Author(s): Semrah Bujari / Language(s): English
Publication Year: 0
Verbal communication (WOM-Word of Mouth) is a current marketing tool, the main purpose of which is communication and socialization, followed by the promotion and sale of products that takes place face to face between sellers and buyers. With the advent of the Internet, WOM turns into eWOM, that is, electronic word-of-mouth communication that takes place between online sellers and online buyers through social networks and online store pages. Buyers can exchange online messages, experiences, reviews and leave rated reviews for products they have already purchased online. This new mode of eWOM communication has great potential to influence online purchase intentions. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to analyze and investigate the impact of eWOM communication on online shopping intentions. As determinants of online messages, which are transmitted through social networks and websites of online stores, the following are analyzed: quality of messages, credibility of messages, needs and attitudes of buyers to messages, usefulness of messages. messages and acquisition of messages by online shoppers. In this research, the determinants of online messages are derived from the Consumer Attitudes and Needs Acquisition Model (IACM), which is also the research model of this paper, on the basis of which the impact of messages is investigated. on online shopping intentions. Finally, by applying adequate statistical methods, an analysis of two online eWOM communication platforms was made, to determine whether messages transmitted through online stores' Facebook pages have a greater impact on online purchase intentions than broadcast messages. through the means of communication of the websites of the online stores or vice versa. The research results provide useful conclusions for marketers, in terms of adapting their online marketing strategies for successful promotion and sales of products on Facebook and online store websites.