Review article of Christoph MARKSCHIES, Die Gnosis, München: C.H. Beck, 2010. Christoph MARKSCHIES, Kaiserzeitliche christliche Theologie und ihre Institutionen. Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte der antiken christlichen Theologie, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 20092. Christoph MARKSCHIES, Hubert WOLF (eds.), Erinnerungsorte des Christentums, München: C.H. Beck, 2010. This article reviews three books authored or edited by Christoph Markschies (Humboldt University of Berlin), one of the most noted Church historians worldwide. An attempt is made to underline the author’s core ideas that structure the handling of topics such as Gnosticism and the formation of the Christian Theology. The bigger picture in which these topics are integrated – a history of the formation of Christian Institutions – permits to envision the first centuries of Christian theology as a great thinking-laboratory, where different models of making the Christian idea accessible to cultivated late Antiquity people were experimented. On the other hand, the book on the Christian places of memory traces the most important landmarks of Christian memory for a present day German.