Saglasje jedne slike-zapisa Maka Dizdara sa filozofijom kompozicije Edgara Alana Poa
This paper explores a “text-image” of Mak Dizdar from linguistic, thematic and philosophical point of view. The polysemy of this image in Dizdar’s style is analyzed at the lexico-semantic level and compared with the principles of composition elaborated by E. A. Poe in his essay The Philosophy of Composition. The similarity and main parallel between the two texts is marked by the aesthetic principle of compatibility. Dizdar’s figurative language provides visual motifs that follow segments of poeticconstructs, corresponding to the understanding of this term within the aesthetic principles of E. A. Poe. In the poetry of Dizdar, the polysemic aspect of his literary images include the historical background, together with elements of a coherent compositional structure in which the lexemes acquire special cultural and moral values. Through comparative lexical and semantic analysis of Dizdar’s writings, the paper investigates communicative and symbolic functions of various lexemes and their effects in the domain of poetic style. The paper gives examples of the creation of a polysemic image in Dizdar’s “text-image” by using a set of specific lexemes. The author of the article observes this as Dizdar’s intention to join visual and linguistic elements together, forging both an idiosyncratic poetic style and a universal message.