Memorie generaţională în proza română din Voivodina din perioada realismului socialist
The aim of this paper, which analises the idea of generational memory and the idea of class in socialist reaslim Romanian literature in Vojvodina from the culturological perspective, is to understand the traces of past as well as to investigate what was expected of both writers and readers in times in which reality was perceived in the framework of socialist realism. The deconstruction of the center of the power of that time - the ideology of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, has offered a literary-anthropological analysis which shows that the expectations of the Party from the new man, new reality and the new state, can be found in two literary constructed images: on one hand, in the negative and positive auto-image of peasants and educated people, and, on the other hand, in the negative hetero-image of the capitalists. Besides this, the analysis of what was written in the researched novels gives us the idea of what was not written about - ethnic, religious, linguistic etc. Other, who was temporarily forgotten at that time.