Ferićevo višestruko bajkovno izvrtanje
The paper analyses the collections Mišolovka Walta Disneya (Walt Disney’s Mousetrap) (1996) i Anđeo u ofsajdu (An Angel in Offside) (2000) by Zoran Ferić through the lens of fairy tale based on the presumptions and expectations the contemporary reader has in relation to this genre. Contrary to the theories of the fixity of this genre which was in the form of a folk tale earlier transmitted from one generation to another (Propp 1928; Jolles 1930; Lüthi 1947), the paper appropriates a poststructuralist standpoint (Bogatyrev/Jakobson 1972; Ranke 1978; Brackert 1994; Klotz 2002; Bausinger 2004) and discusses fairy tale as a dynamic literary form that reflects important historical and cultural changes as well as different expectations of the recipients, which is why it can be adapted to different media.