Contribuţia reprezentanţilor Bisericii la realizarea Unirii de la 1 Decembrie 1918
It is a well-known fact that the romanian orthodox and united romanian priests from the intracarphatic territories played a vital role not only in the moral and cultural life of their faithful, but also in the romanian political-national life. The Church was the only national institution of the Transylvanian romanians, and as such its ruler became, in fact, their national leader. Servants of the ancestral Church have always been with their believers. They were present in the battles which our people had for national independence. The clergy was also present in the great events of the years 1821, 1848, 1859, 1877, 1907 and 1916-1918. So, many Church servants have fought, through word and especially by deed, for the realization of our state unity.