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L’objet de cet article est de déterminer la fréquence et les spécificités des valeurs sémantiques et pragmatiques des temps verbaux dans un corpus des proverbes français et serbes. Le corpus est tiré des dictionnaires de référence parémiologique français et serbes (Montreynaud et al. 2006 ; Maloux 2006 ; Vigerie 2004 ; Karadžić 1985 ; Jovanović 2006) et vise les proverbes zooniques. Vu le fait que dans un corpus des proverbes le présent de l’indicatif et la valeur gnomique sont les plus fréquents, on s’attache à explorer les valeurs des temps passés. L’analyse sera menée dans le cadre des grammaires sémantiques (Charaudeau 1992 ; Piper 2005).
The article is devoted to the Russian language as a means of expression of Russian culture. The author considers peculiarities of the state policy in the sphere of the Russian language, its functional roles, trends in the study of Russian as a foreign language, analyzes government documents and scientific literature. According to the research the Russian language is growing in popularity in the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Spain and other countries due to the interest of the young people in Russian classical literature and the cooperation of the governments of these countries with the Russian Federation in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The Russian language is the most important tool for learning the humanistic values of Russian culture. At the same time, it is a concentrate of the culture, thanks to which it acquires a special unifying principle and systematic character.
This paper discusses two Hungarian verbal particles that belong to the semantic group of repetitive elements. The main focus is on the verbal particle újra ‘again’, which has primarily been discussed as an adverb with repetitive and restitutive meanings (with the exception of Csirmaz 2015) but can be a verbal particle, which is distinct both from the adverb and from most other verbal particles. The verbal particle vissza ‘back’, which expresses counterdirectionality will be claimed to be like typical, primarily directional verbal particles and to be a part of the result component of the argument structure. Újra ‘again’ as a verbal particle is analyzed on a par with some non-directional particles and idiomatic resultative phrases that are inserted into the structure in a functional projection below the external argument.
The pandemic, which suddenly gripped the globe in its clutches, in addition to changing our way of life, also affected our way of speaking, communicating and behaving, and affected our entire cultural segment. The situation has accelerated research in many areas, primarily in the field of medicine, where maximum efforts are made to find an adequate cure, but there is no research left in the field of psychology and sociology, because the situation of pandemics significantly affects in human psychology and in the overall social course. The Coronavirus lightly invaded media discourse and public discourse, giving us linguists ground for research in many areas: the meaningful change of words, the introduction of new words, the construction of specific metaphors, the widespread use of sarcasm, irony, and so on. The aim of this paper is to address these areas of public discourse and to create the typological linguistic framework at the time of the Corona crisis.
Their semantic particularities can be seen in the fact that certain meanings are attached to words, others to phrases. Those languages which tend to attach meaning to words are regarded as synthetizing languages, while those which attach in many cases meanings to phrases tend to be analytic. Hungarian belongs to the former, Serbian to the latter group. There are several examples to show these lexical differences. The tendency to synthetise in Hungarian is especially noticable when compared to languages which use a lot of analytic forms like Roman, French, Latin, etc. It is primarily Hungarian compound nouns and adjectives that have phrases as their equivalents in analytic languages. A great number of verbs with prefixes also have phrases as equivalents in Romanian, and sometimes even in Serbian. There are a number of Hungarian derived words and also, even certain root-words which are expressed with analytic phrases in other languages. These phrases usually consist of two meaningful words, though in some instances they can even contain three or more words. However, certain analytical phenomena can be detected in synthetic languages, and vice versa, analytic languages also show certain synthetizing relations.
Hamartia, verbum viator, is included in the category of the itinerant lexical elements that are traveling throughout the historical stages of the Greek language, as a consequence of a permanent dynamic of their significance. The diachronic route, usually triggered by a linking process of the intra-/ extra-linguistic factors, attends a predictable concrete – abstract line and registrates important conversions of the initial semic formula. Our approach focuses on analyzing the semantic process of restriction, together with that of degradation of the meaning, indentifying primarly the way the archelexem ἁμαρτία is comprised into the TO KAKON assembly. Despite its fluidity and its semantic inflections, we may notice the constant presence of a static and invariant core of its content, with a pejorative significance that can be recognized in the prototype meaning: that of error. This central meaning is, the way we shall see, acquired by all its hyponimic hypostasis. The physical or psychic occurences of EVIL are, in fact, mistakes, errors from the right path – a fundamental concept of the classical forma mentis.
The need for a special linguistic-historiographical study is due to the need to study the studies of those syntax who denied the thesis of the defining structural and mental features of single-syllable sentences. On this basis, the need to systematize the concepts of monosyllabic/ disyllabe complexity of simple sentences available in modern linguistics is actualized. The timeliness of such a comprehensive analysis should contribute to the classification system of simple sentences, as well as elucidation of psycho- and neurolinguistic mechanisms of their generation. The purpose of the study is the disclosure of the concepts of linguists of the 19th century at the beginning of the 21st century related to the study of the syntax of mono-compound sentences in Indo-European languages. The task of the article is also to trace the rudiments of psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic approaches in linguistic-historical discourse. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that on a wide range of factual material an attempt has been made to carry out a comprehensive linguistic-historiographic study of the syntax of monosyllabic sentences taking into account the evolution of the views of linguists on various aspects of the analyzed issues: from formal-syntactic to neuropsychological. The use of an integrated approach allowed to reach a qualitatively new level of generalizations. The latest theories and the involvement of a large number of facts have made it possible to obtain certain results in the study of the monosyllabic/ disyllabe of a simple sentence.
Narrative Language and Possible Worlds in Postmodern Fiction. A Borderline Study of Ian McEwan’s The Child in Time. The present paper is a study of more traditional hermeneutics combined with a tinge of possible world modality, with the purpose of creating a thorough picture of narrative worlds and balancing it against the possible world system, with practical applications onto postmodern fiction, in Ian McEwan’s novel The Child in Time. The article focuses on exposing narrative language, worlds and characters, viewing them through Seymour Chatman’s perspective and slightly counterbalancing this approach with the possible world semantics system (as envisioned by Kripke, Lewis, Nolan, Putnam) for a diverse understanding of the inner structure and functioning of narrative text and fictional worlds.
The paper considers the semantic analysis of carpathism xVža. In our work we focused on semantic distinctive components – semantic features – classification, identification and specification. We compared the semantic structure in Questionnaire of the Carpathian Dialectological Atlas with the semantic structure of the Carpathian Dialectological Atlas. We also examined the etymology of selected carpathism in several etymological dictionaries, where our German origin was revealed. The aim of our paper is a semantic analysis of selected carpathism and its etymology from the aspect of interlingual contacts.
This paper addresses two issues: 1. Empirically, we report novel experimental data on agreement with exclusively disjoined subjects in Slovenian; 2. Theoretically, we look into the nature of attested agreement strategies with coordinated NPs. In particular, we investigate how these strategies behave under coordinators with different semantics, i.e. exclusive disjunction and conjunction. Based on the elicitation results, we argue that closest conjunct agreement, resolved agreement, and highest conjunct agreement are all present under exclusive disjunction to different extents, which suggests a uniform set of agreement strategies under disjunction and conjunction despite the semantic difference. Further, we argue against the presence of default agreement under both disjunction and conjunction in Slovenian, and argue for a particular set of gender resolution rules.
This paper examines expletive negation in root clauses (surprise negation sentences and wh-exclamatives) in Hungarian. We argue that Hungarian has three distinct negation positions, each corresponding to a truth-reversal operation on a different level. When the negator nem ‘no’ is merged in the CP layer (in the head position of the Speaker Deixis Phrase), this yields surprise negation sentences, corresponding to negation at the level of presuppositions (expletive negation). The negator being merged as the head of NegP within the extended TP yields standard negation (at the propositional level). In wh-exclamatives, the negator is head-adjoined to T0, which results in negation at the level of implicatures (expletive negation). In addition to pointing out this mapping between syntactic position and semantic-pragmatic interpretation, we also argue that the data from Hungarian present a strong case against a raising analysis of expletive negation.
The research is aimed at the revelation and linguistic substantiation of the differences in the conceptual contents the term cosmism demonstrates in different branches of knowledge. In order to solve the above-mentioned scientific task, the contextual definitions of the term are analyzed and the similarities and differences in the functioning and meaning of the term are revealed depending on different discourse types such as the religious-philosophical, philosophical, natural-science as well as literary and art discourse. The comparison of the conceptual meanings of the term cosmism in languages for special purposes has shown that cosmism as a philosophical term can comprise historical and subjective semantic components which reflect the development of philosophical thought within the framework of a certain movement or of an individual world view (cosmism in Ancient Greek philosophy, Spinoza’s cosmism, the late cosmism, Berdyaev’s cosmism). The transformation of the term’s semantic structure in philosophical discourse does not affect the conceptual meaning including the basic slots which remain preserved in all systems of terminology without exception. However, the slot structure and the semantic connection between them may be different: in most conceptions, the universal, or cosmic, principle prevails over the individual one, while in Berdyaev’s individual terminology, a term selection can be observed and the slot ‘subordination’ is replaced through the slot ‘equality’. This statement is the evidence of the fact that cosmism is a variously interpreted philosophical term whose definitive variation is determined by a certain philosop hical term system, including the one of an individual author. The term can be interpreted in a broad sense (the philosophical understanding of cosmism) and a narrow sense (the natural-science understanding of cosmism in Tsiolkovsky’s and Vernadsky’s works). Beyond the philosophical discourse, the term is frequently used as a concept in the study of literature, where it denotes different types of poetic worldview (Tyutchev’s cosmism, Esenin’s cosmism). Besides, the term cosmism belongs to the closed term system as a denomination for the Proletarian poetry movement in the years 1918–1925 (the works of Proletkult poets). The above-mentioned interpretational variants are united by a common significant semantic component which includes the basic semes: the Human, the Universe, and the way of intercommunication between them. From an extralinguistic point of view, the semantic variation of the term is determined by a current of scientific thought and a trend for spiritual development, while linguistically it is caused by the rearrangement and addition of slots into the term’s frame structure. The research is based on texts which contain the term cosmism. Sources containing the lexicographic representation of the term (like dictionaries or encyclopedias) have not been used for the purpose of analysis since there is no source of such kind that would be able to fully reflect the semantic variation of the term.
This work examines the absolute construction of transitive verbs in Russian in relation to the antipassive. Transitive verbs are defined as verbs that can be combined with a direct object, i.e. they exhibit patient valency. However, for various reasons, this patient valency is not always realized. Since the objectless use of the verb is the result of the syntactic inexpressibility of the patient argument, it is logical to approach it as the result of valency-reducing derivation. From this point of view, it can be assumed that the objectless transitive construction has certain diathetic properties. We postulate that the non-verbalization of patient valency signals the transfer of the patient argument to the semantic, communicative periphery and, consequently, to its syntactic demotion. Three types of non-verbalization of the patient argument are distinguished: context ellipsis, semantic incorporation of an object into the meaning of a verb, and generalized presentation of the situation. We are primarily interested in the third type, for which the term absolute construction is traditionally used. Unlike the first and second types, in which the unexpressed object is reconstructed through the context or semantics of the verb, in the absolute construction, the object of action cannot be specified, or it is difficult to do so. Therefore, an absolute construction is not an incomplete construction. The absolute use of transitive verbs is the result of reducing the valency of a communicatively irrelevant object, which generates certain semantic shift s; a verb does not denote an action directed at a concrete object but instead denotes something more stative, a constant property of the subject, which transfers the verb to other semantic classes and determines its use in certain contexts.
The corpus of adjectives with the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) amounts to more than 60 units. It describes the orientation of objects in the space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives: unprefixed derivatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of derivation (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський, etc.); prefixal-suffixal formations (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий, etc.), and compounds (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний, etc.). The semantic structure of adjectives is analyzed within two semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top of the object’ and ‘high / low limit’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives, which are structured hierarchically. All meanings (components of the semantic structure) are illustrated by examples of dialectal speech. These meanings represent different aspects of the Ukrainians’ life. The analysed units represent semantic and typical features for the south-western dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries (by Ye. Zhelekhivskyi, S. Nedilskyi, P. Biletskyi-Nosenko, D. Yavornytskyi, B. Hrinchenko, etc.) and texts as well as linguistic atlases. Semantic changes, as based on the analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century, were recorded at different historical stages. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge, and collective experience, and represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics. The dialectal data provided in the 7 comparative tables of the lexeme’s derivation and semantics, and what is more, semantic changes of the adjectives гíрськúй / гóрський and горíшний. The oldest fixations of derivatives from the 11th century and the semantic evolution of the words are documented. The analysis of the formal and semantic structures of derivatives proved that the semantics of the base word is the basis for the formation of the semantics of derivatives.
The pragmatic and semiotic aspect of hospitality can be deciphered and interpreted through the semantic meaning of lexical units that elaborate this concept in the linguistic landscape of the world. The custom of visiting/paying a visit is a well-established pattern of maintaining contacts and a general model of refining patriarchal relationships. Conservative views are actualized in customs associated with preparing for and paying visits and receiving guests and so the socio-cultural phenomenon of paying visits in the culture of Prizren Serbs can be reconstructed through the concept of hospitality and its pivotal constituents of guest/visitor and host.
The author presents her version of the semantic paradigm of case in Slavic and states that it is almost identical with the inventory of substantival word-formational categories.
The study of the functional-semantic field of the imperative in journalistic style makes it possible to define the meaning of imperative on each circle of the field in the Ukrainian language. The papers focuses on the inventory and comparison of constituents at the level of lexical units, morphology, and syntax, which belong to the structure of the functional-semantic field of the imperative in journalistic discourse. The structure of the imperative field (core, core part, close and far peripheries), its organization and quantitative filling of its levels were determined. The characteristic features of paradigmatic structure and the functioning of lexical, morphological, and syntactic means of the functional-semantic field of the imperative in journalistic style were identified. The purpose of this work involves a comprehensive analysis of the structural organization of the functional-semantic field of the imperative in journalistic discourse, the study of its structure, and the quantitative content of its circles. The typology of the functional-semantic field of imperative in the modern Ukrainian language requires detailed research. The paradigmatic structure and lexical, morphological, and syntactic means of the functional-semantic field of imperative in journalistic style were described.
In this paper, I investigate the distribution and semantic behavior of various proportional quantifiers (PQs) in Polish. Based on novel evidence including corpus data, I conclude that Polish PQs do not constitute a uniform category, but rather can be divided into four distinct classes based on the following properties: i) (in)compatibility with numerals and measure words, ii) (in)compatibility with approximative modifiers, iii) (in)compatibility with cumulative predicates and iv) (non)occurrence of spatial integrity effects. I propose that such a typology results from an interplay between more primitive semantic notions. In particular, the data call for combining degree semantics with a mereotopological approach to the meaning of PQs.