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Book review: Maria Bucur. Gendering Modernism. A Historical Reappraising of the Canon.
In historical ethnology, women’s servants is a social phenomenon related to the so-called “West European” family model characterized by late matrimony. In Bulgaria, under the influence of socio-economic factors in the country and the modernization of the Bulgarian society in the first half of 20th century, the servantship developed and became very popular in the decades after World War I. In the next decades, it underwent numerous changes which led to slow but steady turn in the understanding of it. The study of its development and the outlining of the different stages with their age and gender characteristics allow us to trace the changes in the Bulgarian society in the previous century. It is also important to outline the regional characteristics which show important specifics of the existence and development of women’s servantship. Because of its strong influence over the life of different social groups in the society and its transformation into a vehicle of cultural exchange between them, the servantship could be defined also as a social mediator. It creates a peculiar bridge between the village and the city and facilitates the penetration of the new West European culture and urban patterns in the small local village community. The changes in the attitudes towards servantship as well as its popularity give us important information about the society as a whole and allow tracing the changes in the matrimonial models. The article is dedicated to the labour mobility of the young girls from the Tuzlukregion (Municipality of Antonovo, District of Targovishte) which expands in the course of time and to their hiring as housemaids mainly in the capital of Sofia. The study is based on the narratives of local people gathered during two short fieldworkresearches in the Municipality of Antonovo.
The article presents research on the Military Order of Courage and Soldiers' Cross for bravery of His Majesty's Navy during the Balkan Wars and World War I. The interest is focused on the conditions in which the ship's crews and shore units were assigned in solving combat tasks, the scale of force of the forces in counteraction to a repeatedly superior opponent, the contribution of the most prominent of them to success, and the assessment that was given to them. The award-winning Naval Officers are presented as an association of professionals and like-minded people who have built an organic society of the Knights of Courage. Later periods of activation of the Military Order are shown in fragmentary form.
Education is the system that allows countries to look forward to the future in a strong, confident, and hopeful way. Teachers are the practitioners of education and teaching is a skill, a competence, moreover, it is a kind of art. Giving good education at schools, the success of the society in a country can be promoted with qualified teachers. Teacher training institutions play an important role in the education of well-equipped teachers. For this reason, by 2000s, many countries have focused on educational research, and the key of this research has become “more qualified teachers for better education”. Teaching requires great dedication, skill, patience and love. Teaching has their own rules, methods and practices. The most important source by 2000s is human resources. It is human intelligence that allows unlimited as it is processed. Teachers are the pioneers of education implementations. This study will focus on the historical development of teacher training in Turkey since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Economic losses in the following years in particular, led to a decline in the teaching profession and social status within society. Raising this declining prestige of the teaching profession is absolutely necessary for training good teachers and for recover its economic and social status first. The paper examines some of the inadequacies in education at the beginning of 2000s in Republic of Turkey, such as having less qualified educational operations except specific cities and schools; preventing the development of critical approach abilities because of the memorizing based education system; paying less sufficient attention in student abilities in the arranged education and training programs; training consumer people instead of productive people that is needed by society in the educational institutions; professional improvement problem because of education management. However, it can be said that many of these deficiencies are resolved today.
The article presents the results of an inquiry conducted among historians and non-historians in the framework of an international research project. The purpose of the survey is to examine the attitude of modern Bulgarian society to Russia/Soviet Union/Russian Federation and its role in Bulgarian history. Respondents answered questions related to the more general problem of the role of myths in history in general and those related to Russia in particular; how myths are born; which factors contribute to their public dissemination; which moments in history are most distorted or falsified in textbooks and in the media; who is interested in this; Is it possible to demythologize the Bulgarian-Russian relations. The inquiry showed the deep differences in Bulgarian society towards Russia. The majority of Bulgarians have a strong emotional attitude towards it, regardless of whether they express negative or positive feelings. And this division is manifested in all professions, ages, social groups. The survey gives grounds to conclude that despite the profound changes from the years of transition and the reorientation of Bulgaria to Western institutions, Bulgarian-Russian relations continue to be important for the Bulgarian society.
This article focuses on the daily experience of tolerance between different ethnic and religious communities in Bulgaria. The modern political uses of ethno-religious differences, in our opinion, do not lead to the need to discover new mechanisms of coexistence, but require the study of already acquired historical experience and the interweaving of these methods in new realities.
At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, the process of the nationalization of army units took place on the Romanian Front of the Russian army. In conditions of army disintegration, in order to keep the front fighting against the Central Powers, the Russian Command planned to create two Ukrainian, two Polish, one Muslim corps, as well as Belarusian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, and Siberian military units. During the nationalization of troops on the Romanian Front, the entire corps and divisions, as well as smaller military units were given over to Ukrainization, Polonization, Muslimization, etc. Based on archival documents, the article identifies the numbers of major military units, smaller units and subdivisions intended for nationalization, and traces the course of nationalization. The causes of failures of the nationalization process were determined, and the fates of the nationalized formations of the Romanian Front were traced.
Technoexportstroy has long been publicly considered as an extraordinary successful company, with a high contribution to the social and economic progress of the developing countries recently liberated from their colonial or mandate status, as well as a provider of generous foreign currency incomes to the state treasury. This romantic image has been sustained by Todor Zhivkov public statements, too. This paper aims to explore the scale and profitability of the company’s performance, the opportunities it had and whether the latter led to breakthroughs or losses, the extent to which the reported results were due to an independent initiative and activity. In order to achieve these goals, a critical analysis has been performed, comparing the data in the preserved archival documents of the organization with those of the BCP leadership, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, as well as with the information in some foreign specialized sources, which, also based on their economic interest in the developing countries, had been publishing up-to date information about the contracts signed for the construction of industrial sites.
La découverte d’une inscription slavonne dans le narthex de l’église du monastère de Râmeţ (comté d’Alba) en 1966, sa relecture avec des moyens techniques spéciaux en 1978 et sa publication officielle en 1985 ont porté à l’attention des historiens le nom du peintre (Mihul du Criș-Blanc), le nom de l’évêque fondateur (arche- vêque Gélase), le roi régnant lorsque la nef de l’église était peinte (Louis d’Anjou) et l’année 1377. Les Ortho- doxes de Transylvanie auraient eu une hiérarchie ecclésiale organisée autour d’un archevêché et une école rou- maine de peinture en pleine affirmation. Toutefois, ces informations résultent incohérentes par rapport au con- texte politique ou ecclésiastique – les Roumains étant fréquemment invites a rejoindre le rite latin – et au con- texte artistique. À ce jour, Mihul demeure une figure singulièreet ses créations n’ont pas encore trouvé de termes de comparaison. La nouvelle lecture de l’inscription proposée dans cette étude part de la constatation que la dernière partie du texte, où se trouvent le nom, la mention du roi et la datation, demeure illisible (même après l’examen aux rayons ultraviolets, comme en témoignent les clichés pris en 1978, conservés dans le dossier de restauration et partiellement publiés en 1985). D’autres images ont été publiées pour soutenir la lecture proposée, en mettant en évidence les détails qui ont conduit à la lecture du nom Lodovic et de l’année 6885 (= 1377). Cependant, le type d’écriture et les traits linguistiques du texte de l’inscription suggèrent que les aspects paléographiques sont spécifiques à l’école d’orthographe fondée à Tarnovo par le patriarche bulgare Euthyme (1375-1393), plus tard diffusés par ses disciples en Serbie, en Moldavie et en Russie. La réforme d’Euthyme ne pouvait pas atteindre la Transylvanie en 1377. La prédisposition du peintre à écrire les mots tels qu’il les con- naissait dans sa propre langue témoigne du fait qu’il a appris le slavon quelque part en Transylvanie, très proba- blement auprès d’un moine serbe. L’inscription et, implicitement, les peintures de Mihul dateraient ainsi de la fin du xve siècle ou des premières décennies du siècle suivant. La comparaison avec l’inscription sculpté sur le socle de l’église de Feleac, datée de 1516, dont le texte contient des parties similaires à l’inscription de Râmeţ, suggère que le roi mentionné par Mihul était en réalité Vladislas II. Il est appelé LASL´U KRAL´ dans l’inscription de Feleac et le nombre de signes graphiques utilisés pour rendre ce nom s’inscrit parfaitement dans l’espace aujourd’hui illisible où le nom du roi a été transcrit dans l’inscription de Râmeţ. En utilisant la même méthode de distribution des signes dans l’espace afférent de l’inscription de Râmeţ, la période dans laquelle elle pourrait être peinte peut être réduite à l’intervalle 7011-7024 (= 1503-1516). Compte tenu du conflit entre Jean, évêque de Mun- kács, et Hilarion et Gélase, hégoumènes du monastère de Peri, il est fort possible que l’hégoumène Gélase ait été élevé au rang d’archevêque de Transylvanie. Un acte royal de 1494 semble d’ailleurs le suggérer. La résidence était censée se trouver à Feleac, mais il s’avère qu’elle aurait pu fonctionner en parallèle avec le diocèse de Feleac, sans nécessairement être unie à Rome. La possibilité d’installer Gélase à Râmeţ offre un point d’appui pour l’anti- quité de l’évêché de Geoagiu de Sus, évoqué dans l’acte de nomination de l’évêque Christophore en 1557, le mo- nastère de Râmeţ étant en fait la véritable (ou du moins la première) résidence de l’évêché ayant juridiction dans les parties méridionales de la Transylvanie. Un document de 1622 le désigne, en effet, comme « monastère de Geoa- giu (situé) à la limite du domaine Geoagiu (de Sus) » (Giogi klastrom s ez Giogi hatarban vagion). Un archevêque arrivé du nord, d’un espace familier avec l’art des Ruthènes, peut également expliquer le type de Deisis avec ar- changes et saints militaires représenté sur le mur oriental du narthex de Râmeţ. Le fait de peindre cette scène au début du XVIe siècle pose à nouveau le problème de la datation de la première couche de peinture, conservée dans la niche de la Proscomidie et à la jonction de l’iconostase avec le mur nord de la nef, pour laquelle la présente étude propose l’année création du monde 6895 (= 1386-1387). L’inscription en roumain, sculptée dans la pierre et placée au XVIIIe siècle à l’extérieur, sur le côté nord, au-dessus de l’entrée propose d’ailleurs cette date. La mention du nom du roi Matthias (Matiiaș crai) dans la même inscription peut fournir la limite inférieure d’une troisième étape de décoration de l’église, sa limite supérieure étant le milieu du XVIe siècle, étape où la nef, l’iconostase, et peut-être une peinture murale extérieure, furent repeintes. La dernière étape importante est liée au nom l’évêque Inocenţiu Micu-Klein, à l’initiative duquel l’autel a été repeint en 1741
The article provides a brief description of the history of the Balkans in Modern and Recent times. At the beginning of this period, the Balkans became part of the pan-European international system. First as an object, and then more and more of its subject. After the Berlin Congress, many Balkan countries gained independence, and during the First Balkan War, for the first time in history, the Balkan states acted together and independently, and not to support certain actions of the great powers. The Balkan allies were even called the “seventh great power”. However, at the same time, almost all the Balkan states experienced national disasters. Their return to Europe turned out to be incomplete and the lag behind the advanced part of the continent did not decrease either then, or in the interwar or post-war periods. It remains today, despite the accession of most of the Balkan countries to the European Union.
The conception of ‘Russophobia’ has traditionally been interpreted as an external phenomenon directed against Russia, no matter in what form it occurred or whether it was directed against pan-Slavism, in the nineteenth century, against Sovietism, in the twentieth century, or against Putinism, in the 21st century. However, there is also Russophobia as an internal, Russian-specific feature, which is the topic of this article. Our research focuses on the interesting phenomenon of Russophobia in Russia, a term coined as early as the nineteenth century by the diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev, better known for his poetry. Based on historical texts from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries found in memoirs, diaries, correspondence and journalistic clippings of Fyodor Tyutchev, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Pyotr Chaadaev, Vladimir Pecherin, Igor Shafarevich, Victor Astafiev, Nathan Eydelman, Alexander Panarin, Valeriy Rastorguev, Andrey Fursov and others, the author has created a typology of Russian Russophobia. The Russophobia in Russia is a Russocentrism, however, with a reverse sign, a combination of “phobias” that manifest themselves, to varying degrees and in different combinations, but have always been around, such as Christianophobia (fear of the Church); Politiophobia (fear of the state); Slavophobia (fear of pan-Slavism); Sovietophobia and Russophobia (fear, alienation from what is Russian).
The publication examines the policy of the Bulgarian state towards the Bulgarian specialists working in Libya and the reactions of the employees to the regulatory norms and circumstances. The increase in the number of Bulgarians aspiring to work in Libya is analyzed in the context of the legal and socio-economic conditions in Bulgaria, the contract clauses for hiring, and their application in practice in addition to the growing needs and possibilities of the Libyan state to hire qualified personnel. The forms of control of the Bulgarian state towards the Bulgarians working abroad, and the attempts to protect their interests, and to create propitious living environment are studied. The behavior of Bulgarians in Libya is presented in the context of the general conditions for residence and work in Libya. The research is based on archival sources of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Bulgaria for the Cold War period and on an unprocessed file of the Bulgarian Communist Party archive.
This paper aims to map function(s) and genealogies of anticommunist discourses in Poland after 2015. It is done through a critical review of existing academic literature, a comparative contrast with pre-2005 situation (the period of the postcommunist cleavage), and an analysis of selected samples of contemporary anticommunist discourses, embedded in the theoretical premises of Laclau and Mouffe’s theory of hegemony. The analysis leads to the conclusion that „anticommunism” is a floating signifier shared by several competing discourses rather than being a sign of a unified anticommunist hegemony, that anticommunist themes express and impress a critical memory of the neoliberal transition period rather than that of the Polish People’s Republic, and that the dominance of anticommunist discourses contributes, on both sides of the political cleavage, to the undermining of the democratic political logic.
The study, published in Greek in 1983–1985, is devoted to a phenomenon in the Eastern Orthodox Church that had not, until then, been the subject of a special research in the field of social history. Based on a vast array of historical sources, the author presents and analyzes facts about the production and distribution of indulgences from the Patriarchates of Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch from the 16th to the 20th century. The emergence and gradual establishment of the institution of indulgences in Eastern Orthodoxy is traced within the socio-political and cultural context of four centuries, focusing on the reasons for the introduction of indulgences, the stages of gradual standardization of their text, and the various forms of their distribution. The phenomenon is reflected in detail, taking into account its extension into the field of dogma, economics, social and political relations. The study sheds new abundant light on important issues in the history of the church, societies and attitudes in the world of Eastern Orthodoxy. An inventory of 57 printed Orthodox indulgences is also attached.
From the late 1950s and in the 1960s and 1970s the Bulgarian communist party pursues a policy in Bulgaria of detachment of the Turkish population in the country from its fundamental religious and cultural environment. This article discusses some facts and processes from this policy of the Bulgarian communists in the Razgrad district. Basically, this is done through documents of the Bulgarian state security (from the Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Armed Forces). Documents from Bulgarian central state archives were also used. In this region among the Turks operates the Turkish intelligence services. The Turkish propaganda is very well developed here. The Bulgarian government and Turkey use the Turkish population in the Razgrad district (also in whole Bulgaria) for their own purposes. In the long run this population, not only in the Razgrad district, but also in the entire country becomes “a burning issue” in the political relation between Bulgaria and Turkey –two countries separated by the ideological conflict of the Cold War.
The article presents one of the traditional methods in the social sciences for the research and explanation of long-term historical processes such as revolutions, riots, uprisings, protest cycles and waves – the analysis of the collective events. The steps in collecting and coding a quantitative database, the types of sources, procedures, techniques and potential biases are discussed. The application of the method in historical science is illustrated by Sidney Tarow's study of the protest cycle in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s. The end of the article contains some of the most popular publicly available databases for collective mobilizations indifferent historical periods and describes possible directions for historical research.
The contribution is devoted to the history of Vojvodovo, a Czech village in North-western Bulgaria, sixteen kilometres from the Danube port town of Oryahovo. It was founded in 1900 mostly by migrants from another Czech village, Svata Helena, located in today’s Romanian part of the Banat region. The history of Czech Vojvodovo was a short one: it lasted only for fifty years until 1950. At the end of the period, following post-war inter-state agreements on ‘returns of co-nationals to their fatherland’, Czech Vojvodovans left the village and settled in the region of south Moravia in Czechoslovakia. A local legend says that it was Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria who invited Czechs to come to Bulgaria to show local villagers how to work their land. True or not, the fact is Vojvodovans were living as if they sought to fulfil Ferdinand’s wish – during the Czech period, Vojvodovo became an exemplary village (not only) in the regional context. It had become well-known for tidiness and orderliness of the communal space as well as of the inhabitants. Vojvodovans were renowned for their diligence and ascetic ethic of Protestantism, for being outstanding farmers, horse breeders and stallholders.