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The article studies the activities of the Bulgarian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank (BZKB) after World War II, as „the largest banking institution in the economic sphere”, in collecting and reporting statistical data from refugees who in the period 1941–1944, had left for and settled in the so-called „newly liberated lands” in Greek and Yugoslav territory to devote themselves to peaceful and productive economic activities. At the end of World War II, however, when Greece and Yugoslavia re-established their authority in Western Thrace, Vardar Macedonia and the Western Bulgarian Outlands, Bulgaria once again became a refuge for thousands of its citizens full of suffering. The information collected in the branch offices of BZKB about the refugees’ abandoned movable and immovable property was used for the working out of the Bulgarian defence arguments produced at the Paris Peace Conference (July 29 – October 15, 1946) to counter the excessive and absurd Greek financial and territorial claims.
After the coup on September 9 in the country began transformations that gradually impose totalitarian political model. In the first years in the country remains decor democratic institutions, albeit heavily eroded, according to the decisive will of BRP (k). They are planned reforms in the political system and the restoration of the procedure of the National Assembly. Partially is restored multiparty system, but only for “trust worthy parties.” Contrary to still formally inforce TC introduces the mandatory term and the age of eligibility is fixed at 23 years; It allows the distribution of ballotson the day of the vote. Elections for the 26 NSAs are prepared under the proportional system. However, the opposition boycotted them and involve only the ruling Patriotic Front. So electoral experiments can actually be implemented.
Founder of the study of Bulgarian youth speech is Ivan Shishmanov. His initial research interest is in the secret speech of Sofia seminarians whose speech codes are pretty simple: before or after each word they add certain syllables. Interest in social languages is renewed after the release of “Dictionary of criminal’s language” by two anonymous authors. At this time began publishing the newspaper “The taricat (sly) voice” whose motto reads: “Destroy the stupid men, the brave ones will disappear by themselves.” In the 30s of the twentieth century starts more serious research of youth slang as a sort of social languages. According to St. Mladenov taricat (sly) speech arises under the influence of criminals’ speech (argo). Persons, who violent the law, invent special words in order not to be understood by the secret police eavesdroppers. In 1945 in the newspaper “People’s Militia” was published an article which contained a list of more frequently used words by law offenders. Censored words were omitted. After establishment of the socialist political system the attitudes towards taricat speech become fundamentally changed. This unacceptable social phenomenon is condemned as “filthy stream of words,” “negative factor that contributes to thriving of hooliganism in our country,” “linguistic corruption, an expression of immoral consciousness and decadent bourgeois ideology.” One of the decisions of the party plenum, which took place in 1954, was related to some measures, aiming to eradicate the language, spoken by some young people, who refuse to follow the norms of socialist moral. It wakes heated discussions on the pages the newspaper “People’s Youth”. Readers’ reactions are similar to power measures, studies historically by M. Foucault, and related to transforming of human being in the subject of obedience and discipline. The authors of written opinions express threats of physical assault, recommendations to impose prosecution or “treatment” of those who violate the “language hygiene”. Measures taken lead to immediate success. Delinquent youths publicly repent on the pages of “People’s Youth” and declared their unwavering position to fight by all forces and resources against people who use taricat (sly) language.
After the liberation Protestant churches in the Bulgarian lands lose the protection of the Ottoman Empire and must seek paths of development through direct dialogue with the Bulgarian government. Missionary activity in the nineteenth century entirely determined subject to US policy in Europe and the Balkans, which is actually aimed at providing spiritual, cultural and economic impact. Information on the withdrawal from the middle of the Baptist community are too limited to draw general conclusions about the weakening influence. But it can not deny the fact that members of one of the most devoted to the cause families – Pateva begin to return to the Orthodox faith. On the other hand, as in any community, and the Baptist deviate people with weak nerves or those who have a basic material incentive to members of the Baptist Church. But can not help noting the importance of the fact that the Protestant Church in Kazanlak survives through time and guide their followers to this day.
The article deals with violence and peacekeeping in the Faereynga Saga which had been written in Iceland at the beginning of the XIII c. First, the author focuses on hostilities and limited-scale armed violence on the island. The analysis of textual information leads to a clear identification of several types of hostility activities, not all can be classified as a typical military conflict but rather as acts of revenge and murder. Next, the author concludes that the available information does not allow to fix the frequency and intensity of this type of actions. Obviously, they were relatively rare events that left a long lasting impression for generations. Some of the examples show that the reason or occasion were not only blood feud, but also actions against Vikings or conflicts with foreign merchants. Furthermore, the purpose of armed violence was not only physical injury or murder, but also a demonstration of expulsion or social isolation of an outlawed person or a whole group. In conclusion, the author underlines that the Faereynga Saga provides unique information about small scale conflicts and armed clashes in the Faroe Islands. Also, he concludes that the saga could be a reliable source concerning the victims in the armed clashes. Next, unlike the armed violence, peace should be regarded as private and regional rather than as a political reality. Finally, the author notes that analysed clashes and conflicts provides a valuable information about conflicts and peace keeping in isolated Scandinavian societies in the North Atlantic.
The two authors consider the importance of the heritage of St. Sofronii Vratchanski in the history of Bulgarian education. The put emphasize on his ideas for revival of Bulgarian philosophy in the context of the criteria of the European thinkers.
The formation of communist Yugoslavia goes through formation of a federal state after the Soviet pattern. The project implementation requires the formation of People’s Republic of Macedonia as a national state of the „Macedonian nation”. The communist project of Macedonia is characterized not by its ideological construction but by the underlying nationalism. Maintaining the stable image of Bulgaria and the Bulgarians as enemies and cause of the partition of Macedonia is of great importance for the internal consolidation of Yugoslavia.
In the end of 1940s and the beginning of 1950s, in close connection with the sharp ideological East-West opposition, the Stalinist model of socialism was imposed on East European states. Its important characteristic feature was the total control over the cultural processes and the constant attempts at using the intelligentsia for the realization of the Communist party’s political program. The present paper aims at presenting the concrete parameters of this process on the basis of Bulgarian case. The accent is put on the copying of the Soviet example in managing the culture and in preserving the control over the intelligentsia in the sphere of literature and arts. During the period in regard the repressive character of the Communist regime was most clearly manifested. There were firm instructions to follow strictly the model of „socialist realism” and to reject „the reactionary” Western culture. The intellectuals and their professional unions were constantly under suspicion for direct relations with the „enemy” and such cases are discussed in this paper. It also aims at analyzing the models of intellectual behavior in the face of Communist party efforts to make the intelligentsia serve its political intentions.
The article presents ethnographic data concerning temporary labour migrations of Bulgarians from the diaspora. Migrations to “the old fatherland” are the special focus in this study.
In the article the author examines the infighting that took place in the People’s Liberal Party (“Stambolovist” Party) of Bulgaria in the period of the First World War. During the period 1914-1918 both the supporters and the opponents of the head of the political power N. Genadiev used the collective memory about the eminent statesman Stefan Stambolov in order to achieve certain aims. In the course of twenty years that followed the death of the former Prime Minister of the Principality of Bulgaria his methods of pursuing of the internal and external policy had been one of the factors that influenced the processes of state formation in Bulgaria. The factions of the “Stambolovists”, which had been fighting for influence within the organization, had strived for taking up a position as a real bearers of the idea as well as continuers of the initiatives introduced by the founder of the party during his leadership of the Regency Council and the Cabinet of Ministers. Each of them had taken advantage of St. Stambolov’s memory for the purpose of the solution of certain set tasks, besides, using some controversial versions of the exceptional statesman’s activities.
The article is devoted to the fate of the orthodox church in Poland in the period when the country was under foreign occupation. There are presented the changes that took place in the life of the church and the policy of occupation authority towards clergy and the faithful. The church organisation in war curcumstances is showed. The author also discusses the acticity of Polish government in exile in the defence of Polish orthodox church.
The research will focus on the misuse of historical facts related to the Staro Sajmište camp in Serbia and the Jasenovac camp in Croatia from the 1980s until 2022. Analysis of legislature, proposed and passed, related to Staro Sajmište and its memorialization will be additionally researched, as well as different historical narratives about responsibility for crimes connected to Staro Sajmište. Also, memory politics and Holocaust remembrance in the cases of Serbia and Croatia, and its evolution since the end of Socialist Yugoslavia will be analysed. The central part of the research will be focused on the rise of distorted narratives regarding selected camps that will be analysed through the activities of selected historians, researchers, politicians, and public figures. Their public statements, lectures, expertise, and misuse of facts will be researched.
Naslijeđeni agrarni odnosi Osmanskog Carstva zadržali su se na prostorima Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca sve do sprovođenja agrarne reforme (1918-1941). Regent Aleksandar je 6. januara 1919. godine izrazio odlučnost na rješavanju ovog pitanja kojim je trebalo ukinuti kmetstvo i velike zemljišne posjede. I pored nastojanja da se agrarna reforma što prije započne i sprovede, ipak se, zbog stranačkih dogovora, njeno ozakonjenje proteglo sve do 1931. godine kada je donesen Zakon o uređenju agrarnih odnosa. U ovome radu posjedi Mahmuta i Huseina Batilovića i njihovih naslednika koji su bili predmet sprovođenja mjera agrarne reforme uzeti su kao primjerove problematike u bjelopoljskom kraju.
Reviews of: Esad Kočan, Naša Rijeka, Almanah, Podgorica, 2023.; Safet Hadrović Vrbički: “Orfeji Bihora - Pričam ti priču”, Centar za kulturu Petnjica, 2022.; Šaban Šarenkapić, Kuća jasina, BUKS, Novi Pazar, 2022.; Nasuprot zlu: Muslimanske rezolucije iz 1941.: Zajednička izjava iz 2015. Priredili: Enes Karić i Mustafa Spahić, izd. El-Kalem, Sarajevo 2019, str. 120.; Avdija Avdić: Otkidoh stručak do zemlje: devedeset lirskih narodnih pjesama iz Sandzaka Vlastito izdanje priređivača, Bijelo Polje 2011.; Adamir Jerković: “Magle nad Bosnom,” Almada, Sarajevo 2022.; Dr Sofija Kalezić, Rasplitanje duge: Antologija proznog stvaralaštva Bošnjakinja Crne Gore, Almanah, Podgorica, 2022.