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Finansowanie oświaty w Polsce – diagnoza, dylematy, możliwości to pierwsza kompleksowa monografia przedstawiająca system finansowania szkolnictwa w naszym kraju. Daleko posunięta decentralizacja zarządzania polską oświatą oraz rozwiązania przyjęte w innych krajach są tłem dla pogłębionych analiz, obejmujących między innymi strukturę i rozkład terytorialny wydatków oświatowych, wysokość i zróżnicowanie wynagrodzeń nauczycielskich oraz politykę oświatową samorządów. Szczegółowo omówiono ewolucję, a także mocne i słabe strony głównego instrumentu finansowania oświaty w Polsce, jakim jest część oświatowa subwencji ogólnej dla samorządów terytorialnych. Autorzy rekomendują zmiany zarówno systemowych rozwiązań, jak i poszczególnych instrumentów finansowania oświaty.
The book presents significant issues related to the behavior of contemporary entrepreneurs in conditions radically changed, due to a new paradigm of civilization. The research has shown a change in the system, it also involves a review of business models found in the small and middle-sized enterprises. The concept of business models enables an analysis of such enterprises, discussion of the internal and external factors affecting development thereof, as well as makes it possible to capture any correlation of the business model and the strategy of an enterprise.
This monograph explores processes underlying the diffusion of knowledge and innovations and their importance as factors increasing the effectiveness of the Polish economy. It falls into a wider context of studies investigating the role of technological progress in the expansion of modern economies.
Internationalisation is an important process currently observed in the contemporary global economy. It consists in creating and developing diverse forms of cross-border ties between enterprises and foreign direct investment is an example of these. Multinational enterprises are looking for optimal locations in almost all (politically and economically safe) countries and regions across the globe.Most governments actively compete for investors by offering different incentive schemes, such as, inter alia, fiscal, financial, regulatory, and technical and information instruments and measures. The primary research goal of the study is to assess the importance of incentives offered to foreign direct investors by the evaluation of their effects understood in this case as investor reaction to such incentives. Hence, the process is seen from the investor perspective. The first part of the monograph is devoted to theoretical aspects of assisting foreign investors. The second part, which is empirical, discusses studies conducted to assess the relevance of incentives from the point of view of the host country economy.The publication is addressed mainly to economists and representatives of international business. It may also be of interest to people engaged in business operations in international contexts: managers, experts, representatives of public administration. The monograph should also be recommended as an excellent supplementary reading for students of all university courses connected with the internationalisation of enterprises.
This work constitutes an interdisciplinary contribution to the discussion on the role of values, and especially the value of justice, in the evolution of organizational leadership processes. The aim of the literature research was to present afresh perspectiveconcerning the concept of justice as a value and to compare it with new concepts of organizational leadership. The monograph links the classics (the achievements of philosophers since antiquity have been studied) with modern concepts of leadership. The analysis of philosophical trends in terms of their contribution to the development and perception of the theory of value allowed to find evidence that justice plays an exceptional role in the processes of organizational leadership.
China’s economic miracle is widely admired, studied and analysed ever since the country started experiencing unprecedented development pace. This monograph focuses on selected financial aspects of China’s economic growth that seldom are at the centre of attention of the researchers. The authors stress that the maturing financial system contributes greatly to the country’s transition to a modern, developed economy. Research conducted for this monograph is part of a wider analysis of Asia’s competitive position – Asia’s global expansion: business and financial aspects (2020), http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8142-990-0.Different areas of the Chinese financial system are analysed in detail in order to show that the country has largely passed the stage of catching up with the most developed economies of the world and in certain cases has already taken the lead. China’s bond market is growing in liquidity, its financial institutions are among the largest in the world and at the same time are able to meet the strictest prudential requirements. Innovativeness of China’s FinTech sector has surpassed many established financial institutions of the world.China’s financial institutions are ready to compete on the global market and the Chinese economy will no longer build its competitive position exclusively on cheap labour. The findings of these book will help understanding what type of challenges are waiting ahead of the Middle Kingdom.The authors of the monograph are researchers from the University of Lodz, the Department of International Business and Trade, http://www.instytutgm.uni.lodz.pl/about/the-department-of-international-business-and-trade/
The reactivation of the concept of the old Silk Road (SR), the so-called New Silk Road (NSR) or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), formerly also known as the One Belt, One Road (OBOR), is aimed at generating additional value in the logistics network. The network of connections, proposed as a necessary part of the BRI, considers the Republic of Poland (RP) to be a key country for the creation of the route. The proposed book provides an overview of China’s relations with Poland in the context of the NSR. It also attempts to describe the impact which the BRI has on the land and maritime supply chains in Poland. In addition, it endeavours to answer questions about the opportunities and threats resulting from Poland’s participation in the initiative as well as to assess its further development prospects. To this end, the publication analyses various documents and publications or press releases on mutual Sino-Polish relations, particularly data published in numerous industry reports, national development strategies until 2030 or the European Union (EU) as well as local projects and statistics. The Authors also performed the scenario analysis on the basis of the PEST and SWOT analysis of the factors influencing the further development of the Chinese concept.
The monograph is scientifically valuable, innovative and brings the high potential for application. The discussed topics are up to date and significant for both theory and economic practice. The literature review presented herein is of high academic quality, as is the rich empirical part which covers the stages of development of loan and guarantee funds, provides a comparison of their functioning in different countries and analyses their financial standing in the context of regional development.The monograph may be addressed to representatives of the economic practice as well as academics, in particular those specialising in public finance, local government finance, accounting and management of corporate finance.All in all, it is a valuable publication, not only on the Polish publishing market.
The goal of this monograph is to assess the course of convergence processes occurring in European housing markets and to identify the effects of this convergence. The publication is part of research on the housing sector carried out in many countries. However, it presents not only the most frequently conducted studies on price convergence but is also characterised by a broader perspective, taking into account real and institutional convergence of housing markets. An attempt has been also made to indicate the reasons for this phenomenon and its effects.It is addressed to a wide audience: people researching the theory of economic growth, individuals professionally interested in the issues related to the functioning of real estate markets, and especially to students of programmes that have included real estate issues in their curricula.
Contemporary organizations operate in an increasingly turbulent environment that generates not only predictable changes, but also “black swans”. Winning organisations must be agile, flexible and constantly learning. Changes in the management system cover each of its components, from strategy, through systems, processes, structure, staff, organisational culture and other elements. The management science follow changes both in business environment and in management of organisations. The most important trends are described and new theories emerge.The monograph includes 29 articles written by 50 authors presenting different theoretical and empirical studies. In five parts of that book the most important challenges and trends concerning strategie management; modern approaches, methods and measures in management; sustainability and CSR; HR Management; and other were indicated. We believe that content of that book leads us to better understanding challenges and trends of contemporary organisations and management.
Green tourism is approached with great interest by the specialists in the field of tourism worldwide. Intelligent tourism has a significant contribution to the social and economic well-being of each country. Romania is a country with a high ecotourism potential, both tapped and untapped, due to the diversity of its land forms and the existence of a significant number of protected natural areas. Romanian traditions differ depending on region or area. The architecture of local tourist attractions (museums, memorial houses, fortresses) makes a significant contribution to Romanian niche tourism. In particular, Salaj County has a wealth of ecotourism resources, which should be properly harnessed. The analysis carried out in the present work contributes to the added value of Salaj County's ecotourism services.
The paper has an interdisciplinary approach, leaving the pure economical circumscription through its social, behavioural and adaptive facets. Agricultural cooperatives are capable of responding both to the members’needs, according to their principles and to the researchers projections of sustainable rural development. The involvement of the rural area in the knowledge market is generally wanted. The present paper proves that cooperative structures have a significant role in achieving that goal, under some restrictions. Knowledge transfer isn’t an objective itself, it is a process approached on two sections: for the authorities, the scope of the process should be favoring the sustainable development in the agrifood sector, and for the farmers it helps with the understanding sustainable agriculture as an opportunity of a long term activity. These results can be achieved through medium and large size farmers’ cooperation, capable of engaging the informational resource in the decisional process. For this reason the rural development policies should be differentiated considering the farms’ size.
This study explores the dynamics of curriculum design for the higher education and training of trade professionals over one hundred years within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In the centennial existence of this specialisation, three analytical periods have been identified: (1913-1946) were years of acknowledgement and consolidation of the trade specialization in the newly established university; (1947-1989) were marked by politization of the curriculum and adjustment of the educational contents to the commendments of the ruling communist party; (1990-2018) were dedicated to the recovery of traditions in the Romanian higher education and to alignement to the experience and best practices of business schools in the Euro-Atlantic area. For each period, the paper investigates the educational contents of the curriculum in its historical evolution, as well as the improvements and the inevitable losses occured while changing the design. These developments have been analysed from the viewpoint of learning objectives and learning outcomes. The final part brings arguments in favor of further steps in renewing the curriculum.
The present work paper emphasizes the direct, linear and significant relationship that exists between job satisfaction and job performance of the employees who are responsible of selling travel packages through Romanian travel agencies. This work paper brings new and innovative elements because such a relationship has been studied a little in the field of travel agencies. This was possible by measuring first the level of job satisfaction and job performance of travel agents in Romanian travel agencies. 342 travel agents and 39 travel agency managers participated in this study. The data used for measuring travel agents' performances were collected from the questionnaires, which were elaborated by the author. The questionnaires were designated to both managers and employees. In order to gather the data used for measuring the job satisfaction a JDI questionnaire was used. Also, a questionnaire for gathering data regarding the present methods used nowadays for measuring the travel agents' job satisfaction, has been used in this study. Based on the results of the field researches, a managerial strategy was elaborated, which could be implemented inside a travel agency in order to increase job satisfaction and job performance of travel agents.
This book proposes an environment of e-learning based on new semantic technologies able to manage the process of building of personalized educational content for the purpose of training the managers of a clinical hospital. The necessity of this research results from the requirements for training of the specialists in the field of human resources management and the medical system in Romania, as well as from the need to find solutions for the current limitations of e-learning. These goals are achieved through the use of new technologies, semantic web, ontologies and advanced educational strategies, that deliver an adaptive and personalized learning process by providing personalized bibliographies. The use of semantic technologies and ontologies in implementing the personalized process of learning, in modelling the flow of learning and building, organizing and updating the specific learning resources and automate environment e-learning, has as a final result a prototype system. The educational content offered is adapted to to their profile, level of education, learning style and needs of the target group members. The aim of the system is to offer a competitive training course for professionals in the fields of medical management, according to the requirements of the European Union. The personalised e-learning programme, based on innovatory technologies, semantic web and ontologies, makes it possible to continuously adapt this form of education to the actual needs of the Romanian and European health system. This work proposes the integration of semantic web technologies with knowledge management and e-learning, to structure resources and assure the semantic interoperability in the medical field. Consequently, a series of instruments meant to store, search for and retrieve significant, contextualised content were designed. The ontologies support these processes with models and techniques for the representation, sharing and re-use of the knowledge. The ontological components that underlie the prototype of the e-learning system: the model of the students, the model of the health management field and the model of the learning process, have been implemented in a real platform. The student model guides the entire learning process and offers essential information about each and every student, outlining their profile and determining learning that is flexible and adapted to their specific characteristics. The implementation of the designed ontology was achieved with the Protégé 4.3 application that is able to translate the ontology structure into the OWL (Ontology web Language) formal language. The ontologies were exported in RDF Schema (RDFS) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) formats, so as to integrate them into the open-source platform. Some of the original contributions highlighted in the thesis are: methodological guides on the use of semantic modeling in the development of a personalized e-learning system; a mini-ontology specific to the field of health management; ontological models; the e-learning system prototype based on the developed ontologies. By developing this prototype e-learning system, prerequisites have been created for a knowledge base that can be used in environments similar to the one investigated, as well as being a powerful tool for improving the knowledge of the health team members. The aim and original contribution of this book reside in the implementation of a new, personalised, e-learning learning approach (continuous training) for managers in the Health system, founded on e-learning modern technologies and specific ontologies, in a field of utmost importance, the health.
This booklet was created as a result of the work of graduate students of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, who, during the winter semester in the academic year 2020/2021 listened to the courses Creativity and Innovation and Strategic Management. The aim of the project was to collect and critically evaluate the strategic and creative responses of micro, small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Croatia to the newly created business conditions during and after the first wave of locking or partial restriction of certain economic activities (so-called lockdown), caused by pandemic of coronavirus. The booklet combines the conclusions of seminar papers prepared by students in the form of infographics. The publication aims to: (i) highlight examples of good business practices and responses on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; (ii) inspire and encourage other companies to design their own creative responses; (iii) contribute to raising awareness and finding effective solutions to overcome the negative effects of COVID-19 on economic activities; (iv) encourage students to apply professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop positive values and attitudes related to the future profession.
Kooperacja obok konkurencji, innowacji i kooptacji uważana jest za kluczowy czynnik globalnej przewagi konkurencyjnej, gdyż decyduje o strategii przedsiębiorstwa oraz jego wzroście na światowych rynkach. Prawidłowe wdrożenie oraz zarządzanie procesem kooperacji pozwala osiągnąć sukces, poprawić produktywność, zredukować ryzyko, nabywać nowe umiejętności, a także zoptymalizować wykorzystanie posiadanych zasobów. Monografia autorstwa Dariusza Nowaka wpisuje się w nurt badań nad kluczowymi zagadnieniami dotyczącymi przedsiębiorstwa, a zwłaszcza problemów zarządzania skomplikowanymi i złożonymi relacjami kooperacyjnymi - wyborem domen i struktury kooperacji, doborem i klasyfikacją kooperantów, procesami dostosowawczymi i adaptacyjnymi, a także ograniczeniami uniemożliwiającymi perspektywiczny rozwój związany ze wspólną realizacją celów. Jej treść odpowiada na potrzeby współczesnego polskiego przedsiębiorstwa, które musi dostosować strategię do warunków tworzonych przez globalne korporacje. Książka powstała dzięki wieloletnim studiom literaturowym autora, a także jest wynikiem badań empirycznych prowadzonych wśród firm z kapitałem polskim i obcym. Stanowi ważny oraz inspirujący głos zarówno w dyskursie naukowym, jak i praktycznym dotyczącym efektywności zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.
The English-Polish dictionary of IA, UX, UI & SEO is the first and only compilation of the terms related to information architecture, user experience, user interfaces, usability, and website optimization. Such a large and structured set of vocabulary in this industry can not be found even in world terminology resources.The authors have collected a set of about 4800 terms and expressions, to which they have assigned Polish equivalents, and often also explanations, supplementary information and cross references. All the entries are provided with the International Phonetic Alphabet transcription of the English terms.The dictionary is primarily addressed to information architecture students. It should also be of interest to website designers, and digital product and service developers.
Stworzenie bitcoina, powstanie kolejnych kryptowalut i innych rodzajów tokenów oraz pojawienie się pośredników umożliwiających obrót nimi dały początek nowemu rynkowi. Jest on wykorzystywany w celach inwestycyjnych i podlega dynamicznemu rozwojowi. Architektura rynku kryptowalut i pozostałych tokenów staje się coraz bardziej złożona, a on sam pozostaje nadal nie do końca rozpoznany. Istnieje więc potrzeba spojrzenia na niego z wielu perspektyw, określenia ogólnych zasad funkcjonowania i pogłębienia zrozumienia jego działania, do czego przyczyniają się rozważania zawarte w tej monografii. Co istotne, przedstawione treści wskazują zarówno zalety, jak i mankamenty analizowanego rynku. Czytelnik dowie się z książki: czym są kryptowaluty i pozostałe tokeny; czy kryptowaluty i pozostałe tokeny stanowią nową klasę aktywów i czy są kolejnym rodzajem inwestycji alternatywnych; w jaki sposób funkcjonuje rynek kryptowalut i pozostałych tokenów; jakimi cechami charakteryzuje się rynek kryptowalut i pozostałych tokenów i jakie jest znaczenie tych cech dla jego uczestników i instytucji regulacyjnych.Książka stanowi interesującą lekturę dla naukowców i studentów chcących zająć się tematyką kryptowalut, pozostałych tokenów oraz tworzonego przez nie rynku. Może być podstawą do dalszych analiz naukowych czy wsparciem dydaktyki z zakresu finansów cyfrowych. Zainteresuje również praktyków rynkowych, osoby współtworzące regulacje rynku finansowego, a także pasjonatów inwestycji i innowacji finansowych.