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În ultimele zile din luna decembrie a anului trecut am fost marcat de o veste deosebit de tristă: dispariţia colegului şi prietenului George Neagu (1980 - 2011). Informaţia mi-a parvenit în mod întâmplător, prin intermediul unuia dintre mijloacele moderne de socializare. În primele momente, mărturisesc sincer, nu am dat crezare acestei informaţii, mai ales datorită caracterului oarecum evaziv al datelor legate de nefericitul eveniment. Însă, din păcate, vestea s-a dovedit a fi adevărată...
The tell settlement at Coşereni ‘Măgura de la Comana’ is little known in the literature. It was discovered by Ion Nestor and Eugenia Zaharia during archaeological excavations of the early medieval settlement at Dridu, Ialomiţa County, near Comana Lake. Nine Gumelniţa culture burials were also discovered and it is the opinion of the authors that they are related to the tell settlement. Archaeological material retrieved from the small part of the tell settlement excavated by Nestor and Zaharia has recently been discovered at the Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest. The excavators identified five Gumelniţa culture levels at the site. In this contribution we attempt to establish the spatial relationship between the small necropolis and the tell settlement and consider the relative chronology of the settlement.
L'article présente les résultats de la recherche archéologique préventive (vestiges du siècle II-I av. J.-C.) sur le site archéologique ‘Băneasa - La Stejar’ en 2007
This article presents a number of Eneolithic finds from the Gumelniţa culture settlement at Vităneşti ‘Măgurice’. Among the artefacts discovered are six ornithomorphic figurines. There are two types of figurine. One type is of birds modeled on a socle (the legs) probably representing sitting birds at rest. The second type is represented by relatively flat objects, without a pedestal, with spread wings, probably showing flying birds. A unique figurine from Vităneşti represents a half man - half bird. The figurine is fragmentary showing a part of the legs and torso of an anthropomorphic form. The upper part of the body has laterally spread wings instead of arms. Unfortunately the upper part of the figurine was broken in prehistory. Throughout history birds have inspired complex symbolism including mediators between the sky and earth and representations of the souls of dead people.
Lucrarea The Body as Material Culture: A Theoretical Osteoarchaeology semnată de Joanna R. Sofaer, Senior Lecturer în arheologie, Universiy of Southampton, constituie cel de-al patrulea titlu din seria Topics in Contemporary Archaeology, editată de Richard Bradley, University of Reading. Volumul a fost publicat de Cambridge University Press, în anul 2006. Cartea tratează un subiect încadrabil în ceea ce astăzi se numeşte Body Archaeology şi reprezintă o abordare deosebită a unor subiecte comune arheologiei şi antropologiei fizice.