determinants one couldthoroughly analyse the conceptualization of a given notion.The analyses of metaphorical expressions conducted allowed for showinga part of the human body and its functions in the categories of a material, plant,building as well as an object of a religious cult. The measures aiming at obtaininga perfect look are understood as an armed conflict and a journey.Chapter four discussed the linguistic mechanisms used by the authors ofpersuasive texts in order to influence the receiver (through arousing emotions,influencing the receiver’s awareness, his/her imagination and reactions).Also, an attempt was made to characterize the linguistic actions aiming atinfluencing the receiver’s decision by means of imposing a particular vision ofreality on him/her. Such actions include, without a doubt, creating the sourceof the expression.The analysis of linguistic expressions, being the trace of the author’s presencein a given linguistic material allowed for outlining a profile of a text sender.He/she wants to escape from being responsible for the information read, doesnot reveal him/herself at all, sometimes hides in a group or gives the floor toothers, mainly experts.The sender seems to be a person having a rich experience, high competencesand potential (in comparison to the receiver). Even though he/she tries toenter into a contact with the addresser, he/she does it in order to impress him/her much more, and, in consequence, influence more.Sender’s dominance in a discourse also takes on the form of criticism towardsdefects of women’s body. The way the authors of persuasive texts describefemale readers’ bodies creates an image of an imperfect receiver who (perceivedthrough the prism of his/her physicality) is urged for a constant metamorphosis.
The book is an anthology of literary works of Jerzy Jankowski vel Yeży Yankowski, a Polish Futurist poet from the beginning of the 20th century. His poems and prose are preceded by the poet’s biography, the most complete reconstruction of the artist’s life to date. Jankowski’s works are accompanied by a commentary and an editorial note, which draw attention to the specific nature of the material and difficulties concerning, among others, the attribution of texts. The publication also contains a register of the varieties of individual works.