![Тримата големи поети от късната социалистическа епоха като феномен на литературната публичност](/api/image/getbookcoverimage?id=document_cover-page-image_330047.jpg)
Тримата големи поети от късната социалистическа епоха като феномен на литературната публичност
The article studies the idea about three great poets from the late period of socialism as a phenolmenon of literary publicity. They are Nikolay Kanchev, Konstantin Pavlov, and Binyo Ivanov. These literary figures are examined from the aspect of the anti-normative behaviour in culture. The second part is devoted to the presence of the Poet in the works of the three great poets. Their literary-historical construct should not be just a memory. We are obliged to express its topical meanings as well.