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Sarajevski otvoreni centar vam predstavlja prvu obimnu publikaciju o LGBT ljudskim pravima u Bosni i Hercegovini. U prošlosti su već objavljene različite publikacije u na ovu temu, međutim, mi smo se odlučili/e da proširimo ovu tematiku i iz tog razloga nastaje ova Čitanka. Zbog načina pristupa temama i obrade istih Čitanka je značajna kako za samu LGBT zajednicu u Bosni i Hercegovini, njeno jačanje i povećanje vidljivosti, tako i za različite društvene institucije, organizacije i pojedince/ke zainteresovane za ovu problematiku. Publikacija promoviše pozitivan stav i podizanje svijesti o značaju zaštite LGBT ljudskih prava. Čitanka sadrži mnoštvo informacija vezanih za LGBT ljudska prava, historiju LGBT pokreta kod nas i u regiji, coming out, medije, homofobiju, zatim LGBT terminologiju, kao i mnoštvo drugih korisnih informacija. Ona predstavlja skup osnovnih informacija važnih za razumijevanje LGBT zajednice i njihovih prava. Čitanka je dio programa Ljudska prava, jednog od četiri kojima se Sarajevski otvoreni centar bavi i koji na ovaj način pokušava napraviti promjene u javnim institucijama i društvu. Publikacija je dio našeg javnog angažmana, te na ovaj način podstiče društveni razvoj i jačanje kapaciteta. Teme koje su obuhvaćene ovom publikacijom su: važna pitanja i odgovori o LGBT pravima, teorije o seksualnoj orijentaciji i rodnom identitetu, homofobija, coming out i lične priče, analiza medijskog izvještavanja, pojmovi i definicije. Čitanku su priredili Saša Gavrić, Lejla Huremović i Marija Savić, a pored priređivača i priređivačica na izradi Čitanke radili su aktivisti i aktivistice iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Hrvatske. Autori i autorice se osvrću na LGBT teoriju i ljudska prava te na taj način tematiku približavaju čitaocu. Ova knjiga je prvi naslov u okviru edicije Questioning, koju izdaje Sarajevski otvoreni centar, a u kojoj ćemo predstaviti različite naslove koji se tiču spola, roda, seksualnosti i teorije. Posebno se želimo zahvaliti Fondaciji Heinrich Böll, koja nam je dala ideju za pisanje jedne ovakve publikacije, ali i pružila neizmjernu podršku tokom njenog nastanka. Fondacija Heinrich Böll je zelena politička fondacija koja je posvećena temama demokratičnosti u društvu, političkog obrazovanja, zaštite okoliša i održivog razvoja. Ova Čitanka biće besplatno distribuirana u sve javne biblioteke u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i nevladine organizacije koje se bave promocijom ljudskih prava, kako bi što veći broj čitatelja i čitateljki imao pristup ovoj publikaciji. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u čitanju. Bilo bi nam drago da nam se javite sa povratnom informacijom!
Problematika mezislovanských vztahů a styků byla vždycky velmi závažná. Vždyť hrála významnou úlohu nejen v dějinách Slovanů a jejich bezprostředních sousedů, nýbrž i v dějinách světových, a její zkoumání je tudíž jedním z nejpřednějších úkolů slavistů. V nejnovější době pak tato otázka nabyla ještě větší důležitosti a aktuálnosti. Není náhodné, že Akademie věd SSSR r. 1942 ve chvíli velkých dějinných událostí stanovila jako základní úkoly své slovanské komise, aby zkoumala: a) roli Slovanstva ve světových dějinách a kultuře; b) roli ruského národa a jeho kultury v dějinách Slovanů; c) problém ethnogenese slovanských národů; d) kmenové a kulturní vztahy slovanských národů v jejich minulosti a přítomnosti na základě historických faktů, folklóru, jazyka, literatury, věcných památek atd.; e) dějiny boje slovanských národů za jejich svobodu a nezávislost; f) vznik a rozvoj státu a práva slovanských národů.
Attention of scholars from the field of humanities has been for a long time paid to private personal letters. This applies especially to historians, to scholars dealing with literature and more recently to sociologists, psychologists etc. Private correspondence is also a subject of interest in the field of linguistic research. It is a material attractive from many viewpoints, relating to well-known contrasts of epistolary style [Skwarcz yńska 1975 et al.], namely to contrasts such as a) spoken vs. written (relating e.g.to the contrast of standard vs. non-.standard); b) dialogue – monologue; c) presence vs. absence of ambitions to include features of the style of fiction (which applies also to letters of common people); d) individual ways of expression vs. following conventions of letter writing. An electronic Corpus of Private Correspondence was created at the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (ÚČJ FF MU). Serving the purpose of linguistic research, this corpus contains 2,000 letters written by hand and 1,000 e-mails from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries written by 3,000 common people, especially by young people; the corpus contains dialectological, sociological and partly grammatical tags. The section focused on letters written by hand in 2006 became a separate part of the Czech National Corpus (KSK-dopisy; http://ucnk.ff.cuni.cz). Full versions of gathered texts, including photo copies of the original letters, adding also 2,000 sms, were published inthe work Čeština v současné soukromé korespondenci. Dopisy, e-maily, SMS [Hladk á et al. 2005].
The book represents a collection of articles devoted to Tocharian etymology and grammar, plus two detailed bio- and bibliographical portraits of scholars working in the field of Tocharian, namely Werner Winter and Pavel Poucha.
This volume features three chapters and a preface presenting the work on the project "Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Semantic Relations" and its results – the integration of knowledge from various semantic resources for the purpose of enriching the semantic description of verbs. The authors are researchers at the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
This sixth volume in the series From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria offers readers wide-ranging explorations of the society, literature and culture of 18th- and 19th-century Britain, with investigations of Victorian social problems, the visual and material culture of the Victorian period, and comparative studies of international and trans-national questions. Some themes and authors have long been well-known to the series, but this publication also contains new names and new ideas.
At the court of Komnenoi, in the twelfth century only four novels (romances) were written. One of these was Rhodanthe and Dosikles by Theodor Prodromos, the first novel since eighth hundred years. The author was the most famous poet of his time and he wrote numerous secular and religious works. Prodromos’ Rhodanthe and Dosikles consists of nine books in which the author describes, in the realities of ancient Greece, the adventures of two young beloveds. Rhodanthe and Dosikles were captured by pirates, imprisoned and separated, but in the end they meet again. Behind the trivial tale there is a work full of rhetoric art and full of allusion to the twelfth century Byzantium.
Interspolne osobe u Bosni i Hercegovini ne uživaju potpunu zaštitu i ostvarivanje ljudskih prava. Uprkos postojećem pravnom okviru, ljudska prava interspolnih osoba svakodnevno se krše, pogotovo u domenu pristupa zdravstvenoj zaštiti – adekvatnim zdravstvenim uslugama koje su im potrebne, kao i u pogledu tretmana u zdravstvenim ustanovama i pravnom sistemu. Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije BiH je dopunjen i izmijenjen 2016. godine, u dijelu osnova na kojima je zabranjena diskriminacija, te je i kategorija spolnih karakteristika, pored seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta, izričito postavljena kao jedna od zaštićenih osnova. Međutim, ostaje pitanje koliko se ovaj zakon poštuje u praksi. U Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i u većini europskih zemalja, prihvaćena je binarna klasifikacija spola i roda u kategorijama – Ž (žensko) i M (muško) – koja predstavlja polaznu osnovu za pravni status osobe i preduvjet za uživanje određenih prava i sloboda (posjedovanje identifikacijskih dokumenata, pravo na tjelesni integritet, pravo na samoodređenje, pravo na najviši mogući nivo zdravstvene zaštite, pravo na privatnost i pravo na pristup uslugama).
The book I, Euripides presents a wide array of interviews, records of meetings, and remembrances of Teodor Parnicki, published in press from 1957 to 1988. They are programmatic, critical, and autobiographical in character, and they reveal a very interesting image of literary life in the Polish People’s Republic. The texts collected in the book enable a better understanding of the reformulation of the poetics of the historical novel, a goal Parnicki accomplished in the 1950s and 1960s. They also show the turn toward experimental prose in the author’s writings in the subsequent decade and explain Parnicki’s philosophical, theological, and literary inspirations. Parnicki’s biography plays an essential role in both Parnicki’s literary and non-literary work. The changes over time in his autobiographical discourse, itself conditioned by changing political circumstances, are immensely interesting. The first texts gathered in this volume were published during Parnicki’s period in Mexico, when Instytut Wydawniczy PAX [PAX Publishing House] reprinted Aecjusz, ostatni Rzymianin [Aetius, the Last Roman] and Srebrne orły [Silver Eagles], both heralding Parnicki’s return to national literary life. In the 1960s and 1970s, Parnicki published over a dozen novels which were widely commented upon in the press and during literary sessions. The last text reprinted in the volume is a recording prepared by Parnicki for the event promoting his prose, which took place in Moscow several days before his death. By bringing together the texts written during three decades, it is possible to perceive changes in Parnicki’s attitude toward the historical novel and toward literature and the role of the writer. The book I, Euripides gathers texts which have not been published together in any anthology and were written by one of the most outstanding Polish prose writers of the twentieth century.
This study brings together three canonical Greek orators from different periods. Antiphon, chronologically the first in the canon, takes us to the latter part of the 5th century BC, to the Peloponnesian war, echoes of which are heard in his speeches, and which ultimately brought about his downfall and death. Dinarchus on the other hand, the last of the canon, made a name for himself at the end of the Classical period, and lived on to witness the upheavals of the early Hellenistic age. Lycurgus finally whose life and work to some extent chronologically overlaps with Dinarchus provides a glimpse into the traumatic memory of Chaeronea (338 BC) which marked the end of Athens’ imperial ambitions. In this book the reader will find a Polish translation of the extant speeches of the three orators along with a selection of the preserved fragments of their work. The speeches in question all belong to the forensic genre. Their translations are generously annotated and prefaced with an introduction dealing with the authors’ biographies, an outline of the historical moment in which they lived, and a handful of observations about their style and idiolect. In addition, each of the speeches is also provided with more specific remarks which concern the nature of the case at hand, its legal underpinning, and a prosopography of the parties involved in the dispute.
The volume inspired by Michaił Bachtin’s idea of language expression, allows to define, analyse and interpret modern Polish culture – with reference to historical changes in media context – in terms of verbal creativity and language practice appropriate to it. It shows emerging communication environments, determined by the appearance of new media, creating new spaces and new, different spheres of action, which are linguistically exploited and transformed in everyday artistic practice by cultural participants.
A team of specialists prepared a critical edition of the oldest census in the Nahuatl language, complementing the text with the tools for independent translation and interpretation of its content. This book is the first publication of this sixteenth-century Aztec manuscript, which for centuries was almost “invisible” to scientists. One of the most valuable features of the Tepoztlan census is that it creates the opportunity to look into the homes of ordinary people.
Drawn from conversations with Irit Amiel, the author of the famous Osmalone, Ostatnie fastrygi is, in a sense, her testament, her last, though not final, literary word. Sensing that she is writing for the last time, the writer once again tells her secretary, Agnieszka Piśkiewicz-Bornstein, her own biography and answers a number of previously unasked, sometimes quite uncomfortable questions, but this time she also lets herself be guided into various little alleys – she reveals details about Częstochowa, the ghetto, her first years in Israel, and raising her children. She also dissects the literature of the Holocaust, her relationship with Poland and with God. She is as strong and convincing in her judgments as she is in her feelings. It is also the first time she lets another person get so close to her, which is why Ostatnie fastrygi is also a masterpiece of intimate, long-running conversation, but a very meandering and warm one. The book is supplemented by numerous colour photos from the family album, footnotes, and an afterword.
The volume "Peripheries in the Croatian Language, Culture and Society" is the second colllection of articles, which are the result of the meeting at the international scientific conference that took place in Katowice in 2019. The first and most extensive chapter of the volume, titled "Croatian Standard Language and Dialects" consists of articles in which the peripheries and peripherality appear most often in relation to the marginal position of certain linguistic phenomena in the Croatian standard language and in regional variants. In the second part, titled "Croatian Language in Teaching and Translation", there are texts in which the peripheries and peripherality are related to the glottodidactics of the Croatian language and traductology. The third chapter of the volume, "Croatian Language Abroad", covers works in which the peripheries and peripherality are closest to their original, geographical meaning, as they refer to a place remote from the center, which in this particular case is Croatia. The diachronic perspective in the study of the peripheries and peripherality is visible in the texts collected in the fourth chapter of the volume, titled "Croatian Language and Croatian Writing over the centuries". The last chapter, "Cultural and Sociological Contexts of the Periphery", presents the results of research that differ from purely linguistic issues, but the peripheries and peripherality analyzed in them fit into the main theme of the project.
The book deals with the figures of masculinity produced by various discourses of the late XIX c.: medical, economic, historical, hygienic. The interpretations relate to literary and paraliterary texts. The figure of the neurasthenic allegorizes masculinities threatened by excessive work, diffuse subjectivity, and perverse sexuality. The Polish idiom of neurosis has its particular manifestation in Without Dogma: Sienkiewicz, contrary to the theorists of neurosis, has designed the protagonist in such a way that his body is the heritage of the vigorous ancestors known from the Trilogy. In the petty bourgeois world of Dulska and Dulski gender has class, economic, socio-cultural determinants.
Acest volum cuprinde materialele de la Conferinţa Ştiinţifică „Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice", desfăşurată la 11 decembrie 2020.
Comunicarea interpersonală. Implicații în procesul educativ. Volumul II. Lucrările Conferinței Științifice Internaționale”Comunicarea interpersonală – Dimensiuni cognitive șipraxiologice ale comunicării”Ediția a-XII-a, 14 mai, 2021Autorii prezintă dimensiunile cognitive și praxeologice ale comunicării, fiindevidențiate elementele teoretice, structurale ale acestui proces, precum și aspectelesale practice. Unii autori iau în considerare așa-numita „revoluție a comunicării”,generată de valuri succesive de inovații tehnologice. Se poate vorbi de ointercorelare directă între progresul înregistrat în domeniul comunicării și progresulgeneral al societății (fie el economic, educațional, cultural etc.)
The book describes in the chronological order – with the attention focused mainly on the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century – key elements of the evolution of the European Slavic studies in the context of integrative and disintegrative processes. These tendencies are situated within the framework of diverse Slavic studies and their sociopolitical and cultural surroundings. The illustration of this issue is provided by the comparison of the extensive factography from the history of the polymorphous discipline, discussed in the methodological, socio-environmental and ethnopolitical dimensions. The oppositions “centralism – particularisms” or “collective norm – individual norm” have been designed for the ordering of rich material from all regions of Slavdom – in the perspective of creating and breaking the canon of the scholarly discoveries and the representations of the essence of Slavic studies as such.
The term ‘solar theology’ has been used in the study of Greco-Roman polytheism for over a century. The aim of this volume is to establish to what extent and in what cultural context solar theology can be viewed as a historical-religious phenomenon.