“Смерць” казкiў “Казках жыцця”: метамарфоза сюжэтнай структуры
The article is dedicated to the study of plot-construction in allegoric novels of the cycle “Life’s Fairy Tales” by Yakub Kolas. Certain inner modifications and creative transformations of archetype plot “formulae” (mythological, folklore) as the result of breaking by the “life’s fairy tales” of the plot of its structural proto-bases, which is seen in the folklore fairy tale plot, are examined in the article. On the basis of the “morphological” analysis of the plots of the novels written by Kolas the issue is regarded about the authorial renewal of fairy tales’ archetypes in a literary plot, the conditional “death” of the structural fairy tale stereotype in this plot and the birth of the genre phenomenon of a “life’s fairy tale”.