Słownik etymologiczny nazw geograficznych Śląska, tom 17. Suplement A-Ż
"Glossary of Silesian Dialects" is the result of many years of scientific work of several generations of linguists from the Silesian Institute in Opole, Poland.
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"Glossary of Silesian Dialects" is the result of many years of scientific work of several generations of linguists from the Silesian Institute in Opole, Poland.
The book is a theoretical study on the nature, typology and editing of stylistic errors – one of the most significant but insufficiently researched problems in Bulgarian linguistics. It is intended for students from the humanities, for secondary school teachers of Bulgarian, and for a wider circle of readers who are interested in the problems of the Bulgarian language. Its main purpose is to support their practical work on text formation (designing different in genre and theme speech products).
Various sociolinguistic changes (i.e. vulgarization, Americanization, the impact on the literary language of other substandard strata, etc.) have a direct impact on the evolution of the words describing the basic social and cultural concepts like ‘man’ and ‘woman’. The study of such nominations is possible to explicate both surface and deep transformation of modern language picture of the world and Russian linguistic mentality.
"Belarusian dialects in Latvia, Kraslav region" looks into the sociolinguistic situation of people speaking different varieties of Belarusian in an area that is a sui generis borderland of borderlands, where the Balts (Latvians, Latgalians, Lithuanians) live together with the Slavs (Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians), and numerous religions (Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Lutheranism and Old Believers) co-exist. All of these factors resulted throughout history in the development of a multilingualism that is much more complex than in other borderlands. The Kraslav region is a place where three languages (Latvian, Russian and Polish) and numerous dialects (Latgalian, Belarusian and Polish of the Northern Borderlands) co-exist and intermingle.
"Belarusian dialectology" is a study which provides the reader with reliable, up-to-date and research-based information about Belarusian dialects, their origin, range and diversification. The authors' aim is to show the reader the richness and diversity of Belarusian dialects, their position and role in the culture and life of contemporary people as well as current language tendencies in Belarus.
This article describes the functionality of some online resources that enhance abilities of teacher of Russian as foreign. Attention is paid to test resources, which allow to control students knowledge.
In recent years, more and more often in the scientific literature and in the mass media is written and talked about language aggression and its manifestations in various formats and different communities. The actuality of the topic is determined by the fact that the phenomenon is spreading more and more and is pervading various social spheres. Not only linguists show interest in language aggression but also wide circle of sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers and journalists among others. In the article are examined some of the main ways language aggression is expressed in the political speech and are presented some of the basic lexical and topical groups. The data on school students’ speech is extracted from a survey on language aggression conducted in several Bulgarian schools. A brief review of key concepts related to theoretical linguistic and psychological definitions of the term language aggression is also included.
This article comparatively analyses Marguerite Duras’ India Cycle and Ahmed Ali’s Twilight in Delhi. A Mirror Principle centres on ‘emptiness’, synthesising elements of Marxism and Buddhism. A new optic is created for understanding 1930s Indian nationalism, including Dalit and national leader Ambedkar, Tagorian “composite culture”, Mohammed Iqbal, and Islam and gender in northern India. The Mirror Principle juxtaposes Heideggerian ‘repetition’ and Marxian ‘dialectics’ as divergent anti-colonial paths. Duras and A li a re l inked b y a c ommon P roustian p roblematic o f m emory a nd e phemerality. They revolutionize the Proustian tradition to create a new literary genre in oneiric socialism. The article analyses trauma, in the French Resistance and the 1857 rebellion, and literary reconstructions of traditional roots in their wake, with differing nation-making ramifications.
Irish became the 23rd official language of the European Union ( EU) i n 2 007. Due to a lack of qualified translators and interpreters, it is currently subject to a derogation which restricts its use in the EU institutions, a situation which aims to be remedied by 2022. Yet the Irish language represents a unique case even within the Republic of Ireland itself. Under British rule, centuries of repression confined its usage to he rural fringes of society, a state of a ffairs that an independent Ireland has attempted to improve with limited success. This article analyses how recognition of official EU status for Irish has been depicted in the Republic of Ireland’s English-language print media. By performing a qualitative content analysis of the online archives of the country’s three major English-language newspapers, the aim is to illustrate how official EU status for Irish has been portrayed, paying specific attention to political, cultural and economic factors.
According to most Bulgarian grammars and the majority of researchers studying the Bulgarian perfect, its indicative forms are built from aorist participles and not from imperfect ones. This is an inadequate thesis that must be corrected. Analyzed in the paper are many examples with perfect verb forms built from imperfect participles. The relevant specificities in the semantics of the perfect, the aorist and the imperfect are investigated, and a firm conclusion is made that the Bulgarian perfect must be regarded as formed from both aorist and imperfect participles.
This tri-lingual Russian-Bulgarian-Polish research, based on the Russian paremiological minimum, is looking into paremiological units in relation to Love and the ways people of different but yet similar cultures express their feelings through proverbs. The source of the current research is the Russian-Slavonic Dictionary of proverbs published in 2000 by M. Yu. Kotova . The actuality of all the proverbs in the research is reviewed and cross-checked against the results of the sociolinguistic paremiological experiment conducted in 2003 – Handbooks of a Paremiographer: Issue 1: Bulgarian paremiological parallels of the Russian paremiological minimum (2013) and Issue 6: Polish paremiological parallels of the Russian paremiological minimum (2019). The author offers literal translations of all of the proverbs selected for this research. The aim of this paper is to uncover possible lacunarities and culturally-tied expressions in the corpora of European cultural memory, particularly in Russian, Bulgarian and Polish. While targeting proverbs of related Slavic languages, this study is approaching the proverbs from an imagology angle targeting culture specific lacunae and investigating close relationships within the languages of the Slavic group.
This article aims to explore the manifestations of horror in Czech and Bulgarian folk tales. Various demonic characters, which are typical of Czech and Bulgarian folklore are compared, аnd the focus being placed on man’s encounter with the supernatural being and the fearful situation that it gives rise to. The function of the scary character in these plots is predominantly harmful and is built on the conflict between man and demon. The presence of the scary is universal and has its own peculiarities in the various folklore genres, and in fairy tales we can highlight the following functions: entertaining, ethical, pedagogical (didactic), therapeutic and cognitive.
The paper analyses asynchronous and synchronous forms of computer- mediated communication (CMC), their educational potentials and the advantages of using them in foreign language teaching. The paper shows the previous experiences of foreign and domestic teachers. The conclusion is that synchronous virtual encounters improve the skill of oral expression and vocabulary, while asynchronous electronic correspondence is more suitable for developing writing skills and directing attention to specific language rules. Successful use of CMC will depend primarily on the knowl- edge of the advantages and disadvantages of available communication technologies, the experience of teachers and students, and the setting of clear teaching objectives.
Ojcze nasz to najważniejsza modlitwa chrześcijan. Jako starożytny tekst biblijny od wieków poddawana jest badaniom oraz tłumaczona na nowo wraz z rozwojem języków docelowych. Ze względu na powszechność tej modlitwy takie zmiany nie zachodzą niepostrzeżenie i budzą sprzeciw członków różnych wspólnot wyznaniowych. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia specyfikę przekładu tekstów liturgicznych na podstawie analizy tłumaczeń na język szwedzki. Pokazana zostaje historia szwedzkiego tłumaczenia modlitwy Ojcze nasz, aż do opublikowania kontrowersyjnej wersji ekumenicznej w 1996 r. Przeanalizowane zostają wybrane różnice w „starym” i „nowym” tłumaczeniu oraz najważniejsze postulaty w debacie nad przyjęciem wersji ekumenicznej. Artykuł zamyka przytoczenie obecnego stanowiska kościoła katolickiego i protestanckiego wobec nowej wersji oraz dyskusja nad nowoczesnością i tradycją we współczesnych tłumaczeniach Modlitwy Pańskiej. Studium pozwala zobaczyć, w jaki sposób zmiany w obszarze przekładu mogą spowodować poruszenie społeczne i konflikt, jeśli nie są dostosowane do aktualnych przekonań reprezentantów danej kultury. // "Our Father" is the most essential Christian prayer. Being an ancient biblical text it has been translated and interpreted through the ages as target languages were developing. Due to the universality of this prayer, such changes do not occur unnoticed and raise opposition of members of various religious communities. This article presents the specifics of the translation of liturgical texts based on the analysis of translations into Swedish. The history of the Swedish translation of the "Our Father" prayer is covered up to the publication of the controversial ecumenic version in 1996. Selected differences in the "old" and "new" translations and the most important postulates in the debate on the adoption of the ecumenical version are analyzed. The article ends with a description of the current position of the Catholic and Protestant Church regarding the new version and a discussion on modernity and tradition in translations of the Lord's Prayer. The study shows how changes in the area of translation can cause social uproar and conflict, if they are not adapted to the current convictions of representatives of a given culture.
This book is devoted to research on the latest phraseological resources of Slavic languages which so far have not been compared in terms of potential similarities in their developmental tendencies. The study identifies the course of tendencies in the development of phraseological resources, pinpoints the units which are highly active in the languages under discussion, and examines similarities and differences in the creation and use of their phraseological resources. The analysis considers two groups of phraseologisms: active general phraseology and the latest phraseology. Contrastive analysis as the adopted study method has come as a compromise between different linguistic schools, in this case Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian. This is reflected in specification of many important linguistic terms and in the search for their common denominator. In accordance with the adopted assumptions, the study examines relatively stable semantically indivisible phraseological units which express meanings that are not the sum of the meanings of their components and are reproduced in speech as ready-made word combinations. Thanks to the description of these units by means of definition models on the one hand, and to proceeding from meaning to form on the other, it was possible to analyse material from the three languages at the same time, applying quantitative and qualitative criteria. The work considers about 1,500 phraseological units, 500 from each language. An index of the most frequently used phraseologisms compiled as part of the study includes phraseological units which are not recorded in any other works. The principal aim was to compare and contrast Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian phraseologisms in terms of such important aspects as: – types of lexicographic description; – the role of corpora in recording phraseologisms; – linguistic homonymy; – ways of enriching the phraseological resources (e.g. calquing and borrowing phraseological units from different varieties of English); – the presence and vitality of phraseologisms with a cultural component; – the emergence of the latest phraseologisms and the attendant derivational processes, as well as similarities and differences observed in the process of enriching the phraseological resources. This contrastive analysis indicates that the Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian languages react to changes in socio-economic and cultural reality in a similar way, and that they describe and interpret these changes by means of many new phraseologisms which emerge following similar derivational processes. The work was financed from the “Excellent Science” Programme of the Polish Minister of Education and Science.
‘After preaching, they feasted quite lavishly every day, they chose new lovers almost every night, they spent their time without being subjected to anyone, without worries, without fatigue, without danger’. In his Super Apocalypsim, the Cistercian monk Geoffrey of Auxerre describes in this way two Waldensian lady preachers, delineating an extraordinary condition of female autonomy. The article explores the ‘textual phy-siognomy’ of Super Apocalypsim, a biblical commentary written in the second half of the 1180s, but also high-lights its historical and editorial context. The testimony of Geoffrey of Auxerre, a leading representative of ecclesiastical hierarchies, allows us to analyse lexical choices and conceptual nuclei in order to clarify the speci-fic polemics underlying this description of the subversive life of an order which is represented by the two Waldensian women and the manner in which they experience female freedom. Emphasis is given to the issue of a dangerous ‘upside-down world’ (mundus reversus et perversus); this witnesses the subversive experience of the two Waldensian women. The article also recognises possible surviving traces of a radical evangelism and the attempt to create a new world (mundus novus).
The paper sheds light on the way in which the categories of time and space in demonological-mythological legends constitute a specific chronotope, reflecting the disturbing atmosphere of encounter with the paranormal. The author seeks to expose the poetics of the demonological-mythological legends, with special empha- sis on their temporal and spatial determinants. In the demonological-mythological legends space and time are deeply related. The paper considers the genre determina- tion of the chronotope in demonological-mythological legends and points out that the construction of the narrative world through temporal and spatial categories must proceed in accordance with certain genre laws, so the audience can recognize the story as demonological-mythological legend. This work is based on the folklore material which was gathered from 2018 to 2019 in the Rasina District. Interviews were conducted with two interlocutors from the village of Ribare.
Pentru a înțelege mai bine relațiile intertextuale dintre psaltirile franceze medievale, întoarcerea la o sursă fundamentală precum Psaltirea de la Oxford (manuscrisul Oxford, Biblioteca Bodleiană, Douce 320) este esențială. Astfel, unul dintre scopurile acestui articol este cel de a pune bazele unui studiu al modificărilor de natură textuală reprezentate de numeroase ștersături care reflectă procesul de redactare și spun povestea acestui manuscris. Deoarece studiul este de amploare, a fost necesară segmentarea lui în mai multe publicații. În această primă etapă, după o introducere care analizează relațiile manuscrisului Douce 320 cu alte manuscrise din familia sa (de exemplu, Londra, British Library, Arundel MS 230), autorii discută ștersăturile legate de fluctuația vocalelor și diftongilor în ortografia anumitor cuvinte. Analiza tratamentului dentalelor finale ocupă apoi secțiuni referitoare la anumite forme verbale ale modurilor indicativ, conjunctiv și participiu. Acestea sunt completate de studii privind ștergerea unui -e- interconsonantic în formele de viitor și oscilarea între -r- și dublu -rr- în formele de viitor ale verbului estre. În cele ce urmează, ștersăturile și/sau corecturile legate de dentale permit de asemenea să fie abordată problema declinării, nu numai în cazul participiilor, ci și a mai multor substantive și adjective. Cercetarea se concentrează apoi pe studii de caz: ștergerea unui –n final în enfer(n), iur(n) și car(n); ezitările scribului legate de ortografia conjuncției car; înlocuirea frecventă a lui q cu c în cuvântul quer/cuer; ezitarea între folosirea conjuncției mais sau a conjuncției acertes; precum și multiplele opțiuni de a traduce sufixul latin –tio. O paranteză deschisă cu privire la anumite adăugiri și/sau corecturi sugerează posibilitatea ca manuscrisul Douce 320 să nu fie o traducere autografă a Psaltirii St. Albans (păstrată la Hildesheim, Dombibliothek, St. Godehard 1). Scribul ar fi folosit mai degrabă o sursă latină cu o glosă vernaculară interliniară. Această deducție pare să fie confirmată și de utilizarea unei liniuțe de unire, pe care copistul o folosește pentru a compensa erori probabile de transcriere. Ipoteza aceasta este susținută mai ales de cercetarea asupra câtorva „ștersături lungi”. Ele par a privi unități de transcriere a căror modificare este legată de structura și interconectarea textuală cu o sursă care prezintă atât un text latin, cât și o glosă interliniară. În încheierea acestei părți, după ce au prezentat, spre comparație, exemple preluate din Psaltirea Winchester și Psaltirea Arundel, autorii propun reconstituirea unui segment de text care ar putea fi mai aproape de sursa manuscrisului Douce 320. Articolul se încheie cu o comparație cu precedentele în limba engleză veche și cu o transcriere a fragmentelor de la Maidstone, Centrul și Biblioteca de Istorie Kent, Fa/Z1 (fragmentul Faversham i). Continuarea cercetării este prevăzută pentru următorul număr al revistei Museikon.
Cimitirele evreiești sunt o prețioasă sursă de informație despre evoluția comunităților cărora acestea le-au aparținut, despre orientarea lor rituală, raportată la curentele iudaismului tradițional ori ale celui modern, și despre interferențele dintre evrei și creștini, mai ales atunci când investigația vizează arta funerară și structura epitafurilor. Exemplul cimitirului evreiesc din Alba Iulia se încadrează în cea de-a doua categorie, fiind vorba despre o comunitate cu o tradiție remarcabilă, fapt ce a și influențat adeziunea ei la orientarea ortodoxă, dar care a receptat în timp influențe de tip reformator, care au determinat atitudini mult mai deschise față de noile idei. Tocmai de aceea, perspectiva istorică din prima parte a studiului, care se bazează pe cele mai importante surse documentare identificate (planuri ale cimitirului și un registru vechi al înmormântărilor redactat în mai multe etape de comunitate), include exemplificări ale tendințelor de evoluție a comunității și de modificare a structurii epitafurilor ori a tipului monumentelor funerare de la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea. În schimb, analiza epigrafică și cea artistică, stilistică și tipologică din celelalte două părți ale articolului, pentru a fi convingătoare, sunt mai strict circumscrise, făcând referire la o selecție a pietrelor funerare datând din secolul al XVIII-lea și din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Diferența tipologică și stilistică între cele din secolul al XVIII-lea, pentru care pot fi sesizate similarități cu pietre tombale din alte cimitire europene inventariate, și cel puțin unele dintre cele secolul al XIX-lea este evidentă. Forme baroce clare caracterizează unele dintre monumentele edificate spre mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, iar cele neogotice pe cele de mai târziu, de la sfârșitul aceluiași secol, ceea ce probează serioase întârzieri în receptarea lor. Conținutul inscripțiilor s-a modificat și el în cea de-a doua perioadă, reflectând o mai mare sensibilitate în cazul epitafurilor dedicate defuncților copii, acestea fiind susținute și de delicatețea simbolurilor care însoțesc textul. Obiectivul articolului a fost cel de a evidenția, prin intermediul analizelor epigrafice și stilistice, măsura în care orientarea rituală a comunității a fost cea ortodoxă. Răspunsul la această întrebare este afirmativ, dacă avem în vedere perioada istorică de circa două secole și jumătate scursă de la constituirea comunității și până spre finele secolului al XIX-lea. Dar în ultimele decenii ale acestui secol au început să apară elemente care anunțau o diversificare a orientărilor, probată de profilul monumentelor funerare amplasate în această perioadă în sectorul istoric al cimitirului și al celor din celelalte sectoare ale sale.